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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 69 KB, 600x572, 7766c34a00ff1d14cc5e06bb0a3717a2-guy-studies-math-surrounded-by-women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8278626 No.8278626 [Reply] [Original]

Is it belived that looking/falling into a Black hole you'd be able to see all of / end of the Universe ?

Sounds like some bullshit theory. I know that you should be able to see the universe as a sphere shape where the gravity is bent but not into the future or anything, that sounds like pure BS

>> No.8278642

The idea is that because of relativity time for you passes extremely slowly relative to the rest of the universe.

>> No.8278643
File: 186 KB, 463x515, 1463011996511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it belived [sic] that looking/falling into a Black hole you'd be able to see all of / end of the Universe ?
[citation needed]

Why don't you provide more details on your ideas in order to make this a worthy discussion
or come back to >>>/x/.

>> No.8278837

Wow i would be all over that mom's toes

>> No.8278843

No you just die. Inside a black hole you are stretched and ripped apart. You just die. Sick of these "scientists" making these stupid suggestions.

>> No.8278852


In principle, yes. As you get closer to the event horizon time slows down for you and an observer outside the black hole would see you get slower and slower. From your point of view looking out, everything would speed up and get faster and faster as you approach the event horizon so that and infinite amount of time would have passed outside by the time you reach the event horizon. In principle you could get to see the heat death of the universe but in practice everything would be red shifted as fuck and you wouldn't see anything.

>> No.8278856


Inside the event horizon is therefore "beyond infinity" in a sense.

>> No.8278876

wait a minute

wait a minute

so what if you fell through the event horizon of a very large black hole, such that its event horizon is far enough away from its singularity that you don't get ripped into a plasma by spagettification, and time "froze" for you, and then instantly to you after you went over it, BOOM-you're out of it,since the black hole evaporates on a long but not infinite time-scale?

Could black holes be the ultimate time machine?

>> No.8278923

No because you would die.

>> No.8278929

There is no gravity.

>> No.8279010

dude weed

ayyy lmao

>> No.8279026

Tbh I think this is the certainty that we should keep note of

>> No.8279039

This is the reason why I think wormholes are bullshit

>> No.8280832

is no one else gonna comment on those hot feet?

>> No.8281184


>> No.8281188

>Is it belived that....

not by anybody who actually studies these things beyond getting high and staying funny shit

>> No.8281192

op who is this ultra alpha?

>> No.8281311
File: 40 KB, 244x217, stffs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it belived that looking/falling into a Black hole you'd be able to see all of / end of the Universe ?

Not even in principle. You are using coordinates badly behaved at the event horizon and drawing a wrong conclusion.

>> No.8281392

>stretched and ripped
>black hole


>> No.8281787

>Not even in principle. You are using coordinates badly behaved at the event horizon and drawing a wrong conclusion.


>> No.8281914

Isn't it the exact opposite? The more gravitational force acts on you, the faster you travel in time?

>> No.8282003

You are both right. It really depends from where you look at it.

>> No.8282097

The pic is related. You're looking at the Schwarzschild time coordinate, seeing that an infinite amount of Schwarzschild time for the infalling observer (one of the green lines) to reach the horizon, and concluding that the infalling object gets to watch the death of the universe. But that's wrong. Everything takes an infinite amount of Schwarzschild time to reach the event horizon, including the downward-going light (yellow lines) by which the infalling observer would be watching the death of the universe. So based on Schwarzschild coordinates, no conclusion can be drawn. To see what happens, you need to transform to another coordinate system which doesn't put the event horizon at [math]t=\infty[/math].

Diagrams are from
which also has a more detailed explanation of various coordinate systems which are better behaved at the event horizon.

>> No.8283340

>girl -> pawns for their natural impulses
>boy -> pawn for those controlling him

>> No.8283360

What wo u ld happen if you fell onto a neutron star? The same thing happens in a bl a ck hole only more of it.

>> No.8283366

I could have respected the fag in op pic were it not for the edgy shirt and useless calculator

>> No.8283391

>he's too busy doing KEKulus
get it?

>> No.8283402

>file name not Shinji Akari at the beach

need to work on your file names friend

>> No.8283807

who are these spermin' vermin?

>> No.8283913

Would you instantly pop out of a black hole after falling into it if it was large enough due to it evaporating and you not getting munched by spaghettification?

>> No.8283917

Wow, nice job horribly mashing Kekulé and Calculus.

>> No.8283972
File: 165 KB, 566x680, Figure-1-Penrose-diagram-for-an-evaporating-black-hole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of uncertainty in any prediction where quantum mechanics and general relativity get mixed up, but most people seem to think you still fall in.

>> No.8284074

Wait a minute
Wait a minute

So is that thing spewing time, back into the universe?