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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8317767 No.8317767 [Reply] [Original]

>in my class we're going to do things a little differently. I'm not big on quizzes and tests, because I want you to LEARN

>> No.8318095
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>I'm not just up here to dictate to you, so that's why participation is 25% of your grade

>> No.8318106
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"I'm here to plow your fallowed heads and turn you into serviceable scientists. Make no mistake, I'm not your friend, this is all of you against me."
Man, my first year math teacher was a legend.

>> No.8318113
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>OK class since I like to get to know my students id like everyone to take turns standing up and introducing themselves

>> No.8318126
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>sorry bro I couldn't do my part

>> No.8318156
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>okay class, I'm going to force you to do group work because when you work together you learn better even though in reality you don't learn shit because your group will be brought down by one or two lazy-asses who don't study and just want to get the assignment over with, or are just completely helpless and need everything explained to them babby-style, and thus you will have no meaningful or intelligent discussion

>> No.8318171
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>> No.8318193

depending on where and at what level you're in school, group work is requried by the state to aid socialization development

>> No.8318209
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>I already knew you were going to say that so i did it anyways

>> No.8318212
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K-12 get the fuck out

>> No.8318217

>Everyone break into groups for this activity.
>Every class
>Every day

its a bit much

>> No.8318223

>this next assignment will be a group project. You will get no credit unless you work with at least 3 other people

>> No.8318225
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>tfw i'll eat a bad grade just to not be a cuck

my test scores will carry me, you can fail nigga.

>> No.8318243
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>and make sure the work is split EVENLY

>> No.8318307

>"okay class, you'll be working with the person next to you for the rest of the year"
>person next to me is of African descent
Ever since, I came to class late, hoping he partnered up with someone else

>> No.8318325

>assholes like this in my classes
>is a undergrad researcher specializing in the class being taught
>literal trash comes to class late because it doesn't like me for whatever reason
>continues to do work by self like I've always done
>idiot gets locked out of class due to being late and gets a 0, continuously

This is why I don't like working with people. They always act like this.

>> No.8318333

Slackers and lazy dindus don't deserve to be my partner

>> No.8318341
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Be real now

In all of undergrad and in my workplace combined, I've met three black engineers that are worth shit

I once made the mistake of teaming up with two black students in one of my undergrad classes. One was a master's student, the other was a phd student, and I STILL wound up carrying the project

>> No.8318351

im jus tryna get some money bro, let me pass damn it.

>> No.8318352

>black people are lazy
>this person in my upper level biology course is black
>therefore he is lazy


>> No.8318363

That's logically valid, though.............................

>> No.8318367

>One was a master's student, the other was a phd student

Yeah, sure thing. I haven't been on 4chan for awhile, but thinks for reminding me that I'll have to deal with people like you. I'll make sure to be an asshole to the other research assistants for you, since I'm VOLUNTARILY doing it for no reason other then to get carried.

>> No.8318386

Do you enjoy carrying people who obviously don't deserve to be in university?

>> No.8318390

I bet the class is full of cute girls who always date the bad guys and ignore you despite how nice you are huh.
7/10 got me to reply

>> No.8318442
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>taking Ethics class
>assume it'd involve reading some things, writing review and comparison papers
>there's literally no written papers

>old as fuck guy teaching partial differential equations
>he's pretty good with technology, works his own site separate from normal Blackboard
>start homework due the 29th (Sept) because why not
>get stuck on problem
>catch him after class, we spend ten minutes going over that problem and the previous one, even though I did it successfully (not what he was expecting)
He could've just told me to sod off and bother the TA. I think I'm going to like this teacher.

>> No.8318498
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>tfw my microbiology professor is an oldfag who lurks /out/ and /sci/

>> No.8318532
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>here's my part bro
>>it's a copypaste of the wikipedia article on the subject
>>even same typos and punctuation errors

>> No.8319670

What are you complaining about? I loved it when profs did that. You get free marks just for showing up and participating. You don't even have to have the correct answers; you just have to say something.

>> No.8319678

But if you accept the two premises, then that conclusion is logically sound.

>lrn 2 syllogism

>> No.8320342

yeah no

>> No.8320770
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>OK class now I want you yo work in teams
>I'll make them
>me: oh_yes.jpg
>Rest of the class: Noooooo! Please let us make the team
>Ok, you make them
>mfw I work alone again

>> No.8321066
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Oh boy my entire highschool experience

>> No.8321306

>being this nonautistic
Get out

>> No.8321309

Forgot your qed there browse

>> No.8321310

>being unironically racist when you're 18+ and in higher education

>> No.8321315
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it's called "neurotypical" you fucking normie

>> No.8321318


>> No.8321338

>One guy in the group disappears completely after we get the assignment and form the group.
>Doesn't respond to emails, facebook messages, anything.
>Rest of the group members take up more work to compensate. Do the whole thing without him.
>Don't write his name on the assignment, inform teacher why we have done so.
>Guy fails the class because of this and is eternally salty.
Having to cover his share of the work was kinda shitty, but god damn did it feel like sweet justice was served when he failed.

>> No.8321347

>You don't even have to have the correct answers

Wow what an accomplishment, a passing grade and you didn't even learn anything!

>> No.8321365

Your teachers must be retarded if they didn't know that the class didn't divide equally into groups of 3 or 4.

>> No.8321423
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>We need to practice presenting because you l i t e r a l l y can't speak English.

>> No.8321497


>> No.8321504 [DELETED] 

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.

>> No.8321510
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>> No.8321516

>lecturer goes on a roller-coaster with flaming students who have failed his exam
he's still works in this school just because
>mfw he tries to cram 2 semester of classes into 1

>Number of "Very Important Classes" because i want to learn on your own

>Number of calculus classes was reduced so we did haven't touched all of the topics

>16/20 people just doesn't give a fuck an thier score is literally 0

Why do i pay for this shit

>> No.8321542
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>> No.8321546

Back to your containment board.

>> No.8321549

what are you talking about? are you complaining that the class is hard? it's not. git fucking gud

>> No.8321550


>> No.8321560

>if you're in uni you have to like niggers

>> No.8321586

I hate that shit.

>> No.8321607
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No need for salt.

>> No.8321621 [DELETED] 

kek, i did that once, got a 30% and he failed because of it. He was so mad because 'you always get 90 for everything!"

>> No.8321631
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>whats your hobby?

>> No.8321632

>Oh and what are your hobbies?
M-my hobbies? Tfw you can't say shitposting on 4chan

>> No.8321638


>> No.8321680
File: 39 KB, 374x347, a5b887d8084366a7507370f5e6ed1e71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CS programming project
>get assigned into group
>everyone is competent and motivated
>everyone works pretty damn hard and contributes their own unique, irreplaceable value to the project
>get the highest marks in the class
>our group becomes tight-knit af, always having very productive study sessions together from that point on
What happened, /sci/?

Did I just luck out?

>> No.8321682

in b4 "and then you woke up"

>> No.8321703

>when the professor is forced by administration to make the course easier because too many people were failing

It was Calc I. I go to an engineering university. I should've cared during my first 2 years of HS.

>> No.8321712
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>What's a 4chan?

>> No.8321716

>omg he goes to 4chan, the police are gonna come to your door

>> No.8321821

>having to study for undergrad CS
brainlets are not allowed. the entirety of undergrad CS should have been learned on your free time in highschool.

>> No.8321837


>> No.8321852

>you are graded not for knowing and understanding the material, but for being a talkative normalfaggot
no NO

>> No.8321853
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>in recitation last year
>conversing about some shit I didn't care about
>girl: "I was raised by the internet" or something to that effect, idk the context
>TA: "I hope you weren't raised by 4chan"
>other guy: "heh, then you wouldn't even be considered a person"

>> No.8321866

Literally nothing wrong with being a pedo.

>> No.8321872

go back to your hugbox


>> No.8321876

>in pol
Nice try Chaim. They would burn you on the cross for that.

>> No.8321901

>we'll work in groups

>i'll make them
>*sweating profusely*

>based on your average grades
>*cheers internally*

>> No.8321942

that's a lie
I was just in a thread about anne frank last week, everyone was a pedo

>> No.8321975 [DELETED] 

all the bourds are 50% pedo, ive seen pedo shit be accepted and not on every one i visit

>> No.8321994

Thats just neonazis and zionists having a banter. pedos are the worst degenerates ever. If that was the case pol wouldn't hate pedowood.

Yeah but pedos are a very small minortiy and they get BTFOd by every board except for /tv/ and /b/.

>> No.8322001

>they get BTFOd by every board except for /tv/ and /b/

they really don't

>> No.8322009 [DELETED] 

>eah but pedos are a very small minortiy and they get BTFOd by every board except for /tv/ and /b/.
only 50% of the time, the other times the majority supports sex with willing children

>> No.8322019

>I'm not big on quizzes and tests, because I want you to LEARN

So I'll eliminate the most objective means of giving you feedback on how well you're understanding things.

Coincidentally, doing it this way means a hell of a lot less work for me after class.

Just a happy coincidence though.

>> No.8322031

It makes sense in a class like research ethics where you have to discuss the pros and cons of an approach or work through dilemmas. Those classes are less about facts and more about being able to analyze and work through situations to which there might not be a clear and correct answer.

>> No.8322450

No, if you're in uni you have to be (or should be) mature enough to make decisions about people based on the person rather than superficial attributes. You can't reduce people to simply this and therefore I hate them; life isn't....

black and white.

>> No.8322598

No there is Asian peopel too u racis

>> No.8322608

Fortunately, the textbook contains exercises you can use to check your understanding in as much depth as you like. Have fun.

>> No.8323351
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>"hopefully you guys read last night's reading."
>shit shit shit...
>"because I want you guys to really be active in today's lecture"
>oh thank god...
>"but first, we will get this surprise quiz out of the way! It should be easy if you read."
>[Scramble for lecture notes]
>quiz hits the back row and I'm fucked once again

>> No.8323385

Holy kekeke

>> No.8323519

That's no cool you faggot

>> No.8323523

Fuck you, and your talk-in-class faggotry.

>> No.8323528

Holy shit!

>> No.8323738
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>> No.8324627
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Lrn 2 invalid arguments

>> No.8324631

why didn't you read the night before?

>> No.8325735

>ten groups of three
>two groups of four
>one group of one


>> No.8325825

>Everyone in class will take a turn reading
>read 3x as much as I need to just to shorten the amount of time spent listening to autistic mouthbreathers struggle for a minute through a single sentence
>how are we in an AP class in high school but barely know how to read

>> No.8325854

This doesn't change in college, unfortunately.

Had to take a literature class. I thought people would have figured out how to read by then. I wanted to shoot myself.

>> No.8325866
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>saying anything ever during class

>> No.8325876
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>for homework, make your very own groupoid and list 5 things about it. Be creative!

I'm an adult why am I being subjected to this nonsense

>> No.8325895
File: 481 KB, 194x199, 4701601+_5f8afb37270e967d66022d8c529ee7b1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Professor says this
>Literally meant it
>End up learning a lot in a single semester
>Bubble test aspies literally pulling their hair out because they can't perform

>Have that happen
>He's already struggling but he really wants to succeed
>Fist bumps me
>"It's you and me nigga!"
>With help he catches up
>Starts doing great
>Talks like a slave and works just as hard as one
>No longer have to help him and it's a mutual effort
>Both get a B+
>takes me out for a drink after
Sometimes black people can be based

>Look at syllabus
>5 exams, no online homework, no real quizzes, iClicker memery
This happens more than I'm comfortable with

>> No.8325904

>can afford drinks

Pick one and precisely, exactly one.

Also, daily reminder that B is for Brainlet.

>> No.8325907

Sasuga Harambe

>> No.8325919

There's a difference between a black person and a nigger. I've run into enough to notice and hear about the dichotomy between the 2 groups.

I see

>> No.8326069

I hate iclickers and equivalent. People will say "free points!" but it is just an excuse for the whole class to show up. On the surface that sounds like a good thing. In actuality not everybody who shows up gives a shit about the class. I'd rather just have the serious people show up since it makes class sizes smaller.

>> No.8326237
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>at community college and trigonometry teacher is asking people questions about if they understand what she's talking about/about the general work we're doing
>no one responds
>after two questions where no one says anything
>I respond to the next 3 or 4 questions
>I break my chain of response and she goes off and starts yelling about how she's going to leave if no one wants to tell her if they understand what she's teaching or not


>> No.8326675


>being the guy that answers the questions


>> No.8326686

This is happening to me constantly in university. I have weekly tutorials for all my classes, and in every single one the tutor asks questions, and nobody ever answers. It gets awkward so I always have to answer after 20 seconds of silence, every single time. I wonder if they think I'm an aspie or if they think I'm saving them from their stupidity.

>> No.8326707

>walk up to any group of 3
>hey you guys need a fourth man?
Nobody will turn down an extra person to split the work with.

>> No.8326736


I don't understand this. What's wrong with this? I'm literally one of the only people who read the class materials and therefore am able to answer.

>> No.8326758

If you hate this pleb tier bullshit just wait until you get into the real world and work at any corp or startup doing 'team building exercises' and having to take forced vacations TOGETHER. "Allright team, we're going to a 2 week bike ride retreat in Florida together to build our team, it will be full of fun group challenges..."

"Uhh, no fuck that I'm hanging out with my girlfriend, and do not wish to join your cult"

I quit on the spot everytime some place tries to get me to do team building shit, forces me to use social media, ect. I don't dance the monkey dance and will just work as a remote contractor reversing binaries if it comes down to leaving.

>> No.8326762

They are all waiting for you to answer since you do it every week anon.

>> No.8326765

I did this too, just to speed up the recitations and not have to go over the same subject constantly because nobody was answering so he assumed none of us knew.

After a week of me doing this he started refusing to acknowledge me "Somebody else know?" so I just shouted the answer out.

Fuck you, I have shit to do and places to go let's wrap this up goddmanit.

>> No.8326768

/sci/? More like /spaghetti/

>> No.8326778
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>You have to grade everyone else at the end of the project
>You don't remember their names

>> No.8326800

>Tfw people start looking at you after nobody answers a question
>Tfw people ask you to check their lab reports before class to make sure they did it right
>Tfw people ask you to study with them all the time

>> No.8326808

Being this straight edge

>> No.8326810

You don't spend all night reading, you go over the main points, read the conclusions and then take notes during the lecture. Leaves you ample beer drinking time at the student union bldg.

>> No.8326812

>Not drinking while reading

>> No.8326816

>grades for participation
>unannounced quizzes
>introductions at the start of semester
What the fuck is wrong with american universities? We didn't have grades for participation and unannounced quizzes by the end of high school because our teachers considered them childish

>> No.8326985

>mandatory english class
>proff is full time cück.
>takes attendance, group work, picks on specific people for answers
>calls on me one day
>tired as fuck, he actually woke me up
>"Anon, can you tell us the tone in this paragraph?"
>I reply "No"
>Proceed to fall back to sleep

Fuck him and his participation mark, was only 5%.

>> No.8327074

I'm not normally but I felt so bad for her because no one was answering so I started answering her and talking and stuff.

>> No.8327203

Yes, this, I've been getting the "does somebody else know?" since middle school

>> No.8327210
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>> No.8327239

It's best when the teacher has this genius "I have only x A, x B etc... and who gets what is decided by the others evaluation" while you are the Autist everyone hates anyway

>> No.8327241
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>> No.8327285

they're saints. Any class without one is always torture

>> No.8327318

I don't know why you people are complaining so much about group work.
The first thing I did when a prof forced me to pair with someone was to state how much I want the other person to pay me for doing it for him. Worked almost all the time, because usually the other person wanted just to pass. Except in cases when that person wanted to really participate, in which case it was a pleasure.
Group work was superior for me because it was basically paid homework.

>> No.8327466

You know, not everyone here is from the US

>> No.8327587

/sc/ sure has changed

>> No.8327672
File: 44 KB, 254x252, FUCK YOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assumes something is trivial and doesn't explain it
>forgetting we're first year students

>> No.8327933

>completely helpless and need everything explained to them babby-style

fuck you i need this

>> No.8327938

>superior SPITEFUL hippo


>> No.8327941

That could get you expelled for academic dishonesty.

>> No.8327948


You realize being introverted is the new reddit thing right?
Quit bandwagoning and speak up like a man.

>> No.8328018

I'm with him.

>> No.8328057

I'm getting really sick. I might start acting like a dumbass so normies can leave me alone

>> No.8328093

>"""""team building exercises"""""

Why are industry jobs plagued with shit like this? We are not children. We know your formalities are bullshit. I blame incompetent managers and bosses who don't understand how human relationships work.

>> No.8328103


Are you seriously trying to assert that someone could get expelled because they are forced to do some other lazy asshole's work? Fucking assassinate yourself.

>> No.8328115

Literally correct

Fuck I'm glad I've never had to work somewhere like this.

>> No.8328133

If you're being payed for it, yes.

>> No.8328162

Fucking go to youtube then, the advantage of an actual lecture is having a discussion.

>> No.8328175

That doesn't sound bad actually.

>> No.8328182

>HS physics class
>"Okay everyone! The last two tests of the year I will assign you a random partner so you can work together."
>She lied and actually did it based on merit, so my partner and I were 1st and 2nd in the class.
Some teachers are just based.

>> No.8328236


This. Drink beer while doing reading and problems. Drink slowly and when things stop making sense, you should've done a decent amount of work

>> No.8328258

>class has mandatory attendance
>work late the night before
>morning class

What do they expect will happen, I'll come and sleep through the lecture...

>> No.8328260


Is this bait? If so then 8/10. If not then Kyla you brain dead autistic faggot

>> No.8328267

>participation mark
is this a US thing?

>> No.8328273


or on the other side of the spectrum

>has to explain every trivial detail
>including how to format the paper's we'll have to write for the class

>this is a graduate course

Admittedly first-year grad course, but still, it's patronizing as fuck even if it's unintentional.

>> No.8328334
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Can we just get a uni general?

>teacher was late returning this semester, so his class starts second week
>see the TA from spring class in the class, as well as one of my others
>PhD Physics guy I know is auditing the class
>mostly graduate students I think out of like the 10 people class
>teacher starts burning through equations
>pulls this shit at the end of the first lecture
I think I have a better grasp now of what he was doing with the equation today, but still. This might be the legitimately hardest class I end up taking.

Note: the cos term at the end actually started as an e^jwx or whatever, but since we're taking the real part as the answer, we obviously can drop it. Obviously.

>> No.8328337

>going to a sub-top-1000 school

>> No.8328350

Australian here. I've done courses which have this. Usually it's 5 or 10%

>> No.8328354

But why aren't you just marked on your actual knowledge of the material? I don't get it. Like sorry dude you know all the material but since you weren't here you can only get a B+? How does that make sense?

I'm a yuropoor btw

>> No.8328356

Some professors get salty about no one listening to their lectures.
It seems to be the ones stuck teaching gen eds and at community colleges in my experience.

> t. narcoleptic student

>> No.8328362

love it when i get teachers like this

>> No.8328366

I'd come to understand this by 6th grade. It took until most of the way through 9th for people to realize I wasn't a moron. Dropped out ~11th.

Fairly certain most of my coworkers at my first job assumed I had some degree of brain damage, as well. They would explain simple things in extreme detail, very slowly. I'd just stare at them and mostly give very simple responses. I wasn't deliberately engineering their perception, I mostly didn't give a damn, refused to connect, and thought this was a medium to avoid accumulation of external nuisances.

Strange times. At such a point all it takes is a single response to watch your entire social ecology rapidly shift. Got over most of that and realized there were more means for control than I thought, if I was willing to use them.

>> No.8328373
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holy fuck these people were the worst. when they fucking stumble on basic words like they never matriculated past the third fucking grade.
>mfw someone pronounces tchotchke tee sot chkee

>> No.8328495

Both these tasks involved socializing with others. Something sci will never do.

>> No.8328500


>> No.8328580
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>47 KB JPG>tfw my microbiology professor is an oldfag who lurks /out/ and /sci/
but I don't lurk /out/