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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8322785 No.8322785 [Reply] [Original]


>On August 17, Cannae announced plans to launch its thruster on a 6U cubesat

>Fetta intends the satellite to stay on station for at least six months

>The longer it stays in orbit, the more the satellite will show that it must be producing thrust without propellant.

>2017 seems likely

>> No.8322807

>Lets test something that's bearly measurable in a lab in a less controlled environment.
>That'll settle the debate

I fucking hate everything to so with memedrive.

>> No.8322813

Mongoloid if it works in space then that's it it works and we can use it to go to Mars.

>> No.8322821

>Missing the point

When can we slaughter brainlets?

>> No.8322856

You must be in academia.

I know dicking around in the lab is fun, but it's time to get some shit done.

>> No.8323154

start by killing yourself

>> No.8323179

NASA what the fuck are you doing

>> No.8323231

I will bet you 100 digiridollars it doesn't work

>> No.8323240

Not involved with /sci/ anymoe today!

>> No.8323244

Craig no ;_;

>> No.8323250
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>bunch of engineers say "fuck it, lets just throw one up there"

>physicucks mewling about "muh rigor"


>> No.8323255
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> using a 1.2 mN/kW thruster in space

>> No.8323270

If it doesn't work, would you say the memedrive doesn't work or would you blame it on one of the innumerable things that could go wrong? That is the problem with this test: it doesn't provide the information an experiment isn't supposed to provide because any null result can be easily blamed on something aside form the theory being wrong.

>> No.8323299

Physfags will still be claiming it doesn't work even if someone is doing space-burnouts with one

>> No.8323357


You test it in space so you remove the anchoring variables

>> No.8323363


It's used inside the sat.

It's not being used to propel anything but itself.

>> No.8323592
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>implying we can't measure the position of anything in space to within a millimeter using lasers

>> No.8323600

>inb4 it shows promise so we need just a bit more funding...

>> No.8323954

If it works, it works. You can have your faggy "debates" all day long anyway.

>> No.8324153

>I fucking hate everything to so with memedrive.
real scientific mindset ya got there anon.
does the hermetic seal give you a claustrophobic thrill?
I can respect when someone says there is no theoretical reason it should work.
Theory must conform to reality and sometimes reality surprises us.
There once was a time when science believed that EM radiation could only travel in transverse hertzian waves after all.

>> No.8324172

Wow so you are literally saying that Engineers have no idea about anything

>> No.8324177

The thing is that we still don't really know if it works. His point was that if you can't do it in a lab, you're fucking sure not to be able to do it in the wilderness

>> No.8324194
File: 12 KB, 307x164, A. When u can do this, get back to us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes a manned spaceflight program to be able to call yourself a Superpower.
We, the USA, do not have a manned spaceflight program. Ergo, we are no longer a Superpower.
Thanks for making us a Third World nation Obama.

pic related - What we used to do.

>> No.8324211

Why is it so hard to test this thing in a lab?

>> No.8324256
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>It takes a manned spaceflight program to be able to call yourself a Superpower

naaaah man, it takes a circle in the country's flag to do that, dont be silly

>> No.8324273

It was Bush who retired the shuttle, if thats what you mean.

>> No.8324321

There is a whole year or more untill the launch for further testing

>> No.8324350

Heavier than air flight is impossible, anon

Lord Kelvins stated so himself, do you want to contradict the Academia?

Leave scientific research to serious researchers and if you can't do SCIENCE, then don't pollute it with your sci-fi hokum

>> No.8324483

>it will be on low earth orbit meaning drag will fuck it up and not prove anything
Good job guys.

>> No.8324485
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You can fart in space as propulsion too.
If it works, it works ;)

>> No.8324495

farting isnt nearly as energy efficient

>> No.8324497

Farts need fuel.

>> No.8324510

its more efficient than the anal cavity drive ;)
and meme needs an energy source

>> No.8324533

>it's happening
>No launch date has yet been announced

Doing that could push the cubesat around and mess up the results. People will scream "laser assisted!!", brainlet.

>> No.8324538

Uh, anon. This is about satellite thrust power, not lifting things into space. Maybe you should go back to /pol/?

>> No.8324542

Because it doesn't work in a lab, it can only work in spess.

>> No.8324548

Why is /pol/ the go-to when stupid people post stupid shit, anyways? Haven't really spent that much time there, but I always figured it was more of a racist hellhole and not a stupid hellhole.

>> No.8324550

It's a mixture of both desu.

>> No.8324552

It turned into /x/ 2.0 since Trump became a thing.

>> No.8324555

political discussion is directed to the politics board

>> No.8324560

It's a meme perpetuated by sjwtards in every thread to spread their cancer everywhere they go. They're just trying to compensate getting btfo'd by /sci/

>> No.8324571


>> No.8324573


>> No.8324578

>he thinks I'm a cute anime girl
thanks senpai

>> No.8324605

Cause theyre all retards

>> No.8324614

It won't work. The chinese already did a test on the EMdrive with its own self contained power supply and measured no thrust.

>> No.8324626

Politics go in /pol/.

>> No.8324700

It should be much clearer in space than in a lab, as the effect adds up over time.

In a lab, there are lots of things to push off of. In space, there's just solar radiation, very thin atmosphere, the Earth's magnetic field, and onboard material that might be accelerated away.

If it provides useful thrust in space, it's an interesting device no matter how it turns out to actually work.

Anyway, cubesats are pretty cheap.

>> No.8324770

source or utter bullshit

>> No.8324800
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>> No.8324930


I bet this is the same kind of guy that rambles on about "muh engineers r stooped" every day.

>> No.8324935

So if it doesn't work, will it demonstrate that the device does not work?

>> No.8325028

Nope. It isn't under controlled conditions. in a lab. The only thing they can hope for, that is a solid answer is to have it work right the first time.

>> No.8325161

um... F = mdotVe + P(Ai-Ae)
Don't bullshit an Aero Engineer OP

>> No.8325162

>google is a source
I want pop-sci fags to leave

>> No.8325205

If the experiment cannot disprove the theory, it is a bad experiment.

>> No.8325401


I wouldn't consider this to be an experiment.

>> No.8325453


And for laymen:

>> No.8325460

inb4 we lose track of it and we spend the next two years trying to figure out possible trajectories.

inb4 it blasts off and we never see it again.

inb4 the launch fails and other delays stretch out further study of the meme drive until the mid 2020's.

>> No.8325466

inb4 there's no thrust

>> No.8325468

If drag does fuck ot up it will pretty strongly indicate the tech is garbage

>> No.8325471

The theory is that it doesn't work because the meme drive contradicts all modern physics theories.

>> No.8325473

>no atmosphere

how is this even?

>> No.8325500

You do realize that the atmosphere doesn't just stop, right? And that pretty much anything in LEO gets some kind of drag?

>> No.8325506

I suppose I should have said hypothesis, but this aside, the hypothesis being tested is that meme drive works. If throwing a cubesat into space and getting a negative result does not invalidate the idea of the meme drive, it is a shitty test.

>> No.8325561

>american education
>on fucking /sci/ of all places
mathtards are so fucking ignorant

>> No.8325588

This is why I switched to engineering, much more freedom to try new ideas.

>> No.8325637
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>much more freedom to try new ideas

>> No.8325644

A positive result is confirmation, a negative result is inconclusive. Not ideal but hey you work with what you've got

>> No.8326083


>wish for a magic rocket that requires no fuel
>get it, moves so slow its pointless

This is some monkeypaw tier shit

>> No.8326084

im american and we have pretty tough creation classes fuck off

>> No.8326103

how many years will this take to move an inch?

>> No.8326128
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post pixxx

>> No.8326209

This. Farts will get you further than the inefficient weak meme drive

>> No.8326223


>fuck it. Throw it

Which is how most of the important discoveries have been made

Practical is for the doers

Theory is for the fags

>> No.8326244

Theory has merit only because it is based off of concrete observation. Why you are trying disregard the drive based on the reverse logic is actually shameful. What the fuck is wrong with you? At worst they will send it up there and discover sources of error that demonstrate it does not work by X known mechanism.

It's actually really sad to see even this tiny corner of the science community trying to bury something new just because current theory says it doesn't work. That's actually baffling to me.

>> No.8326250
File: 305 KB, 1920x1080, Space4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All of this is real but if you want the real whole flying sauce technology ypu want graviphoton pairs from vacum that extended heim theory predicts.

They use a super conductor and gyroscope to produce the gravitphoton pairs in H*8 that decay into gravitons in R*4

pine gap engineer reporting in.

>> No.8326262

EmDrive seems to be 288 mN/kW (if it works), given a 6U cubesat is 12 kg, if it can generate 250W of power (if they put a hugeass solar array on it), 72 mN of thrust. 1N = 1 m/s^2 on 1 kg = 1/12 m/s^2 on 12 kg. 1/12 * 72/1000 = 0.006 m/s^2, so that's about 6 mm/s^2 of thrust, or about 0.002 g

>> No.8326310

>engineers disprove relativity and the gravitational model of the universe
>modern cosmology finally gets unfucked
>unified physics finally happen
>all the old fucks still pushing Einstein's bullshit throw a fit while the rest of humanity finally starts exploring the solar system with technologies based on science which actually works

And nothing important was lost.

>> No.8326320

Oh great. Why don't you just go and do it then?

>> No.8326322


Hear Hear Gravity Bro.

I get so pissed pissed when i tell my friends the reason we are not on the moon and mars is social-engineering by the elite. Not technical engineering.....

whatever.jpg i am the life of parties.

>> No.8326329


Precious metals. Some of the alloys involved are more expensive than gold. Remember that episode of southpark when they cured aids with money ?

You get propellentless propulsion with money. Ask you selves why https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platinum_group are so financially precious. Yes they are used in industry but not that much... they are horded.why ?

>> No.8326331
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>t. Fundumental Physicist conservative
History was never on your side friend

>> No.8326334


Okay, no. Let's put it this way: If it's not feasible to colonize Antarctica, it's not possible to colonize extraterrestrial bodies.

Let's finish colonizing Earth first.

>> No.8326337

So you never tested it or saw a working version, yet you know it works eh?

>> No.8326340

>EMdrive might work
>engineers disprove relativity and the gravitational model of the universe

Yeah, no. The fact you believe these two things are related shows how little you understand science. Standard cosmology dominates not because people are dogmatic but because it is by far and away the most successful model, nothing else comes close.

>> No.8326341


I've never been to France. Does that mean it doesn't exist?

>> No.8326345

>is by far and away the most successful model
It will prove it is not as good as it gets

>> No.8326348

But it has been, many times. When the superluminous neutrino thing happened /sci/ had many threads about "Einstein BTFO" and such, but that was wrong. When the BICEP2 result was announced Turok (a theorist) said we should be cautious because foreground contamination may be an issue, he was right. Cold Fusion. Pentaquarks...

>> No.8326350

But it doesn't, you can only do that by actually building a better model. EMdrive win or lose, says nothing about cosmology.

>> No.8326352

>Electric Universe
Is not science.

>> No.8326358

It is far from perfect
It is so far from perfect that cant properly explain the gravitational force and we are forced to make up shit like the Dark Matter to work
There is possible that not only we are missing something but we have gone down the wrong way

>> No.8326359


>has to make up things like dark energy and dark matter to explain away that it doesn't make any sense
>needs imaginary time as a concept
>gravity has no effect on a small scale but is somehow the dominant force
>universe somehow expanding while gravity would cause the opposite
>all experimental "evidence" of the more dubious claims find linear regressions in a cloud of random data points

Plenty of sound models use electromagnetism as the primary force behind cosmic events and make better predictions. They're being passed over for the same reason Pasteur's germ theory was passed over for so long.

>> No.8326374

Nobody said it was perfect. Dark matter is a testable hypothesis which makes very specific predictions like the universal density profile or hierical clustering. It can be tested without even knowing what it is.

>has to make up things like dark energy and dark matter to explain away that it doesn't make any sense
Those are hypotheses, all models include them. Does it change it's ability to model the data like the CMB powerespectrum or it's prediction of the existence and parameters of the baryon acoustic peak in the modern universe? No.
>needs imaginary time as a concept
No it doesn't.
>gravity has no effect on a small scale but is somehow the dominant force
It's quite simple if you aren't stupid. The nuclear forces are short range. The electric force rapidly falls off in the real universe as things tend towards quasi-neutrality. The magnetic force isn't immense for the same reason. Also note that the dynamics of the solar system are modeled with extreme precision for spacecraft navigation, with only gravity. Even on human scales we see gravity become the dominant force.
>universe somehow expanding while gravity would cause the opposite
Without an expanding universe to start with there is nothing for gravity to collapse.
>all experimental "evidence" of the more dubious claims find linear regressions in a cloud of random data points
I don;t even know what you're trying to say there.

>Plenty of sound models use electromagnetism as the primary force behind cosmic events and make better predictions.
Show me. Which electromagnetic model described the CMB powerspectrum? Which one explained the origin of the BAO peak?

>> No.8326378

>Nobody said it was perfect.
My point is that we had to make a hypothesis like Dark Matter as to not compromise Newtons third law, since Gravitational pull were seemingly appearing out of nowhere
If this thing disproves Newtons Third law the next logical step is to check if we actually need Dark Matter to keep our model consistent and revisit many concepts on Cosmology

>> No.8326379
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>all experimental "evidence" of the more dubious claims find linear regressions in a cloud of random data points

If you think this is just "a cloud of random data points" then you're quite insane.

>> No.8326380

>no atmosphere
the boundary of an atmosphere isn't well defined.
The exosphere of a body is technically infinite, or exists only so far as it's gravity can reach (which we assume to be infinitely far).

>> No.8326384

>If this thing disproves Newtons Third law the next logical step is to check if we actually need Dark Matter to keep our model consistent and revisit many concepts on Cosmology
That's a very different claim to saying EMdrive working is proof of the end of gravitational cosmology.

>> No.8326390


>> No.8326391

>That's a very different claim to saying EMdrive working is proof of the end of gravitational cosmology
Is it though?
It is the first thing that is going to be affected and who knows to what end
It will keep being used (as old models are still in use) due to practical reasons until we come up with a solid replacement but I dont think it is going to survive with just some add-ons
And the fact that the Gravitational Force is a hypothesis itself doesnt really help

>> No.8326403

>the frosty hellhole with an insane climate
>easier to colonise than Mars
What next, venus is harder to colonise than the mariana trench ?
And what about the mantle ? What about the core ? Should we colonise those too before trying space ?

You clueless retard ! wwwww

>> No.8326450

Yes, it's completely different. If EMdrive works it is not nessiarly the end of Newtons laws (as the inventor claims it does not violate them). Even if it does violate them it does not prove they are always violated. Even if they are always violated it does not prove cosmology isn't gravitational. Saying if newtons laws are found to be violated we will need to reassess cosmology is fine, saying it is proven false from the word if EMdrive works is nonsense. It just doesn't follow.

The gravitational force is not a hypothesis. It has been tested many times. It is as much theory as any model in physics can be.

>> No.8326460

>The gravitational force is not a hypothesis
> It is as much theory as any model in physics can be.
As long the mechanism of interaction (Graviton) remains theoretical it is pretty much a glorified Hypothesis

>> No.8326468

Exactly, it's just a theory(a geuss).

>> No.8326471

Whether or not their is a physical model of it is not the different between a hypothesis and a theory. The explanations for Gravity at a quantum level are hypotheses, GR is a theory.

GR is probably one of the best tested theories in physics with observations like gravitational lensing, gravitational time dilation, frame dragging, the Shapiro delay, geodetic precession and now gravitational waves.

>> No.8326479

>A theory is a guess
Back to your homeboard with you

>> No.8326484

Please don't feed the trolls.

>> No.8326491

oh the irony

>> No.8326511


>> No.8326514

>12 kg, if it can generate 250W of power (if they put a hugeass solar array on it)

How much does the hugeass solar array weigh? Because you need to ad that to the equation. 250Watt is a lot of power and a lot of solar panel.

>> No.8326518
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>I designed this
>It is stupid
>I am building one anyway
>It wont work
>I am sending it to space

Will Physiclets ever learn?
t. Engineer master race

>> No.8326519


If it DOES work would you accept that or would you just continue to pick holes in it and poopoo online discussion?

>> No.8326522

Consider that the total incident flux on a 6U cubesat is 164 watts if the large side is facing the Sun. Twice that if it has those little fold out wings. 250 watts for a cubesat just isn't happening.

>> No.8326525



>> No.8326528

2 sides of the same gay medal, I guess

>> No.8326536


Newton's model was blown the fuck out by Einstein's, and in turn Einstein's mydel is proving to be lacking at scale, thus requiring fudges like Dark Matter.

>> No.8326538

>relativity and the gravitational model

An incomplete and poorly understood model, which fails to describe what gravity is, or 96% of the contents of the universe for that matter.

>> No.8326543

I'm quite the post above, you idiot. Take your pedantism elsewhere.

>> No.8326546

The problem is GR hasn't been proven to be wrong. You can believe it's lacking but without a clean experiment to prove that or better model we're stuck with it. You dont have to believe dark matter is correct but there isn't evidence to say it's wrong.

>> No.8326547


>> No.8326555

It is incomplete but it's also testable. The models provide the means to test the nature of both dark matter and dark energy. Expemements are being conducted and planned now to determine if dark energy is a cosmological constant or one of the many proposed types of modified gravities. To test for deviations from GR on the largest scales. Cosmologists are not dogmatic, most would sell their souls to disprove lambdaCDM and many have spent their careers doing so.

>> No.8326964


t. have never been on /pol/ for more than 5 minutes

Did you read a reddit infograph on that board or something? I thought this was /sci/, a place where facts trump fiction.

>> No.8326982

alright people keep talking about the minimal thrust but cant you just rack up the power and have more thrust? change the cavities size if necessary...

>> No.8326991

>Sjwtard desperately trying to defend its diseased mindset
Fuck off retard >>>/trash/

>> No.8326996

>I thought this was /sci/, a place where facts trump fiction
like 67% of the topics and posts here are shitposts, backed by nothing but either butthurt, trolling or pure retardation.
Just look at all the FlatEarth/spoopy-star/SpaceX turboshill vs BTFO/muh Oriondrive treads we have here. What little useful discussion in here is drowned out by all the "nuh-uh you!"-shit and baseless shit-throwing

>> No.8327228

>67% of the topics
Is this accurate or are you rounding up 2 out of 3 ?

>> No.8327333

>is this accurate

There's a 67% chance he was shitposting.

>> No.8327486


>dark matter
>dark energy

Any model which requires most of the universe to be made of unknown, unmeasurable stuff is broken.

>> No.8327493

Nah, I'm 100% sure that I was shitposting.

>> No.8327498

>unmeasurable stuff

But it is measurable, see anon's post of the powerspectra above, it's just no one knows what it's made of yet.

>> No.8327532
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I'm trying really hard to like this board but all I see are idiots who think they know more than someone who worked 40 years on something.

None of you will do anything outstanding with that mindset

>> No.8327544

Here's what you retards need to realize:

Yes, it's much more likely that the tests are flawed than the drive breaking the laws of physics as we know it.

No, that's not a reason to stop testing it.

It's that simple.

>> No.8327549

Skepticism is healthy. Especially when something claims to violate what's been established for 200+ years.

>> No.8327570

If the experiment is to noisy for an unclear failure (i.e. no technical glitches) to falsify the hypothesis, then a positive result is similarly untrustworthy for the same reason.

>> No.8328116



What you need to realize dear retard, is that "laws" are theoretical abstractions and incomplete at best. In fact current classical thinking is so incomplete it is beginning to have the appearance of "not even wrong".

>> No.8328247

>not under vacuum.

It's worthless.

>> No.8328710

Wow you'd think that scientists would be eager to investigate this experiment which may lead to important new discoveries. Rather some try vehemently to shut down discussion, like some kind of religious knuckledragger butthurt that some new theory directly contradicts their bronze-age belief system.

If the experiment proves to be erroneous I would happily accept that, but it seems that bar keeps getting higher and higher.

>> No.8328729


> bearly

>> No.8329073

I don't understand why you fags think the EMdrive would be using solar arrays instead of RTGs
If the whole point is testing long term, potentially long distance movement then solar is the shittiest option.

>> No.8329126

Less controlled? Do you know why it's called "space?"

Half of our aerospace labs would be in space if it wasn't prohibitively expensive. I'm a skeptic as well but kys my man.

>> No.8329149

>t. people who've never conducted a single experiment in their lives
Depending on your field, if you want your results to have statistical significance, often you can only minimize either the alpha or beta error to a satisfactory level, not both.

If this doesn't work, they'll need to conduct another experiment to prove that it doesn't work. Proving that it works would be a more useful result than proving that it doesn't work, which is why they're doing this first.

>> No.8329159

>250Watt is a lot of power and a lot of solar panel
I agree it's high, but solar in space is far more efficient than solar on earth. It's not [math] incredibly [/math] high.