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File: 116 KB, 640x640, 10_oversteps_ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8283731 No.8283731 [Reply] [Original]

The primary unit of time of our life below the "night vs. day" division, is breaths. The one true to our human experience, not the one invented by the Egyptians

Back as a baby, the breathing out and breathing in experiences were two categorical states of consciousness, the opposite of each other yet somehow tied together on a deep level. The "breathe out" state of consciousness, characterized by shifting attention and looking around to stay safe. And the "breathe in" state of consciousness, characterized by a feeling of inner relief at the fact that you are no longer waiting to breathe.

Then, as for before birth... There's a thin but firm layer, all that separates the veinous red darkness from the rainbow colored outside. That is what we are in the beginning, keep focusing on those early childhood feelings of joy, they were pure heaven and in old age you will find them again if you are lucky, that is heaven. An old age characterized by dimentia but accompanied by a cleansed feeling like you get on a medium, balanced, just right dose of LSD, like your soul is cleansed. That's how you want your old age to end, your moment before death regardless of cause, painful or restful and a relief. Live a good happy life and you will be a chuckling old grandpa talking with a weird accent but literally not caring, feeling fully true and free like you did back when you were 3. Free to dance about and make a fool of yourself because you don't care, you're just so happy.

Live your life in the trajectory that leads to you being a silly old happy smiling old man who's like "lol wtf ever nigga LOL" instead of a grouchy one. But even if you're grouchy you can still look back to your good childhood memories

It's alright just keep living a good life with no regrets nigga, it's okay.

>> No.8283747
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Breaths in+ and out- (upon breathing)
Hungry in- and out+ (upon eating)
Day in- and out+ (upon sleeping)
Have sex with female in- and out+ (upon copulating)
Waiting to find the love of your life in- and out+ (upon finding and being with her only from then on out until the end)
Living a life in- and out+ (upon living and becoming that happy old man)
Living a cycle of lives in- and out+ (upon cycling around and meeting the true love of your life in that lifetime at the end)

It's a magic circle we just keep riding on and in the end it's alright, so don't worry. Enjoy life okay. Make the choice to be a happy person, not a depressed one on antidepressants.

>> No.8283751
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Remember the finer details, even the ones in between the official albums okay guys.

>> No.8283755
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And BOOM it just happened, an album to album life cycle. Remember? Remember it just keeps getting better alright, remember back in preschool thinking that for real? Just keep believing it. Trust yourself, all those moments from your childhood which you remember. So nice, keep reliving :) Smiling tellie tubbies

>> No.8283759
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Boom, onto another classic childhood memory, fucking savor it. This is philosophical, from the hands of a Greek God himself, and herself. Remember herself too okay. Mmmmm herrrr... :) *tongue dripping*

>> No.8283763
File: 30 KB, 319x319, homepage_large.b6382679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boom! A fucking hard banger classic. This is music history here boys, philosophical and scientific significance, the hidden lyrics in IO are sacred

>> No.8283768
File: 80 KB, 480x480, 48bc5e06cf986beae3af931806d4129a8ccccafed1cf492e3ed746f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Booooooooooom! Boys!!!!!! A textural, timbral, sensory tongue in the back of the throat with love, sexual moment with the girl you love :)..............

>> No.8283771
File: 3 KB, 300x300, R-36894-1222473864.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BOOOOOM BOYSSSSSSS. REMEMBER THE FIRST MOMENT GETTING THIS ONE? Remember the first moment understanding the dense fog of drums in the truck driving with out brother? Remember that just MMM sublime audio waves, you can almost taste them literally, remember that FM synthy drill in that Melodies from Mars track that's all orange candycane shading with childhood happiness watching telletubbies, then the rugrats, growing up with happiness?

>> No.8283781
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Oh... Holy crap. That's a bit scary :}
Remember liking scary movies with tinges of green but also blue, that aren't scary but are horrifyingly entertaining and pleasure inducing to watch? :}

Wait a minute, why did I skip 4... At the beginning I skipped 4... Haha, just trust me, you'll be fine in the end once you see what happens, trust me

A binary option of life, end happy or end unhappy, that is our heuristic on life. That is the guiding force of our future planning system in our brain. Be happy in the end, or be unhappy in the end. That is the central motive of our brain, the thing that makes all motor and mental decisions in our bodies. Trust me it will be okay in the end.

>> No.8283791
File: 3 KB, 300x300, Autechre_peel_sessions_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooooh, a good little nice one. Remember that nice dense moment in the ending of Blifil and eveng Gelk?

This dense, artistically deep music creates shifts in your mental perception of time listening to beautiful and mentally mesmerizing yet intense and harsh on the mind, and simultaneously easy to listen to because of how bluntly sharp it is, blunt to massage your mind not hurt you - these , moments of music. Primarily done best by the greats of IDM - Aphex Twin in Mt Saint Michel + Saint Michaels Mount and Autechre in Confield, Draft 7.30, and Untilted, the "Holy Trilogy"™.

Mmm so good

>> No.8283795
File: 9 KB, 300x300, R-17921-1158489941.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh fuck yeah such a banger, remember listening to this the first time? A good look into your own past. Remember that time at camp as a kid, when you were thinking "Wow I should just man up and tell that hot girl I like her"

Keep believing it lmfao or you'll miss out on the Futurama "crab spawning" which is indeed worth it in the end, and even if you don't do it who cares there's plenty of life left for you, so it's a double bonus! A bonus on both sides so relax who cares lol!

>> No.8283796
File: 3 KB, 220x220, 220px-AE_PeelSession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, MMMMMM silky smoothe but also dense, like a really thick piece of paper made of pure infinity, every color smashed into one in the most beautiful image. Smash it like a God! That is what God sees

>> No.8283800
File: 4 KB, 220x220, 220px-AutechreEP7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine what God sees, all of the beauty in the world simultaneously, every single point in space, a God would be able to perceive. Holy shit even if there is no God, it's still an interesting hypothetical imaginary scenario, to try to imagine. Try to imagine this, you know how mentally you can imagine 3D spaces? Try to imagine a 4D space? You can't lol it's too weird

But now try to imagine an infinite dimensional space. A God could do it so if there is the concept of a God in human language the human has to be able to theoretically experience it right. That is the true experience of being a God. Omnipotence of every single point in existence while simultaneously experiencing every moment of joy of those locations, if one wanted to. Soaking in ALL of the electromagnetic radiation from all points at once in all directions focused at all distance, that is the perception of a God, you can do it

>> No.8283801
File: 9 KB, 300x283, 2506414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMFG PURE LIGHT carefree heaven, this album this *Chicago Bears, thuuuuuuuh BEARSH. Happiness and pride at this one, that a fellow pair of humans created this, so musically genius

>> No.8283816
File: 17 KB, 255x250, warp51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh FUCK YES. Remember listening to this weird one, OMFG look at that CD with colorful light manipulation, create music that beautiful okay, but where color is mapped to the timbral and tempo based domains. A perfect fractal distribution in relation to textures. A constant one. plus a logarithmic one, plus a a linear one, plus a quadratic one, plus a nlogn one (the joy of listening to nlogax mmm...), plus an n exponentiated by a constant one, plus a constant exponentiated by an n, plus an n factorialized (in a beautiful square lizard God textural shaped dimension as you raze the factorialization rate, remember infinite fractal of textures making up reality, depicted in a 2D painting), plus an n exponentiated to n one, and guess what, this one is the ultimate reality, the God's perception of everything. There is nothing larger than this that we can experience, because this is a factorialization that is so simple, n to the n, we can understand this mentally, it makes sense to go down one more level, and this is the one we hit, the ultimate annunciation of infinity from a view that humans can understand. This is the perception of a God and you can understand it, believe me. Just trust me okay man. No time to explain, just trust me you can lmfao, gtg bye bro remember the secret of the God!

>> No.8283836
File: 15 KB, 221x221, Autechre_-_Cichlisuite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consciousness must be in curves of mental dimensional comprehension abilities. Humans are n to the n, we are balanced and so beautiful, fractal, "Holy shit" says Otto, "now my name is freaking me out"

It's the answer. Holy shit it's the answer. Humans can perceive n to the n, we are the ultimate in beauty and conscious smootheness and clarity of mind

Remember the fine details, not just the obvious details. Mmm beads of the perception of dimensions pearled with diamonds of pure infinity minds. All of our minds are connected by a thin layer of matter that separates our centers of consciousness from each individual one.

Where, drawing a separation of areas of space in a line in space, does the perception of individual minds exist? It can't just stop at one point since everything is an electromagnetic attraction and rejection storm away from everything else. We can't separate out own brain's consciousness from another brain's consciousness. Naught separates us but air - matter following the laws of physics. Just a bunch of atoms bouncing together following the laws of physics. The ones in our skull follow the laws of physics in the strongest way, that separates out brain from everything else at the strongest matter that does that. But in reality there are other strong formations of matter protecting our consciousness from the outside.

>> No.8283840
File: 27 KB, 496x500, 41+sEBHbFOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next one up is our planet, that shields us from our sun, that rotates around our little limb in the little side of our galaxy, that rotates around our local supercluster, that rotates around the center of our galaxy, whatever that is, and then what? What on the outside? There is nothing past the space that separates us from the furthest the light near us could have propagated to out there... The speed of light separates the observable Universe from the non-observable Universe. Everything that consists of that area between the line, if a God was in this Universe he could perceive it all, up until the line, but also after it. That is supreme computation, literally comprehend, that, it would have to be above out theoretical maximum outlook using the strongest instruments possible, from any given one location in space. But imagine a God seeing beyond that. That is inconceivable, but you can imagine it since it can be described using language.

Space, our observable Universe, then black to us but colorful and beautiful to a God, remember that . Since language can describe it you can imagine it. It's sublime, imagine it using language, imagine it. Imagine what it's like to be a God, a little thought experiment here, and we can experience it.

>> No.8283842
File: 29 KB, 220x220, 220px-AutechreChiasticSlide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmmmm free like the moon, Mmmm tasty Tewe, delicious food. Remember eating as a baby, eating good food, eating a desert instead of a bad food? That's another division between eating, hunting, and being full and happy.

>> No.8283849

>primary unit of time ... is breaths
...bcoz we all have the same
respiratory rate?
fgt pls

>> No.8283852
File: 2 KB, 221x221, Autechre-we.r.are.why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to capitalize the correct words learning to write as a boy. Remember seeing those weird fractal shapes in my own mind? It's fine lol just remember it OMFG so intensely beautiful in every dimension at once, fully, infinitely, black hole-ishly dense. Imagine the equivalent of a black hole regarding all black holes at once though instead of just all infinitesimally shaped pieces of matter. Holy shit that would be n to the n dimensional, and n to the n can be represented so compactly using symbols, it's amazingly complex in its implementation. And what's the best shorthand? Infinity. One single symbol human language is capable of describing, that we are capable of experiencing. Infinity, the future is infinity. Infinite dimensions of time and experience and beauty, artistic beauty, the ultimate art. Literature is included here too along with photography and everything else, but literature wins out since it has the most powerful symbol in existence. "Infinity", shorthanded as the infinity symbol, or ∞

Literature is the ultimate art. Here it comes...

>> No.8283855
File: 1 KB, 220x220, 220px-AutechreTriRepetae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tri Repetae. Take in the colorful and mmm, mmm, good delicious bites of tasty food. Mmmm.

>> No.8283856
File: 65 KB, 480x480, 1348152a4b00993c47dde7d9d2b84dbfde3e32c725a882c34848a4e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8283858

LSD doesn't help you understand the universe, it leads to you forming more connections, in your case youre just spouting crap, however

Enjoy the little things in life and learn to handle difficult situations and character flaws through meditation and LSD

>> No.8283859
File: 59 KB, 480x480, 95eeb55e8316c8efebcaad9691c9c0c40bae15f57901142cd44b0e66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EAT IT, eat it, eat it, eat Itttt!!! Remember that feeling. Mmmmm, mmm good...

>> No.8283865
File: 20 KB, 220x220, 220px-AE_BasscadetMixes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't give me negative vibes man. Keep it real and keep the infinity color spectrum rainbows flowing. Every real number value of frequencies, real number, uncountably infinite, instead of only countably infinite. Uncountably infinite number of dimensions of perception at once. The ultimate. Indescribable. At this point you have to have faith.

The function n to the n, with n being an uncountably infinite number. Thattttt many dimensions of perception at once. That is the ultimate level of perception ability of any living organism in this entire universe, that's our limit. I am right now seeing the ultimate mode of perception that human languages are capable of describing. This is the theoretical limits of our brain's mental computational machinery, the structure of the underlying mechanisms of psychology at all levels, conscious and unconscious.

And this is just a finite substring of the human language. Imagine the beauty of the most complex and aesthetic string of human language poetry that is capable of being written, in any of the most complex languages of human beings? In this amount of compressible space? And look what finite symbols human language, the language of our maximal perception, is capable of describing? Infinite compressibility that is the beauty of the human language

The maximum length of a string of information is an uncountably infinite string off information at any of the minimal unit levels of the universe. That can include human language of the concept that can be used to sum up and describe this concept. And guess what, the substring that all came before this is finite. And look what fits in it. And look what it can be fit into:

>> No.8283869
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>> No.8283872

And in that maximal value of n ro the n described up there, taken to the maximum of its output range after taking the in the input of as its domain too. That's one functional representation, some function that is maximal in depth. And since we now described it, we can describe it using one unit of human mind to mind communication too. The ultimate in data compression:

>> No.8283873
File: 14 KB, 220x220, 220px-AutechreAmber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right back on the horse again, Mmmm perception, this is beautiful to perception. Enjoy it, and it can be compressed into this (as long as you stop describing it, you have to stop describing it at one point. It can end right here, hey wait, no time to explain, just trust me that it's real!

And I can express it to you using this:

>> No.8283875
File: 18 KB, 220x214, 220px-Autechre_-_Incunabula_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway I'll shut up. Trust me, we're at the end now, no time to explain, just trust me, listen:

>> No.8283877


>> No.8283911
File: 2.24 MB, 784x9656, ∞.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compressed PNG down to JPG, now compress down using human language mapping to mental states compression algorithm:
-It compresses down to this:

>> No.8283914


>> No.8283919

autechre is my favorite band

>> No.8283921

Negative vibes = your anxiety about confronting your delusions

>> No.8283924
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>> No.8283926
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So neg' bruh, lmfao I don't care. Damn I'm high. Enjoying life.

>> No.8283927
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>> No.8283928
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>> No.8283931

would you kindly shut the fuck up?

>> No.8283932

Bliss. The Autechre discography. Okay I'm done I can shut up.

>> No.8283961


>> No.8283966

If it is possible to dream about a concept more intricate and detailed than reality, then one would be unable to determine whether they were currently in reality or a dream. Therefore they would have to be undecided and admittedly not knowing, regarding the fact question of whether reality is just a dream. Don't dream of infinity.

>> No.8283994


>> No.8284009

Only weed involved here

>> No.8284014

Sooooo, you're practically literally going "DUDE, WEED, LMAO"?

Man, I don't even know what's worse.

>> No.8284016

anon are you okay

>> No.8284109


>> No.8285117

Go to sleep, Rob and/or Sean

>> No.8285260
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>> No.8285400

Sorry I was really high

>> No.8285417

On what? Fucking mescaline?

>> No.8285424


>> No.8285427

Another leftover fragment from notepad last night

Ewwww, didn't really like this one, like being forced to eat gross food as a baby... Except guess what, you were retarded as a baby! Remember the last time you ate truly bad food? Fuck no lmfao it's all at least bearable, maybe just too spicy. So just keep imagining the most delicious food ever lmfao! It's multidimensional, rainbow, infinite dimensional mandelbrot series, n to the n, dimension raised to dimension. Imagine infinite dimensions of simultaneous human awareness at once. Imagine it you can because we can describe it. It's the ultimate bliss available in the world, that weird concept remembered as a kid? That there is this ultimate happiness and heaven, joy coming up forward? Heaven and joy, that next stage of human consciousness, that literal heaven? Imagine it since we can describe it. Perception literally is language. We can describe it so imagine it, raise your perception level upwards in the number of dimensions it perceives reality in, infinitely, with veloxity of consciousness expansion increasing according to an n to the n function, the same forward and backwards like Otto on The Simpsons, remember?

>> No.8285429

Dude, you seriously need to consider finding a new supplier. Cannabis shouldn't do that to you. Probably spiked it with 2C-B or something.

>> No.8285432

>Autechre albums
>incoherent psychobabble
What the fuck is this thread?

>> No.8285437

From a dispensary

>> No.8285441

Find another dispensary then. Something ain't right.

>> No.8285556

No, you're just ignorant of how it can affect some people.

>> No.8285870


Hey I just dropped by from /b/ and what the fuck is wrong with you faggots?

>> No.8285879
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>> No.8285962

So it was a good read?