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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8318770 No.8318770 [Reply] [Original]

>read about maxwell
>read about euler
>read about newton

Do you ever feel like trying to discover something new and significant in your field is overwhelmingly difficult because everything worth discovering has already been discovered?

I imagine that scientific knowledge is like a map in age of empires, and we are at the Imperial age with most of the map discovered except for those little shitty lumps of forest

Do you ever feel overwhelmed or does this just boost your confidence in your search for the next field defining equations/principles?

If you're an undergrad you're not allowed to post in this thread.

>> No.8318779 [DELETED] 

Ok fine you don't have to be a postgrad to post here.

>> No.8318797

Maxwell Euler and Newton probably thought that too

>> No.8318801
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>Do you ever feel like trying to discover something new and significant in your field is overwhelmingly difficult because everything worth discovering has already been discovered?
There are an infinite number of discoveries yet to be made. You can sketch the proof of this considering the axioms of mathematics and the new definitions that follow. If you're not a brainlet you have to put hard work and you need to discover something someone actually cares.

>> No.8318807

You are retarded. Wikipedia has a list of open problems in every field.

There is so much to do. You are just bad and are trying to explain why you are going to be useless for the rest of your life.

>> No.8318894

Undergrads detected

>> No.8318933
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you dont need scientists anymore, maybe still engineers, but there is the same problem... everything big is already invented

>> No.8318934


>> No.8318936

What is to say that there are things which we cannot comprehend/predict. Despite the fact that most people would consider themselves to be many magnitudes 'above' past peoples, so did those societies think they were.

Why must there be a limit to advancement, and why must it be in the first twenty years of the 21st century.

>> No.8318940

Why? OP is clearly forcing himself to be ignorant, he wants to be ignorant.

Unsolved problems are popular. If something as mainstream as wikipedia lists them then you can easily assume that even someone outside of science or math could name you a few popular unsolved problems.

OP is, against that information, claiming that the reason he is having a hard time making significant contributions to his field is because everything worth discovering has already been discovered.

I just say that no, you are a retard for thinking that. You are just bad a math and are trying to rationalise your own stupidity.

>It is not that I am dumb, I am just smart but lazy
>It is not that I am not good at math, it is just that everything worth discovering was already discovered

Same excuse for the same issue. OP is simply not good enough at whatever he does.

>> No.8318953

Of course there are still things which we dont understand.
Will our brain ever be able to understand itself? I think not.
But look at all the technological inventions in the 20th century, for example the transistor.
Our world changed completely because of them.
Now we have an obvious decrease in the tempo of advancement.

>> No.8318964

Don't actively try to discover new shit.

Do fun shit in your hobby and maybe you'll find something

>> No.8318966

Of course there are still things which we dont understand.
Will our brain ever be able to understand itself? I think not.
But look at all the technological inventions in the 18th century, for example the steam engine.
Our world changed completely because of them.
Now we have an obvious decrease in the tempo of advancement.

I honestly cannot imagine how after thousands of years of progress there can still be people so simple minded.

>> No.8319025

Earlier you could grant yourself eternal glory for some stupid shit like triple integrals or zeros of quadric equations, shit any highschooler can do, now you have to make up some weird shit like IUT to be relevant

>> No.8319119

Maybe the next big thing will make the previous big thing as "obvious" and "trivial" as the discovery of triples.

>> No.8319269

there are no discoveries, only revelations!

>> No.8319312

Your problem is assuming that unsolved problems can actually be solved, especially without access to multi-million dollar labs for some of the more advanced ones.

The reality is that if you're in grad school and don't manage to solve at least a few problems and get a decent number of publications out, your career is cut short immediately. The same is true even if you get a professor position, at least until you get tenure.

For OP, if your field is a natural science, look up what makes it to Science and Nature. Progress still happens, but it might not be as ground breaking as it once seemed to be.

>> No.8319321

If you got into science to be famous or to be fawned over for your intelligence, you fucked up.
Go be an actor or a musician.

>> No.8319337

Yep every major discovery is totally obvious and simple when you're taught it and everything's based around it instead of having to figure fucking everything out yourself.

>> No.8319451

>I imagine that scientific knowledge is like a map in age of empires, and we are at the Imperial age with most of the map discovered except for those little shitty lumps of forest

Not only is the map infinite, the part we know is so huge now that people can't even get a grasp of the whole thing. People work on filling in the holes but there are lots of things just waiting for someone to realize they can be put together.

>> No.8319459

Those problems are open because no one in history has ever been able to solve them. Progress is mostly incremental unless you're a genius at the right time.