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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8230972 No.8230972 [Reply] [Original]

>centrifugal force isn't real XD

ITT shit undergrads say that annoy uou

>> No.8230988


>evolution is just a theory just like gravity

>> No.8230989

>I have a 4.0 first semester freshman , HUH engineering school is easy ,, LELELELE ima engineer

>> No.8231018

>dark matter

>> No.8231142

>le quantum consciousness

>> No.8231168

dumb frogposter

>> No.8231174

>le if we have quantum tunneling i can go back in tim, lelelele science is so cool guys

>> No.8231177

>this professor/class is so unfair and difficult!

>> No.8231180

>Stem majors deserve better treatment ,cus we are le future

>> No.8231197
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That's why spin dryers don't work.

>> No.8231200

Age 0-14
>centrifugal force is real
Age 14-22
>centrifugal force isn't real
Age 22
>centrifugal force is real
Age 23+
>centrifugal force isn't real

>> No.8231219

only true for amerifats though

>> No.8231261


>> No.8231278
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>> No.8231289

talking about the retarded freshman stem majors who think they are already Engineers or mathematicians because they took Math 101

>> No.8231342


sounds like some retarded undergrads

>> No.8231354


they do but it is an effect of quantum tunneling, it is a cylinder and a tunnel reminds of a cylinder and they resemble and they are the same and quantum means smallest physical whatever and the tunnel/cylinder is made out of it hence the effect




>> No.8231366


>> No.8231368
File: 192 KB, 900x900, 2-Stroke-47cc-49cc-Minimoto-font-b-Centrifugal-b-font-font-b-Clutch-b-font-alloy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurt durr what is centrifugal clutch?

>> No.8231374

Come on anyone. It's just a side product of inertia.

>> No.8231399

We can proove any truth with maths

>> No.8231402

Indeed. You can prove that the sum of 1 + 2 + 3 +......+ infinity = -1/12 with math.

>> No.8231409

[math] \displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^\infty n = \infty [/math].

[math] \displaystyle \sum_{n\geq 1}^\mathfrak{R} n = - \frac{1}{12} [/math].

>> No.8231411 [DELETED] 

[math] \displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^\infty n = \infty [/math].

[math] \displaystyle \sum_{n\geq 1}^\mathfrak{R} n = - \frac{1}{12} [/math].

>> No.8231412

-1/12 in both cases.

>> No.8231425

[math]1+2+3+\ldots+ \infty = \infty[/math], retard

>> No.8231428

Infinity is not in the set of positive integers. It's not a real.

>> No.8231566

As a 24yr old 3 year stem major I have never, ever heard anyone say this. Ever.
Since when is centrifugal force -not- real?

>> No.8231579

since it's merely the appearance of a force from inertial effects
nothing is pulling you towards the passenger seat in a car when you make a quick left hand turn, it's just that the centripetal force from the road/tires on the car accelerating the car toward the center of the turn is greater than the frictional force between you and your seat doing the same, so you feel pulled to the right with respect to the vehicle, because there is less force keeping your inertia in check relative the the car

>> No.8231607

My high school physics teacher explicitly told us centrifugal force is NOT a 'real' force, that it only appears to be real to the object experiencing it, and that centripetal force is real.

>> No.8231616

"We can't fix leaking reactors"

>> No.8231640

>Since when
Since 1687 when Newton
published "Philosophiæ"

>> No.8231647
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>"when will I ever use this?"

>> No.8231652

I don't think those symbols mean what you think they mean.

>> No.8231662
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Fuck, you got me

>> No.8231666

did u just start 2nd year then?

>> No.8231683

As long as he defines what they mean. Those symbols can mean whatever he wants them to.

>> No.8231696

The centrifugal force is a phantom force, the force is not separate from the centripetal force, it is simply observed from a different reference point or the object exerting the force may be exerting the force in a way contrary to the method most people are familiar with

>> No.8231703

I'm a senior now

>> No.8231712 [DELETED] 

Oh, you're right, I conflated two similar things.

It seems correct statement would be:

[math]1+2+3+\ldots = -\frac{1}{12} \mathfrak{R} [/math].

So would the proper notation for Ramanujan summation be the following?

[math]\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^\infty n = -\frac{1}{12} (\mathfrak{R})[/math]

>> No.8231714

Oh, you're right, I conflated two similar things.

It seems correct statement would be:

[math]1+2+3+\ldots = -\frac{1}{12} \ (\mathfrak{R}) [/math].

So would the proper notation for Ramanujan summation be the following?

[math]\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^\infty n = -\frac{1}{12} \ (\mathfrak{R})[/math]

>> No.8231718

Stealing this

>> No.8231723

i fucking love science

>> No.8231752

What's wrong here? First year is the hardest by far.

>> No.8231754

It's not though. It's a model and a consequence of reference frame.

>> No.8231761

dont even bother discussing it. its wrong

>> No.8231765

> fictious forces aren't real
What kinda retard are you?

>> No.8231766


>> No.8231779

>"software wil do it for me"

>> No.8231804

>Why do I have to prove this? It's obvious!

>> No.8232001

If the faculty is calling you an engineer, and you are enrolled in the engineering department, seeking a bachelors in engineering, can you call yourself an engineer?

>> No.8232018

what about if you graduated with an engineering degree but your job title is physicist? can you call yourself an engineer?

>> No.8232026


engineering is legally defined. go look up the requirements.

>> No.8232038

but my diploma says engineer

>> No.8232546

>so much gay activities in the requirements
and I thought it was just a meme

>> No.8232567

>engineering is legally defined
>Engineers literally believe this


>> No.8232614

took me a minute to determine
how that works (in the absense
of the surrounding drum) but
that is fckn awesome, thx

>> No.8232666

I've never heard of people denying that before either. But then again the last few have been "hey, science is kinda gay and I think the earth is flat."

>> No.8232676

Oh yes, the secret Engineer ID card that allows you to do engineering and gives you 50% off in all gay nightclubs

>> No.8232687


It's actuall a buttplug, but basically yes

>> No.8232965


>> No.8232971
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>> No.8233638


it's real in the exact same way that gravity is a real force.

>> No.8233669

>centrifugal force
you mean inertia? Why are you giving it two names? That's dumb.

>> No.8234134

>I made Deans list first term.

>> No.8234138

I have been on the presidents list while my college didnt have a president for 4 semesters. As soon as a president was hired, i was back on the deans list.

>> No.8234169

Well, maybe not engineering, but the job title 'engineer' is legally protected in most countries. You can't have 'engineer' in your job title unless you have an accredited engineering degree.

>> No.8234178

>You can't have 'engineer' in your job title unless you have an accredited engineering degree.
This is just wrong for the biggest demographic on 4chan, USA.

>> No.8234182

PE licenses are granted to only ABET accredited engineers. also, washington accord.

>> No.8234192

This one is boring, where are the ICP?

>> No.8234243

>calories in calories out

>> No.8234255


>The earth revolves around the sun :^)

>> No.8234260

My understanding has always been that centrifugal and centripetal force are both real. Centrifugal force is the object pushing on the wall of the centrifuge due to inertia. Centripetal force is the same force, but originating from the wall pushing against the object.

Do people actually think there is some magical force that pushes you against the wall of a centrifuge before learning about how the whole thing works?

>> No.8234264


A good gpa doesn't always mean that they'll turn out alright. Preppy school boys turn out to be the worst fucking junior engineers on the planet. the problem is they always want to do shit exactly the way they learned.

>> No.8234268


Oh boy are you in for something.

Gravity isn't a force either. The force comes from trying to resist the acceleration of gravity.

>> No.8234325

The US has a different system, where only the title of "Professional Engineer" is protected. As I said, in most countries the title of "engineer" is itself protected.

>> No.8234368

No you can't.

>> No.8234373

>+ infinity
thats not how it works

>> No.8234463

What annoys me?
>freshmen/sophomores discussing quantum mechanics
>undergrads having 'opinions' about the century old thing they've learned
>undergrads having opinions on physicists whose work they would not even recognize if you left out the name
>people who think reading fun (popsci) books and Wikipedia articles has actually taught them something comparable to the guy 10 feet away who is a researcher in whatever field

Basically people who know nothing.

>> No.8234488


To be fair a rigorous understanding of even the Standard Model or General Relativity requires years of study, let alone QM.

String Theory and SUSY/GUT Models are only really understood by the active developers.

Most people that blather about theoretical physics couldn't pass a rigorous exam on classical mechanics. I usually respond by telling them their hypotheses are interesting and they usually go away.

>> No.8234493

>Basically people who know nothing.

don't conflate arrogance with lack of education anon

>> No.8234502

No, thats not what people think

>> No.8234512

Nope, Centrifugal force is a pseudo force

>> No.8234515

Indeed. It's actually the first imaginary number.

>> No.8234678

It's a pseudo force though. There are only 4 forces in the universe, all other are a combination of those four (mostly gravitation and electromagnetic force)

>> No.8234751

That's the point he was trying to make. Both are psudeo forces.

>> No.8236652

>Ochem is so hard
>Why do we need to learn chemistry?
I fucking hate 90% of my fellow biology majors

>> No.8236666

>I don't need all this theory as a programmer
then go to a trade school and shut up

>windows vs linux vs mac
that goes for all disciplines. For 95% of users it doesn't matter, the rest has no choice

>everything about quantum computing
probably can't tell NP apart from EXPTIME but pretend to know what the next big thing will be and when it will be achieved

>> No.8236668
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>> No.8237000

It's really not even acceleration lol. Free fall is an inertial reference frame. Standing still on the ground is accelerating you. Whatever tho

>> No.8237036
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>this entire thread

>> No.8237079

Is this bait?
Or THIS is bait?

>> No.8237283

That is

that is basically every insufferable student under 25

>> No.8237288

>to opine
is that a real word ?

>> No.8237293

Lol Americans...

>> No.8237295

take ur opine back >:o

>> No.8237499

Damn, I guess I'd better stop saying this now.