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8316538 No.8316538 [Reply] [Original]

Please explain if the following practices have any benefits as recognized by the scientific community:

- gluten free diet
- alkaline diet
- raw foodism

>> No.8316540


They can be all explained with mass hysteria

>> No.8316541

The worst shit you can eat that doesn't get out of the body is sugar. It's more dangerous than smoking and alcohol.

>> No.8316551

[Citation most definitely needed]

>> No.8316552

>gluten free

Celiac disease is a thing.

If you are not celiac, there seems to be a genuine non-celiac gluten intolerance in some people (a highly publicised study a while back refuting this has been shown to be flawed and contradicted by other work). But a lot of people don't even have this, give up wheat, etc, and feel better but for other reasons than the gluten.

>alkaline diet
It includes less processed and more fresh fruit and vegetables, so may improve health, but not for the reasons given about alkalinity

>raw foodism
May help the microbiome, may also give you malnutrition

>> No.8316553

Gluten does not do anything to harm you, eating bread and other food made from grain flour will only make you fatter. As people drop bread and buns they usually lose weight and in turn feel better, and say it's their imaginary gluten allergy. We evolved on gluten, so although the actual allergy exists, it's as rare as being allergic to water.

Rawfoodism is also sometimes bullcrap, but is closer to the truth than gluten-free. Raw food, especially vegetables, are harder to digest than parboiled ones. Also, not all foods lose vitamins while preparing, carrots that are parboiled have more vitamin A than fresh ones. At the same time, nothing's better than raw fish with its omega 3 and 6, you just have to be careful not to get some flesh-eating worms. So here the truth lies in the middle.

Not gonna talk about alkaline diet since I don't have that much info on how food changes (or not) acidity of your body.

Hope it helps, Anon.

>> No.8316560


Raw fish is alright as long as it has been frozen first and this will kill parasites

>> No.8316582

So you think celiac disease doesn't exist?

>> No.8316586

>We evolved on gluten
Only since agriculture, before that eating grass seeds would have been fringe to non existent.

>> No.8316594

Nope, what I wrote was an overstatement, of course it exists, it's just that when you look at the gluten-free freaks the majority of them have no disease or allergy whatsoever. I'm not denying facts, Anon.
Wild grains have been collected, eaten, and occasionally planted since over 10,000 years, in case of Middle East and Europe at least. So yes, our microbiome grew with grains.

>> No.8316627

So you made a false statement. In a science forum. Great work.

>> No.8316634

>Wild grains have been collected, eaten, and occasionally planted since over 10,000 years,
i hate you pop science kids who see one study of grass residue in ancient tools and turn this into a categorical statement.


>> No.8316639

>false statement
"although the actual allergy exists, it's as rare as being allergic to water"
I did not deny it, unless you speak different English than I do.

>> No.8316644

Well he did say gluten does not do anything to harm you, and allergy was as rare as water allergy. When studies have shown celiac affects about 0.5% and glutenin allergy about 0.2%.

So he's probably kind of not worth listening to.

>> No.8316646

Celiac is not an allergy.

>> No.8316648

what is the prevalence of water allergy?

>> No.8316649
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10.000 years - 2.016 years = 7.984 years
Earliest findings of grain agriculture date back to 9.000 B.C., not sure what makes me a pop kid here. Go read a book, this one should not be too hard for you, and says everything on the topic in the first 100 pages.

>> No.8316651

>human evolution totals 10,000 years


>> No.8316652

Not what we're talking about.

You seem very confused.

>> No.8316655

Not getting into the gluten argument, but you know that book is basically pop-knowledge horseshit?

>> No.8316656

classic dunning-kruger

>> No.8316662

I know, right?

I'm actually really interested in the personality type that thinks they know lots, and so bloviates on the internet. It's especially ironic on somewhere like places like /sci/, where science requires we correctly estimate how much we don't know.

>> No.8316937

>but not for the reasons given about alkalinity
Care to expand on this? I thought the whole point of alkaline diets were to bring acidity of the body down because this is supposed to have various health benefits.

>> No.8316964
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toxins are real and really the only way to purge and protect your body is to eat a raw food diet.

there are these things called antitoxadents which exist in your body created by processed and cooked foods and they have been linked to everything from cancer to aging, so by eating a raw food diet you protect your body immeasurably

the added benefit of a raw foods diet is that they are gluten free by definition, and raw foods are rich in earthly nutrients such as alkaline metals which strengthen your link to the metaconciousness (which laymen sometimes call the spirit world/realm/basin).

the third benefit of a raw foods diet is that you directly consume the energy of the sun (which was absorbed by the food directly), which is not lost in cooking or processing, which keeps you more in sync with the octaves of the sun. this helps prevent illnesses such as the common cold and mishaps like stubbing your toe.

if you are interested in learning more about the wholesome spiritual benefits of consuming a raw foods diet, please visit

David Avocado Wolfe at www.davidwolfe.com

where you can find many videos explaining the wonders of raw foods by the avocado himself

>> No.8316978
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>> No.8317038

Except videos of him eating meat off camera.

>> No.8317126

>it's as rare as being allergic to water
Celiac disease is not an allergy (although it is fundamentally an immune system disorder), and it afflicts roughly 1% of the population (compare: 4-8% of the population has at least one food allergy -- celiac disease is more common than peanut allergy).

Like allergies, cases vary in severity. Unlike allergies, the symptoms of celiac disease are rarely distinctive or follow immediately after consumption of gluten. Instead, the sufferer's digestion slowly grows worse over time if they have gluten in their diet (as the villi of the small intestine are damaged and eventually destroyed), and they develop malnutrition, which can be subtle and idiosyncratic.

Celiac disease is not routinely screened for (indeed, convenient screening tests are unreliable, and only an intestinal biopsy taken after a period of routine high consumption of gluten can give a decisive answer, requiring both prolonged patient cooperation in doing something they suspect may hurt them and a surgical procedure involving sticking a tube down the patient's throat), and it's common for people to only get diagnosed well into their adult lives after having unhelpful interaction with many doctors, and finally specifically raising the possibility of celiac disease themselves.

Most doctors have heard of celiac disease but misunderstand it badly, having not kept current on the research, and often think of it as a rare disease always detected in childhood due to obvious starvation, or they misunderstand the diagnostics and think a simple blood test can rule out celiac disease without regard to the patient's gluten consumption.

Most cases go undiagnosed. Many people who suspect they have celiac disease decide to just start avoiding gluten and see if their digestion improves and they feel better, rather than go through the difficult, unpleasant, and costly process of getting reliably tested.

>> No.8317295


>> No.8317320

Early humans ate anything that was edible, including plants

>> No.8317357

Yes, that's true, but wild grass is really nutrient poor compared to nearly every other plant you can actually chew

>> No.8317533


This is a pop sci book.

How the fuck do you refute 7 million years with a 10000 B.C. argument.

>> No.8318150


When you pay close attention to your diet you tend to eat healthier. On the flip side you can at least tell yourself you tried.

>> No.8318175

The alkaline diet is an idea espoused by a guy named Robert O. Young who says that when your cells become acidic they transform in to bacteria.

Fact #1 - The acidity or alkalinity of what you eat does not transfer to your blood, much less your cells. Your stomach (acidic) and duodenum (basic) neutralize it. Side note, there is no such thing as alkaline water. Water has a pH of 7. If you want to make it alkaline you have to add a base, like sodium hydroxide. Even if the pH of what you ate did make it to your blood, it would be neutralized by pH buffers in your blood, moderated by the carbon dioxide that your exhale (the thing that actually affects blood pH). Furthermore, fluctuations in your blood pH don't happen to people who can still stand on two legs, even minor fluctuations result in major, acute symptoms and death, not chronic diseases and general malaise as the alkaline diet theory suggests. This alone should be enough to rebuke any theory about alkaline diet. The pH of what you eat does nothing but possibly destroy the lining of your mouth and esophagus if it is too extreme.

Fact #2 - Human cells don't transform in to bacteria cells, no matter what the pH. We've known that since the 1860's, that's called modern germ theory.

>> No.8318186


Nice straw man, it almost sounds like you have a real argument.

>> No.8318306

>being on /sci
>not understanding the function of the liver and kidneys

>> No.8318487


You do know that this book is literally just unsourced just-so stories about the effect of geography on agricultural outlook and subsequent civilizational success, right?

>> No.8318543

I really would like more credible info on the alkaline diet. A family member of mine has bought one of those really expensive ionizers, I'm really curious on whether it's a scam.

It definitely does SOMETHING though, when I drank exclusively high PH water for at least 3 consecutive days, my face would break out for 2-3 days then was extremely clean until I stopped drinking it. Definitely tastes good too. The bottled ph water is 100% a scam though, right?

>> No.8318551

You mean fructose.

>> No.8318552

>alkaline diet
no idea

>raw foodism
I mean you could survive on raw food, including raw meats of many animals. However your body can not absorb as much nutrients per lb from uncooked meat as compared to cooked meat, so efficiency wise cooking your meat is better. Same idea goes with vegetables, and many other foods.

>gluten free diet
If you have celiac disease then by all mean abstain from gluten. There is no such thing as gluten sensitivity, it is all or nothing in terms of allergens. America does eat too many processed carbs, almost all of which contain gluten. Thus when they cut out gluten, they also cut out the excess carbs they have been consuming and thus feel better thinking it was related to gluten when in reality it was their overall diet change.

>> No.8318555

Alkaline water gave me headaches and made me feel nauseous. I bought some bottled stuff a few times.

Most certainly has some degree of impact. In my case, not a positive one. Felt much better drinking copper and iron laden tap water.

>> No.8318561

Your body produces glucose from fat that is indistinguishable from processed sugar. Too much sugar is a problem yes, but so is none.

>> No.8318578

Your body produces YOU from glucose!


>> No.8318587

>yfw gluten is just a small protein of glutamine amino acids: QQQQQ...QQQ
>yfw a small protein can kill you
>yeah sure
this is why i give up on human kind

>> No.8319037

Raw food is proven less likely to cause obesity which is the most widespread disease in the US, if not the world.
Not a raw fooder, though, cooking, eating less/better, and doing exercise is better for the environment than raw foodism, which requires a lot of water.