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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8319949 No.8319949 [Reply] [Original]

What are the women like in you field?

>> No.8319958
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What women?

t. CS fag

>> No.8319960

>went to a summer graduate school in Italy
>about fiddy students
>not a single bagina
So to answer your question OP: inexistant.

>> No.8320092

do traps count :3

>> No.8320099

they're the fucking worst

>> No.8320111

I suck dick, just like my male colleagues

>> No.8320117

mathematics (currently algebraic topology)
most of the female math students are asian

CS pleb detected?

>> No.8320119

Most of them have the mentality of a high schooler

>> No.8320146

>Most of them have the mentality of a high schooler
Sounds like a normal woman to me.

>> No.8320220

Whenever there's one they're the butch dyke type.

>> No.8320249
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>tfw surrounded by bitches in my grad engineering classes
>they fight over the right to sit next to me, and always stick around afterwards to ask me questions about the lecture
>tfw bitches can't get enough of my BWC (big white cerebrum)