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8308361 No.8308361 [Reply] [Original]

>"it can be easily shown that..."

>> No.8308366


Go back to twatter you fucking retard.

>> No.8308367

>"...particle physicists have vomit for brains."

>> No.8308375
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>"we will not insult the intelligence of our reader by providing a proof"

>> No.8308901

the use of this particular turn of phrase is also known as "proof by intimidation".

>> No.8308910

How do people work with this all day every day and not get crazy from boredom?

>> No.8308938

They don't actually work all day

>> No.8308943

They love doing it as it is their passion.

>> No.8308952

How can you have passion for tedious mathematic formula?

>> No.8309035

Delet this thread

>> No.8309343
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>> No.8309367


Where has anyone ever said that?

>> No.8309398
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D. Gale - The Game of Hex and the Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem
(in all fairness, the result in question is indeed rather easy, but still)

>> No.8309435
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Legit kek

>> No.8310143
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math guy here
is it possible that because the standard model isn't complete, that some undiscovered sector would simplify that monstrous equation?

i understand that in ~some models~ the lagrangian is significantly smaller, but i don't really care about those

>> No.8310151

My diffy q book was full of this shit.

Nagle, Saff, Snider 8th

>> No.8310153

750 GeV test says no deviation so far

>> No.8310155

I can just imagine that sentence in the middle of a whole page of dense logic notation.

>> No.8310164

that's hardly a proof that the standard model is complete, if that's what you're >implyign

this raises another question though
is it possible to determine whether the standard model is complete?

>> No.8310298

What particular books or studies do you need to follow to be able to understand this?

>> No.8310444

Stewart Calculus

>> No.8310457

You would probably need an entire graduate physics curriculum. Think QFT, GR, grad EM, and a grad level particle physics class

>> No.8310460

Math is awesome. I'm really new to it so sorry if I sound like a newb but is this one whole problem? What is this exactly? This looks really advanced.

>> No.8310472

It's #6 on the AP Calc BC FRQs this year

>> No.8310479

it's the standard model of particle physics.


(use the built in image search next time)

>> No.8310491
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, let me tell you why that's bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire standard model Lagrangian can be condensed down to [math]\mathcal{L} = \bar{\psi}\mathcal{D}\psi + \frac{1}{4}\int_{M}\operatorname{tr}\mathcal{F}^2[/math] plus some Higgs terms, where [math]\psi[/math] is the spinor containing all matter, [math]\mathcal{D}[/math] is the covariant derivative along the Lie algebra-valued connection one form [math]\mathcal{A} \in \Lambda^1(M) \otimes \operatorname{Lie}SU(5)[/math] and [math]\mathcal{F} = d\mathcal{A}[/math]. The reason why the usual expression for the standard model Lagrangian is so complicated is because physicists explicitly write down the components of the gauge fields and the spinors and do some weird ass Bogolyubov trasnformations that rotates the Hilbert space.

>> No.8310629
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I unironically love it when textbooks insult readers