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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8260489 No.8260489 [Reply] [Original]

I have a master's degree in literature. After getting it, I realized it was stupid and decided to go back to school and set my sight on physics. But I couldn't do math because I fucked around during high school, so I decided to take all of the requisite classes first. Algebra and geometry I blazed through with little difficulty, but I'm in trigonometry now and MAYBE I'll get a B. Was my goal of physics just too high?

>> No.8260492

Physics in what capacity?

Do you want to do PhD level research, be a technician, be a scientific writer?

For a physics degree you'll need at least Calculus 1 to even begin taking introductory classes. Math can be learned by anyone, hard work is the element that matters most.

You can do it!!

>> No.8260502

OP here. In my ideal world, I'd like to be an astronomy researcher. I love reading about stuff like exoplanets and such. I'm aware there isn't that much of a need for such people, though, so probably I would more practically look for a university job teaching. In truth, I could teach English right now, but i have no desire to teach low level English courses to just-out-of-high school students.

I guess I'm mostly concerned because my friend said I'm too old (28) to learn a complicated science and I went back anyway, and this class, which isn't even as hard as physics will be, is borderline stumping me.

>> No.8260511


It almost sounds like you would enjoy being a scientific writer. You are certainly not too old to learn a complicated science, but it will be tough and require a lot of hard work. Luckily most astronomy is not overwhelming complicated in the math department, but there is still a lot for you to learn between trig and what is needed for astro.

>> No.8260516
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OP. I've had a really shitty fucking day. Let me tell you this. If you can get a master's in literature, you can definitely get past that class. I'm not fucking joking you. Keep practicing and you will get it.

>> No.8260519

What does a scientific writer do? And my understanding of astronomy is that it's basically 100% physics, which is itself a ton of math.

>> No.8260520

Why are you struggling in Trig? Is it because you can't be assed to try or are the concepts beyond you? I am also intersted in physics and when I talk to older dudes in that type of program, they say it only gets harder from the prerequisites. DESU, you you're too much of a brainlet for Trig, Calculus will likely be beyond you as well. Hard work can cover for a lack of innate ability, but if you can't ace Trig with hard work, know it only gets harder from there. Wait for a graduate student to tell you how piss easy Trig is compared to actual physics courses.

>> No.8260526

A scientific writer can find themselves anywhere between editing and helping researchers produce papers for scientific journals to writing about scientific discovers for the general public.

A lot of the time, the only requirement is a English degree, but depending on your handle of physics will better your chances to do more technical stuff.

>> No.8260577

I don't mean to shit on your parade but being an astronomy researcher would basically be impossible for someone in your position. It's just a numbers game, there are very few positions and lots of competition. The top candidates have all basically been working towards this goal since undergrad and for someone who is, in their mid twenties, struggling with trig to just swoop in and edge these people out is basically as ridiculous as, say, you becoming an Olympic figure skater after sitting on your ass playing vidya for the first 30 years of your life.

Choose a less competitive field.

>> No.8260594

When do you want to be a physicist? You want to be at the top of your field in 5 years? Sure, if you're a genius or have the work ethic of a savant.

If you want to be involved in physics then you can work your ass off and get into a masters program. After that, you can work your ass off even more and get into a doctoral program.

You want to get paid to do physics? Well, now that is a completely different story.

If you have to determination to focus everything you have and put all your energy into accomplishing this goal, then you can do it for sure. Maybe not at a high level but you can succeed. Physics essentially is about understanding the basics so well, with such breadth and depth that you can connect basic concepts together to form more complex hypotheses.

But I would give you this analogy: The truest golf swing doesn't come from gripping as tight as you can and swinging for all you're worth. It comes from feel, from a natural feel and proper technique. The harder you try to more unstable and unnatural it becomes. The right path for the club comes without strain.

Good luck OP

>> No.8261585

Like I ask all my "struggling" students, are you reading your book?

"Hurrr nooo."

>> No.8261601

Oh god, is OP destined to become the guy that edits research before it gets submitted?

>> No.8261617
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>"duhhh... like... I wanna be a science man becuz duhhhh... I think stars are pretty."
>*picks nose *
>"durrrrr.... I goofed off during high school and got a meme master degree but I deserve to be successful!!! :^)"
>*eats booger*
>"but im bad at math... Does dat mean im dum??!?!!?! :^("
>*scratches butthole*
>*licks finger*

That's what you sound like, OP. That's you.

>> No.8261636

Lets do a reality check. Trig math = 11th grade math, and not knowing trig automatically puts your physics knowledge in the high school physics level at best. The time it takes your typical high school student to get become an astronomy researcher is 2 years (HS) + 4 years (college) + 4 years (phd). You can skip all the general ed bullshit which cuts down 2 year. That makes about 8 years of full time studying, so coming out fresh at 36. Lets assume you retire at 70, so you have 34 years where you can do your research. Not terribly bad I'd say?

>> No.8261639


Whoah whoah whoah, hold the phone. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find work as an astronomy researcher? This isn't physics research during the cold war. Astronomy positions are few and far between and he'd be competing with literal autistic savants.

>> No.8261653

so your typical high school dude should just go kill himself because there's no way he's getting his dream job, right? Now the difference is OP's not a high school dude so he needs to consider other shitty things, like money. But the premise is "in his ideal world" so basically we're allowed to assume anything that's not impossible. case closed :)

>> No.8261663

I just think it would be wise to consider more reasonable goals like engineering school. Otherwise the guy is gonna burn out.

>> No.8261664

As you develop your skills in math, trig will make more sense. Besides, if you take precal next, it will cover special algebra skills and accelerated trig again, before you hit calculus. Then in calc, you study trig, but its not the same heavy trig as before, until calc 2 where those skills really get tested.

If you have good algebraic skills and sufficient trig skills, if you keep studying hard, theres no reason you cant get As in calc1-3

>> No.8261675

Agreed. If op just took like 10 science courses like physics 1&2, chem 1, maybe introductory courses in thermo, fluids, biology, geology, etc, he could be knowledgeable enough to be a good science journalist.