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8257686 No.8257686 [Reply] [Original]

Could I easily manufacture some powerful dissolving agent? I'm getting into DIY chemistry and have been doing some homework about laws and stuff and it seems legal where I live as long as it's not a drug or explosive.

None of my professors will help me because they think I'm trying to blow something up.

If there was a better resource I could use instead of being spoonfed that would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.8257716

What are you trying to do with it?

>> No.8257738


Melt stuff.

>> No.8257748

Try HF

>> No.8259244


have fun, ofc the 'no explosive' bit might be an issue if you're retarded

>> No.8261056

>DIY chemistry
I can tell you've never tried to stock a home lab, anon

It depends on what you're trying to dissolve. Piranha solution, as another anon mentioned, for organic materials, but if you expose it to the wrong organic materials it will explode. Aqua regia will eat most metals, including gold and platinum, but you will probably have to make your own HNO3 unless you feel comfortable buying it online, paying hazmat fees, and being put on various watchlists, and I assume there are probably some explosive reaction/products you will stumble upon if you aren't careful. If you just want to "melt stuff," you can use common organic solvents, like acetone, to dissolve Styrofoam in seconds without any chance of explosive biproducts. Note: do not mix acetone with piranha solution.

>> No.8261067

God I fucking hate this "watchlist" meme

There is no such thing

>> No.8261119

Acetone is good fun for dissolving styrofoam. Amaze your friends with how much just a small volume, like 100ml, will dissolve. It's about a shopping bag full.

Members of the public just can't buy a lot of stuff, you need to have certificates as part of a company or institution before you can start buying highly concentrated acids. Life isn't like Breaking Bad, you can't get a dozen bottles of conc HF to play around dissolving stuff.