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8309751 No.8309751 [Reply] [Original]

is it time to give up on women in STEM?

>> No.8309756

>Their spatial awareness is demonstrably worse than that of men, so they're a shit at pattern recognition.

>Unfortunately for those who got two X chromemesomes, most of the important things we do (as well as the more mundane ones, like playing a game of chess) rely heavily on mankind's dope af pattern recognition skills. So women a shit.


>> No.8309764

...or we could get rid of the useless cultural studies degrees and stop making psychology such a "coveted" meme subject

post-secondary schools try to market degrees to specific demographics and it takes a lot of de-programming to undo marketing voodoo of any kind.

>> No.8309771

I wouldn't say so, the US and Western Europe isn't the whole world desu, in other parts of the world women are a lot more present in STEM programs. There's something about American culture (and its projection in Western Europe by extension) that turns the majority of their women into degenerate sluts incapable of critical thinking, but I can't pinpoint what that is. Extensive use of social media? Lack of history and culture? Traditional roles and memes? Curious.

>> No.8309784

>is it time to give up on women

>> No.8309919

There are some real bad bitches in math. I wonder why women are more inclined towards that than physics.

Oh god what if they included math ed in that diagram and that ruined their chart.

>> No.8310060

>as rigor and mechanical everlasting good definitions increases from right to left, the amount of bitches studying it goes down

>> No.8310641

there are physics teachers too you know.
but i tend to agree. when i started my degree in math, we had like 40% females and now in postgrad the number went down to probably 10%

>> No.8310646

Women in math are bringing down the IQ, otherwise we'd be number 1.

>> No.8310658

but i want a qt nerdy gf like the ones occasionally on numberphile

>> No.8310697

why are there more chicks in math than phys, cs, and engg?

>> No.8311005

because women want to be teachers, they love kids

>> No.8311020

Mathematics is about 40-45%? This is pretty good, and suggests cultural forces might be at play for things like physics.

>> No.8311028

>is it time to give up

>> No.8311031

They're overrepresented in applied math like modelling, finance, etc., there are few women in pure math.

>> No.8311037

Do you have data on that? That contradicts my own experience studying mathematics.

>> No.8311151

Nobody cares for your shitskins shitting on the streets or blacks killing each other with Russian riffles

>> No.8311155

>They love kids
And why it's an insult when you say that about man?

>> No.8311158

literally what.

I'm not American, nor from Western Europe.

>> No.8311190

Nice correlation and cuasation bro

>> No.8311199

>and suggests cultural forces might be at play
Please stop saying that.
We're trying to justify why we don't have gfs here.

>> No.8311202

Only my uni's admission sheets.

>> No.8311206

So we have information about a population that's to some extent self-selecting. Same as my data. Both data contradict each other.

There is basically zero good evidence either way

>> No.8311212

I'm a graduate student, and I know there are a couple of very capable female professors in my department (chemistry, particularly physical chemistry) whom I did a small research collaboration with.

With undergrads, though, it seems rare, unfortunately. Most of them seem to drop out of the major by the 3rd year or change to biochem. It's probably the stereotype about math, because at this point the department is forced to be extremely PC and friendly, so I would seriously doubt any report of harassment

>> No.8311421

Provide another causation then

>> No.8311505

There were a lot of women back when I did my degree in math. However, they tended to be the lowest scoring on tests and like 80% of them dropped the major by the time ODE and vector calc rolled around

>> No.8311519

>tfw girls on my university are hostile to the idea of "women in STEM" events