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8286789 No.8286789[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can any psychologists explain clearly why I can't feel empathy for black people?

>> No.8286791

because you're racist

>> No.8286792

i'm a quantum and i can tell it's because you're a faggot

>> No.8286796

I have noticed this as well
>Reading news article about some kid who was shot and how it affected their family
>tugs at heartstrings
>get 3/4 of the way down the page
>kid is finally pictured
>it's a black kid
>first thought was "that's misleading, it was just some black kid"
>didn't finish the article
I could design an experiment purely to test how racist certain individuals are based on that

>> No.8286806
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Because you know how much better it would've without them

>> No.8286810

You have a mental disease called racism

>> No.8286811

you'd probably get the same results if Texas suddenly left America

>> No.8286816

I ain't psychologist, but I'd assume that the amount of empathy that a person feels towards a thing depends greatly on how similar the thing is to the person.

I.e more empathy towards humans than others animals. More empathy towards people of own race vs. people of other races.

>> No.8286818


Why can't we just deport everyone who is poor, infected with STDs, and a criminal? I mean, it would be even more efficient than arbitrarily deporting all the black non-criminals and leaving the non-black criminals alone?

>> No.8286822

Hey, now we're talking
Petty crimes involve willfully defying the law- and defiance of the law is heinous in and of itself and should be treated brutally

>> No.8286874

There's a name for people like that anon: sociopaths.

>> No.8287499

social conditioning . who's the first person who used to die in all the horror movies? The slut, black person. anyone society thinks they're bad.

>> No.8287511

Because a black person hurt your feelings in the past and you lack the mental abilities to differentiate between that particular black person and the rest of them.

>> No.8287523

Because people feel more sympathy for other people than they do animals

>> No.8287531

>The US is that bad at addressing socio-economic disparity
>And some blame it on the poor
This is truly frightening.