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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8239712 No.8239712 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /sci/ I want to prove to you that psychic interaction is possible "once and for all." There are two problems with this.

1. If I can't do it reliably, it can't be called science.
2. Proving that it's one thing and not just clever manipulation or some other type of engineered "coincidence" requires a strong mind and proper wielding of Occam's razor.

The beliefs on /x/ have shifted over the past few years to the point where, while magic and occult things are still looked down on, people are ready to admit the belief. Because of this, as some theorize, the world is thus more "open" to magic, as if some kind of anti-magic "veil" has been lifted.

Now, personally, I've never been a strong believer in the veil hypothesis, but it holds are much water as any other magic-based hypothesis. That is to say, not much water at all. I could as well have made this thread years ago, but if it was a topic that wasn't going to stay up on /x/ as well, there'd be no point. I don't want to be the lone "prophet" traveling the world to prove supernatural things to people. Proving it to everyone individually takes way too much time and simply is not feasible in the modern era. If I can prove psychic interaction to you, my reasoning is that /x/ will begin to have the proof it needs to start practicing magic. I'm not asking any of you to take up the mantle, just to witness and analyze my ability in the case that I can demonstrate it reliably. As I hope is obvious, "once and for all" reasoning doesn't work here. In order to do this reliably, I need to be able to do it more or less whenever it's needed. Once for some and once more for proper measurement/analysis.

So I guess to start this off my first question would be, "What can you see happen on /sci/ that you wouldn't dismiss as organized mass roleplaying?"

>> No.8239718

i really, really like asian women

>> No.8239728

That's just the exotic effect. Asians feel the same way about white people. It's foreign so it's fascinating. We already knew people were curious creatures.

>> No.8240357

Mindcontrol Hiro and make him delete 4chan.

>> No.8240359

That would be antithetical to proving the origin of the psychic intent. Unless that's the only thing anyone on /sci/ would accept as evidence, I won't do it.

>> No.8240361

I'm not understanding ops premises, are you asking what kind of test you could perform that we would believe when we saw the results?

>> No.8240365

Shot in the dark, get multiple posters to post the same picture within the same time frame.

>> No.8240366

Yes, provided the results appeared on /sci/ itself.

>> No.8240367

Mmmmm... That would be tricky, but definitely measurable. Do they have to be normal /sci/ lurkers or will any random anons do?

>> No.8240371

My initial idea was inturrupt them during their post, to download the selected picture and add it to their post

>> No.8240377 [DELETED] 


Sorry, hit enter to fast and didn't answer. Hitting up lurkers would prove it to them, influencing the more affective opinions. Randoms would better price the whole thing altogether, but less of a chance of the keystone opinionaters seeing results.

Best to do randoms

>> No.8242111

Bump for ideas.

>> No.8242131

Simple. Forecast the next 50 dubs in this thread (20 if your psychic energy is feeling a bit low).


Don't worry, i'll check in occasionally and keep this thread afloat.

>> No.8242138

You fool!

>> No.8243110


I'm waiting, OP.

>> No.8244613

First off, thank you for using the correct term.

Second, I don't mean to denigrate or deny the request, just to give some background on what it actually takes that you may or may not already be aware of.

As you note, highly multivariable systems cannot really be "predicted" in any deductive sense, they can only be forecast and measured against some model. There will be some level of accuracy, but it never really approached 100%. This, paired with a particularly sticky substance known as "free will" make any prediction of a human system very, very difficult. It's not that I can't or don't believe I can go through all the necessary steps, or even that I can never outwit 100% of all possible agents that may appear in this thread as the accuracy of the model starts to become more notable, but do realize the painstaking effort involved in getting this right at 50 degrees of compound accuracy.

The first more pressing variable is the list of posts numbers themselves. I don't have direct control of that part of the system so I can only forecast it. This makes it possible for someone to, say, write a script that uses that data as a seed for a pseudo random process that generates posts in response to whatever I predict. Occasionally such a process will actually create a physically undecidable result and prevent me from giving consistent numbers because each number in turn results in a shift that changes that post from being a dub. Given enough dedication one can *usually* ensure that a system becomes undecidable in this manner. Since even the postbot doesn't have full control of when each post occurs, and since I wouldn't provide any time data for the bot to narrow in on, and given that the bot snipes dubs by posting them in other threads, it wouldn't be too problematic to sense the system created by such a counter-effort. The forecast would still be relatively trivial to measure and we can always ban the faggot that makes the bot.


>> No.8244631

The more dynamic part of this system is the time of each post. Supposing this thread is active, that is, supposing I can keep it active by replying to all inquiries, I have to do a bit of planning on me end.

First, I'd need to look ahead to the first reply I have to make, or else avoid looking at the content of the replies so I don't offset my "fate" by seeing what I end up writing. All while maintaining perfect intent to make a forecast regardless of how motivated or unmotivated I feel, ensure that nothing I see has a chance of preventing me from making that post at the exact moment I forecasted it to appear, not get demotivated by /sci/'s replies or my own future folly, essentially ignore my curiosity about how the thread will go, and once I've finally created a future that won't interfere with itself, observe the first dub post that appears thereafter. For the most part this is entirely doable. That is, there are methods I can use to ensure a self-consistent future up to the next dubs post.

Once I see it, I have to write it down.

That's when things get complicated.

Even if my intent is crystal clear in regards to the effects of participating in this thread for the next week or so, writing down the post number may cause it to change. Writing down the post number may change anyone else's posting habits. Writing down even the first number could change the chain or posts such that I lose sight of the number at the exact moment I begin to write it down. I can avoid most of that by writing the first four digits prior to doing any prediction but a bigger problem emerges from the fact that I have to then re-look at the state of the entire thread up to that point to see if there's a new dubs post. This takes time, but let's pretend for a second that it was instantaneous.

The same thing happens even if I've already written the first four digits for every dubs post in turn. The very act of recording it, apart from my intent to put the post up, risks changing

>> No.8244650

the entire system of posts in a chaos theory type manner. It's like predicting the MD5 hash on some random server, one digit at a time, all while trying to ensure that I post at the same exact second no matter which series of digits I predict. If I slip even a second, the input to the MD5 hash changes by one input byte because I'm dealing with a new salt or timestamp entirely and the entire hash changes before my very "eyes."

Not only does writing down each number force me to re-check for changes in the numbers, but I have to keep track of the way the numbers change so I don't create an undecidable system in the very act of recording the numbers. Again, even if it takes a second to re-check for dubs, actually writing down the results can change the sequence and I have to start over from scratch. Keep in mind that it would *NOT* be instantaneous, and the amount of time I take to write the forecasting post, counting all the recursive shifts that occur while drafting it, itself is a factor in affecting subtle things like when the post is visible, who sees it, when they see it, the threads they see instead of it, and so on. /sci/ is a slower board than /x/ and this type of thing has happened there before, so it's not impossible for a self-consistent list of dubs to get recorded. But it does compound the task the longer the list gets. It is not an O(n) algorithm to record all post numbers.

In fact, you could probably converge things faster by writing down each and every post number and having a script to filter for dubs. This makes it hard to get exact 20 or 50 dubs, but that's not really an issue so far as the basic forecasting process goes.

Similarly, I can work around most of the time data variances by posting at pre-scheduled times. It IS possible to make such a system converge and be recorded/recordable at the same time. Again, it'd take lots of time, but I'm probably willing to put in the effort if /sci/ is gonna take my seriously. If you don't,

>> No.8244686

and I see and/or sense that, the entire system can fall apart before I've even had a chance to forecast the next dubs. Since the system is not algorithmic in its undecidable characteristics, and since I did make this thread because I'm ready to face every type of criticism that might come from whatever I do here, the basic recording procedure can likely converge regardless of how /sci/ reacts, or doesn't.

That's all assuming that this thread will see even three more dubs. It might not, or else I might not end up finding a personal action plan that makes it happen. Maybe there is one and I never see it because the timing data is slightly off. Butterfly effect dynamics might just work out such that no dubs occur. While that would be a trivial forecast to record (and subsequently measure), it'd be a bit on the null side as far as results go. So assuming I can hopscotch along the right path of butterflies...

That is, assuming everything I've done at the very moment I've consistently recorded the first number is still something I'll end up doing if I spend 20 more minutes forecasting the next sequence of posts...

By that point, the future will already be written, so to speak, as far as the "fate" of this thread goes. It would then change the dynamic entirely. I would have to "pivot" at that point and integrate whatever emotions would/will have occurred for me at that moment *WITHOUT* changing the future. This is the hard part. At each step in the process, at each leg of the journey between dubs, I have to coexist with my future self's emotional state without a hint of influence it beyond what I was already going to have done to begin with. Not only must the system reach thermodynamic equilibrium, but my emotional state, complete with every hiccup, bit of disappoint and excitement, and every thought I'd have had in having those future experiences, must be integrated into a state equilibrium *at the exact moment* that I'm forecasting the future.


>> No.8244714

As far as the basic forecasting, recording, and acausal emotional equilibrium goes I think I can do that or else train to do that well enough to do it in, say, 20 minutes for the first 5 dubs, 10 for the 6th, 7, 5, and 3-5 minutes for the rest. Overall that'd be 128-132 for the first ten dubs and 30-50 minutes for each set of ten after that.

All of this is assuming an active thread and consistent action on my end.

The primary variable is everyone else. Even if I can post on a consistent schedule, nobody else will.

So what *actually* happens is this:
1. I begin forecasting.
2. I see a dead thread.
3. I start seeing potential.
4. I see an anon to "hook."
5. I begin pandering to that anon.
6. I get a sense of what I'll need to say to get them to post.
7. I start looking at the various ways to get them to post at different times.
8. I start to get a sense of other anons, across the board, across time zones, the entire set of replies.
9. I start pandering to each set of outcomes, trying to see what kinds of posts will create the widest range of possible reactions.
10. I can't see any post numbers yet because that only happens once the future actually contains a post I've made.
11. I start drafting replies, to improve the consistency and reliability of the system.
12. Uh-oh! Now that I've written these posts, I have to make sure I post them at the proper moment to get things working.
13. I start meta-gaming when to post each post.

As a multivariable system, it's easy to forecast. If I actually plan to *engage* that system, that's what ends up taking all my time. I have to choose the future manually, and that means backtracking through hundreds or thousands of possible futures with hundreds of thousands of possible replies and combinations of replies.

All of which I have to go through mentally.

And I can already tell you what 90% of my posts are gonna sound like.

"It doesn't really feel like..." followed by some kind of apology for not being omniscient.

>> No.8244755

How did you manage to pull all of that out of your own asshole
I couldnt get past the first paragraph of that autistic bullshit, but it sounds to me like your powers of predestination are pretty worthless
How about you propose a variable system that you can still predict 100% of the time despite all of the rules and caveats to your amazing abilities

>> No.8244773

Because it's not pulled out of my ass. I've been thinking about this stuff for years now. Try all other paragraphs but the first and then come back to the first paragraph when you're done. Think of it as the jargon summary you see at the top of any physics paper; you won't understand the summary unless you work in the field. The rest of it explains in detail what the first paragraph is getting at.

I don't think hyperprecise forecasting is really conducive to my goal here. Forecasting is a skill that showcases my abilities whereas showing that psychic interaction is baseline possible helps the rest of you start a movement to get this stuff taken seriously so it can be researched in proper depth.

>> No.8244781

10 One anon sets up a stream with 5+ minute delay.
20 Op and said anon connect via skype.
30 Anon launches random number generator.
40 Op guesses the number within said time frame.
50 Go to 30

>> No.8244791

That could work, but it'd only convince the anon that set up the stream. Everyone else could call it collusion and secret information sharing. I'm trying to figure out ways to get many anons in the loop at once. That's a good grinding tactic, but it only works on a personal basis. Grinding like that is what already happens on /x/ on a semi-regular basis, so I want to avoid grinding if at all possible.

>> No.8244796

I'm gonna flip a coin 10 times in a row and record whether they landed heads or tails. Then im gonna go to fucking bed, cause i've been up shitposting long enough as it is. When I wake up in 8 hours or so, ill come post the recorded coin flips in this thread. Surely that should give you enough time to pander to the future or whatever. Does this experiment fulfil all the requirments so your psychic energy can properly flow, or does Mercury also have to be in retrograde?

>> No.8244804

Just to be clear, i want you to post your prediction of the coin flips before i do. Im considering 70% accuracy to be a passing grade cause im such a nice guy. Also using a trip for obvious reasons

>> No.8244805

What number am I thinking of?

>> No.8244811

Predict what will be the top post on Reddit on several boards - or perhaps the most popular YouTube video list etc ( because they're harder to influence than 4chins by a single agent).

>> No.8244815

>does Mercury also have to be in retrograde?
No, but if you treat beliefs like a form of hypnosis, you can get a Shin Sekai Yori sense of why there are people who have beliefs like that. I panic when I get put on the spot so I probably won't be able to read them by tomorrow, but I can ask around on /x to see if anyone's interested in what I'm doing here.

The other thing is that I want to avoid grinding, and I want to avoid the rest of /sci/ thinking that you're in on it. If I can find willing psychics on /x/ then I'll be sure to tell them not to post 100 guesses such that one of them has a good chance of being right.
Harder, but not impossible. By "psychic" I meant more mind-to-mind interaction than forecasting or clairvoyance. 99% of all this stuff can be dismissed as hacker games and social engineering. It's fine if you post what would convince you, personally, because that helps me get a sense of what kind of evidence /sci/ would need to take this stuff seriously on its own board, but the goal is to include as many people as I can rather than the usual goal of trying to get even one person to take it seriously.

>> No.8244821
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Heres the paper i'll be using to record the results. I also had to use a pick since i couldnt find a coin, hopefully this wont disrupt your spiritual fields. I just recorded the 10 flips and ill post the picture of the results tomorrow. I also expect you to match the order of the flips

>> No.8244827

Can't you just borg into Donald trump or any famous celebrity and make them tweet something after first telling us what it is?

>> No.8244829

Modify this a bit
Anon sets up a webcam in such a way that one can always see his hands and face.
Then said anon rolls a dice(d20?) and does not touch it for 5 minutes. Camera should be set up in such a way that number rolled on a dice is not visible yet.
After 5 minutes, anon tilts camera over a dice.
Repeat ad infinitum.

>> No.8244845

>match the order of the flips
Of course. Guessing only the amounts would have a much better chance of hitting the 70% margin of accuracy. You could guess 5 heads and 5 tails and you'd be "right" "enough" 7/11 times. Ordering means a 2^-10 chance of being right for any given answer.
Only if I wanted to cause a panic. Preferably proof won't involve fucking with the fabric of sane society.
That would also let a number of anons watch. Nice job improving the experiment.

>> No.8244854

Anon has second camera on his feet, streaming video to the "psychic." He taps out the number he sees with his foot.

>> No.8244857

Double blind: He wears a blindfold.

>> No.8244859

Proving beyond a reasonable doubt that esp is real will change the fabric of society independent of whether you prove it through elaborate coin toss or trump. Also trump claiming esp is real isn't even really out of character for him.

>> No.8244863

Or easier: Anon has a second camera positioned so it can see the rolled die.

>> No.8244867

Of course, but I want to prioritize non-threatening proof over chaotic I-can-make-you-do-whatever-I-want type proof. Let's save the metahuman shit for a more mature world.
We can add more cameras until we're sure there's no extraneous information leaving the room. Gets more expensive, but the basic idea is there.

>> No.8244870

You're thinking of multiple #'s but I wanna say 10? Maybe write one down and ask again

>> No.8244875

It's one number, with five digits.

>> No.8244879

Ok forecast what question 1 on my next exam is going to be, it won't convince anyone but I could really use the hint

>> No.8244895

Less heads, more tails... 4:6?
Heads, tails, heads, heads, tails, tails, tails, heads, tails, tails

>> No.8244904

Wrong term. Forecasting applies to multivariable systems. One single data point makes it a simple matter of prediction.

But I didn't make this thread for that. This is for all of /sci/, not just the handful of anons I could prove this stuff to if I used the grinding method /x/ uses.
Please don't turn this into a guessing match. Keep the answers on /x/ until I have time to go through them tomorrow. I want to limit this to one decisive answer. Giving multiple answers/guesses dilutes the quality of the data I'm trying to organize a way to collect here.

>> No.8244914

>make thread about being a psychic
>won't do the psychic

Aight have fun jerking off to dice

>> No.8244918

The point isn't to just do it and expect everyone to throw all reason to the wind and accept it as real evidence. The point is to discuss methods of collecting that evidence first and foremost. I'm only willing to do what it takes to prove this insofar as I can provide evidence to a lot of people at once. /x/ already fulfills the role of blindly reporting evidence to anyone that might be willing to believe it. That is not the point of this thread.

>> No.8244923

Read Hiroyuki's password out of his mind and make a post with his capcode.

>> No.8244928

That would be interesting. Wouldn't prove it wasn't just Hiro playing along to mindfuck /sci/ anons but would be interesting nonetheless.

>> No.8245022

54378... 13388... 80529?
Exhausting. They're probably all wrong. Are you still thinking of multiple #'s? Like accidentally. Thanks for the practice, anyway. Off to bed

>> No.8245033


>> No.8245035

When did you say keep it on /x/? This is my 1 answer >>8244895; you flipped it 10 times, didn't you? I provided every flip in order. Not exactly sure what you want.

>> No.8245041

>anon plays psychic on /x/
>/x/ plays along and pretends she's reading their minds correctly when she's really not getting anything right at all
>anon doesn't understand roleplaying and is convinced she really is psychic

>> No.8245861
File: 1.43 MB, 2592x1944, 20160803_112137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you got the ratio right at least, but thats not thag impresive considering it was a 10% chance
I wrote the order top to bottom starting with the left column

>> No.8246170

None of these posts are OP or the tripfag.

>> No.8246567

Ah.. I was pretty much way off lol. Not impressive, you're right.

So my 3rd attempt was kinda close. May as well be completely wrong, though.

Thanks for playing.

>> No.8246685

how about you just go get your check for a million dollars from James Randi and post a picture of it here

>> No.8246690

There is a scientific test in place to test "psychics" it involves guessing symbols on flash cards and so on. Do you have your own test you would like to try with someone? Also, the United States and Soviet Russia and pretty much every government I'm sure has looked into the topic pretty closely. Men who stare at goats goes pretty in depth into the topic. Even today the government and police use "remote viewing" and "psychic" help in some cases. What is it you would like help with exactly?

>> No.8246836

>I also had to use a pick since i couldnt find a coin
What? How do you not have a coin?

>> No.8247052

Because he's a con artist that actively tries to hide any evidence of legitimate non-ordinary abilities. If /x/'s intel is legit, which it usually is for stuff like this.
I'm not asking for help or ideas on what would help people believe in this stuff. I already understand how beliefs develop for the most part. What I want now is a way to shift the social climate in a way that can be widely recognized. Per-person grinding is too slow for my tastes.

>> No.8247065

>Because he's a con artist that actively tries to hide any evidence of legitimate non-ordinary abilities
Pretty bold assertion there. You have any evidence to back that up?

>> No.8247075

No, I'm just going by what I've consistently heard on /x/. I've never looked into it myself because the story is always exactly the same. I have no reason to doubt /x/ on the matter.

>> No.8248682

Bump of science.

>> No.8248686

stop bumping retarded popsci shit

>> No.8248690

This is literally the opposite of popular in science.

>> No.8248721
File: 110 KB, 575x374, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8248738

>popular in science
Are you retarded?

By the way, since you are retarded and probably won't understand, this is a rhetorical question.

>> No.8248761

Fuck off. I'm asking /sci/ to design an experiment that it would believe. This had nothing to do with whatever shit you're refusing to talk about openly.

>> No.8248776

And I'm asking you to go back to >>>/x/ you insufferable retard

>> No.8248782

Kill yourself. This thread has been highly constructive so far and your rampant shitposting adds exactly nothing. I have my hypothesis, we've discussed at least one type of experiment, and it's entirely feasible to test it. Don't act like a dipshit because you're not willing to test your beliefs.

>> No.8249991


It isn't our burden to prove your batshit theories.

You need to come up with a reliable experiment.

it is like saying i have telekinesis because i can flip a coin an make it land on heads some of the time.

>> No.8251480

Right, normally that's the approach I'd take but I've never been able to establish a stable baseline for evidence even on /x/. The stuff that makes people believe in extra-normal types of interaction varies per person such that I can't just go and design an experiment and expect to be taken seriously by the scientific community. I need you guys to have your hands helping make this possible or it'll just be dismissed as pseudoscience after-the-fact even if the experiment is absolutely perfect and rigorous.

I'm asking you what would convince you because I can't access that information without you. Even if nobody designs an experiment for me, feedback is crucial for me to figure out the nature of the experiment I'd have to design. I'm not asking to be taken seriously just yet, but to give me enough benefit of the doubt to give me the feedback I'll need to make this workable for you later on.

>> No.8251737

What the fuck are you talking about, dumb shit.
>What can you see happen on /sci/ that you wouldn't dismiss as organized mass roleplaying?
Well, nothing. What a surprise, it's an anonymous imageboard you stupid dick. Go back to your /x/ already