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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8303750 No.8303750 [Reply] [Original]

So how butthurt will everyone be once China starts using CRISPR to breed super geniuses and proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that intelligence is 100% genetic and heritable? Will all of the "any one can be a world class mathematician and contribute bro, you just have to work 16 hours a day" brainlets start committing suicide en masse?

>> No.8303753


>> No.8303757

>The Peoples Republic of China
>doing anything original or creative that doesn't involve repression/murder

pick one and only one

>> No.8303758

I don't think you have any idea how CRISPR works if you think we're anywhere close to using it on dozens of genes in one human zygote, because that's what we'd need to do to create legit super-geniuses.

>> No.8303760

this desu.
The chinks will go down the dystopian route. As they always do.

>> No.8303761


First of all, those super genuises will probably not obey the rules designed by normals. It's very probable that if these super genuises are humans they would subscribe to some Nietzchean Exceptional Man theory or some Egoist philosophy like Stirner or Rand. They would most like abandon science for politics since it's in their best interest to subject the world with their superior intelligence.

>> No.8303762

What makes you think a super-genius eugenics program is incompatible with a dystopian society?

>> No.8303764


>implying this idea is original or creative, at all

>> No.8303765

Im a senior in highschool and partially because of these recent developments I'm interested in pursuing a career in the field.
Honestly, what does /sci/ think will be our prospects in the coming decade?

>> No.8303772
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Are you telling me I was born just in time to die in the Eugenics Wars?

>> No.8303775

Intelligence isn't 100% genetic though. This has already been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

>> No.8303778

Our progress will be steady but gradual. Super-humans are something that we can expect when we're all old and crusty, if we're lucky. I say that as an optimist and someone very much entrenched in the field of human genetics. For now we're mostly concerned with curing genetic disease.

>> No.8303780


Size isn't 100% genetic either. Doesn't mean we can't breed giant dogs.

>> No.8303781

>100% genetic and heritable
I don't think even hardcore eugenicists can believe this.

>> No.8303783


They don't.

>> No.8303785

I'm far more curious what will happen when it is used to make superhumans and superanimals.

The olympics, horse competitions, all of it will have to be revamped or will die.

>> No.8303787

How many fucking times will I have to explain to you brainlets that '100% heritable' is a meaningless term for genetics. QUOTIENT OF HERITABILITY IS NOT A CONSTANT, IT IS A POPULATION-DEPENDENT STATISTIC.

>> No.8303793

All controversial research has a cost. The price for genetic engineered humans is a piece of your humanity. Let China do the research, pay the price, then everyone else can enjoy the rewards guilt free.

PS - What do you think China will do with their "failed" experiments in human genetic engineering? You can be damn sure it's not as kind or liberal as what Americans would do.

>> No.8303796

I think you mean
>What makes you think a super-genius eugenics program is incompatible with a Utopian society?

There is no such thing as a Utopian society and it honestly sounds boring to live in. But this form of Eugenics definitely has the possibility of breeding a more dystopian setting in the hands of chinks.
>Chinks literally breed party loyalists and collectivists
>Engineer discontent out

I don't have much experience in the filed but to me it looks much like the setting for a boom. Treating and preventing cancers and heritable disorders when other means have proven unsuccessful sounds exciting.
We have decades of experience with slicing certain traits into animals. Our ability to catalog the affects of these genes will only grow exponentially right?

>> No.8303807

You're right, actually. Point conceded.

>> No.8303812


Yes and in population of smart people the probability is even higher that smarter people will be born.
Whats your point?

>> No.8303816

Ditto if the Nurture vs Nature debate is appropriate for /sci/ because psychology is a fake science. :^)

If you trust modern """psychologists""" the figure they give goes from 45-75% nature. Even if Intelligence is not completely heritable you could turn the "average" human being into a genius by rigging his genes alone.

>> No.8303868
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>Intelligence isn't 100% genetic though. This has already been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

>> No.8303906
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That Australian chink who is to smart for his own good

>> No.8303913

biology/medicine is the last of the low hanging fruit in science.

>> No.8303927

Thanks, thats what I was thinking. We know so little about whats so close to us.

>> No.8303928

My point was only that op was wrong about that particular fact. Obviously even a baby could tell you that smart people are more likely to have smart babies, but I never implied otherwise.

>> No.8303930

>the brain operates independent of its environment
>poor nutrition won't decrease mental acuity


>> No.8303931

We still don't know much about the universe either.

>> No.8303939

I guess if you have a very generous definition of 'low-hanging fruit. All the major world powers pour hundreds of billions into medical research so I wouldn't say were not trying.

>> No.8303941

You're just jealous you weren't blessed with supreme intellect like Terrence Mao

>> No.8303947

true, but in terms of marketable material/stuff that will make you famous, biology has more opportunity.

>> No.8303949

You can turn the average human being into a genius by sending him to top schools which the best teachers in the world.

>> No.8303951

Believe it or not other people aren't brainlets like you who argue based on emotional investment. The reason people are saying intelligence isn't 100% genetic is because it is not, in fact, 100 % genetic.

>> No.8303957


t. brainlet

>> No.8303966

>If you trust modern """psychologists"""
hey man, psychologists make IQ tests. we all know how much /sci/ puts stock in those. psychology must be legit.

>> No.8303982
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>> No.8303989

>wearing leather sandals WITHOUT socks
plebeian brainlet confirmed

>> No.8303994

It's not the '80s anymore, bud. China is one of the leading countries in scientific output, and has plenty of top universities.

>> No.8303998
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China's already been selectively breeding for intelligence for decades, the same way they've been breeding for athletic talent.

>> No.8304004

>intelligent person
>taking Rand seriously

>> No.8304008
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They bred Terrence maione the math guy

>> No.8304009

Newton was a super genius and he was obsessed with nontrinitarian Christian mysticism.

>> No.8304010
File: 62 KB, 620x349, be-the-best-mathematican-in-the-world-and-this-too-could-be-your-wife-21456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll be reborn as a mathematical prodigy but have to settle for this.


>> No.8304016


yes please

qt family

>> No.8304018

I'm not sure that's true. A lot of what they produce is plagiarized, and what isn't is dubious

>> No.8304017
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Terrence maione the math guy

>> No.8304019

You have no clue what you are talking about.

>> No.8304020

well at least we can get results in bio: compare this to physics, where the only way to get results is to build larger/ more powerful/more expensive colliders/fusion reactors/telescopes

>> No.8304021


>> No.8304023

>A lot of what they produce is plagiarized, and what isn't is dubious

If that were the case, they wouldn't have top universities, nor they would have a thriving technology industry. The idea of China as a country that only plagiarizes is antiquated.

>> No.8304027


t. not terence tao

>> No.8304029
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You just worship tiny chink cock don't you? Does Terrence Maione the math guy turn you on that much?

>> No.8304039
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>brainlet couldn't even mention the correct post

are you triggered ?

>> No.8304044
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>> No.8304051

Not an argument

>> No.8304062
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>selectively bred for athleticism
>can't be on a better team than the rockets

>> No.8304065

this is why i said biology is low hanging fruit. we haven't started to hit hard physical limits like in physics.

>> No.8304073

Yes it is

>> No.8304218

I've never seen a single Chinese university on a top universities list.

>> No.8304219
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plagiarized things can still make a great impact

>> No.8304523

Tsinghua University is 25th at the QS ranking (11th at engineering and technology). There are other universities at the top 100 as well.

>> No.8304858


>> No.8304952
File: 174 KB, 433x386, Screenshot 2016-08-06 at 15.19.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you said plenty of top universities, not a university at 25th in one ranking.

Chinese cultural aversion to critical thinking and lack of space for public reason (that is, not in service of the government/established society). Couple that with the perpetual corruption and nepotism at every level of society that comes with authoritarian regimes, and you'll start to understand the reason middle class, communist party members are sending their kids to the US and Europe for education.

The PRC is like a beautiful apple, rotten at the core.

>> No.8305035

The QS ranking is the most widely cited one, and other rankings place Chinese universities among the top 100 as well, having a respectable position for an asian country, similar to Japan, a country that nobody calls a land of plagiarization.

I honestly don't see what point are you trying to make here. It doesn't matter what you think of their culture, the fact that they have respected universities and a thriving technology industry should tell you they are a country capable of scientific relevance. Again, having a university that ranks 11th at engineering and technology, and other 5 universities among top 100, along with a university ranking 17th at natural sciences, with other 6 at the top 100, should tell you something.

Like I said before, your perception is simply antiquated.

>> No.8305078

>muh chinese people are smart but not creative like us true Aryans™ meme
why is /pol/ so idiotic?

>> No.8305113

>top universities
Never heard of a single one

>> No.8305115

Read the thread

>> No.8305128

They believe they're always right no matter what so they have no incentive to learn and are often wrong as a result.

>> No.8305254

They need the indians as well as the chiefs.

>> No.8305277

>super genius
>liking Rand

>> No.8305279

God fucking damnit why is /sci/ such a low IQ shithole.

>> No.8305283

>super genius
>reading some low IQ trash writing


>> No.8305296



Every fucking thing is a ripple from the splash that is cognitive ability. Cars, trucks, computers, nations, etc. Are all side effects of intelligence.

Humanity as we know it is just barely above the minimum threshold for somewhat complex thought like understanding cause and effect.

Just compare the genetics of a human vs a chimpanzee, and imagine which ones even effect intelligence.

A 25% average increase in cognitive ability to for instance Canada, would put them on par if not above USA as a world power.

That is just the beginnings of what is possible.

Imagine if China developed a highly effective nootropic which could be administered immediately. Something like this could EASILY be developed in a matter of years possibly.

Cognitive ability is fucking king. Nothing comes close. AI, narrow intelligences, genetic enhancement, nootropics, etc are going to decide everything and will completely change everything.

>> No.8305301

I dare say anyone who is doing any work not related to

a) Securing military advantage for a first strike victory
b) Securing cognitive singularity / super advantage

is basically wasting their time

Everything else is absolutely meaningless.

>> No.8305312

The irony..

>> No.8305325

This is a stupid post.

It's just the bell curve of /pol/. There are avg IQ pol users , dumb pol users, and etc.

Honestly the belief in the advance creativity of the West isn't exclusive to stormfronters.

>> No.8305327

37 million die so most likely no, unless you are in China or Africa.

>> No.8305332

If intelligence is 100% from genes, wouldn't that mean that modern humans are no smarter than cavemen ancestors?

>> No.8305335

Okay imagine evolution as a straight horizontal line with a very slight incline.

Now imagine it as a straight up and down line with a slight right tilt.

That is what will happen. Any super intelligence or genetically enhanced human will realize their next generation will also be relatively even more superior than they are over normal humans.

So basically it won't be weird to have something with 100 IQ living among something with 1000 IQ and with 100000 IQ etc.

>> No.8305339

When I can't even make a post without 4+ people replying with a fucking leaf no matter the type of post I make you tend to realize there's a problem with the intelligence of a board.

>> No.8305355

t. /pol/cuck

>> No.8305382

Why China Can’t Innovate
- Harvard Business Review

>> No.8305420

>If intelligence is 100% from genes, wouldn't that mean that modern humans are no smarter than cavemen ancestors?

1. There are a lot more humans alive now. So more rolls of the dice.
2. Selection can occur very fast. For instance everyone in a society can become over 6 feet tall if you kill everyone shorter than that.

So basically the same sort of genes existed back then, but the selection pressures might have been completely different.

It's entirely possible a caveman could have been more cognitively gifted than any human alive today. It's just unlikely due to population and selection pressures.

People in ancient societies had a much higher chance of being extremely intelligent than cavemen did. I would guess most ancient societies like Greece had high average IQ.

>> No.8305426

It is natural for you all to fear being left behind.

Don't worry: nature - REALITY - always finds a way to fuck your uppity 'innovations' into the dirt. Just like Star Trek portrays - artificially enhanced beings remain flawed because their creators were inherently flawed. A united humanity always supercedes psychopathic god-wannabees. It is a matter of volatility. This shouldn't deter you all from making the small, purely benevolent DNA edits you discover - disease eradication, night vision would be nice. Just know that it is yet another slippery slope, and it only gets worse from here. A big game of technological jenga. How high will the earthling tower soar?

>> No.8305438


The plots of sci-fi hacks don't exactly translate into - REALITY -.

I find it very suspicious when someone uses a movie or show plot as evidence of some deep truth.

Actually I find it incredibly fucking stupid.

>> No.8305442

Your writing resembles Sam Hyde's writing and speech style when he is parodying things.

Pattern matching

>> No.8305463

Will CRISPR be able to edit out my schizophrenia genes (within my life time) and allow me to live a normal life without taking brain rotting antipsychotics? Or should I just kill myself?

>> No.8305466

no idea but it should be legal to screen for those genes.

>> No.8305567
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>So how butthurt will everyone be once China starts using CRISPR to breed super geniuses and proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that intelligence is 100% genetic and heritable?



>> No.8305675

It is inevitable, maybe not the chinese, but someone will create superhumans

were all getting replaced

i cant wait