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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 116 KB, 1936x664, 1464669294406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8303980 No.8303980 [Reply] [Original]

A few months ago an anon posted his book collection taken from the /sci/ wikia, and gave us the mega link. Since then, the mega link has been taken down. I've reuploaded it to torrent for others to peruse.


>> No.8304037

Are these good quality files?

>> No.8304043

> Not using school's library.
> Destroy eyes.
> Just /sci/ things.

You're science majors not ebook-collecting majors. Don't pretend you're gonna read it in your room. Go to the library, open the book, do the exercises.

>> No.8304056

Thanks senpai


>> No.8304071

These better have hyperlinked table of contents

>> No.8304090

This might save me $400 in textbooks

>> No.8304180

From what I've read from it, yes.
It's not hard to read textbooks on a computer. If you're reading this right now, you can comprehend English text on a computer. That alone is good enough. You will have to train yourselves to use bookmark functions, highlight etc. Evernote/OneNote is good for this if the textbook isn't OCRed.

>> No.8304245

whats in 'interesting books'?

>> No.8304267
File: 101 KB, 1141x576, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I answer your question I must clarify that the picture in OP is from the guy who originally uploaded it on mega. In the Electrical Engineering folder I couldn't find the Interesting Books folder, but in the Computer Science folder I did find pic related.

>> No.8304277


>> No.8304283

What is this "mega" site?

>> No.8304284

Many of them do

I'm happy 4u, you should use libgen.io and other book stealing sites as well to maximize money savings. Textbooks are a fucking scam.

f.lux my man, no eye destruction. Ebooks are perfectly readable on a computer with a good reader like Foxit

>> No.8304300

Original uploader (not OP) uploaded it to https://mega.nz/

>> No.8304625

>>Destroy eyes.
You're on /sci/, so please don't post momscience.

>> No.8304718

Very nice torrent and very nice speed.
Will seed, thanks.

>> No.8305142


>> No.8305276
File: 32 KB, 656x506, added.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, added the magnet link to the /sci/ wikia.

>> No.8305611

thanks so much

>> No.8305775

> Destroy eyes.
Post proof or >>>/x/

>> No.8305779

Complete beginner at torrenting here. Do we need seeds in order to download? I see that nothing is downloading at my side, and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong either.
-downloaded bittorrent
-pasted magnet link
-nothing moves

Apologizing in advance if I sound like a buzzkill here

>> No.8305780

Oh now it's working. Thanks anons, whoever it is that helped me out here!

>> No.8305861

Added to my raspberry pi seedbox. Will share the love.

>> No.8306278

Thanks senpai.

>> No.8306554

There is so much to absorb!

>> No.8306851

So... After scanning the file there appears to be a malware/trojan in the form of embedded code in the textook: "Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software."

Should I be worried OP?

>> No.8306886

Probably example code
Read it in a sandbox if you're so worried

>> No.8306982

aha thanks!

>> No.8307602

Still seeding at around 330-400 kilobytes/sec boys

>> No.8307611

Both of you are trolls or retards.

>> No.8308095

bump so thread doesn't die

>> No.8308267

>chem folder contains books on group theory
bump for the good stuff

>> No.8308404

>Some files missing in the compressed files
anyone else getting this error?

>> No.8308418
File: 7 KB, 848x117, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the files names are too long, so I would suggest making another partition for Books, like I did in pic related. That alleviated any extraction errors I had.

>> No.8308427


>> No.8308510

Can anybody confirm if this has the following books?

> The Mental Calculator's Handbook by Fountain and Koningsveld
> A Primer of Abstract Mathematics by Ash

>> No.8308605

If someone shows me how to upload it (to a complete computer retard), I'll upload my bourbaki collection

>> No.8308626

Compress the folder to 7Z, RAR or ZIP, and upload it to https://mega.nz/
It doesn't unfortunately. The anon who originally uploaded this stated that he got all of this from the Internet.

>> No.8308627
File: 147 KB, 401x439, 1472507793154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8308631

Had to anon. The computer I was uploading it from wasn't my own so I couldn't create a partition to seed from (as I stated above the file names/directories are too long for Windows to handle)

>> No.8308679

Any seeds?

>> No.8308784

Transmission doesn't recognize the link.

>> No.8309063

It should be able to, have you tried googling your error?

>> No.8309128

I can't thank you enough for this, anon.

>> No.8309467

yw senpai

>> No.8309479

I'm not understanding, what is the problem?

>> No.8309486

I'm a retard then, care to explain why?

>> No.8309652

Doesn't that break Wikia's ToS?

>> No.8309790

forgot to zip it but


>> No.8309798

forgot the key

>> No.8310087

I live off campus

>> No.8310125

Thank you

>> No.8310466

Removed it, since it violates the Users Conduct.
It doesn't allow the peer to view what's inside the archives, though in this specific case I can't see why that would matter when a full list is available on the wikia.
Thanks for this.

>> No.8310749

>/sci/ wikia
Speaking of, I think the chem page needs a beefed-up orgo coverage.
At a minimum, March and Carey/Sundberg parts A and B added to the grad section, which we could organize topically.
Maybe the "orgo supplements" section split, its elementary material made an orgo subcategory and its more advanced material (Anslyn, I believe, qualifies) put by March.
I'm a fan of Bachrach for computational chemistry. Couldn't hurt to make a note Szabo/Ostlund is a pretty good theory companion to the more applied texts.
Would like to see some anons rec some drug design and process chemistry texts.

>> No.8311056
File: 2 KB, 249x33, ss (2016-08-31 at 08.56.35).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put the torrent on my seedbox, happy reading /sci/ friends

>> No.8311243

Add it to the wikia senpai :) it'd help out everyone
thanks friend

>> No.8311267
File: 21 KB, 862x127, 1472654812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it takes a few moments before you fully connected to a tracker.

you can seed if you want. general rule is: if no one seeds the torrent is dead, so it is up to you and other users to keep the torrent alive.

right now there are a bunch of servers connected to the torrent, which is always a good thing because: 24/7 uptime, insane speeds, keeps the torrent from dying

also thanks for the speed
>pic related

>> No.8311326

This is what you get for being a windows cuck in 2016
>260 character limit on fully qualified filenames (that is, path+flename) coded into the file explorer
>the actual limit of filenames in NTFS would be around 2^16

>> No.8311781

>implying its their fault that the author of that pdf is a fucking retard

>> No.8311798


>I can't see why that would matter when a full list is available on the wikia.

I could pick out only the files I want if it wasn't compressed

>> No.8311801

what else other than torrents should u use to archive things

>> No.8311819

>you're a fucking retard for using long filenames
Or maybe he used linux when naming the file. and forgot about how limited windows is.

>> No.8311822

>Or maybe he used linux when naming the file
typical linux fags. cant even into file names

>> No.8311861

He meant that the pdfs shouldn't be inside zip files.

>> No.8311862

no he didnt

>> No.8311870

you're fucking retarded, zip, rar, 7z and other similar files are often referred to as archives. You should seriously consider killing yourself you fucking retarded underageb& piece of shit.

>> No.8311883

ok you are right but youre still a faggot for calling other people names

>> No.8312531

Can't believe I forgot about this. Yeah you're right. Though downloading 15GB these days is trivial, even for people like me on a 4MBit connection.

>> No.8312757

>downloading 15GB these days is trivial
and has been left as an exercise to the reader

>> No.8313304

Since we can't add the magnet link to the wikia itself, could we add it to Google Sites site in the sticky?

>> No.8313396

You can make it 13GB if you use djvu files

>> No.8313407

you could add it until the admins took it down.
the page on websites to get books has been up there since soon after the the wiki was created

>> No.8314091

Good point, the wikia site overall doesn't look to be that moderated. Of course, can't say for the /sci/ wikia itself..

>> No.8315946

I don't suppose you could all be good sports and start seeding, as I only just started the download a few minutes ago. Thank you for your assistance.

>> No.8317066

Is it not being seeded atm? I assumed there were seedboxes connected to it so I stopped seeding, I was spending too much bandwidth.

>> No.8317163

Thanks I am nabbing them now

>> No.8317174
File: 507 KB, 1920x1080, 1472791605879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My uni's library is shit with basically nothing else than probability and ANALysis, so my algebraic studies have been built upon books I've downloaded. All it takes is self discipline, a property too many lack.

>> No.8317882

I'm perma-seeding it.