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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8287730 No.8287730[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should there be an IQ test to get into University?

Anyone under 120 shouldn't bother.

>> No.8287734

Should there be an autism test to get into University?

Anyone who's like OP shouldn't bother.

>> No.8287743

>deriving your self-worth from how well you can recognize shapes on a test.

Guess who's not reproducing! Hint: OP

>> No.8287785

Holy this this whole thread is a meme.

>> No.8287788

This whole board is a fucking meme

>> No.8287791
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>> No.8287805

Someone with an iq of 120 would know that limiting education is only going to increase the stupidity of the world.

Thats why i dont believe op is above iq 100

>> No.8287808

IQ is not static or something innate about a person.

>> No.8287843

IQ is pretty steady over a lifetime. Unfortunately, intelligence can't be improved much, if at all.

>> No.8287846

True that.
Currently developing methods to increase IQ.
(my aspie obession)

>> No.8287850

>tfw studying chemistry and IQ is 108

>> No.8287855

You're not one of those Jaeggi loving faggots are you? The dual-n-back and the rest of it is bullshit, as meta analysis has shown.

>> No.8287858
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Doing badly, I presume?

>> No.8287899

> Should there be an IQ test to get into University?


> Anyone under 120 shouldn't bother.

It's called getting a Doctor's and it's a decent enough filter.

>> No.8287993

>Should there be an IQ test to get into University?
What good would that accomplish?
You'd be excluding people who were willing to put the time and effort in to keep up, and it's not like having a high IQ prevents people from being lazy assholes.

>> No.8288560

Starting last year of undergrad, GPA is 3.50. Pretty bad.

>> No.8288570
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I've got a better idea:

Let everyone who can afford the time and money in, and then use a sort of grading system (let's call them grades) to determine who stays or not?

And if you're nearly a moron, like many jocks and at least one member of the Bush family, then you would have to possess a proven affiliation to a sports or political faction to continue...

>> No.8288597

Top kek
If you do that you have to fire 90% of educators

>> No.8288635

There already is the SAT, which is basically a glorified IQ test (minus spacial reasoning). However, there are many shitty colleges that don't really do much for you (and aren't respected) that will accept ~95% of applicants, and I would like to see some kind of warning to high schoolers. Same thing for certain majors that are easy but don't help you.

Unless your school has insane grade inflation or you are doing a dog shit easy major like psychology or english 3.50 is pretty good. Granted my example was a flagship public school with crazy grade deflation (especially for STEM), but my graduating class (in my major) had a mean gpa below 3.0.

>> No.8288645

Missed that you have a chemistry major. Depends on your school. If you go to Harvard, then yeah, 3.50 is below average (super duper grade inflation). If you go to a school with grade deflation (many flagship public schools, and some top tech schools (I think MIT, Caltech, etc. have really bad grade deflation too), then 3.50 isn't bad at all.

>> No.8289863


>> No.8289966

Shouldn't this be the opposite?
A lot of degrees are just pieces of paper that say you're willing to work in a terrible oppressive environment for at least 4 years
Why should we exclude those with lower IQs when those are the people who would need specialized education?
Wouldn't those with higher IQs not need as much education?

>> No.8290279

I.Q tests test how good you are at taking I.Q tests only.

>> No.8290312

Nice shitpost

>> No.8290333 [DELETED] 

Instead of IQ they should measure discipline/willpower. Anyone with a high school diploma can get a degree in STEM with enough discipline.

That would filter out a lot of
>smart but lazy
types that managed to go through school with minimal studying.

>> No.8290525

>Anyone with a high school diploma can get a degree in STEM
You do know most niggers graduate high school right?

>> No.8290975

Realistically its anyone under 120 shouldn't bother with STEM

>> No.8291019

>I'm a loser who has nothing going for him in life but picking out pretty shapes.


>> No.8291040

how else can you convince them socialism is good if you don't provide them with a free education?

>> No.8291042

Does not pertain to Science or Math.

sage, reported

>> No.8291221

>tfw I haven't tested my IQ in ages and have no idea what it is
Does it even matter what your IQ is as an adult? Or is it a "my kid has potential" thing?

>> No.8291287

An IQ test just tests the brain on how well it can respond to quick puzzles however shows no similarities on how well someone is able to learn or use long term memory to solve a problem or how determined one person may be to succeed by putting in alot of time and effort.

IQ does not matter.

>> No.8291327

But op, why would you exclude yourself from uni?


>> No.8291347


Mmhmm..then explain niggers.

>> No.8291361

IQ should be a factor at many things like being allowed to vote, reproduce or open a thread in sci. Not the sole one though.

>> No.8291362

Monkeys that have less hair and my bike.

>> No.8291364


In OP's case, it's:

>I could not score higher than 200 on all subjects of the SAT.
>My self proclaimed IQ is 120 so I should get in anyways.

>> No.8291365

If you score even around 110 in a "blind" IQ test (no practicing and without puzzle solving / memorization hobby) you are good to go for pretty much any higher education. Its merely an indicator that you are capable of logical thinking and not a complete retard. Rest is up to dedication and hard work.

>> No.8291377

citation needed

>> No.8292512


>> No.8292527


Don't bump this shit, you fucking dick swivel.

>> No.8292747


>> No.8292767

the SATs are effectively an IQ test.
Not exactly, some folks are bound to score higher than their IQ and others lower.
but it's practical enough I guess

>> No.8292769

We should use the proper thing.

>> No.8292773

He can recognize the fuck out of reproductive organs, though.

>> No.8292787

Which ones?

>> No.8293076

>implying OP isn't autistic