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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 56 KB, 497x499, 1467029741547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8303846 No.8303846 [Reply] [Original]

>So, you're a mechanical engineer...
>Can you fix my car ?

>> No.8303854

>So you're a sexological engineer...
>Can you fuck my ass?

>> No.8303866

sure can. i bill at $300 an hour + parts and tip.

>> No.8303883

>"So you did math. What is going on with interest rates right now?"

Not joking this actually happened.

>> No.8303889

it really didn't, right?

>> No.8303903

>Not joking this actually happened.
That's still mathematics.
The problem is that they expect you know everything.

>> No.8303905

>So you're a chemist
>Can you fix my car?

>> No.8303944

>So, you're a philosopher
>Can you prove I exist?

>> No.8303959

>interest rates
is adding numbers mathematics too? is changing a lightbulb electric engineering?

>> No.8303976
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>be in high school
>talk to aunts and uncles
>"You're really smart anon, I bet you'll cure cancer someday!"
>"actually I'm really more of a physics person..."
>"Don't be silly anon, you can do it!"

Every time.

>> No.8303986

There are countless fields related to mathematics and finance. Majors and single courses as well. I wouldn't be surprised if more mathematicians knew about the market than mock functions. Fucking retard.

>> No.8303993

>is adding numbers mathematics too?
>is changing a lightbulb electric engineering?

>> No.8304015
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>So you're and aerospace engineer?
>You must really like planes

Planes suck, but analyzing weight-optimized structures under complex loading is dope

>> No.8304076

wow u sure are a special snowflake

>> No.8304086

>mechanical engineer
>knows nothing about cars

>electronics engineers
>can't analyze everyday commercial circuits

>chemical engineers
>can't do chemistry in his kitchen

If you fit any of those descriptions you're just a faggot who went with the flow in school and has no passion for what he does.

>> No.8304120
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Thanks, my mommy agrees

>> No.8304183

>So, you're a computer engineer
> Can you change my firefox homepage?

>> No.8304187

>So you're an engineer
>Can you have sex with a woman?

>> No.8304193

even civil engineers can use ansys bro.

>> No.8304201

you misunderstand. engineers know about those things. OP is salty about peoples pleb tier understanding of what engineering is.

>> No.8304206
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> So you're studying psychology
> What do you see in my train of thoughts ?

>> No.8304224

>meet a concert pianist
>"even my six-year-old cousin can play the piano, bro"

>> No.8304236


>> No.8304242

>studying psychology

>> No.8304248

Yeah I guessed someone would say so :/

>> No.8304251

Psychology and sociology; the two hardest sciences there are.

>> No.8304265

is this b8 ? copy-pasta ?
Or are you someone I'd never hoped to find here ?
I'm studying psychology because I want to change the movement, to register an actual method of understand what we call "the mind", I'm getting myself into a lot science on the side, just so I straighten my reasoning, etc.
I intend to make psychology the hardest I can find

>> No.8304271

I know man.

I major in gender studies, and I want to change the movement, to register an actual method of understand what we call "gender", I'm getting myself into a lot of science on the side.

>> No.8304276

> ok I just go b8'd

I know man, life is hard. gimme a hug

>> No.8304304
File: 63 KB, 800x557, 1472250560512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am a geologist

>> No.8304305

>chemical engineers
>can't do chemistry in his kitchen

Define "do chemistry in kitchen".

>> No.8304307

>be artist
>can you draw me this?
>sure that'll be 350 bucks
>make 350 bucks

Scientists don't actually like fun do they?

>> No.8304313
File: 58 KB, 1191x670, sfm_poster__meet_the_medic__red__by_patrickjr-d5gts1y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am a biomedical engineer

>> No.8304327

>so you're a computer scientist?
>how's your AI going on?

>> No.8304499


cringe post

>> No.8304504

he's right

ever since that dumb movie, people keep asking about artificla intelligence

>> No.8304516

>so, you're in grad school for chemistry?

in all honesty, the stereotype should be everyone is an alcoholic. That would be extremely accurate.

>> No.8304534

Geologist already took that stereotype.

>> No.8304544

>topological optimization
>no topology at all

>> No.8304587

Whip up a mean batch of fettuccine alfredo

>> No.8304758

what do you mean stereotype,it's true

>> No.8304987

stereotypes exist for a reason, anon

>> No.8305002

>you're just a faggot who went with the flow in school and has no passion for what he does.

I don't know how to have passion. I've never really enjoyed or wanted to do anything in life.

I just exist.

>> No.8305822
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>> No.8305825


Soulless chink detected.

>> No.8305828


>> No.8305842

You can't argue with my dubs

>> No.8305849


>> No.8305850


>> No.8305876

What is a "woman"?
Does it come with Bluetooth?

>> No.8305885

Got asked this twice in the same week by 2 different people
>What's your major?
Computer science
>So can you hack Apple stuff, like ipads and iphones?

Not even kidding you, 2 different people asked if I could hack Apple products.

>> No.8305907

> so have you made an app yet? you know I heard that there was this 15 year old kid who made one and became a millionaire why don't you try that?

>> No.8305998

You should be able to do that.

>> No.8306048

>Is changing a lightbulb electric engineering?
Well it aint rocket science!

>> No.8306055

slang for clandestine production of methamphetamine

>> No.8306082

I thought it was ordinary cooking.
Am I underage on the inside?

>> No.8306090
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>so you are a biologist
>what is that plant

>> No.8306091

>tfw biologist
>if i cant identify, give a random but long latin name

>> No.8306093

What's the problem? Can't keep up with some finance news?

>> No.8306096

medical physics my dood

>> No.8306100

>so you're an engineering student
>can you repair my iPhone?
Happened last month.

>> No.8306114

I feel as if that's not the anon's complaint.

>> No.8306164
File: 80 KB, 592x496, 1471505810454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is good if you git gud

>> No.8306198

what movie

>> No.8306225

Has he been infected?

>> No.8306241

"yeah I guess so""

>> No.8306282
File: 34 KB, 400x388, harmed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Studying Psychology because I am too dumb for a real Science
>Father is an Engineer
>Mother is an Engineer
>They are always make fun of me
>They make the jokes constantly
>'hey family psychologist, can you explain why I FEEL like a Burger for dinner?'
>'hey family psychologist, do you FEEL like cleaning up your stinky poop stains from the toilet?'
>they always make fun of me around friends
>at a restaurant
>cute waitress is being nice to me
>dad laughs
>feel under a great amount of pressure
>giggle and say to the waitress 'i-i-i-t says that I need sex from a cheeseburger waitress'
>she gets creeped and stops hitting on me and flirting
>they are very upset with me always
>dad makes me give him 'psychological assessments' by making me guess what he is having for breakfast
>if I fail he adds 5 euro to my rent

You real scientists have it easy

>> No.8306354

Christ dude get off your high horse.

>> No.8306404

>everyone tells you they have a million dollar app idea and want you to program it for them

>> No.8306443

>>giggle and say to the waitress 'i-i-i-t says that I need sex from a cheeseburger waitress

>> No.8306460

oh my fuck my sides

>> No.8306628

>>why I FEEL like a Burger for dinner?
Because you're a fat fuck that can't cook

>> No.8306669


>> No.8306680


>> No.8306713

>Engineer =/=scientist

>> No.8306716
File: 26 KB, 929x331, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why would you do this?

>> No.8306722

yes, I can fix your car. But my back hurts because I spend so much studying mechanics, which is completely unrelated to my ability to fix cars, but I can do them both anyways because I don't want people to think I'm not passionate about mechanical engineering. Laying under a car burning the back of your arm on your shitty metal incandescent lamp while breathing in the stench of warm wd40 while you scrape the back of your knuckles trying to remove some bolt buried in an impossible to reach place because some retarded mechanical engineers can't be bothered to imagine how people will ever work on the things they design, while you install some shitty replacement part that you know will fail in a year because your too cheap to buy from the dealer and it was made in china where there are no real mechanical engineers and the steel was not heat treated properly and the bolts will strip or break or gaskets will leak or whatever and nothing was made up to original spec designed by the mechanical engineers thus making me swear that when i design a part I will do a better job and won't put a bolt in a hard to reach place, then my boss tells me that I have 1 day to design a bracket to mount some shitty unnecessary turbo tabulator on the underside of some hard to reach place causing me to rush to finish the design and placing the bracket and the part in a hard to reach place where some other poor mechanical engineer will scrape his knuckles bloody trying to install just so that people know that he is a serious mechanical engineer and can also fix things with his hands and not some nerd who doesn't know how to work on cars. so what was the original question? whatever forget it just gona go kill myself

>> No.8306753

Ever heard of run on sentences?

>> No.8306760

punctuation is for plebes

>> No.8306767

to find my posts later on the archive

>> No.8306776

nice post

>> No.8306780

Nice copy-paste.

>> No.8306817

this is a genuine 4chan original

>> No.8306822

>oh your a penetration tester
>Can you hack my ex's Facebook?

>> No.8306830
File: 106 KB, 701x687, mr.dubsman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"so you're an economist...
>what stocks should I invest in?
>how do I be the Wolf of Wall Street?
>how do I get rich quick?
>why aren't you a *real* science? (t. engineer/biologist/computer scientist/psychologist)"

>> No.8306832

>oh you have a top secret clearance
>Are aliens real? Who killed Kennedy?
>Oh you used to be infantry?
>How many people you kill?
>Oh you're an electrical engineer, can you get me free cable?

>> No.8306839
File: 17 KB, 405x289, 12938472834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"oh you play in a band? can you learn a couple dozen songs and play my wedding? I can't pay ya but drinks are free!"

>> No.8306847
File: 566 KB, 900x900, 1463103529395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, you're a dentist...
>You must be rich
Still living with my parents
Im 24

>> No.8306873

It's cos your 24 mate, you finished school like yesterday. In 30 years time if you're not rich, you have fucked up severely.

>> No.8306884

350 for a drawing?
Wow I could get a ps4 and a few games instead.
>Buys ps4
Sorry anon it looks like you're gonna have to find a real job

>> No.8306885

I know I have.
Ive chosen difficult path in profession that doesn't pay at all in a Balkan country.
it is what it is

>> No.8306888

Ex Machina

>> No.8306892

Nice Pepe.

>> No.8306896

>Not becoming a civil engineer
Civil Engineering is the easiest Engineering discipline anon. It's not too late to change.

>> No.8306903

>Penetration tester
>Can you penetrate my Ex

>> No.8307014
File: 90 KB, 232x253, WEZ WUZ CRYSTAL GEMS N SHEEIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8307068

/sci/ btfo

>> No.8307113

nah, EE is easy if you know how to suck a good dick.

>> No.8307790
File: 10 KB, 225x225, download (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8307973

haha i have a friend on skype always asking me for my opinion on certain stocks because I did econ/math in college

that and whenever i visited my grandparents they would always put 'cnn money' on

>> No.8307980
File: 171 KB, 346x297, ComeAgain?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you fit any of those descriptions you're just a faggot who went with the flow in school and has no passion for what he does.

Confession, my dad literally laughed at the idea of me doing anything else but college and told me to go to school. So I did.

I just got a physics degree on the ride while I figure out what to do with my life.

>> No.8307985

Use chemistry in everyday life. The applications are literally limitless, yet it generally stays in the lab. Sad.

>> No.8308013


Have you touched on industrial chemistry? It's pretty big in the food and drug industries. Try analytics, because fucking everything in industry (honestly name any industry other than finance) needs someone who is legally able to say "yup that's fucked up and you gave us the wrong shit". That's just me putting the commercial spin on it. Let's not get into knowing what home cleaners you should and shouldn't mix, and being "the guy" who puts the warning labels there.

>> No.8308108

You're the first to notice in over a week
I was curious as to how long it'd take for someone to spot it

>> No.8308113

Sorry, I only suck cock.

>> No.8308126

>the two hardest sciences there are.
That's diamond studies and Dragonforceology.

>> No.8308137

> "So you study electrical engineering? Can you fix my 40-year-old stereo?"
I guess, come by and I'll have a look.
> shows up
> power it up, fiddle with the pots
> literally everything is working except the balance fader doesn't mute the left speaker unless you're grounding the pot by touching it
Do you even use that fader?
> "Well no, I keep it in the middle the whole time."
> fiddle with the cables a bit and tell him to dust out the thing
> works like a charm
> "Wow thanks bro, here's a voucher for the movies."

> "Hey my phone is slow, can you make it faster?"
> install Cyanogenmod and delete bloat
> "Thanks, here's honey and mead I made."

> "Hey my gf's phone is slow, can you make it faster?"
> CM and no bloat
> "Thanks, we're inviting you to a fancy dinner."

> "my 30-year-old 10 € radio alarm isn't working anymore pls fix"
I'll have a look.
> throw it away
> come back a week later
Sorry, it's fucked. Get a new one.
> "Cool, here's a tenner anyway."

>> No.8308362

>spending hours of your valuable time to receive small gifts

You people are the reason why job "perks" exist

>> No.8308380


>> No.8308384

how is nanotechnology engineering?
anyone know anything about it?
I think it seems cool because I'm very interested in micro organisms and biology

>> No.8308387


>> No.8308405

If by "spending hours" you mean sitting down and playing video games with buddy while waiting for files to copy, and occasionally typing a few lines in the terminal, then yes. I get free delicious stuff or movies, I get to spend time with my friends, and I get bonus karma points so I can call on their abilities or services when I need them in return.

>> No.8308425

>how is nanotechnology engineering?
It's material's science and engineering for newbie research intitutes too stupid to have had MSE departments before they discovered pop-science articles.

>> No.8308497


>> No.8308965

>>giggle and say to the waitress 'i-i-i-t says that I need sex from a cheeseburger waitress'

>> No.8309036
File: 153 KB, 580x307, 1978_Corolla_Sport_Coupe_For_Sale_Side_View_resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly if you're a mechanical engineer and you don't even know the basics of a car, you are kinda shit.

>> No.8309201

Tbh, everybody should know how cars work