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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 79 KB, 544x368, R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8266014 No.8266014 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8266119

It's the first language they have learnt, and they are either unwilling or uncapable of learning better languages.

>> No.8266145

Why people still use C++98?

>> No.8266160


I'm not sure what "60's languages" he's talking about, but to me R seems closest to Matlab.

The person who wrote this has poor language skills. I question the value of his assessment.

>> No.8266210

because it's comfy as fuck

>all that sugar around data table manipulation
>all those conveniently implemented built in stat functions

(it is actually a garbage language but i still love it)

>> No.8266215

what is an alternative

>> No.8266221

I am someone who learned programming back in the day and in my mathematics curriculum we have to take a couple of math classes. When I asked a professor about what languages will be taught in these classes they told me that we will be working in MATLAB and R.

There I told her some of the things listed there. Specifically that it would be better to teach us a full programming language (like my nigga, C++) because we can do everything those languages can do and more because we could also do applications, operating systems, literally anything. C++ can do anything.

It is really sad. I am not to interested in these classes and I wish there was an alternative but what can I do.

Honestly, we need to make programming great again. We need to ban every language that is not C++. I mean put a bounty on their head and shit.

>> No.8266253

C++ is a horrible clusterfuck of a language. And just TRY doing exploratory data analysis in C++.

Because it's the best in class when used for what it's supposed to be used for - interactive exploratory data analysis. It might get replaced by Julia eventually, but Julia is not ready yet.

>> No.8266261

>C++ is a horrible clusterfuck of a language.

No it isn't. Take an extract of a C++ program I have on my work computer that basically constructs SQL queries automatically taking only the name of the columns and the input for each column.

Does that look like a horrible clusterfuck?

No? That's what I fucking thought.

>> No.8266264
File: 7 KB, 437x296, reassign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is so beautiful I forgot to post it. Figure out what it does, it is pretty simple.

>> No.8266275

This looks like something my cat puked out this morning. I'm not even going to comment on the color scheme.

>> No.8266278

>I'm not even going to comment on the color scheme.

It is code blocks standard style except that I switched the background color with the normal text color.

Usually the background would be white and the letters for the functions, for example, would be black but I switched that because having a white background fucking blinded my eyes in this darkness.

Complain to the free software people.

>> No.8266285

I'm pretty sure you can change the theme in codecocks. And you aren't allowed to use the word "beautiful" in any context if you are capable of staring at that shit for more than ten minutes straight.

>> No.8266327

>he fell for the troll

>> No.8266332
File: 415 KB, 480x238, 1469829434617.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"why do people still use pliers? The monkey wrench is a much better tool!"

Lazy troll.

>> No.8266977

Enjoy your SQL injections, dipshit. How about you learn to use prepared statements or just switch to a better language like Haskell.

>> No.8266995

Why not python?

>> No.8267008


embedded computers

>> No.8267012

If a particular pair of pliers does a shit job of plying, then it's justified to question its existence.

>> No.8267020
File: 1.40 MB, 193x135, 1462256394540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a better language like Haskell

>> No.8267024

It doesn't do a shit job though, for quick data analysis and stats there is nothing better. The points in the OP are mostly irrelevant because that's not what you'd use R for. Its main purpose is interactive data exploration.

>> No.8267052

R is super useful, you're just too stupid to know how to use anything else that isn't BASIC or Java or etc.

>> No.8267070

Compiles to code as fast as C and it's type system will keep us safe from retards who can't deal into language parsing. Like that halfwit writing an "automatic SQL query writer" in C++.

>> No.8267233

everyone I know who uses it just does so for running tests on data sets because it's simple.

>> No.8267240

Can you explain the logic behind jack knifing? Didn't know if I should ask here or /g/