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8269338 No.8269338[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 28 year old chemistry PhD student
>tfw every goddamn woman's dating profile has a greater than $50k salary as a deal-breaker requirement

>> No.8269349

Don't bother dating until you actually have a proper job. That kind of bullshit will eventually pop up otherwise and it's not worth your time to waste in a shitty relationship like that.

That's just how it is, friend.

>> No.8269350


Can grad students at least get laid?

>> No.8269352

>dating profile

>> No.8269355

Sure. But if you're OP's age and actually want to start a relationship, do not bother until you have a decent job and career.

>> No.8269365

>not getting your phd at 26
How's it feel to be a failure?

>> No.8269368


die of cancer

>> No.8269369

>starting my master's in less than two weeks

I just hope it goes okay and I'm successful. Concerned because I had to take loan for the first time but I didn't have to take a loan for my undergrad so can't complain too much.

>> No.8269371

Can a med student get laid, i could tell them i'm gonna be a doctor

>> No.8269377 [DELETED] 

How are people smart enough for Ph.Ds but dumb enough to fall for the women meme?

>> No.8269379

Because I would rather conform to society and leave a legacy and create a pedigree of future harvard grads and Ph.D.s or MDs than die sad and lonely.

>> No.8269609

Is this what I'm in for, OP? I thought this shit would end...
I'm 24 and in my 2nd year of undergrad. I had to wait a long time to finally be able to go to college. I have been looking ahead in the long term and I'll be in my 30s before I can get a PhD. If this is gonna be life till then I'm sorely tempted to just power through my bachelor's and get some depressing job with a contracator.

>> No.8269623

It seems like as women get access to more potential partners thanks to modern communications technology, they're getting more and more choosy and their standards are getting more and more unreasonable. If they could potentially date anyone on earth, then they would only date the very best one.

I've never heard of anything approaching this level of entitlement and outright rudeness from previous generations.

>inb4 /r9k/
I've never browsed that board and I never will

t. guy that's slept with five women and had multiple fulfilling relationships

>> No.8269629

>not being gay

>> No.8269638

>dating websites
It's fucking resources man these women are whores find one that isn't. Or find a whore who you want to make happy who gives a shit it's just women.

>> No.8269654

I'm starting to think doctoral degrees really aren't worth it. The market seems really saturated for jobs in academia and they pay is way too low to justify the amount of work and money you have to put into it. I think I'll just stick to a masters. Then I'll still have a competitive edge and get to make cool shit without needing to give up my will to live.

>> No.8269663

>Almost 30
>bachelors at 27
>only just got a drivers license in May
>only just put out two grad school applications
>part time work in retail

I should give up on dating, but its just too hard living without any family or friends.

>> No.8269675
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>tfw every goddamn woman's dating profile has a greater than $50k salary as a deal-breaker requirement

Ignore them op, those women aren't looking for a relationship they're looking for pay out and bragging rights.

Finish your phd, get a good job and find yourself a cute young woman from some small town in your country or overseas.

>> No.8269683

>find yourself a cute young woman from some small town
This advice cannot be emphasized enough. I've had much better luck where my dad lives in a podunk town of 12k people. They're actually decent human beings there whose bodies aren't riddled with tramp stamps and piercings, and who actually care about things and can make interesting conversation. Those small towns, love them or hate them, are the last bastion of the traditional human family unit.

>> No.8269685

living in a small town, I can tell you the huge problem is that most of the women are actually very religious, conservative, and only like drinking, sports, and hunting. Most of them are also basic bitches with tons of "lie laugh love" and similar garbage decorating their whole house. They have no real interests or scope beyond their own lives or what's on popular TV.

>> No.8269690

Well, I mean it's either that or "I don't date guys under 6-2 and who make less than $100k"

Outside of those towns the selection criteria have run off the rails because there's too many choices now

>> No.8269714

How well do you fit in at 24 as a undergrad? I'm thinking returning to college at 26 but it just seems like I'll be so much older than any other undergrad that I'll just feel isolated.

>> No.8269742
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, let me tell you why that's bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being gay is a meme.
>be straight-acting homosexual
>be graduate student in condensed matter and part time at a gay bar
>my standards are set extremely high due to years of schooling and lifting (among other hobbies)
>literally no one of the same orientation in academia
>literally no one remotely fits any of my criteria at my part time job
>single since 2012
You can't make this shit up bros.

>> No.8269793
File: 18 KB, 207x208, CALM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fucking kill yourself you mooching sperglord. Cleanse our gene pool of your pathetic life so maybe our species has a sliver of a chance of surviving

chill man, it's gonna be OK. anyone who has a specific salary requirement is a tumor on this planet. Having a job, sure I get that, so you don't end up dating a basement dweller, but a fucking salary requirement? Flags redder than the Soviet Union, that is

>> No.8269821

Go to a bar and/or union, pull some undergrad pussy.

>> No.8269872

a postgrad student/assistant I happen to know once was almost fired when his gay sexuality surfaced