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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8300377 No.8300377 [Reply] [Original]

I stopped caring about math when I was introduced to the concept of imaginary numbers. What a crock of shit. If your equation can only be solved by inventing numbers that can't exist, like some kind of math deity , then you are fucking wrong and the math is flawed. Same for algebra solutions that basically say "the correct answer is whatever the correct answer is". Thats what the math said transcribed to words but god forbid if i wrote in down in english instead of the ancient math runes the teacher word mark me wrong.

Math is logical and numbers never lie my ass. Math is just as flawed as any other human construct.

>> No.8300379
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>> No.8300712

an equation that normally has no solution can be made to have a solution that is useful.
if u had mentioned infinite sums then that'd be a different story

>> No.8300722

All math is an invention, conceivable numbers included. That is kind of the point and why it inst a scientist. But it certainly doesn't make it useless.

>> No.8300736

>why it inst a scientist
Lol wut? Math is absolutely a science. It's what all other sciences (real sciences, not social 'sciences') are based on.

>> No.8300739

Math describes absolutely nothing about the real world, thus it is not a science. Math can be used as a tool in actual science to describe the real world however. But the math itself is not science.

>> No.8300746

Is math empirical?

>> No.8300771
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BS Math MS Stats reporting

Love these threads.

Only come here to read the comments of the butt hurt kids who can't do basic analysis. Lel.

>> No.8300787 [DELETED] 

I'm a math pleb, what sort of math is involved in statistical ordination?

>> No.8300795

Math pleb reporting, what sort of math is involved in ordination, along the lines of community ecology?

>> No.8301059

I used to believe in imaginary numbers. For years I did not understand why people would stop and stare at me in the street. Children would run up to me, laughing, and throw dung in my face. I carried on, oblivious to the reason for my public humilation. Then one day a close friend told me why. I didnt understand, imaginary numbers were just so useful, they solved so many problems, especially in engineering. I, foolishly, ignored his advice and continued to use a mathmatical concept cooked up out of nothing to account for what should have been a blindingly obvious flaw at the core of our mathematics. I soldiered on, solving wonderously complex equations with the use of imaginary numbers. All the time I had this vague , sort of itching, discomfort in my anus. I ignored it, but as I continued to work the pain became worse, You could imagine my surprise when one day, in frustration at my increasing rectal irritation, I hurriedly pulled down my pants, pulled up a mirror behind me, and bending down so my head was firmly between my knees, I stared straight into the gaping hole that was my anus. What I saw horrified me. Besides all the wingnuts I caught a glimpse of something so terrifying that my mind almost refused to believe it. But somehow I managed to retain control of my senses and forced myself to observe the crawling horror that was so inflamming the delicate tissues of my sphincter and the passages within. It was an imaginary number dildo. How could I have missed it? There it was! Working its way rthymatically up and down my arse! Oh sweet Jesus the trauma was almost too great for me to bear. But I held on to my sanity. Drastic action was obviously needed. Quickly I read up on Clifford algebra. Within minutes the pain had gone! The dildo of imaginary numbers had vanished! I was saved!

>> No.8301096


Math is a formal science, dealing with formal systems


It's not empirical, so math is an invention. We create mathematical rules from ideas we deem to be completely true (axioms) and it just so happens some of these ideas are applicable to the real world, which is why the natural sciences use them (everything from natural numbers to vector calculus and linear algebra)

>> No.8301155

All math is lies. It is a terrible and false representation of the real world. 99.999% of all math is utterly worthless. The rest is only good for keeping track of money.

>> No.8301232

nice gondola

>> No.8301627


>> No.8301727

Literature is a science because all scientists use language to communicate.

>> No.8302175

This is copypasta from another thread. Read up on the different approaches to imaginary numbers, they're really quite beautiful. I can give you some recommendations if you like.

>> No.8303164

no, its copypasta from 5 years ago

>> No.8303233

Not related and I know it is bait, but I want to start learning maths since the roots to the top. Any good .pdf(s) you guys know?

>> No.8303264

What is phase OP?

>> No.8303277

Oh yeah physics equations that are all variables are bullshit because there are no numbers right? Just because your mind can't grasp the concept that math isnt just plugging in numbers and getting an answer doesn't mean that math is useless. You're retarded, come back when you've taken a physics course or an upper level mathematics course.

>> No.8304564


>> No.8304827

has it really been that long

why can't I stop coming to this shithole

>> No.8304855

you couldn't even wait an entire day to repost this?

>> No.8304919
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this copypasta needs to stop

>> No.8304928


>> No.8304995


>> No.8305007



>> No.8305089

Science and mathematics are based on philosophy.

>> No.8305093

Numbers probably exist. Though our math and notion of the logic afforded by the universe likely don't remotely approximate the actual thing.

>> No.8305893

negative numbers aren't really, we made it up. When do you have negative apples?

Imaginary numbers is just another set of numbers we made up cause it's useful.

>> No.8306232

This. Science is basically the new age religion, with its own churches and witch hunts. I can't wait for its time to pass.

>> No.8306293

This. You save this thread in a simple way.

>> No.8306302

>1 post by this ID

>> No.8306329

10/10 would read anti-science dribble again

>> No.8306732
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>> No.8306750

read godel escher bach, it will help answer your questions about why math is the way it is. Im about a third of the way through, really eye opening.

>> No.8307038

Complex numbers aren't some mysterious magic things.
They can be defined as order pairs of of real numbers (a,b) with a law of addition defined as :


and a law of multiplication defined as:


which just happens to be usefull to describe some things in nature or engineering, like electrical circuits or light propagating through matter.

>> No.8307946

Quality pasta

>> No.8308486
File: 85 KB, 785x757, pepe gonna give it to ya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saving a thumbnail

>> No.8308490

This OP, Douglas Hofstadter is a really insightful individual and explains a lot of complex issues very insightfully.

Here's a short satirical piece of his that I really enjoyed:

>> No.8308534

>square root of negative one cannot be calculated, therefore it doesnt exist at all
wew lad

>> No.8308536

I believe it was Euler who said the imaginary numbers really should have been named the orthogonal numbers.

Also it's silly to draw the line at imaginary numbers. There are plenty of real numbers which are just as silly and made up, but which serve a very useful function..

>> No.8308592


>> No.8308616
File: 126 KB, 720x480, 1471262977753.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, this bait is best bait.