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8276903 No.8276903 [Reply] [Original]

how do I start eating healthy?

Is becoming vegan the only logical way?

beyond the animal cruelty maymays beside, is becoming a vegan the best way to be healthy and spend less money on food?

>> No.8276907

You will need some supplements to stay at the proper level of nutrients but other than that, you'll be as healthy as you were eating meat before, just less calories
>spend less money

>> No.8276910

Meat doesn't have that much calories

>> No.8276941

Six ounces of ground beef is 426 calories according to google. Six ounces of: lentils is 194, spinach is 40, rice is 222, bananas are 161, pasta is 225, etc. Of course, there are calorie dense things like baked beans but for the most part, meat is pretty heavy on calories

>> No.8276942

just b urself bro, excercise a lot, drink water, and u can eat whatever u want :)

>> No.8276947

My mom/sister are vegan and my dad and other sister are vegetarians and yeah they always complain about the price of meat when the buy it for me and my brother.

As for starting just by a vegetarian/vegan cookbook and find out what you like.

>> No.8276953

I'd recommend to start eating more lean meats (lamb, deer, elk, rabbit, chicken) and also cutting back on it. Basically, so long as you're getting your iron and other proteins, you should be fine.

>> No.8276956

Use a diet tracking app/site

I use cronometer

>> No.8276959

>Stop frying your food
>Stop eating wheat
>Eat veggies
>Cut all sweets, except in "special occasions" like weddings and birthdays
>Only use oils high in poly/mono-unsaturated fats and low in trans fat and saturated fat
>Never eat any form of ground meat

There ya go, you are eating better than most of the world.

No one gives a fuck about the hippy bullshit of veganism except vegans. If you have a medical condition, eat vegan.

If you want to challenge yourself, just cut out red meat and eat 2 cups of veggies at dinner.

Better yet, eat at least a cup of red veggies, a cup of green veggies and a cup of white or yellow veggies, minimum a day.

>> No.8276961

>is becoming a vegan the best way to be healthy and spend less money on food?
No. It's more expensive in terms of time to plan meals, and you need to buy supplements since you can't get all your vitamins on a vegan diet.

>> No.8276962

It's really cheap, meat is fucking expensive and it's only going to get worse
you can eat healthy and still eat meat but generally you'd just eat poultry like chicken and turkey and seafood, a lot of people just think of vegans and vegetarians as healthy

>> No.8276969
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Ray Peat diet is objectively superior

>> No.8276974

"Organic" is a big scam and marketing fad. The label just determines what herbicides and pesticides can go on the crops, which are all washed off by the time they make it to the store anyway. An organic tomato and a regular tomato have the same nutritional content.

>> No.8276983

can someone give me a non retarded diet that is cheap?

I don't give a fuck about vegans, I just want to eat cheap and well.

>> No.8276985

that looks even more pseudoscientific than veganism

>> No.8276988

Butter is Objectively a bad fat, but its a staple of his diet (not a good dairy product) and a staple of his fats (not a good fat).

>potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes (well cooked; eat with saturated fat)

again, saturated fat is not good. It is better than carbohydrates hands down. However, In the first world, food energy is a problem for most people, not a goal.

The Ray Peat diet is great for third world countries.

>> No.8276990

Buy a rice cooker. Rice is super cheap. If you want to learn to cook your own beans, beans are also very cheap and healthy. Chicken is always your cheapest meat, sometimes turkey can be cheaper. Frozen and canned vegetables and fruit are usually cheaper than fresh, and don't lose any nutritional value unless theres lots of salt or sugar added to the canned stuff.

Even USDA recommendations are as low as 5-12oz of meat a day depending on sex and age. Most people simply eat too many calories, especially sugar, and way too much meat. People just need to eat a moderate healthy diet. vegetarianism/veganism aren't necessary.

>> No.8276992


>> No.8276994

There is no definitive evidence that saturated or unsaturated fats are any worse than one another. Neither have huge influences on LDL or HDL levels. Eating too much fat is whats bad, but most people overeat sugar compared to fat anyway.

>> No.8276996

>saturated fat is not good

Outdated 1950's science that has since been disproved

>> No.8277003

do you have a link with a list of ingredients, like a grocery list?

>> No.8277013



Any fat per calorie is objectively better for you, hands down, like I said, you fucking idiots.

Saturated and trans-unsaturated fats are the worst of fats, much worse than mono and poly saturated fats.

>> No.8277016

mono and poly * unsaturated fats

>> No.8277023


Here is some actual science from a phd biologist, but I'm sure a readers digest top 5 list is more knowledgeable

>> No.8277024

Avacados, nuts, fish and olive oil is the best source of fat.

Chicken, turkey, nuts and fish, best source of protein.

Any fresh or frozen veggie. Peas, radishes, onions (all colors), garlic, zucchini, squash, eggplant, sweet potatoes, red potatoes, lettuce (not iceberg), green beans, mushrooms, sprouts, etc.

Just look up keto diet recipes. You don't have to stick to no carb, but skipping wheats and grains is great. Skip ground meat too, theres nothing wrong with grinding meat, but its usually the fattest and least quality cut that gets ground.

>> No.8277029



>Trans fats are associated with all cause mortality, total CHD, and CHD mortality, probably because of higher levels of intake of industrial trans fats than ruminant trans fats.

>> No.8277034

Nice Ray Peat articles to back up your Ray Peat conclusions.

No need for outside sources. Eat butter, Ray Peat said so!

>> No.8277037

Yes they are bad because they are unsaturated fat, if you read the articles I posted it would say the same thing

>No need for outside sources

There are literally hundreds of outside sources at the bottom of the page

>> No.8277038

thanks, but I'm looking for a full list of food you should buy at the grocery store.

>> No.8277046

So far, I read one article as much as I could. To summarize, young people don't need to care about what fats they eat. As you age, Trans fats and Saturated fats become worse for you. Unsaturated fats that aren't trans fats become good for you.

So what is your argument?

I don't know where you can find a grocery list because you are the chef. If you want a grocery list with recipes. You should ask your mom, she will be a good resource.

>> No.8277055


>he doesnt understand hydrogenation

>> No.8277060
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>Doesn't know what a trans fat is

>> No.8277062

trans fats are fat trannies

>> No.8277071

As you age, Trans fats and Saturated fats become worse for you. Unsaturated fats that aren't trans fats become good for you.


If unsaturated fats were good for you then fried food would be considered a health food, they go rancid at high temperature including the internal temperature of your body, having a body full of unsaturated fat will lead to inflammatory diseases

>> No.8277073

You can eat healthy without being vegan.
Just don't always eat the same meal, but usually : meat (must change every now and then), pasta or rice or chips and vegetables (must change every now and then) and eat a dairy product every day at least. You don't really have to eat fruit but you can if you want.
You can also have fish, but fish goes with rice.
And finally, and that's probably the most important one, buy good quality food and ingredients or you will eat shit like any poor family.

>> No.8277084
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Do you see the calories per tablespoon?

Besides, Fried food is associated with the accompaniment of breading, wheat products, and fat from the meat, the most common fried food, besides fries, which are potatoes.

Pic related also comes from store bought oil, not McDonalds tier oil.

>> No.8277088

>Just look up keto diet recipes.

This tbqh, keep your carb count below 20g per day until you are into deep ketosis, then you can handle a bit more.

Ketosis is fucking 10/10 for your health, it'll keep your blood sugar in check and all sorts of other benefits.

>> No.8277133

Avoid processed foods, sweets, soda, alcohol (but you can have some occasionally of course this ain't auschwitz).
Eat a lot of vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
You also need (not literally don't come at me vegans) some meat, fish, dairy and eggs.
Some nuts, other good sources of fats like olive oil or avocados and it's perfect.

People get ridiculous about nutrition like it's a science of some kind and only one guy with an internet blog/one type of diet (keto or paleo or wtf is trendy at the moment) is perfect and the rest is cancer blahblahblah, and you also need to perfectly time your meals and eat 1,73.10^-2 mol/kg/timespentshitpostingonscinindeconds of transsaturated full protein before bed.
Nutrition is really simple and I feel like the 20/80 rule applies here. You can get most of the benefits simply by eating correct portions of "healthy" (I hate this word) food, which is everything that's not overly processed or industrial (but don't go too far and get all gmo free organic free range cancer) in decent proportions (plants should be the thing you're eating the most, but meat is delicious and you're fine if not better eating it too in reasonable amounts). Really eating correctly shouldn't be a science, just some evidence based and rational common sense that you're not overthinking.

>> No.8277153

oatmeal (quick oats not microwave shit) + 3 eggs for breakfast
nuts and fruit for lunch
two chicken breasts, rice or potatoes, giant mixed green salad for dinner

congrats you're healthy

>> No.8277156

all sorts of other benefits like kidney disease and increased cholesterol, but keep spouting your stupid meme shit you fat fuck

>> No.8277218

I have a friend who's practically obsessed with conspiracy theories, I shatter one from him I discover he follows 10 more.. his education seems to be from pseudo-scientific sources and I think he does that on purpose at this point, lying to himself to feel different, special..

Point being he's the first person I heard from keto died, he was trying to explain me that shit - and now I see this again on /sci/ and a reply to your post of being pseudo-bullshit... yea I think like experience is actually useful, should give it more credit.

>> No.8277280

Never quote me again, you fucking mongoloid.

If you had even the most basic research skills, you'd have been able to find plenty of peer-reviewed papers demonstrating that Ketogenic diets are god-tier. Here's a random one.


Your friend may be an idiot, but even broken clocks are right twice a day. Ketosis is a measurable biochemical process, it's not fucking pseudo-science.

I've personally lost 60 lbs in the last six months eating buttery as fuck steak, eggs, chicken wings etc with a healthy dose of green veggies at every meal. Blood test with the doc 2 weeks ago confirms I'm healthier than I've ever been.

>> No.8277312

So I've read about it a little, especially that scientificamerican bothered to write about it.

It makes the brain pretty happy, but there is no scientific study for the long term effects over the body - that's the tricky part...

But I might consider it for a short time, see how my brain feels - and why not lose some weight.

>> No.8278483

>there is no scientific study for the long term effects over the body

Fucking kek. Next time, read the title of the paper linked in the post you are replying to.

>> No.8278751

Meat is healthy. What's unhealthy is eating processed meat and being overweight.

>> No.8278777

I dont know why meat gets such a bad rep. But when im lifting weights my go to meat supply are these frozen chicken fillets. Just two of them is extremely filling 60 grams of protein and only 220 calories total. Compare that too a mcdouble that's 400 calories.

>> No.8278814

Vegan blood work and biochemistry is absolutely fucked, don't go for the "i'm deficient in b12, iron, calcium and zinc" meme diet.

A balanced diet containing fats, carbs and, most importantly (read some Engels), protein is the best. Micronutrients will come naturally with diverse meals.

>> No.8279019
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Many vegan diets are quite carb heavy in order to satiate, which isn't exactly healthy. I prefer a balanced diet that doesn't make me a needball nightmare to get dinner with ;^}

>> No.8279050
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Why get abs when you can get more kebabs

>> No.8279096

Vitamin D - Portebello mushrooms (packed with that shit)

For a relatively cheap diet filled with B vitamins, green vegetables. Spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, etc.
However, for vitamin B12, which is not found in vegetables, oysters have a lot.

Supplement Vitamin C

Tomatoe juice is about the most efficient natural way to ensure an ample amount of vitamin A.

Good fats, Omega 3's, fish and guacamole. To remain relatively frugal, starkist albacore tuna. It's the cheapest brand that saturates its tuna in water only. (Oils affect the integrity of and obliterates the amount of Omega 3 found in tuna. So use Starkist.)

Water. 5-7 bottles per day. Wal-Mart sells 35 bottles for $3.50, good as per frugality.

Healthy and very cheap

>> No.8279131

>I've personally lost 60 lbs in the last six months eating buttery as fuck steak, eggs, chicken wings etc with a healthy dose of green veggies at every meal

kek I knew you were a whale beast - enjoy your kidney stones and cholesterol while putting all the weight back on when you finally cave and eat a pizza you fat fuck

>> No.8279139

Sweet potatoes are highest in vitamin A.

>> No.8279660

170g (=6 ounces) chicken breast has 280kcal with 52g proteins.. beef is ḥarām

>> No.8279664

oh, beef is ḥalāl.. chicken tastes better anyway

>> No.8279715

A pescetarian diet has been shown to be the best diet. Fish is very good for you as long as you don't eat too much of the fish that like to contain more mercury than you really should be ingesting. There is no benefit to eating red meat or poultry.

>> No.8279800

>>Stop eating wheat

Why? Any proof on wheat being bad for you?

>>Never eat any form of ground meat


>> No.8279824

>chicken tastes better anyway
Are you for real?

>> No.8279830

Read: "The End of Dieting" by Fuhrman. No, it's not a vegan/vegetarian book but it shills for eating as less meat as possible.

There is some prelim research at the university of socal that banks up Fuhrman, mainly that a life eating beans, veggies/fruits and limiting meat intake to just once a week is the ideal diet for lowering cancer risks.

>> No.8279844

Wheat is not "bad for you" in the sense that it does something harmful to the body. Wheat is just a calorie source and not a valuable nutrient source.

>> No.8279847

Btw i explained why not to eat ground meat in the post

>> No.8279849

(60 grams of protein)x(4 calories per gram of protein)= 240 calories

I think you're being lied to bud

>> No.8279857

Chicken breast is 1.5-2 calories per gram, not 4.

>> No.8279869

Its also like 5cal per gram of protein

>> No.8279878

Veganism done absolutely perfectly is the best diet. You however will not be able to achieve that.
Read Body by Science. It is good enough.

>> No.8280082

my bad its actually 21 grams of protein per fillet