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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8307937 No.8307937 [Reply] [Original]

>Washington (AFP) - A "strong signal" detected by a radio telescope in Russia that is scanning the heavens for signs of extraterrestrial life has stirred interest among the scientific community.

>"No one is claiming that this is the work of an extraterrestrial civilization, but it is certainly worth further study," said Paul Gilster, author of the Centauri Dreams website which covers peer-reviewed research on deep space exploration.

>The signal is from the direction of a HD164595, a star about 95 light-years from Earth.

>The star is known to have at least one planet, and may have more.

>The observation is being made public now, but was actually detected last year by the RATAN-600 radio telescope in Zelenchukskaya, Russia, he said.

>"Working out the strength of the signal, the researchers say that if it came from an isotropic beacon, it would be of a power possible only for a Kardashev Type II civilization," Gilster wrote, referring to a scale-system that indicates a civilization far more advanced than our own.

What should our first message be to them?


>> No.8307940

>No one is claiming that this is the work of an extraterrestrial civilization

Except you.
Get off of this board,
nay, this website.

>> No.8307945

scientist is clearly talking in circles so he doesn't get ridiculed in the media. but if you read between the lines, this is clearly another possible alien artifact.

this is another KIC 8462852 or Tabby Star that cannot be explained right now.

>> No.8307950

>What should our first message be to them?
fuck off, space niggers. We're full.

>> No.8307963

you are the problem.
Any 'possible explanations' should be totally and completely left in the freezer while the data is peer reviewed. Explanations should be written and discussed only between those who may understand and interpret the data.
People like you, the "you're not allowed to be skeptical of ALIENS because muh you cant totally dismiss muh valiums" faggots are the reason that even valid explanations will be tossed aside and money will be wasted because the public isn't satisfied with NOT aliens, since it's technically possible by a loose definition of the word that it MIGHT BE MUH ALIENS

the fuck

>> No.8307974

Remember when unexplained space phenomena were chalked up to the Russians?

>> No.8308002


get back on your meds, kid.

>> No.8308006


>> No.8308008
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radio-astronomy is now /x/??? wtf are you on?

>> No.8308017

Physics/astronomy/etc is all >>>/x/
Biology and chemistry are the true sciences.

>> No.8308018

A group of researchers picked arbitrarily 100 different scientific papers and tried to reproduce them. They found out that more than 70% of those papers could literally not be reproduced. Basically those papers were full of lies and p hacking.

Now science is oficially /x/ tier. This board is now only about math, the one true objective science. Go back to /x/ with your 'physics' and 'radios' and 'astronomies'. Bunch of fucking voodoo terms to me.

>> No.8308021

nice source faggot

>> No.8308026


The fact that all the 100 studies were in psychology is just a happy coincidence. This proves that science is useless /x/ tier bullshit.

>inb4 but muh phosocx is no lyk pshchorogee

Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot. You and I both know that a lot of research in physics works with stats and therefore is as vulnerable to p-hacking as psychology.

Go the fuck back to /x/ to jerk off to your voodoo magic.

>> No.8308028

>The fact that all the 100 studies were in psychology is just a happy coincidence
you might want to get checked for utter retardation

>> No.8308030

But it is true though. Do you know fucking elementary set theory? Psychology is a subset of science.

The statement '100 studies in psychology could not be replicated' is literally equivalent to the statement '100 studies in SCIENCE could not be replicated'.

Do you see it now? You fucking ignorant. Learn some math for fucks sake and get the fuck back to /x/.

>> No.8308031

>100 studies in psychology
>this proves that science is useless
it proves psychology is unreliable and largely unrepeatable.
It proves that the methods used in the psychological studies are invalid for use in psychology.

Believe it or not, you're the one making logical leaps here,
you fucking autist.

>> No.8308034

All squares are rectangles
but not all rectangles are squares.

>> No.8308036

Please read >>8308030

By the way, I already mentioned how a lot of physics research deals with statistics and is therefore as vulnerable as p hacking.

The fact that these studies were all in psych is a happy coincidence. If someone were to make the same study with 100 physics studies relying on stats I bet the results would be the same, it is just more expensive to do physics research.

>> No.8308040


>ITT: /x/ physics-posters sperg out against facts.

>> No.8308041

Actually, I'm a chemist.

>> No.8308046


Back to /x/ please. Fucking 'bonds', 'stereocenters' and 'acids'... sounds like a bunch of voodoo terms to me. More like /x/tereocenters am I right.

>> No.8308047

>I bet
real fucking hard facts right there bubby

>> No.8308050

I already gave you the facts. Most research in science can not be reproduced. You just don't want to believe the facts.

>> No.8308052

you're right
I should just go back to school for computer science and philosophy, the only real sciences at this point.

>> No.8308054
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The only fact you've provided is that 70% of psychological research is unverifiable/unrepeatable.
Please stop samefagging now, /sci/ lets you bump your own threads for like 48 hours.

>> No.8308058


More /x/ tier bullshit. Only mathematics is real. CS as a subset of math works.

Sounds more like 70% of stat based research cannot be reproduced.

As I said, the fact that all 100 papers were in psychology is just a happy coincidence. Back to /x/.

>> No.8308065
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>it's a self proclaimed mathematician can't into probs episode

>> No.8308081

why the fuck would anyone want to signal these ayys?

seriously, anything more advanced than us will fuck us sideways if they find out about another intelligent species. There is no probability of these aliens being friendly. If we humans are the jews hiding from the nazis in the walls, you dont sneeze on purpose

>> No.8308083

>But don't get your tinfoil hats out just yet. As Nick Suntzeff, a Texas A&M University astronomer, told Ars Technica, it wouldn't be surprising if we were just listening to ourselves, as the signal was observed in a part of the radio spectrum used by the military, for communication between ground stations and satellites.

Just another signal we sent to ourselves. Nothing to see here.

>> No.8308085

>Your hope and optimism

Sorry guys.


> Because the media has it, and since this business runs on media, everyone will look at it. ATA is looking at it. I assume Breakthrough will look at it. Someone will look at it with Arecibo, and we'll be along for the ride. And I'll check the SETI@home database around that position. And we'll all find nothing. It's not our first time at this rodeo, so we know how it works.

>> No.8308098

Too bad our experiments are always reproducable and claims are empirical. :^)

>> No.8308117

At least constrict your idiotic claims to experimental physics so your claims will be just stupid and not also self contradicting

>> No.8308239

>>What should our first message be to them?

None. Seriously guys, if you are living in a fucking vergel, green, blue paradise full of life, why the hell are you gonna call some unknown civilization to make them realize you exist? what if they are the niggers of the universe?

Nah, seriously, I think trying to contact with other planet would be the biggest mistake of our history.

>> No.8309103

>Implying we wouldn't outsmart them
Tbh a global armed forces would be sex

>> No.8309121

mostly due to SJW's fucking it up

>> No.8309127

psychology is vulnerable because it isn't a science, the real fucking sciences are physics, chem, and math. you faggot.

>> No.8309132

>human is a subest of mammal.
>cat is a subset of mammal.
>thus human is cat.
solid reasoning there

>> No.8309133

t.guy who cant do maths

>> No.8309358
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>it's a engineering drop-out decides to be a little memster to drown out the depression that he couldn't even qualify for a major less rigorous than actual physical sciences episode

>> No.8309369

Thats hard to believe. We have been listening to space radio signals for more than a century and we didnt get nothing yet. That means that when we get one, that radio signal should be from a civilization that have been using it longer than us and they should have more developed tech.

>> No.8309493
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The real question is what a super advanced civilization would want with us? They don't really need our resources and we are not a threat. They would not have a desire to change us since we are probably the equivalent of an exotic animal to them. They might just want to vacation here or just take in some of us as pets. Sex would also be fine with me. Or doing drugs together while watching x files.

>> No.8309980

There's bound to be tech we ha e that they don't. A lot of tech development is tied to available resources, the environment, what animals are available, etc. Think about all the tech that didn't mutually exist between the more advanced China and the west a thousand years ago. Or between native Americans and Europe.
But I expect cultural exchange to ne big, since information transmission is relatively cheap, and even something that seems alien or primitive can me novel or entertaining.

>> No.8310010

come back once you're all not phil majors under different packaging

>> No.8310048
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>The real question is what a super advanced civilization would want with us?
They'd send us some technology plans with a promise of unlimited energy and they'd also send us plans for some amazing vehicle that can travel through wormholes. Then they'd just watch us blow ourselves up.

All for ayylien keks.

>> No.8310056

>while the data is peer reviewed

You don't understand how any of this works.

You're right that there's no chance this is "aliens" and that the anti-"skeptic" people are retarded, but jesus christ is your post awful.

>> No.8310067

If we're the first intelligent life they've discovered as well then pure curiosity is a fine motivation. It seems likely that most intelligent life is curious.

>> No.8310081

This is true. Not that long ago a quantum particle was detected with high sigma, dozens reproduced the result. All p hacked... No particle.

>> No.8310084

Can anyone get me the pic or gif that a certain telescope took of space, it captured light from there for however long and it showed like millions of galaxys and shit..i cant find it

>> No.8310562


>> No.8310615

If the signal is 95 years away, then the aliens could well be dead by now. They might have even forgotten they left the radio on.

>> No.8310690

Bit of a stretch to believe a 'civilization' harvesting an entire star wouldn't already have the means to detect/FTL travel to our planet.

Maybe it's already been there done that?