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8283244 No.8283244 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/,

Can you educate me on bacteria?

So I understand that they are everywhere but what I don't understand is WHEN they are harmful for our health. Does there need to be a certain amount of a certain bacteria before it gets harmful or do the odds simply increase with the numbers?

How much of them does normal soap remove? How much does alcohol disinfectant remove? Do both just decrease the odds?

How far does bacteria spread out and how long does it survive on an inorganic surface?


>> No.8283265

Many great questions.

Many great questons for google to answer.

>> No.8283273

I tried google but I didn't find any concrete answers.

>> No.8283281
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>WHEN they are harmful for our health
When they get where they shouldn't be inside your body in significant numbers to colonize. Gram negative bacteria will make you feel ill if you ingest enough as their cell wall contains a component that is recognized as toxic.
How many bacteria it will take to make a person ill would depend on the general health of the human, so it varies.

>How much of them does normal soap remove?
Not perfect, but washing vigorously with soap will greatly reduce the number and chance of infection.

>How much does alcohol disinfectant remove?
It's less effective in practice as alcohol gels are not made to be washed away like soap. Better to wash with warm water and soap if possible. Better yet is bleach on counters, workstations, etc.

>How far does bacteria spread out and how long does it survive on an inorganic surface?
How far a bacterial colony spreads is dependent on factors like how hospitable the environment is to that organism, motility, generation time, etc.
Some bacteria (Genera Bacillus and Clostridium) can produce endospores that will allow them to stay in a hibernation-like state practically indefinitely.

>> No.8283284

>Does there need to be a certain amount of a certain bacteria before it gets harmful or do the odds simply increase with the numbers?
Yes and yes
>Do both just decrease the odds?
>How far does bacteria spread out and how long does it survive on an inorganic surface?
Depends on the bacteria

>> No.8283285

Google put me here

>> No.8283286

- the extreme majority of bacteria is not harmfull, they even help us in some ways
- the harmfull ones act in very different ways, extremly different. for example the one of tetanos produce a neurotoxin that block neurons work
- soap or desinfectant remove 100% of them nearly, depend how you use it. Harful bacterias aren't on your skin anyway, but inside body
- depend on the bacteria

>> No.8283302

poor thing, only wanted to exist.
we should ban immune system

>> No.8283325

>When they get where they shouldn't be inside your body in significant numbers to colonize.

So if you have a wound I guess the bigger the wound the higher the odds? Should you be worried if you just have a small cut?

So I assume that you can't really tell the odds of an infection and just assume things? Like how often should you clean your keyboard, mouse and how? How do you even disinfect a smartphone or tablet? How often should you disinfect your hands when you are outside?

Like how do you determine the boundary between what is fussy and what is reasonable?

>> No.8283341

Just decreases the numbers of specific bacteria down to a more acceptable level
Your dishes are not sterile either

Worrying about bacteria in a wound is reasonable, worrying about bacteria on your keyboard is fussy

>> No.8283345
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Unless you are immunosuppressed for some reason, don't sweat it too much. Wash your hands before eating, smoking, or putting your hands near your mouth or any other orifice. Wash them after you shit or touch anything filthy. Keep wounds clean and covered until they heal.
Generally, soil, keyboards, etc. are dirty but that's what you have an immune system for. When you pick up a handful of earth, you are holding more bacteria than people you will ever meet in your life. But they aren't harmful unless they get inside you. Exposing yourself to bacterial antigens will actually help you stay healthy, as you'll develop an active immunity to the organism. We actually have structures in our intestines that routinely sample your ass bacteria to help in providing active immunity.

>> No.8283347

You can never be clean of bacteria, I've been doing bio research for the past couple years. I have to use ethanol on all of my work stations and gloves then work within 1 ft of a giant Bunsen burner at all times flame sterilizing any bottle that gets opened. Even the it's still a real possibility that something will get contaminated.

>> No.8283353

Is just soap really enough? Could alcohol disinfectant damage the skin and thus increase the chance of infection? What about after handling raw chicken?

Is there any way to test how good my immunity is (without risking infection of course)?

What should you do if you for example drop your phone on a dirty ground?

What do you do if you fall down and bruise your hands? How much time do you have to disinfect your wounds? Also what do you do if you have many small bruises?

>> No.8283356

Yes, no, yes.
yes doctors visit.
pick it up.
If you bruise your hands you didn't break your skin so you don't need to disinfect anything. If you did break skin, sooner the better and it's never too late to clean it.

>> No.8283363
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>Is just soap really enough?

>Could alcohol disinfectant damage the skin
It will dry your skin out if you use it too often, which might then crack. Just don't overdo it.

>What about after handling raw chicken?
Wash your hands with soap.

>Is there any way to test how good my immunity
You could have a hematocrit test or white blood cell count test done by a physician, I suppose. But you probably don't need to worry about it.

>What should you do if you for example drop your phone on a dirty ground?
On soil/grass/sidewalk/carpet? Nothing.
On the floor of a public restroom? Time to get a new phone.

>What do you do if you fall down and bruise your hands?
Get back up.

>How much time do you have to disinfect your wounds?
Unless they are seriously deep wounds, just clean them when you can.

>Also what do you do if you have many small bruises?
Bruises are not necessarily infections, just burst capillaries under your skin. relax.

>> No.8283370

>get a new phone
spotted the 1%.

>> No.8283372

He a good cell. He dindu nutin

>> No.8283393
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I was trying to be humorous, but I really can't think of a place I would drop my phone that I would clean it, other than a bathroom or the micro lab.

>> No.8283399

How hygienic are restauraunt kitchens? Should I avoid cheap restauraunts?

>> No.8283441

You're getting into the clean vs sanitary realm now. Restaurants are more sanitary than your kitchen, and the majority of food born illnesses are from the home kitchen. There are classes that have to be taken to manage a restaurant; you can go ahead and cut watermelon, cook chicken, leave food out for half a day, and you won't think twice about it. Most home cooks are idiots when it comes to food safety.