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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 301 KB, 480x719, 5645646545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8253062 No.8253062 [Reply] [Original]

You might understand quantum physics, but can you even relate to other people? /sci/ BTFO.


Intelligence is worthless compared to superior emotional intelligence.

>> No.8253067

lol appeal to stupid people.
if emotional intelligence is so important- why are you trying to BTFO people on the chins?

>> No.8253077

Joke's on you, I don't actually understand quantum physics.

>> No.8253079

>see this, figure why not
>thank jewtube for subjecting me to a muslim tolerance advertisement
>first thing in the actual video is a hambeast with problematic glasses


>> No.8253080

But to relate to someone would imply that they deserve the attention which is not true.

>> No.8253091


>> No.8253092

>""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""emotional intelligence""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'''

It's called "not being autistic." A very difficult thing for /sci/ENTists to accomplish.

>> No.8253096
File: 388 KB, 600x860, 099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discovery news

>> No.8253100
File: 452 KB, 612x300, Laci-Feature-2-612x300[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon-kun you no like me ?

>> No.8253105

fucking degenerate hambeast

>> No.8253107
File: 259 KB, 430x470, Screen-Shot-2013-09-01-at-4.22.07-PM[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you be fat shaming anon-kun. thats not nice

>> No.8253115

you'll be an mra when i'm through with you.

t. not even an mra

>> No.8253116

Omg, I remember this bitch being somewhat chubby, but when did she become this obese??

>> No.8253122

I mean to be fair, completely separately from these escapee's from the short bus, emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills are very important to function in and run a lab.

>> No.8253123

i thought Discovery was on a decline for several years, i guess laci green sealed the deal

>> No.8253132

>i'm not smart enough to operate a lab on my own
baka desu senpai

>> No.8253141

you are now aware socialization is compensation for individual ineptitude.

>> No.8253142

>hillary smile

>> No.8253151
File: 38 KB, 600x400, BYAB2R3CIAAS1RA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8253156

fucking kek

she better be a virgin

>> No.8253163
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, Laci-Green-Feet-1386651[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you think that way anon-kun ? do you wanna end my virginity ?

>> No.8253173

armpits can be shaven. she's still a cute titcow m8, maybe i have low standards idk.

>> No.8253183

okay : a bit chubby + cute + not bitchy
not okay : unhygenic + a bit too chubby + horse face + problematic vibes + hair on body

>> No.8253191

Haha, no. I just hope nobody is validating "your" degenerate "it's okay to be fat, ugly, and disgusting!" habits.

>> No.8253193

>body hair is bad
Why do people think this?

>> No.8253195

because they are men.

>> No.8253207

What do you like about stinky unhygenic lice nests ?

>> No.8253208

It's okay. We all have our weird fetishes, anon. Yours is still wrong, though.

>> No.8253214

falling for 1920s shaving propaganda

>> No.8253218

yeah. all that propaganda thats trying to make people more hygenic and clean amirite ?

>> No.8253252

Yeah because mediating between 5 autists who all think they are gods gift to the earth is easy if you are also an autist.

>> No.8253260
File: 324 KB, 401x353, fedora_tipping.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gods gift to the earth
Be careful, there, anon... you might trigger someone with that word...

>> No.8253419

>With really high emotional intelligence you don't actually need intelligence or even facts.
>All that matters is that you can make things "feel" true.

Actually, you may have something there. Such a theory could be used to explain how a complete moron managed to become the presidential candidate for the Republican party in the US. The guy must be an emotional intelligence equivalent of GauB.

>> No.8253426

>political propaganda on /sci/
fuck off, no one gives a fuck about your killary shilling

>> No.8253452

>$0.05 has been deposited to your account
>Thank you for Correcting The Record(tm)!

>> No.8253456
File: 171 KB, 499x497, 1401947860078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feminist videos
Opinion discarded.

>> No.8253472

I would vote for her if she changed her name to Killary. That sounds badass!

>> No.8253478

it doesn't. it's intended to refer her awful deeds concerning Benghazi. she loves to profit from war and has a tarnished morality.

>> No.8253479

It also explains why everyone seems to mindlessly love Hillary, too, to be fair. Every time Hillary goes on about her "I BELIEVE IN SCIENCE!" and "I BELIEVE IN PROGRESS!" bullshit, scientist everywhere simultaneously ejaculate to her.

>> No.8253489

>It doesn't matter if you scored twice as much as me in the IQ test, what matters is the unprovable quota you're meant to take for granted, as opposed to IQ which has numerous studies backing it up.

>Other brainlets agree and high five each others.

>> No.8253967

Say it with me, Killary Klinton!

>> No.8253992

Keep ooking brainlet monkey we are the only reason you arent still in the forest of Europe living like an animal.

>> No.8254021

>Actually, you may have something there. Such a theory could be used to explain how a complete moron managed to become the presidential candidate for the Republican party in the US. The guy must be an emotional intelligence equivalent of GauB.
>of GauB

the fuck is this are you trying to write Gauß you imbecile?

>> No.8254025

I think he meant Gowb, anon. You know, the famous mathematician?

>> No.8254092

nice empathy op you really got that one nailed down

>> No.8255370

New psychologist is trying to solve this for me.

>> No.8255394

>durrr why don't you just make that billion dollar accelerator on your own faget?

>> No.8255678 [DELETED] 
File: 306 KB, 636x357, Screen Shot 2016-08-07 at 19.05.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'guys seriously IQ doesn't matter; all that matters is how engaging your smalltalk is!'

> this is what brainless actually believe

>> No.8255682
File: 306 KB, 636x357, 1470593267821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'guys seriously IQ doesn't matter; all that matters is how engaging your smalltalk is!'

> this is what brainlets actually believe

>> No.8255690
File: 55 KB, 991x902, 98498498498498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, you guys are easy to troll. Was it really not obvious enough that I was just baiting?
Man this board is trash

>> No.8255696

They are just not enough emotionally intelligent to figure out this.

>> No.8255697

"""""""emotional intelligence""""""" can be acquired through minimal use of drugs (such as MDMA). It's not something that a person should be particularly proud of. If they are proud of it, it's probably because they've been told it excuses them for not having actual intelligence.

>> No.8255700

Is this what they mean when they say woman are as smart as men?

>> No.8255704

Turn off elektricity, than be emotional...

>> No.8255706

people know, they just pretend not to and answer seriously in order to start a dumbass discussion on feminism and politics, as if there is anyone with a positive opinion on radical feminism on 4chan to start a meaningful discussion

welcome to /sci/

>> No.8255712

typical poster on /sci/:
>sees obvious b8 thread
>"other people might fall for this. I should seriously rebuke the claims of this post so people know better"
>everyone already knows better
>shitty thread is born

>> No.8255717

She needs to lose weight if she is gonna have a career behind the camera.