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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 346 KB, 2000x1000, social reject.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8322047 No.8322047 [Reply] [Original]

>alright class, make groups of 4

>> No.8322099

>using groups instead of hodge theaters

Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.8322214
File: 84 KB, 660x330, 1455467346895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the cool kids are taken
>have to been grouped with the actual autists and retards

>> No.8322221

>a woman that attractive
>social reject
how is it even possible to fuck up so badly

>> No.8322229


>a woman that attractive

m8, you can see the resting bitch face a mile away. remove the face and it might be a 6/10

>> No.8322254

Mochizuki, get >>>/out/

>> No.8322499

That was hilarious.

>> No.8322509

>For this project, you will need to meet with your group members frequently outside of class

>> No.8322563
File: 7 KB, 645x773, feel 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i was that guy who awkwardly joined a group without saying anything

>> No.8322587
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>> No.8322678


>> No.8323241

/sci/ is my partner for projects like this

>> No.8323336

>Autist group is full.

>Paired up with teacher.

>> No.8323361
File: 30 KB, 403x497, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first day of class second semester freshman year
>each table seats 6
>know we are going to be making groups of 3 your half of the table
>whoever you're sitting with on the day of the group forming is who you're going to be working with for the rest of the semester
>don't know anyone in the class, so just sit at an empty table at the front
>2 other guys come over, "hey man can we sit here? are you good with this stuff?"
>"heh yeah I guess"
>mfw they turn out to be completely competent
>make such a good group that we often finished before all other groups
>everything with better than expected dot jpg

>> No.8323376

>Professors forces everyone to make groups with different people each time
Fuck working with different people, I like my comfort zone.

>> No.8323386

it is the fucking worst. You're guaranteed to have to work with retards a few times.

>> No.8323391

What is the probability [math]p[/math] that anon will get laid, given [math] nCr [/math] possible combinations of students?

>> No.8323401
File: 5 KB, 143x139, math-worksheet-generator-B8yc1f-clipart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a group size which maximizes anon's chance to woohoo? How about a minimum?

>> No.8323553

Not the autistic one, for sure!

>> No.8323833


>> No.8324026

>>>>>>>off by one<<<<<<<

>> No.8324331

fuck you, this is the best solution

stop working with your dick sucking friends for once and contribute to other groups

>> No.8324360

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.

>> No.8324369

This might be an interesting question, are you better off with 3 girls or 2 girls and someone even more beta than you?

>yfw you're in a small major and everyone knows you as the smart one

>> No.8324378

Why do autist stuggle with this?

Look around for a group of friends.

If they've formed a group, look around for another friend in a group.

If all your friends are already in groups of 4, join a group that looks like you'll get along and say hello.

If there's just a 4 remaining, just walk up, say hello.

There's no need to make it awkward.

>> No.8324642

I guess that's why

>> No.8324661

Because we're aware that no one wants to be around us, and anyone we approach is likely going to be irritated that they have to spend all term interacting with us.

You ever have to deliver really bad news to someone? Like... you hit their dog, and now you have to nut up and go knock on their door and tell them?

That's what it's like asking someone to be my lab partner.

>> No.8324663


also, what if you walk up to a group of 3, and say, "can I join y'all?", and they reply, "fuck off nerd"

what then

>> No.8324672
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>> No.8324674

you must have really done something to piss those people off earlier. People generally will accept you.

>> No.8324679


Say "Talk to me like that again and I'll cave your fucking head in".

>> No.8324689

Damn, I would love to be your lab partner.

>> No.8324690

I mean if you're ugly or autistic people have the right to treat you like shit

>> No.8324703
File: 133 KB, 493x497, FB_IMG_1459888712886-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forming groups of 5
>buddy isnt in class today
>gunna write his name in
>join up with 2 guys
>2 more guys approach us
>"im writting my friends name in, we only need one more..."
>think to myself "if he didnt bother to show up..."
>just let them join
>buddy gets pissed off at me, gets stuck with autists
>drops out of thermo 1 month later
>my group got 2nd place out of 24 groups

>> No.8324733
File: 92 KB, 563x847, guns-1956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8325022

>everyone else is at fault, not myself
>blaming factors beyond your control so you never have to accept responsibility
>never gonna make it

>> No.8325705

[math]Let A, B, C be \triangleleft groups. \forall x \in A,B, or C : x=4 [/math]

>> No.8325708

I don't think you can apply that to social scenarios

>> No.8325729

Right in the feels.

I'm coursing fourth year of engineering physics and I've never had friends. I spend all my time alone.

>> No.8325730

Yes it does.
>What is Abstract Algebra
[math] T: A \rightarrow B \\some x \in A where x=('insert action/feeling/response')[/math]

>> No.8325751

>Chem labo class
>Teacher tells us that next class is very important and that the teams for the rest of the semester are determined there
>Buddy asks to team up, I accept
>Next class
>He's not on time, but it's still early
>Cute and smart girl from theory class asks to be with me
>Turn her away cause I don't wanna ditch my buddy
>30 minutes late, teacher forces me with an awkward girl because she's the only one left
>Later he arrives with another tardy girl and they're in a team
>All he has to say is "My bad bro"
>Meanwhile qt got with another guy

Nice way to start my semester.

>> No.8325757

ugh I guess my grade's good enough to take a dip

>> No.8325766

Science fact: Awkward girls are better lays than qts.

>> No.8325772

>the fact their better than most 10s in bed

>> No.8325787

Can confirm

>> No.8325805

visit /fit/ then 2 years later threaten them

>> No.8325839

>Sitting in class
>Professor tells us to get in "groups"
>Basically was meme speak for the niggers generally around you
>Puts up basic questions to discuss about the reading
>Everyone is from a different background
>No awkwardness
>Some Randy's turn around to make a larger group
>No awkwardness
>Every lecture the "groups" are generally different enough since they're not rigid
Fucking glorious tier because no one feels locked in so it isn't weird feeling.

>> No.8325944

>[math] \displaystyle \frac{\mathbb{Z}}{4\mathbb{Z}} [/math]

>> No.8325991

Okay, there's the cyclic one Z4 and the Viergruppe Z2xZ2, but that's it.