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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8311914 No.8311914 [Reply] [Original]

riddle me this, i lived in victoria b,c my whole life and across the way is port Angeles over 36 Miles away - Nasa says the horizon is 3 miles away and being able to see this should be impossible - and im talking you can see beach level to the other beach - can someone care to explain that?

>> No.8311945

If earth were flat there'd be no horizon at all, you big dumb ape.

>> No.8311952

If I'm standing on mount everest I can see for hundreds of kilometers, but NASA says the horizon is 3 miles away, explain that atheists?

>> No.8311963

my point exactly

moot point

>> No.8311975

As much as OP is retarded, this counter argument is pretty shitty because he said he could see beach to beach (aka sea level). Of course the best conclusion is that the OP is full of shit in this claim

>> No.8311995

not full of shit. i'm in hamilton right now and i can see toronto from here. everyone can. toronto is a good 20 km away.

>> No.8312001

No, you can see the Toronto skyline.

>> No.8312023


I live in Vancouver BC and I hope you die.

>> No.8312027

ha, beach to beach bud

did i burst your bubble?

>> No.8312031


No you are just a retard. Even if you are a troll you are still a retard. Get a different hobby.

>> No.8312036

No, seeing a giant building in Toronto from Hamilton is not beach to beach.

>> No.8312373

Good thing they only have one building there. Because if they had more, smaller ones, and you didn't see all of them fully, it would almost seem like the earth is not flat. phew, you really dodged a bullet here anon!

>> No.8312382

>Nasa says the horizon is 3 miles away
>Nasa says the earth is a sphere
So you believe the first thing but not the second?

>> No.8312690

You are a legit retard.

>> No.8313692

>you can see beach level to the other beach
pics or it didn't happen

>> No.8313693

How do you flatcucks explain day-night cycle, gravity and the inexistant evidence for the edges of the earth ?

>> No.8313699

>Nasa says the horizon is 3 miles away
yea whatever, got a source?
My grandfather was a fisherman and he always told me the horizon out on the water was about 12km at sea level or 7.5miles

>> No.8313710
File: 6 KB, 193x261, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with /sci/?
Every thread, it's like you cucks have never heard of Google.
Two minutes with Google maps street view, and it's clear OP's lying. Even from well above water level on the Victoria side, you can't see the beach in Port Angeles.
Oh, and it's 18 miles, not 36.

>> No.8313766

The horizon is the tangent your eyes make with the earth. So, if you draw a line to the center of the planet it makes a right triangle with hypotenuse R+h, where h is your height. Then the formula for the length of the arc to the horizon is


in km. At 2m it's 5,05km which is just above 3 miles, in fact, 3 miles corresponds to a height of 1,81m.

>> No.8313773

In fact, 12km corresponds to a height of 11,3m, I guess it was a tall boat?

>> No.8313893

What about atmospheric refraction above cold water?

>> No.8313902

If you're on land looking out over sea, you're already by definition a certain distance above sea level in addition to your own height. Unless you're directly on the shore, you'll always see farther than those 3 miles.

>> No.8313908

Also, a person will be able to see things beyond the horizon as long as they're tall enough - a ~2m tall person standing at sea level will be able to spot another ~2m tall person's head around 6 miles away, as well as most of a tall building and so forth.

>> No.8314292

Well, OP is probably one who thinks that NASA stands for Never A Straight Answer and somehow also controls Google, thus making any Google-search that don't conform with his paranoia just another level in the conspiracy or whatever.
I mean, who would you trust? The Gub'ment telling you this and that, while also giving you everything you need to do the math yourself, or some guy in a Youtube-clip talking about lizards and ether?

>> No.8315165

Damn Gub'men always doing that.
I dont know what they are doing, but they are doing it. The bastards

>> No.8315175

>day-night cycle
Hold a flash lighta tiny bit above a piece of paper. Light won't reach the edges of the paper. Same principle
Just a theory. No one has ever "found" the mythical gravitation.
> the inexistant evidence for the edges of the earth ?
Government coverup. They control all access to Antarctica so it's easy to prevent the public from ever being able to find out what is beyond the wall of ice.

>> No.8315208

this guy explained a thing
just check the UN logo and check what was their first goal, the UN doesn't allow their members(countries) to do anything on Antarctica(well known that there's a lot of natural treasures there, so why then??)

>> No.8315222

Who cares, your non-sensical conspiracy doesn't mean shit

>> No.8315389

You can go there yourself, you know that right? Its litterally a fucking tourist stop

>> No.8315397
File: 78 KB, 396x385, pepe_328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le it's fun and instructive to question your asumptions thread
it's not, none of you faggots learned anything of value from this thread

>> No.8315399
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>> No.8315548
File: 157 KB, 728x728, flasemap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're only allowed to go to the peninsula. people won't bother to go any further because to them the peninsula is technically antarctica and so they could say they have been there.

try going further in and i guarantee you will get stopped by the goverment.

>> No.8315554
File: 110 KB, 766x759, wakeupsheeples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8315565

You can be a tourist in North Korea too. Doesn't mean they let you off the perfectly prepared guided tour path.

>> No.8315568
File: 318 KB, 1680x796, antarcticatrip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopefully they'll understand one day bro.

more pics incoming

>> No.8315590

>Government coverup

Why though. What evidence do you have that supports the government lying, or having a reason to lie, about the earth being flat.

>> No.8315611

To make the general population feel insignificant and thus easier to control. Ever heard someone say, "what's the point of life if we're just pieces of meat on Earth floating around a ridiculously huge universe?" I've heard that countless of times from teenagers and I myself have said it. But then when you start thinking, what if the Earth is really flat and we are really the center of the Universe?, it makes you feel important. It makes you feel special.