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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8229892 No.8229892 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, GauB
>be 7 years old
>some bitch is teaching me
>call her a bitch
>fuck her
>probably a jew anyways
>cunt tells me to add the numbers 1 to 100
>hate math
>hate adding
>fuck that bitch
>add 1 is 1
>add 2 is 3
>add 3 is 6
>add 4 is 10
>add 5 is 15
>fuck this
>this is fucking gay
>fuck that faggot bitch
>well, wait
>the 5th is 3 * 5
>the 4th is 2 * 5
>the 3rd is 2 * 3
>well is I just add a 2 it gets nice
>twice the 5th is 6 * 5
>twice the 4th is 5 * 4
>twice the 3rd is 3 * 4
>well fuck
>then the hundredth is 50 * 101
>too lazy to know for sure
>don't want to add all that shit
>fuck it
>tell that dumb bitch it's 5050
>chalk drop

>> No.8229896

nigga you just went full autismo

>> No.8229897

wew lad some edgy boi just finished watching some edgyphile videos.

Don't forget to pack up your gun for school tomorrow and also dinner is at 8, young man. You wouldn't want to miss that mac & cheese meal so you better be ready to walk down your carpeted stairs.

>> No.8229905

>carpeted stairs
sounds cozy

with a gross underbelly

>> No.8229914

delete thread and ban everyone

>> No.8229940

Please OP, more! I especially enjoy the story of that time he proved the sign of the quadratic Gauss sum

>> No.8229951

not dank enough

>> No.8229978

I thought the rational was more "100 and 1 is 101"
99 and 2 is 101 ... Etc

>> No.8230067

I read from some slightly "off" mathematician's blog that Gauss figured it out by looking at the factorization and assuming the pattern held, which makes good sense given his age. Sure Gauss was smart, but at 7, or however the fuck old he was, that proof by pairing seems more complicated and less straightforward.