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File: 29 KB, 459x309, MjgwMDY3NA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8291626 No.8291626 [Reply] [Original]

It's fucking happening. The hippocampal prosthetic from Dr. Berger's group is becoming a real product now and undergoing clinical trials. This is a game changing technology because it means we can replace entire functions of the nervous system with prosthetics. Pic related.


Here's an older video describing the tech:

>> No.8292273
File: 43 KB, 550x354, ghost-in-the-shell-cyberbrain1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This literally opens the door to cybernetic memory manipulation. How long to we full on singulo?

>> No.8292359

wow that's really impressive.
I was going to post just how he's autistic and funny but that surprisingly seems to work.

>> No.8292378

Ehh? I thought we had no idea how memory works

What's the trick?

>> No.8292384
File: 57 KB, 540x531, hackerman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can it be hacked

>> No.8292594

We have no idea how or why antidepressants work but we can still engineer new ones with an acceptable margin of therapeutic value. This implant is similar in that respect.

>> No.8292664

if you access it physically yeah...

but all you'll be able to do is turn it off as there isn't much to the implant.
you can either improve memory storing inmto the brain or turn it down/off by hacking it.

Doesn't seems very worth the effort of opening someone's head

>> No.8292669

Anon you are gold

>> No.8292693

what if you can turn it up really high and then get really high? ...... or smarter

>> No.8292719

Except they don't function well over the long term. Our neural interfaces still suck and still tend to kill neurons.

We don't. we just have some big nasty mathematical function mapping what the outputs should be from a series of inputs.

Yes and no. Yes in that DBS and neural interfaces have been shown to have tremendously shitty security.

No in that what they are trying to make is some ASIC that doesn't do much more than pretend to be hippocampus tissue.

>> No.8293090

What if we never have a good understanding of how the brain works. The future just got way more cyberpunk.

>> No.8293103

How come the singularity shitposter isn't here?

>> No.8293110
File: 57 KB, 516x168, Screenshot at 2016-08-23 20:33:41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised how many people are interested in mechanical augmentation but don't drink jasmine tea. What gives

>> No.8293125

if you're actually interested, watch the video. it's not too hard to understand.

>> No.8293160

>tend to kill neurons.
I'd like to know more about that.

>> No.8293437

What powers the device? Surely they can't open up a person's head and do brain surgery whenever they need to replace a battery.

>> No.8293443


Thats not even how brains work you kike.

>> No.8293630

Is that a reference to something? I don't get it.

>> No.8293664

In most parts of the body, and the CNS is no exception, foreign bodies cause a rejection response and result in scarring. Fortunately there has been significant advancement in the production of conductive materials that do not have this response.

>> No.8293671

I'd really expect gold to work desu.