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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8263778 No.8263778 [Reply] [Original]

Is being gay a genetic thing or am I a sinner and going to hell?

>> No.8263779

Being gay is not genetic or natural at all, it's a manifestation of the evil inside you. Disgusting!

>> No.8263794

Being gay is not genetic, luckily there's no such thing as hell either. Enjoy your life faggot.

>> No.8263800

Being gay is ultimately wrong, even heterosexuals get more anal sex than geys...

>> No.8263806

Being gay is dressing the way that fits you.

>> No.8263813

We're all going into eternal darkness one day, the difference is you'll be there with a dick up your ass

>> No.8263814
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There are 7 billion brains on this planet. With such a large quantity of brains, it's bound that a portion of these brains will be mentally defected ./ deformed. It's not genetic, it's a deformity of the brain that naturally occurs as a result of many different causes - none of which are genetic. Rather quite similar to other mental illnesses such as depression and social anxiety.

>> No.8263821

>Is being gay a genetic thing or am I a sinner and going to hell?
Why not both?
The whole point of THEOLOGICAL free will is that you aren't constrained by the will of God, NOT that your decisions aren't predestined,
You could be born to bite the pillow, and still condemned in the eyes of God.

>> No.8263832
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You're alright anon, you just prefer sausage to taco

Animals don't give a shit about being gay or straight, why should you

>inb4 we are higher evolved than animals

One group of mammals attained a high enough level of cognitive ability to have an existential crisis about their sexuality, which is not even a real thing. Thats fucking amazing.

>> No.8263853

Most animals are not strictly gay nor straight. Their manner of identity is more limited because of a lack of tribal and social hierarchical functioning.

>> No.8263861

you're implying that you have free will, which is known to be an illusion. Thus, even if being gay is not genetic and has been caused by socialization, you still never had a choice. You're not causing any harm to yourself or society (not really, though some will argue otherwise), be happy.


>> No.8263862


yes anon, this is partially what i meant

sexuality = not a 'real' thing

human sees male dog fucking male dog

'lol the dog is gay'

>the dog is fucking oblivious
>the dog has its priorities in order and is enjoying its life

>> No.8263871

At the same time I think it's a bit more complex than that, and the behaviors of other animals might not map 1:1 with some "true" internal basis for sexuality, that humans merely dilute or suppress.

Many animals also don't seem to min d being controlled, and "rape" isn't necessarily even a thing in a given species.

>> No.8263880


agreed, it is definitely more complex than that

>anon has nothing to freak out about imo

>> No.8263885
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I'm not freaking out that much desu, I just felt like sparking a new discussion
I am gay as fuck though

>> No.8263900

ur'e gay xD

>> No.8264252

at least 50 % of your ancestors had sex with men.

>> No.8265487
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> Is being gay a genetic thing or am I a sinner and going to hell?

Too much estrogens in the womb made your genes express as female in some tissues in your body.


Too much estrogen in your body made tissues develop more estrogen blocking chemical production sites.

Your genes are supposed to form as female tissues in the presense of estrogen....

Your genes are supposed to express as male in the presense of testosterone....

IT's how they work.

Too much estrogen in the water supply causes the BRAIN to develop as either Feminine, or Un-gendered and angry.

>> No.8265490

how do you explain males with a high digit ratio?

>> No.8265512

Its a mental disease and a fetish

>> No.8265520

>how do you explain males with a high digit ratio?

You talking about finger length?

>> No.8265529
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Is being gay correlated with other forms of deviancy?

>> No.8265545

If actions are defined as masculine or feminine, then the brains performing those actions will have the activated parts of whichever gender the action belongs to.

This is pre-determining what someone considers homo or hetero sexual.

A masculine woman will have a testosteroned brain\body, but that doesn't affect whether they enjoy sexually exciting or being sexually excited by a male or female.

>> No.8265546

Id say its closer to ADHD or aspergers. Depression and anxiety can go away. You can have a genetic presisposition for any of these things but ADHD/asp are with you for life and you just have to manage it.

>> No.8265563

Its just a simple fetish which through operant and classical conditioning from a sick society, becomes a lifestyle and personality.

>> No.8265564

yes it's correlated with testosterone in the womb or lack there of

>> No.8265579


Its a deformity as a result of genetic conditions

>> No.8265771
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fuck fags, we need another Orlando, x10 everday

>> No.8266255

bisexual anon here, i like pussy and dick and need to alternate between the two.

my sexual fantasies can never involve only one sex, must involve at least 1 penis and 1 vagina

enjoy hatred, repression and denial though as everyone is bi sexual. fags are in denial about wanting pussy and str8s are in denial they wouldnt mind looking at a bbc smash a hottie or maybe even touch one.

especially if you lift, if you mire even one male body that makes you a fag.

>> No.8266641

I have a hypothesis /sci/

Homosexuality is nature's way of dumping unfit genes from the gene pool.

>> No.8267685

you won't go to hell for being gay. you'll be judged like every other straight person. keep lovin, friend. Play safe tho if you ask me.

>> No.8268191

the attraction is inherent
the act is the sin

>> No.8268201

Even if being gay was a choice , there is still no valid argument against it.

>> No.8268207

>enjoying life
>being anally penetrated
Fag detected.
Give your sins to the lord and repent.

>> No.8268226
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>> No.8268235

I have another hypothesis
homosexuality is nature's primary way of dumping unfit genes from the gene pool
hence nature doesn't do a very good job

>> No.8268318

Yes, but correlation =/= causation.

>> No.8268338

Hypothesis is unfalsifiable and unverifiable and also depends on the defunct idea that nature has a will. Good try though.

Its not genetic but it is predetermined. In the Bible, homosexuality is stated as an abomination by some interpretations, but never explicitly as a sin. I'd say the jury's out but you're still prolly doomed

>> No.8268918

They're not mutually exclusive. This is basic theology, anon. I guess you are going to hell.

>> No.8268921


>> No.8268941

*tips fedora*

>> No.8268956

it can be either one.

in your case it's genetic im afraid.

>> No.8269195

this thread reminded me of one of the reasons i hate Christians