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File: 664 KB, 889x613, one-race-the-human-race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8322620 No.8322620 [Reply] [Original]

Is this accurate?

>> No.8322621

I can copy and paste these articles all day /pol/












>> No.8322639

Did you even read these? They all point to the classifications of subspecies and how they are divided by genetic variances.
>calls someone pol
I mean I knew you were retarded but come on.

>> No.8322640
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Money corrupts and biases blind.

>> No.8322649

Oh my you are so right, that's why all the studies done in the 1800-1900's said blacks were an inferior race due to the shape of their skull no?
Humans aren't geographically separated and haven't been for years first. Second the paper you pulled is referring to a gradient among genetic difference which is one of the major reasons it would be so difficult to separate humans into sub-species. Furthermore species is just a really vague concept that no one can really put a pin in because the concept of a species is intrinsically flawed when dealing with large sample sizes. You get enough samples of the same e.coli culture and the differences between them, despite all being born from the same progenitor will be enough to christen a handful of new species every week. But we don't do that because it's tedious and gives no practical value.

>> No.8322659
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Primarily, but mostly upon braincase size.

>> No.8322676

I have a feeling you didnt actually read these..


"In the meantime, ethnicity or race may in some cases provide useful information in biomedical contexts, just as other categories, such as gender or age, do. But the potential usefulness of race must be balanced against potential hazards. Ignorance of the shared nature of population variation can lead to diagnostic errors (e.g., the failure to diagnose sickle-cell disease in a European individual or cystic fibrosis in an Asian individual) or to inappropriate treatment or drug prescription. The general public, including policy-makers, are easily seduced by typological thinking, and so they must be made aware of the genetic data that help to prove it wrong."

Geography predicts neutral genetic diversity of human populations

"Humans have much genetic diversity, but the vast majority of this diversity reflects individual uniqueness and not race."


"Modern human genetic variation does not structure into phylogenetic subspecies (geographical 'races'), nor do the taxa from the most common racial classifications of classical anthropology qualify as 'races' (Box 1). The social or ethnoancestral groups of the US and Latin America are not 'races', and it has not been demonstrated that any human breeding population is sufficiently divergent to be taxonomically recognized by the standards of modern molecular systematics. These observations are not to be taken as statements against doing research on demographic groups or populations. They only support a brief for linguistic precision and careful descriptions of groups under study. Terms and labels have qualitative implications."

>> No.8322681


TL;DR They all point to race being a poor descriptor for genetic difference among humans. We are on the same side.

>> No.8322683

Fuck off /pol/.

>> No.8322686

>calling people pol
SJWtard-tier shitposting. Leave if you have nothing scientific to add.

>> No.8322688

The only science i see on this page points to the answer: No, this is not accurate.

Do you have anything scientific to add?

>> No.8322689

/pol/ can't recover from this.

Fuck off, you dumb Greek olivenigger

>> No.8322696

You are from /pol/ though and its blatantly obvious. Fuck off back to your containment board like the anon said.

>> No.8322704
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>this entire thread

>> No.8322707

Yes. There is more generic variation between gene pools from two guys in different parts of Africa than there is between a Japanese and a guy in Turkey. Humans must look like incest to the rest of nature (even horseshoe species), and thanks to the early bottlenecks we experienced, we probably are.

You can even go and test your own genetic markers and see that for yourself. You might be surprised at your findings, DNA is a joker, may hide info, but it doesn't lie.

Therefore, yes, human race.

The thing is we also transmit information using not just genetics, through culture and civilization, pollitics, religion, we wage war and put each other down, and the need to reinforce prejudices, and the fact that using and provoking racial tension can be very good for certain parties to exploit (instead of really solving shit)- that's what makes races so appealing.

>> No.8322713
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wtf does HPL got to do with all this?

>> No.8322716
File: 15 KB, 898x836, GeneticTree[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ur pol cuz u offend me
SJWtards are not allowed into scientific subjects. This is my board and I will discuss any scientific topic I want without asking for permission from SJW pedophiles.

Yes we are a single race since we can interbreed with each other. Although there are populations divided by their genetical characteristics carried down over a long genetical tree.

>> No.8322717
File: 107 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. East asians and ashkenazi jews are superior though.
Just look at their IQ! We don't deserve to live in this planet anymore.

Let's face it. Why would you live if you aren't a superhuman like Gauss or Leibniz? Let's be honest with ourselves this is a horrible horrible situation.

>> No.8322719
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>> No.8322720

>SJWtards are not allowed into scientific subjects. This is my board and I will discuss any scientific topic I want without asking for permission from SJW pedophiles.
Go away /pol/tard. No-one cares about your feelings.

>> No.8322726

no, but reporting racebaiting is accurate

>> No.8322728
File: 907 KB, 297x312, eLdwcsu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you should put summaries or tldr's there as well

i mean, thats a lot to go through and a text with claims is much more difficult to ignore than a bunch of links

>> No.8322729
File: 2.55 MB, 3000x2171, Solvay_conference_1927[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than half of the significant scientists and physicists who made breakthroughs are German, british, polish, and northern european.

>> No.8322731

Don't you guys ever get bored of posting the same threads over and over?

Nobody forbids you from posting actual scientific news on the subject, but it's not like these threads are bringing anything new to the table, it's the same posters making the same threads with the same links and infographics without building up on any previous arguments. If a relevant scientific article comes out, feel free to post it. But this is completely useless.

>> No.8322732

>u-uhh ill keep calling you pol
ssshhh...go be a chimp elsewhere. We don't wanna hear your butthurt screams

>> No.8322739

>simply an image that shows the different ethnicities.
>racebaiting thread
Is this how SJWtards raid and try to derail every thread they don't like with bullshit like this?

>> No.8322740

>We don't wanna hear your butthurt screams
Actually, you're the one who came here and started making shit threads. I'm just telling you to go away.

Fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.8322742
File: 58 KB, 600x803, 1458398228626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>major reasons it would be so difficult to separate humans into sub-species

10 shekels have been added to your account.

>> No.8322743

>There is more generic variation between gene pools from two guys in different parts of Africa than there is between a Japanese and a guy in Turkey.

So you are saying that two individuals of the same race are more different genetically than two people of different races. You are literally arguing against yourself. This implies that race is a poor description, since two people who ought to fit into the same category are more different than two people who ought to be in different categories.

>> No.8322746

i would suppose they keep posting these threads because they dont often get definitive answers like >>8322621

once they start getting a clear answer on things like why 1+2+3+4+...= -1/12 the meme-monkeys will finally move on

>> No.8322747

Nvm im stupid. I forgot what the original question was. Ignore me: >>8322743

>> No.8322748

are the same person, fyi. He didn't know that there's a counter in the bottom right corner of the page that tells you how many different IPs have posted ITT. It read "1" after >>8322621 posted.

Really made me think.

>> No.8322751

>threads I don't like are shit.
>constantly spams the word pol
I see you have zero scientific input on a /sci/ence board and you're here to act like a chimp. Let me know when you finish highschool so I'll allow you to talk about genetics too ;^)

Stay away from people with shit genetics OP. They will lower the intelligence of your offsprings. So don't hang out people who look and act like wild monkeys.

>> No.8322752

Not gonna lie, there has been at least two times before where i posted those links and the thread died immediately.

>> No.8322753

There is so much race mixing going on, it's kind of pointless. It makes sense for these birds because their gene pools stay mostly separate and instinctive behavior is easier to categorize in animals with less complex learning abilities than humans have. If you want to categorize human with different features as subspecies, have fun, but playing around with man made definitions is a pointless endeavor. It only changes rhetoric, not reality.

>> No.8322754

he's baiting for both sides then just watching the shitstorm. I don't know how he can hold himself from joining into the shitstorm fun

>> No.8322755

What on earth are you talking about?

>> No.8322756

>i would suppose they keep posting these threads because they dont often get definitive answers
>once they start getting a clear answer o the meme-monkeys will finally move on
They make fucking Flat Earth threads. This isn't a case of no-one explaining things to them clearly enough, this is just shitters getting off to posting the dumbest crap they can find.

Either spam the thread with pictures of toast, or move on and find an actual conversation.

>> No.8322758

I guess that it was because many people interpret his literature as being racist metaphores and being afraid of losing "humanity" to beasts. If they're right, he was /pol/ as fuck, and unlike Wagner, unapologetic.

Therefore he probably look this thread in disgust, not having much to back up his hurt feels, believing this is all a huge huge mistake.


Maybe the asian thing has to do with population density and competition, looking at Korea, Japan, India, even China you'll realize how each of these systems pushes you against your peers and either ignores the failures or excludes them. Gooks have particularly ghastly tales about this.

Also the Jews, well, because the Catholics pressured them into banking and had an exclusivist view from the beggining, they managed to build their own little nation for exclusivist purposes, control most of the media and also earn themselves a few extra genetic defects because only joos allowed.

Is best to grade success in families and cultures rather than races, and ultimately, is only valid to see how much you have achieved for yourself. Instead of lamenting how you can't, just do the best you can, select your partner with eyes wide open, and (when possible), go for the enhancements.


No problem bro.

>> No.8322759

You don't have to mix with any race you don't want to and you can choose any criteria for that.

>> No.8322760

i gotta say i am kinda willing to let it slide this time, if its true

>> No.8322761

I posted the links, and im not OP, weird that you made that link. Thanks for teaching me about that counter shit though. Maybe you were looking at the replies?

>> No.8322763

Yeah, but that wasn't really my point. I just stated a fact, I didn't make any judgement about it.

>> No.8322766

It is true, I'm getting off as well. It annoys me how easy OP can bait with such a low effort.

I'm going out to get a milkshake and enjoy the sun.

>> No.8322772

9/10 b8 m8

>> No.8322773 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8322775


>> No.8322778 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8322782

I read somewhere that there is more genetic difference between say two englishmen than there is between an african and an englishmen and that refutes the concept of 'race'. Considering that we're pretty sure that the out of africa theory is correct, how can that possibly be true?

>> No.8322786

It's difficult to fathom how deep rotten feelings must run when someone will unironically cite an 1800s drawing of different races and their skulls to substantiate an objective basis for racism. That or may I fail to recognize the important role fucking hand sketches play in contemporary science.

>> No.8322790

It is because you are looking at faces only with humans. I am sure to crows all the other crow faces look very different.

>> No.8322796

Not fragile at all, always protected.

>> No.8322798

The irony of posting a photo of your northern european jews is too ironic to bear. The next post over on /pol you'll write of how they're the scourage of the same northern europeans, but when it's convenient, you'll claim their achievements are a credit to your race. Such is the backwards and miserable condition of thoughtless racism, something the high minded world of real scientists hardly brooks.

>> No.8322799
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