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8298914 No.8298914 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't like cats then you're missing out on some very effective stress relief to be quite desu.

>> No.8298927

>feeling stressed
>stroke cat
>cat digs claws into my hand and bites me
>stress increases

>> No.8298970

I'm allergic.

>> No.8298981

I'm allergic and I have a cat.

>> No.8298983

Fucking disgusting animals

>> No.8298985

Learning the way of the cat is the only path to enlightenment senpai

>> No.8298990

they cost too much and they don't give a shit about you as a person.

they'd be as happy with another as long as sufficient food is provided.

fuck domestic animals, all they do is shit and eat.

>> No.8298998

>get a cat
>suffer for 2-4 weeks
>magically get rid of cat allergy
I can't guarantee that this will work but that's how my gf's brother got rid of it

>> No.8299003

what animals do give a shit about you as a person?

>> No.8299004

>inb4 dogs

>> No.8299022



>> No.8299029

they don't care about your hobbies, they don't care about your research, don't care how your day was, don't care how you feel about that one girl in calc class
they only want your attention, don't care if you're a scumbag as long as you don't hurt them

>> No.8299035

>don't care how your day was

Demonstrably false.

>don't care if you're a scumbag

Further proof they care about you.

>> No.8299043

>Demonstrably false.
how so?

>> No.8299044

i have a rabitt

>> No.8299047


>> No.8299059

He follows me around, and is generally more petable, when I've had a bad day. Normally he's a lazy shit and just lays in his basket.

Rabbits are adorable little bastards.

>> No.8299068

great data faggot
besides, cats feel when a human is sick or feeling really bad and become more affectionate

>> No.8299077


>> No.8299181

my sister's cat who hates me with a passion came to me when I was down with the flu and started purring and being all cuddly
it's as good an example as your dog

>> No.8299196

It wanted to eat you.

>> No.8299199

I got a feral kitten a while back from a farm near my house. He grew into the nicest cat I've ever owned/met. But little did I know he would also grow into a lean and muscular, 30 lb tiger cat. Dude's an absolute beast. He can stand on his back legs and pull shit off the counter-top since he's so long. Never scratches anyone and loves to eat, play and cuddle.

Cats are awesome pets. People who claim to hate them have simply never owned or interacted with a nice one.

>> No.8299203

He's been stealing your scoops, man.

>> No.8299213

He has been watching a lot of Rich Piana videos...

>> No.8299270

>>feeling stressed
>>stroke cat
>>cat digs claws into my hand and bites me
>>stress increases
>eats cat
>stress decreases
>feeds the remains to the dog
>stress decreases even more

>> No.8299278

Friends of my family had a toddler and a cat. Toddler liked to "play" with cat, a bit rough mind you. cat got enough abuse and slipped out. Toddler started crying and cat returned for more abuse.

>a nice one
Problem is there are many not nice cats. Cats around here use my garden as a toilet and I picked up 2 kg (yes, really) cat poo this spring plus the odd cable now and then.

>> No.8299288
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>Toddler started crying and cat returned for more abuse.

>> No.8299317

Cats are cool, but if you want to have an open casket funeral, don't die with one in the house.

You want to know about your cat? Look up Maine Coon. Sounds like he's got some going on in his genetic mix.

>> No.8299879

my cat is stressed all the time because he isn't allowed outside and has nobody to interact with

>> No.8299980

I'd have to pay a fuckton of extra rent money to keep one. Plus one of my housemates bragged to me about kicking a cat to death when he was younger, so I don't really want to keep one here while he's around.

>> No.8300674

I actually got over my allergies after a couple of months.

>> No.8300675

this is wrong.

>> No.8300676

anon... my cat does the same thing. I love that little cunt.

>> No.8300677
File: 36 KB, 510x370, 1470798377875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>toddler started crying and cat returned for more abuse.

>> No.8300678

Do you really think they would legit eat you?

>> No.8300679

not that anon. But yes, once they get hungry and desperate enough, they have no choice.

>> No.8300682
File: 123 KB, 720x960, 299329_109893552498213_53438139_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. I'll live on through my cat, except i'll be dead and stuff

pic related my cat as a kitten

>> No.8300687
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here's my kitto

>> No.8300715

kicking a cat lets you vent a bit, it's true

>> No.8300717
File: 300 KB, 2560x1440, IMAG0882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my cat /sci/

>> No.8300728

that's one chill pussy anon

>> No.8300843

quality cates

>> No.8300865

my grandmother has a cat like that.

every time he looks at my face he gets angry because he remembers all the times I grabbed him.

>> No.8300869

Nice man! Looks like a cat.

>> No.8300912

You just described people

>> No.8301086

really makes you think huh

>> No.8301250

You beat cats? You're awful.

>> No.8301277

cats were domesticated for no reason. they are useless.

Dogs, sheep, goats and cows were all domesticated with very specific purposes in mind.
they are useful.

>> No.8301285

Cats were domesticated exactly for rodent control, you fucking clueless retard.

>> No.8301559
File: 253 KB, 400x250, 537WJNo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, scientists believe that no one actually domesticated cats. They just hung around grain storehouses and slowly domesticated themselves as the most adorable ones were the ones more likely to get additional food and belleh rubz.

>> No.8301566

Turtles > dogs > every other animal > cats

>> No.8301580

No anon, that's what they have dogs for, the objectively superior companion species. Not only can dogs act as your best friend due to having co-evolved with us for 100s of years, they also act as guides for the blind, hunting assistance, and generally fun animals. This is in contrats to fat lazy cats

>> No.8301588

Dogs are servants. Cats are companions.

>> No.8301592
File: 105 KB, 648x518, shiba inu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opps forgot pic


>> No.8301598

Not they are both companions(better) and servants. Cats are so useless that they can't even be better that at the only thing their good for.

>> No.8301602

Animals generally are shit, really. If you want a dumb animal that can't take care of itself for entertainment, distraction or emotional support why not just get a girlfriend?

>> No.8301606

>dogfags being insecure as fuck again

>> No.8301607

this is actually even better

>> No.8301645
File: 127 KB, 513x960, Char-Ma’s_The_Chosen_One.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turtles > dogs
Go on, anon.

>Not only can dogs act as your best friend due to having co-evolved with us for 100s of years,
More like tens of thousands of years. Co-evolved is right though, it is well knwon that dogs are adapted to humans. Recently an article on BBC stated that humans have also adapted to understand dogs.

>they also act as guides for the blind, hunting assistance, and generally fun animals.
Certain anons may like to know that dogs are also trained for companionship with autistic children and are able to calm them.

>Dogs are servants.
You have never had a dog.

It is possible to have cats and dogs in the same household but there are problems, like severe halitosis for the dogs...