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8263075 No.8263075 [Reply] [Original]

Any Computer Engineers here?
How do you like it? What do you do?

>> No.8263076

>Any Computer Engineers here?
>How do you like it?
its fine
>What do you do?
sucks cocks (cause im an engineer)

>> No.8263079

Nice. How many cocks in a week?

>> No.8263082

much like a divergent series, there is no finite limit.

>> No.8263083

>What do you do?
I engineer computers. And suck cock on my lunch break.

>> No.8263088


>> No.8263165

currently studying it.

>first semester, first year
>calculus all about things having a limit
>linear algebra where we were told that a zero is always mapped to a zero, no matter what happens.
>programming fundamentals that started with c and went to even lower level.
it's like they are trying to ruin our self esteem

>> No.8263223

>putting the punch line before the joke

>> No.8264985

Fuck. Something about this picture makes Computer Engineers looks like absolute cucks. I don't think I should go anywhere near this major.

>> No.8264997

engineers don't really do hands on stuff. not unless they really want to. there are technicians paid specifically to do that.

most of your job as an engineer is sitting around thinking of ways to make shit juuuust better enough to justify your salary. then you spend like 20 minutes drawing up something or writing a bit of code and you hand that shit off to someone else.

then its back to browsing 4chan and looking at things on Amazon to spend your surplus of disposable income.

>> No.8265006

Cool, thanks for that info.

What are you thoughts on the Engineering Truth guy on Youtube? To sum it up, he presents engineering jobs and boring without any application of what was learned in school; those that disagree with him usually say that the mentality of the engineer is what determines what kind of work he/she does.

>> No.8265017

Legit computer engineer here who works for AMD (lel). I dont like it.

>> No.8265036

Computer engineer here. I've done some of everything because what matters most to me is having a job I find exciting so I find a new one whenever I start getting bored at work (Usually takes 2-3 years).

Job 1) First I had a job reprogramming firmware on Japanese Kareoke machines to make them easier for westerners to use.

Job 2) Computer vision work for a cancer research center. Analysing microscope slides that had gone through fluorescent in situ hybridization and looking for clusters of mutated cells.

Job 3) Firmware and electronics for a Gamma-Ray CAT scanner for trees.

Job 4) OS programming for drones (Predator, Reaper)

Job 5) Hanging out with a bunch of artists and doing cool stuff with LEDs, lasers, animatronics, projectors, etc.

Job 6) Touring around with a band being the guy keeping their lighting equipment functional.

Job 7) Keeping airport runway lights safe from hackers.

Presently I work for Panasonic developing lightbulbs with simple cameras in them (and IOT bullshit) so they can dim automatically when there's light coming in through the windows.

If you're in school I really recommend you get into wireless networking and wearable technology. Companies are throwing all the moneys at any engineer who can get their toasters and doorknobs into the IOT fad. It's like being a web programmer during the .com bubble. Take advantage of it while it lasts.

>> No.8265042

>To sum it up, he presents engineering jobs and boring without any application of what was learned in school

first,your first 2-3 years as an engineer are probably going to be spent doing bitchwork or tedious CADmonkey type stuff. people get really comfortable with that because they are making 70k$ a year doing trivial shit that takes all of 2 hours once you've done it a couple of months. the comfyness is a trap fampai. so, thats where a lot of the 'boringness' comes from.

he's right in that you don't really use what you learn in undergrad, but thats because undergrad is intentionally nebulous, its more intended as an overview of a certain principles. if you want to apply your education go to grad school or something.

>those that disagree with him usually say that the mentality of the engineer is what determines what kind of work he/she does.

this is absolutely true. the problem is career stamina. alot of green engineers will 'get on it' right out of school but they burn out. that chief engineer you see who puts out all those bitchin' designs? yeah, he never see's his family and has had his vacation days maxed out for 2 years.

>> No.8265131

>Any Computer Engineers here?
>How do you like it? What do you do?

I buy parts and assemble them for 1/2 the cost of buying a computer from a dealer!

>> No.8265842


>> No.8266561

man I wanna do what you do
when did you start and how old are you?
>wireless networking and wearable technology
Is this part of an ordinary CS program?

>> No.8266876

> when did you start and how old are you?
33. Got my CE Bachelor's in 2004. I was working and going to school at the same time for the first two jobs.

> Is this part of an ordinary CS program?
In the last half of a computer engineering BAS degree you usually get the option to pick several of your classes. You can find a job in any industry no matter what you pick, but it doesn't hurt to think about what would look really good on a resume to a company that deals with a specific type of technology.

>> No.8267372

> To sum it up, he presents engineering jobs and boring without any application of what was learned in school;

Have you ever met someone who complains they had to learn basic physics and trigonometry in highschool but never needed it for their starbucks job? He's that kind of person but shifted to the university level. It's his problem he's stuck/satisfied with a job that never requires most of his education.

>> No.8267558
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Engineer at major company here. I work with HA systems.
> 4 years of OS development, some networking (C language)
> 3 years fiddling with networking stuff (C language)
> shit started to be a bit frustrating now when people want to have high availability on cloud and other crap infrastructure lel
> trying to get into research soon

>> No.8267607

Sort of. A so-called "computer scientist" aka "software engineer". Basically no hardware. Nowadays, I'm C++ and Java primarily.

I love it. It's an amazing job.

Write C++ and Java code for monolithic Enterprise applications, troubleshoot bugs, and get lots of money.

>> No.8267661

>>>/g/tfo and don't come back.

>> No.8269009
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That's Computer Engineering Technology. Completely different to CpE

>> No.8269015

>What do you do?
You just had to go there.

>> No.8269018

Listing a few languages doesn't make you a computer scientist.

>> No.8269024

About three-fity

>> No.8269044

>lightbulbs with simple cameras in them

I'm already paranoid about smart TVs and Amazon echo. Now I have to be paranoid of lightbulbs.

>> No.8269177
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>mfw planning to specialise in CE instead of power/telecommunications despite there being literally no jobs over here
I've been told that all that matters is that you've got an undergrad degree and that here you just need to be certified as an engineer to work wherever so I'm content right now. Might go into agriculture after graduating though.

>> No.8269299

Where are you ?
I'm in France and the engineer title is a big plus. I'm offered a telecommunications engineer place at a school but I'm refusing and continuing maths.
Telecommunications might be interesting but it seems boring as fuck compared to maths. (same with CE but to a lesser degree)

>> No.8269302

Did you learn most of what you did on the job or from school? Im finishing third year and i feel like I know nothing about what actual engineering is like.

>> No.8269309 [DELETED] 

Have you ever had a lollipop ? It's like that, but instead of a lolly, it's a dick.

>> No.8269415

I appreciated this anon, good joke.

>> No.8270799
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I do stuff with databases. I make a lot of money. It's fun.

>> No.8271190

The camera in your optical mouse is higher resolution than the ones I'm putting in lightbulbs.

>> No.8271254

>Any Computer Engineers here?
>How do you like it?
Pretty cool, I'm actually doing hands on engineering which is nice
>What do you do?
- develop bioinformatics algorithms
- OS development
- microbiological simulations
- analyze checmical and biological structures
- hang out with biofags
- hang out with chemistryfags
- work with infectious diseases

Working as a CE at a biomedical and infectious disease company, and I'm actually glad with where I ended up.

>> No.8271264

>OS development
you write operating systems?

>> No.8271278

sorry, I meant to say os programming

>> No.8271284

what do you do exactly, in os programming?

>> No.8271290

fuck you

>> No.8271304
File: 77 KB, 694x801, get tomorrows date.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8271774

he programmes os