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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8284559 No.8284559[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well /sci/? Are you dumb asf?

>> No.8284572

> Le ebin brainlets neglecting the left-to-right rule meme

People who say "DUH ITS ONE PEDMAS DUMMY" fail to remember that the you do multiplication/division from left to right, as they are encountered - putting the division before multiplication in the order of operations.

>> No.8284580


>> No.8284585


They argue that as D is before M in PEDMAS that division takes priority for some reason

>> No.8284587

6 / 2(1+2)

>> No.8284596
File: 850 B, 134x97, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8284601
File: 587 KB, 1000x1500, 1464635953783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch please

[eqn]\frac{6}{2(1 + 2)} = \frac{6}{2(3)} = \frac{6}{6} = 1[/eqn]

>> No.8284604

Pshh, easy


>> No.8284606

Wow fuck off, I did it first

>> No.8284609

Did you just divide before even multiplying what was on Parentheses?

>> No.8284616

Hold on. Everybody hold on. I want to talk about something real quick.

What is with this recent wave of Facebook memes challenging normies with order of operations questions? Does it trouble anyone else that this is a thing?

>> No.8284622

>recent wave

These have always existed.

>> No.8284624


[math] a / b(c+d) \neq a / [b(c+d))[/math]

While notation used in schools are shitty, when you write out a division symbol:
[math] a/b(c+d) \longrightarrow \frac{a}{b} \cdot (c+d) [/math]

It's stupid notation but that is how that works.

>> No.8284628
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Yes, but you didn't include a picture of a pretty Korean woman, so it didn't count.

>> No.8284630

that's incorrect though. The question would have had to read 6 / (2(1+2)) in order for you to move the (1+2) to the denominator. The correct reading would give you

6/2 * (1+2) which = 9

>> No.8284631


Carry on.

>> No.8284633


>> No.8284634


The order for multiplication/division goes from left to right.

>> No.8284636

I think a better question is

Why is the quality of that image so shit?

Did the faggot run it through an image compressor?

>> No.8284637

Wrong, 6/2 is the coefficient of (1+2)

>> No.8284641

that's incorrect though. The question would have had to read (6 / 2)(1+2) in order for you to separate the 2 from (1+2). The correct reading would give you

6 / 2(1+2) which = 1

>> No.8284643

not if you read the thread backwards

[math]2\over{2(1+2)}[/math][math]=[/math][math] 6\over2(3)[/math][math]=[/math][math]6\over6[/math][math]=1[/math]

>> No.8284644
File: 87 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160820-125504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8284650

Try it without the multiplication sign like how OP has it written in their actual question.

>> No.8284655
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>all these autists in this thread correcting the trolls

Jesus christ, people

>> No.8284658

It automatically adds the multiplication because thats the function of a coefficient next to a parenthesis.

>> No.8284662

6÷2(1+2) &= 6÷2(3) \\
&= 6 \cdot \frac{1}{2} (3) \\
&= 3(3) \\
&= 9