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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8281297 No.8281297 [Reply] [Original]

CS major here, this thread may not be the most /sci/ related thread, but what the hell right? Anyways, why does learning not feel the way it did when I was 6? When everyday it felt like a new and curious adventure, every feeling I encountered was something unique, and every lesson I learned in school felt like a huge discovery. Elementary school in my opinion was the most happiest time of my life even if I wasn't one of the talented and smartest kids in the classroom. Now in college, I feel like a robot sometimes, just following instructions, and professors, even though they may have a passion for what they teach, really dull things down just to make sure we pass a test. What's the science behind how we felt in school as a small child, versus in a college environment? There have to be many factors to be taken in consideration...

>> No.8281300

>CS major

I am so sorry.

>really dull things down just to make sure we pass a test. What's the science behind how we felt in school as a small child, versus in a college environment?
>There have to be many factors to be taken in consideration...

Really just one. You've majored in CS.

>> No.8281301

You're a hoe lmao

>> No.8282753
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>CS major here

Stopped reading right there. Go back to /b/, brainlet.

>> No.8282771

Fuck off autist

>> No.8282802

Mods should start banning these code monkeys from /sci/. It's not real science and there is already /g/ for them.

>> No.8282807

Your life sucks because you chose CS

>> No.8282904


Probably because you're uninterested in the subject. I don't feel that way, but I did before I switched majors.

>> No.8284994

stop making fun of us CS majors :'(