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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8306358 No.8306358 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Bachelors in engineering, MSc in Physics
>Tinder date with QT
>Tell her I'm halfway done physics Phd
>"Yeah but you're an engineer right? That is so cool! Are you going to get an engineering job Anon???"

What meme magic must I perform to rid myself of this engineering degree anons?

>> No.8306362

she wants the [math] wallet [/math]

>> No.8306365

>be an engineer
>get laid because of that
>get mad it wasn't because of physics
You are /sci/, good job anon

>> No.8306411
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Thanks, glad my brand of autism fits in around here

Any other /sci/entists using Tinder? Any stories?

I spent a year working for Google - using a photo of myself as a Google employee as my first pic gets me way hotter women than I have any right to be dating. In fact, no less than two women have told me they only dated me because I was a Google employee.

dm;hs but still feelsbadman

>> No.8306440

So she didn't give a fuck about about the physics degrees but cared about the engineering ones?

>> No.8306444

>Be in Tinder
>Tell I have a degree in CS
>Women are like "Never message me again, code monkey!".

>> No.8306472

Yeah. It's actually a common theme with the uneducated Tinder randos.

Seriously if you want to get laid, tell a single mom that you are an engineer who worked for Google. It's as if pants never existed from that point on.

>> No.8306501

> be an engineer
> get miles of big cocks in my ass everyday
> GOSAD since the beginning of my studies (Gallons Of Sperm A Day)
> get mad because miles are imperial systems
fixed that for you :^)

>> No.8306502

You know you don't have to tell girls about your engineering degree, don't you?

>> No.8306598


>> No.8306606


>> No.8306659

>this happened

>> No.8306736

Don't tell women what degree you have or where you work, when they ask just answer shit like "I work with computers.", "I'm a programmer.", "I do math/physics stuff with computers." or even some broader shit. If they stop talking to you then they want the money and the engineer/Google employment.

Oh and try to meet women irl.

>> No.8306748

>What meme magic must I perform to rid myself of this engineering degree anons?
Apart from the fact that engineering is commonly associated with money I think people also think of engineers as practical people. Women might like someone practical more than someone with an "obscure" degree like physics. All she knows about physics is that it was hard for her in high-school.

Mostly it's just money though.

>> No.8307738

>Apart from the fact that engineering is commonly associated with money
Don't most engineers not even make that much? Like, I know it's decent money, but it's not golddigger level money like it is for doctors or dentists or whatever. I'm aware it depends on the type of engineer, but most engineers don't work for big oil or with nuclear energy so I don't know where this money meme comes from.

>> No.8307756

This is anecdotal evidence, but I consider myself to be an idiot and I'm starting my senior year with a 2.9 in EE and I already have a job offer for 80k in a relatively inexpensive area.

It's not crazy huge money, but it's a pretty comfy salary and it only takes four years to get there.

>> No.8307760

It's b/c they want dat dank cash flow boi.

>> No.8307763

I should have studies engineering. I could have learned pure math stuff in my spare time. At least I'm not homeless, I guess.

>> No.8307768
File: 660 KB, 1106x1012, screen shot 2015-07-30 at 2.31.57 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting laid

>> No.8307769

Shit, maybe I should`ve went into EE instead of maths...