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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8310124 No.8310124 [Reply] [Original]

What's wrong with physics? Why is it seen as degenerate on this board?

>> No.8310171

Lit everything is seen as degenerate on this board. Nothing's wrong with it

>> No.8310184

/sci/'s very interested in physics, /sci/ resents people with formal knowledge of the field.

Also it's a meme.

>> No.8310196
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 1472590243925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean... it is impossible to study physics without studying degeneracy.

>> No.8310198


Also this: >>8310184

>> No.8310225

But why physics and not any of the other fields?

>> No.8310232

Well, we already have /x/. This is like when people want to talk about random literature that is just barely popsci when they have fucking /lit/ or when philosofags get their philosodick all philosohard over here when they have /his/ and /b/.

Seriously, go to /x/, the physics board, to talk about all the physics you want.

>> No.8310245

It's the paranormal board and physics is a science. Just because they happen to talk about it on /x/ doesn't make physics and /sci/ mutually exclusive.

>> No.8310252



>> No.8310256

>It's the paranormal board and physics is a science.

'Spooky action at a distance' sounds pretty paranormal to me m8. Go talk about your entangled particles and entangled souls in /x/ man. We don't need your bullshit here.

>> No.8310258

>Telling someone to go to reddit

>>>/pol/ >>>/b/

>> No.8310262

More interesting, superficially easy to grasp topics and more societal prestige.

>> No.8310265

Lmao I know nothing about physics. Biology and chemistry are talked about a lot on /x/ as well.

>> No.8310273

I can understand why you wouldn't like something if it's easy, but those other two just sound like jealousy.

>> No.8310275

>telling someone telling someone to go to reddit to go to pol


>> No.8310288

>telling me to go to >>/x/


>> No.8310289

Tries to describe the actual mechanisms of biological bodies

Tries to describe the mechanisms of chemical reactions

Notice, actual mechanisms. Things are touching. Things can be fucking described. Now enter... CANCER



>> No.8310308

Omg this so much, I'm a biochemist and holy crap physicists aren't even human.

>> No.8310310

I think you're misunderstanding me. Hell, my degree is in physics.

All I mean is that you can have questions like "wow what is dark matter" or "huh, can we travel to distant stars?" and they're compelling enough for people to latch on to, then because we usually describe things metaphorically people can fool themselves into thinking the topic is less specialized than it is.

See the success of "science" shows and the kind of science they usually focus on. They're pretty much all physics and biology and the biology shows are nearly always just surveys of various animal or biosphere facts.

The topics aren't superficial within the field, its the way the public looks at them that's superficial.

I think the society prestige thing goes without saying. The stereotypical brilliant science works in physics.

>> No.8310500


>> No.8310517

Nothing is wrong with physics.

>why not any of the other fields

Literally every other field gets it way harder on /sci/
>engineers are flaming homosexuals
>biology/geology/etc is not a real science
>chemistry is just applied physics
>pure math is useless and they're all poor
>applied math is a cancer to pure mathematics
it goes on and on...

The new meme is
and it's pretty lazy.

/sci/ is so densely packed with memes you would hardly notice them if you didn't actually have an education in science or math.

>> No.8310531

>The new meme is
> >physics
> >>>/x/
tfw I was the first anon who started this after wanting to piss off physicists because they're all faggots who bullied my bio buddies ;_;

>> No.8310538

>being friends with people who didn't even finish calculus

>> No.8310556

>being friends with people who don't even have basic social skills

>> No.8310560

stay on reddit fag

>> No.8310567

We don't. /x/tards are just mad that they got BTFO in those ayylmao, ufo technology and parallel universes threads and constantly being told to fuck off back to /x/ and now they're false flagging as if physics is on par with paranormal autism.

We like physics, aliens don't exist and paranormal autism belongs to >>>/x/

Deal with it.

>> No.8310571

>superstring theory, supergravity, supersymmetry, and hadronic physics
>not as /x/-tier as ayylmaos

>> No.8310599

>aliens don't exist
Physicist here. You forgot your [citation needed]

>> No.8310606

If you can't see the obvious difference then you should blaze more weed and get comfy with your mcjob.

>> No.8310609

Okay cool, different buzzwords for the same package of /x/. What else is new?

>> No.8310618

pop-sci theories are not physics, they are sci-fi.

>> No.8310620


>> No.8310808

Because Lidl, the supermarket, actually uses physics in their store (like gravity), which leads to them having lower prices because of the simple reason that they can stack boxes on eachother. If they can stack boxes on each others they can create what they call aisles. This leads to even more comfort in the customers which leads to them buying more. So physics is just making the filthy capitalist more money.

>> No.8311033

Chemist undergrad here. You are pretty much restricting the field to orga chem which is a meme and until you get to the point of learning how to come up with mechanisms and reactions to be named after you, it's pretty much rationalisation after the fact outside of basic mechanisms.
As far as I am aware of, protein folding is still a mystery. The undergraduate explanation of it is "forces impossible to track make things just fold right and eliminate a lot of ostensible randomness" (which is very superficial because tbqh I learned jack shit about it so far).

You forgot to mention cristallography which is the study of fictional lattices and how to put a series of dots or molecules into that lattice. I am not sure if it's just my university but it has turned out to be mostly mental masturbation. Theoretical physics suffers from the same issue. Neither of these 3 fields is useless and can be reduced to what popsci / this board makes out of it, but - and that might surprise you - the same applies to physics.

You are presenting a very superficial understanding of those things for the sake of making your point, I get that, but it should be clear to any person in high school that the scientific background behind those simplifications cannot be condensed in a 15 minute (wikipedia) article or post while still being simple enough for a laymen to be understandable. I can also go MUH ORBITELLS, ELICTRUNS CAN TRAVEL TO ANDROMEDA, PLEASE LET ME TEACH.

Still made me kek.

>> No.8311046

> he thinks "super" is a dead giveaway of pseudoscience and has no function other than being an attention-raising prefix to make the whole word look more important.
What did you expect, originality from the science recitation board?

>> No.8311060

but hurt Biochemist angry that we get all the money

>> No.8311063

>Having social skills
why even do stem

>> No.8311070


>> No.8311159

>I don't have social skills and I'm proud of it
This is why you can't get a job

>> No.8311204


Yeah the only people who will mix those two up are pol.

>> No.8311213

Wut u fukin returd? U say particles move in a straight line path, but straight lines are degenerate curves. Learn ur Diffy G's u bitch

>> No.8311271

Only good answer

>> No.8312837 [DELETED] 

bump from page 10

>> No.8312855
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low iq is the main reason imo

>> No.8312863

why not just say "GRE scores by intended major"

you're just applying some complete bullshit linear transformation from one to the other... this is retarded

>> No.8312864
File: 38 KB, 1280x720, Typical atheist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go talk about your entangled particles and entangled souls in /x/ man. We don't need your bullshit here
you are retarded

>> No.8312876

>butthurt /x/ crossposter

>> No.8312881

I would destroy you. I'm 6'3" and 215 lbs. You will like the weight of me when I pin you down and violently fuck you in your ass. I will cum all over your back and then smack your ass.

>> No.8312916

o-oh, I'm a trap

>> No.8312933
File: 151 KB, 1226x860, gay 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off degenerate

>> No.8312954

you are the /x/tard here....

>> No.8312957

you are the retarded faggot here

>> No.8312962

Usually /pol/ faggots cherry pick better than this.
No we're cherry picking a cherry picking study, and not even providing a source.

Fuck off fag.

>> No.8312984

Lol bro, I'm a former D-1 rugby player, have abs at 6'1" 240 lbs, worked as a bouncer, Did army ROTC in college turning it down for 70k finance job, and I bench somewhere around 420 lbs. I grew up on base and boxed since I was 8. I've got the quickest hands I've ever seen in person from a non professional fighter, especially at my weight. If my gf wants to talk chit I'll let her do it to a point before pulling her away. If some guy gets in her face? I'm either gonna do the responsible thing and get the bouncer or pick him up and slam his phucking neck into the concrete.

What do you weigh… 190 lbs? Bench maybe 275 lbs? Lol. You have no idea what it's like walking around as big and as strong as someone like me. First of all, 95% of men walk in fear of you, and 95% of the other 5% of men are just retarded.

Literally the last 3 altercations I've been in with other males ended with me giving them one back hand slap and knocking them to the ground (I'm terrified of hitting most men and either killing them or putting them into a coma)
Any type of altercation, verbal etc. whether it involves girls I know or guys I know just mildly amuse me as I know I can step in and regulate the situation in a split second if things get serious.

Take your tiny, wanna be, hard pretend phaggot ass elsewhere pussy.

>> No.8312992
File: 3.85 MB, 1366x9999, gays 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally white knighting for a trap
>"fuck off fag."
you are a special kind of retarded.

here are the sources (and even more statistics). feel free to type out the URL's in this image by hand, i am sure that will give you time to calm down.

>> No.8313014

I fantasize about putting my cock in your mouth. It would be so hot if you slowly sucked my dick while I pet your head. I would finger your ass while you moan with my cock in your mouth. I would then blow a huge load in your mouth and make out with you while the load is still in your mouth. We would then swap the cum in and out of each other's mouths while we stroke each other's cocks. I'm getting so hard thinking about it and I'm getting even harder knowing how bad you want it since you keep shitposting.

I would fuck you up. Kick you in the nuts and beat on your face with a mallet. Fuck you. FUCKING CUNT

>> No.8313045
File: 1.83 MB, 960x914, homosexuals and molestation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would fuck you up. Kick you in the nuts and beat on your face with a mallet. Fuck you. FUCKING CUNT
what the fuck is wrong with you idiot fuck off. fucking SJWs

>> No.8313466

lmao shut up you

>> No.8313469

what position?

>> No.8313479

> shown mathematically
> some shitty stats algebra
lol go home.
you're really shitty at this.
why are /pol/tards too retarded to use pastebin?
even the /d/egenerates are better at posting links than you dumbfucks.

>> No.8315079


>> No.8315118

please refer to

>> No.8315119

>/sci/ is so densely packed with memes you would hardly notice them if you didn't actually have an education in science or math.

Just like the rest of this place, /sci/ is literally just memes all the way down.

>> No.8315882
File: 132 KB, 960x960, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off piece of shit useless cunt

>> No.8315889

mostly because the CTMU answers virtually everything and does so without extensive use of physics, making it largely obsolete

why spend 20 years wasting your time when lord langan has all the answers already?

john von neumann learned this early and thats why he stayed mostly away from theoretical physics even though he was the smartest man to ever live.