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8217836 No.8217836[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Professor is late for class

>> No.8217845

I had a professor that was over half an hour late to the final once.

>> No.8217876

i had one who completely skipped a midterm

>> No.8217886

My last chem professor was exactly seven minutes late to every single lecture of the term. Exactly seven.

>> No.8217889
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> Professor is late for class
Every passing minute is an hour in heaven

>> No.8217892

>professor is not late for class
It would honestly be a surprise

>> No.8217901

tell me where you go to school so i can remind myself never to go there

>> No.8218151

>professor goes over time
>every time

>> No.8218171

>Professor is late for class
Bad thing. When there is no professor in a room, I do not have a fixed point to look at, so my anxiety and social phobia kicks in.

>> No.8218262

yeah this is how it usually works
>oh, you have lives with schedules and such? here, let me add some arbitrary workload while i am at it.

>> No.8218357


If you have something to do that's more important than the class, leave

>> No.8218359

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.

>> No.8218388

What about another class?

>> No.8218403

>have class with professor that closes the door the minute class starts
>class is after a professor that goes over time at the end of class to discuss important dates

>> No.8218456

You're an adult; you're allowed to get up and walk out at any point in time.

>> No.8218480
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>tfw professor makes eye contact and I'm just like

>> No.8218494

This semester my professor completely missed the first class. Granted, he's an adjunct professor. He was on the ball rest of the semester after apologizing.

I've had worse. Like two professors overseeing a junior projects course up and quitting their jobs after mid-terms to go work at microsoft.

That was a clusterfuck.

>> No.8218504
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>quitting their jobs after mid-terms to go work at microsoft.
Nigger where are you going to college that this happens? kek

>> No.8218513

>professor is sick and sent out an email
>nobody checks their email and everyone was in class for 20 minutes before someone though to check their mail
>top school in the state

>> No.8218532

>Professor doesnt come to class because her train is stuck.

>Professor is 20 mins early and just sits and watches the students.

>Professor suddenly goes on a tangent for 15 mins about how the university center for learning is disliked because they take funds away from the Professors.

>Asks Professor a question and he starts a 20 minute monologue about the foundation and philosophy of science.

>> No.8218538

>Professor starts talking politics in a math class

>> No.8218542

>professor notices that almost half the class has stopped attending, and sends out a passive aggressive email reminding them that attendance is technically compulsory
>doesn't show up the next day

>> No.8218544

To be fair they allowed the students to retake the class for free the next semester as compensation. Also, the old department head was away helping the school open a new building in singapore, so a lot of bullshit ended up happening behind his back, or well out of his reach. He's back now, and the program's in far better shape because of it.

>> No.8218566

Do you go to UW?

>> No.8218593
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>allowed the students to retake the class for free the next semester as compensation
>for free

God I feel bad for you Americans.
Nice to hear that the program is well-ordered again however.

>> No.8218658
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>professor asks the class question
>no one answers
>40 seconds of awkward silence

>> No.8218685

Do you think this is exclusive to your school?

>> No.8218792

Ole Miss, I presume?

>> No.8218813
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>professor spends half the lesson talking about his holiday trips

>> No.8218828
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>professor starts talking about politics in a plant class
>the entire final is composed of questions about why conservatives are always right

I thought I was in the botany department...

>> No.8218833

>professor makes a huge mistake and nobody notices

>> No.8218834

>professor is sick constantly
>doesn't send out an email or tell TA's
>its an 8:30 am class

Man I fucking hated that physics class

>> No.8218835

>professor dresses as santa on last day of fall term

>> No.8218836


>professor makes a huge mistake and EVERYBODY notices
>no one corrects him
>he finally notices
>gets mad at the class

evvery time

>> No.8218837
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>professor makes a small mistake
>someone notices
>the professor then give a 20 minute story about how no matter if you have your phd or no degree you can make mistakes

>> No.8218840

>instead of final revision class professor makes students come out (class of 200+) to act a pantomime about quantum mechanics

>> No.8218841

Mine just canceled a final because he wanted to go on vacation early.

>> No.8218850
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>Professor attempts to make a funny joke

>> No.8218856

>Never pay attention in class
>Have A because I just cram with various materials
>Every week or so professor misses a class, tells in person beforehand and doesn't email us
>End up driving to my school for nothing each time because I didn't hear it

>> No.8218858

I had a teacher in high school who missed a class every other week. Instead of actually teaching us anything, he made our sub show us home videos of him [the teacher] scuba diving every time.

>> No.8218862

>professor makes a funny joke
>only the bright few understand

>> No.8218864
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>professor makes a /pol/ joke
>in a prominently lefty school


>> No.8218867

Everybody understood it you brainlet.

>> No.8218877

>"I know that anon knows the answer"
>everybody looks at you

>> No.8218878

unlike you i have friends and they didnt understand, nor the people in the back and front of me who did happen to comment on not understand what he said

>> No.8218901

>you actually do know the answer this time
>everyone is mad at you for showing off

>> No.8218904

>that one kid who constantly needs to show the CS class (during class) that he's been doing projects on github in 28 differently languages since he was 11

>> No.8218916

>tfw this happened
>I would answer once or twice to be nice and not leave her hanging
>one day it happens after I answer two or three times and the other 5 questions she asked went unanswered
>she goes apeshit and yells at us about why the hell are we here if we don't give a shit and how is she supposed to teach us when she doesn't know if we're learning or not
>walks out


>> No.8218918

>that kids who shows his grades in the facebook

>> No.8219004

>the people that never answer the professor's questions and get mad when someone else does

Why are these people even in university.
Sometimes I wish I had the power to deport these people to the social studies department.

>> No.8219045

try this on
>professor is german
>starts exactly at 09:00
>proceeds non-stop like a robot to talk in indepth mechanical details about complicated topics, with a formal and logical approach, breaking down information as you would on a paper, not a lecture
>doesnt throw in even one joke
>completes exactly at the 0:55 minute mark
>everyone is way too fatigued from the rigidity of the talk

>> No.8219049

this was like my bacterial pathogenesis professor, except he joked a lot

the man must have spoken 200 words a minute for 50 minutes

>> No.8219050

Halfway through second year, and have never witnessed this type of anger in a college setting.

>> No.8219053

hey it could've been worse, you could've been the only one suddenly laughing out loud

>psychology lecture on social psychology
>suddenly topic changes to racism
>professor for some reason has a slide of mario baliotelli
>slide reads "mario baliotelli has had bananas thrown out him while being an italy football player"
>have to use all of my might to keep from bursting out laughing

>> No.8219054

one professor failed an entire course for "late homework" on a date he assigned to us because he thought students would do some early and not all turn it in right before christmas, as he wanted to go on a vacation

>> No.8219055

>professor laughs at his own joke during his lecture
>nobody else laughs

that day I decided he would be my supervisor for my thesis

>> No.8219056
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>professor is Chinese

>> No.8219059

And that's how we know you don't have an education beyond highschool.

>> No.8219061

>leave class while new info is being discussed

no thanks

>> No.8219091

>Time for students to register their classes for the next semester
>From the overload the university's server crashes

This shit would be normal if it wasn't a university. These places are supposed to have fucking CS and Technology departments that study these topics academically. Supposedly the best of the best.

You are telling me that all these PhDs cannot for the life of them build a site strong enough to support all of their students at once using it?

I mean, I always knew CS people were retarded but not at this level.

>> No.8219319

>professors overseeing a junior projects
>course up and quitting their jobs after
>mid-terms to go work at microsoft.
Let me guess, "Right To Work" state?

>> No.8219326
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>professor cant speak english

>> No.8219332
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>professor has "cynical" humor
End this academic meme already.

>> No.8219336

>professor has online notes
>it devolves into cantonese part way through

>> No.8219395



>> No.8219597

>professor leaves 10 minutes earlier
>professor can't into [math]\LaTeX[/math]
>professor can't be bothered to use school intranet
>professor mocks other nationalities

fucking this, it always boggles my mind

>> No.8219600

>professor puts TA with illegible handwriting and indecipherable accent in charge

>> No.8219606

2 Kings 2:23-25

>Elisha Is Jeered
>23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” 24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys. 25 And he went on to Mount Carmel and from there returned to Samaria.

professor is a madman

>> No.8219609

It's almost as if these researchers already have a full-time job or something. Weird.

>> No.8219619

mfw Israelites supposedly used to kill philistines with a clear conscience.

>> No.8219622

I had a professor that would sexually abuse me after class.
Ha! Top that!

>> No.8219638

really makes you think

>> No.8219649
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>mfw the mathematics professor was an eccentric ENTP
>mfw they were the best lectures of my life


>> No.8219650

My english professor had a special needs son who started having medical and behavior problems spike back at home. He was so busy dealing with him that he skipped over our last few big assignments and basically handed out A's.

Helped me tons for when I transferred. I hope that tard kid is okay, he really hooked it up.

>> No.8219653
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>professor talks about his problems at home

>> No.8219655

My professor from my mythology class was actually studying for her oral defense of her doctoral thesis, so she literally handed out As. Her area of research had something to do with memes used in politocal propoganda (not internet memes).

>> No.8219660

your autism is showing

>> No.8219661

>thermodynamics class
>talks about skii trail difficulty, japanese culture and tennis

>> No.8219667

I love your teacher

>> No.8219669


may as well have a robot read off a book

>> No.8219715
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>Professor spends 10-15 minutes out of most lectures telling silly physics history stories, like the one about Dirac's negative fish riddle, then acts surprised when we're falling behind 8 weeks into the semester

>> No.8219750

I had an organic chem professor who only held five classes over the semester
>was pregnant
>broke leg
>gave birth

not even once

>> No.8219882
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>thermodynamics course
>professor uses the same v for velocity, specific volume and volume

>fluid mechanics course
>professor writes a lowercase p for pressure and density

>> No.8220026
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>professor drops a lure during the lecture

>> No.8220035

Bjork was so hot when she was young.

>> No.8220065

>prof is 20min late
>more than half the class left after 15min
>gives us a hard time for not telling people to stay

>> No.8220106

I have to take dynamics, fluids, Cad and fluids lab in one semester, do you think thats too much? Ive heard fluids is the toughest class an engineering undergrad can take.

>> No.8220109
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>then you're asked to give class notes to the people who left

>> No.8220112

No, I'm in all of those except for CAD right now, and CAD is babby-tier easy.

>> No.8220114

kek, edgy

>> No.8220123

Feel bad that people feel the need to do this but there is a reason.

For example, say one thing on /sci/ that either is wrong or not funny and the thread turns into who can insult you the best.

I guess it's different on 4chan though, because you realize that the people being immature are either 16 or 30 working a min wage job

>yes im projecting you aggressive edgelords

>> No.8220132

Some people don't appreciate wit as much as others. They understand it, it's just not entertaining to them.

Bo Burnham is clever with his word play, but most of the people ive watched him with only laugh at his jokes related to sex. hur dur "adult humor"

>> No.8220151

One of the professors on my colleague's PhD defense was 45 minutes late to the presentation so she had to explain it again to him.

>> No.8221308

>leaving in the first 15 minutes
No one to blame but yourselves

>> No.8221341


>> No.8221380

Nothing worse than childish vulgar fart-joke bullshit disguised as comedy for adults.

>> No.8221388

was she a tiny asian lady, because I think I had that professor last semester.

>> No.8221394


>professor misses a class
>doesn't send an email
>tapes a single handwritten note on the door of a 200 seat lecture hall instead

>> No.8221398

I've noticed a lot of biology professors tend to be rather conservative, I suspect they have more exposure to the incompetence of government when you watch them try to manage wildlife.

One of my professors, spent a strange amount of time explaining how a good lesson to take away from global warming, was to never distort or misrepresent your data. He was almost 80 at the time and had been through the global cooling phase in the 1970's, he related a lot of the hysteria then is the same as the hysteria now, but back then no one was promising to make it go away if you handed them enough money.

>> No.8221407

We call those professors "Gilbert Strang"

>> No.8221489
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>professor asks you to do a problem on the board
>it's an easy proof, you could normally do it in your head
>panic, do it wrong
>professor gives "smiling, but disappointed father" look

>> No.8221552

My professor hasn't uploaded my final grade of the aemester to the official page.

>> No.8221616

>not checking your email first thing every morning
>not setting your phone to make a noise whenever you get a new email

>> No.8221633
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>he barely speaks english
>have to use all of your concentration just to understand him through his thick accent

>> No.8221724
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>professor sneaks in a rant about religion

>> No.8221800

>broke leg
Broke my leg Friday on my way home,
went to class Monday in cast on crutches.

>> No.8222618


>> No.8222654

On the contrary, I've noticed new university students are the ones who are too scared to move until dismissed.

>> No.8222659

Do you really think they take busy academic researchers and ask them to do the full time job , which is totally unrelated to their research, of building and maintaining university websites?

>> No.8222664

Do you think this is exclusive to your school?

>> No.8222666

I work part-time as an adjunct and this is literally the worst thing about my job.

>ask class a question
>nobody answers
>half the class not even looking at me

>ask if there are questions about the homework
>blank stares

>homework due date
>someone complains about not understanding something
>"which problem did you not understand?"
>"all of them"
>"okay, what did you have trouble with on number 1?"
>tell them to come to my office hours/see me after class
>they just walk out early instead


>> No.8222676

Was he like the chair or something?

>> No.8222698

Maybe you could try making me feel like I'm not wasting your time

>> No.8222708

>professor is some hilarious russian guy
>keeps eye contact for a couple of seconds while making some funny face
>fail to hold in my laughter every single time
Pretty awkward.

>> No.8222723

>answering the questions I asked for is wasting my time

In all seriousness though, you should never feel uncomfortable asking a question. It's your professor's job to make sure you're learning. If he's not answering your questions, you have every right to complain to the department.

Conversely, if you're not asking questions, you're just wasting your own time coming to class in the first place.

>> No.8222729

you are

>> No.8223113

>start shaking when you get lost half way through

>> No.8223203

I hate people who can't use nomenclature properly.

>> No.8223213

>indian professor
>can't speak comprehensibly for more than 5 words

>> No.8223236

devil trips

>> No.8223239


>> No.8223255

>class is so shit I decide to leave early
>professor stop the lecture and start talking shit about me
>after 5 minutes he just end the class 40 minutes early
>send an email to everyone cancelling our next class

>> No.8223332

You fucking idiot. Every prof that I see do this is a fucking idiot. Do you think students are trained from a young age to fucking jump at the trill of your voice?

Why don't you try asking a specific student instead of the whole classroom? Why are you fucking floored when your generic-ass, piece of shit, cocksucking teaching technique falls to pieces? Can the whole class answer your question at once? No. It's not reasonable. Do your shit eating job and find the students having trouble. Coach them through a problem during class without making them feel like a piece of shit for not knowing the answer. Don't ask them to see you on your office hours, you're dodging teaching them as surely as they're dodging answering you. Maybe learn their names while you're at it.

>It's them it's not me!

Literal,metaphorical, physical manifestation of fucking scum.

>> No.8223342
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>thinks calling on particular students for no reason to answer questions is a great idea
>thinks asking the class as a whole and expecting people who would like to answer raise their hands is fucking idiotic


>> No.8223349

>professor solves trivial equation
>fellow students ask dumb question
>repeat x10
Well, there goes another lecture!

>> No.8223357

>professor is chinese
>all students are also chinese including me
>he begins speaking in chinese because everyone can understand it
>except me
>ask him to speak in english because i cant understand a word hes saying
>complies for 5 minutes or so
>back to chinese
>ask white friend to come to class with me so he feels obligated to speak english
>professor speaks in english for the first 10 minutes or so and then goes back to chinese
funny thing is my white friend spoke chinese fluently

Another one:
>professor is greek
>any word with a greek root she explains to the class what he root comes from
>literally the father from my bug fat greek wedding

>> No.8223358
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>guhhhhhhhhhhh edgy!

>> No.8223362

Classrooms should be interactive. Something needs to be done to get that started.

>> No.8223395

If they know the answer, they aren't learning. They get their little shitty ego boost and the teacher gets to falsely assume that people beyond the best student in the class are equally familiar with the material. In my eyes, it's preferable to have an entirely non-interactive lecture to this sort of false flag bullshit.

Calling on someone that doesn't know is trickier. Of course they'll feel put upon and stressed out, so it's up to the instructor to break down exactly what they don't know without making them feel stupid for not knowing. There's a lot of bad ways to do this, which is why shitty teachers don't bother trying it.

>> No.8223399

Ofc. The issue is that asking the question to the audience splits the onus of participating too many ways, especially in a larger class with students that aren't comfortable with one another. It's limp-wristed for a lecturer to push the responsibility of interaction onto the classroom this way, because the students don't have training or experience to establish it. I've seen public questions work when there's something putting the classroom at ease, like a goofy or relaxed personality. Even in these cases it's rare for a teacher to be able to lower the cost of speaking so much that any given student is comfortable speaking. You just get a 3-4 students learning instead of 1-2 in a lot of cases.

>> No.8223411

>Professor asks you to do a problem on the board
>Have own shorthand method to figure it out
>Makes no fucking sense to anyone else

Was one confused professor and class but at least I got it right

>> No.8223423

>Ok guys i'm gonna give you 10 points (3%-4% of the grade) extra credit, let me just think of a problem
>End of class he didn't think about one but promised to have one before the final
>Final comes
>No extra credit
>Barely make it by with a B

>> No.8223425

>No pens allowed on tests
>No make ups
>25% of grade down the drain

>> No.8223427
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>professor makes you feel dumb/ accuses you for not reading the material for asking a question

>> No.8223432

>Teacher sends an email saying class is cancelled
>At 2am the same day

>> No.8223438
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>Work at school as an in class tutor
>One math teacher hates his job and his students
>He never wanted to be a teacher
>He teaches math wrong on purpose if it makes it easier to teach
>He literally spent a day teaching a class that mx+b is you take how high a random point is on the graph is the b and the mx is whatever number plus the b = the height at the end of the line
>He has tenure

>> No.8223441

>Professor (Male) has a fantastic ass and is jacked as shit

>> No.8223442
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>Professor is communist/SJW and forces you to learn about it even when it isn't related to the class
How many of you faggots had this? I had a multiculturalism professor (easy A) make us learn about the Patriarchy, the history of American communism and other bullshit which at best is only loosely multi cultural.

>> No.8223444

>multiculturalism professor
anon this board is for Science and Math
Lib.Arts Students please go and stay go

>> No.8223445
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>Chemistry class
>Near finals
>2nd to last lecture
>Someone says that glass is a liquid
>Teacher rages about it for 30 minutes straight until class is over

>> No.8223452

>Math class final
>Manage to find the answer to a problem in a completely unconventional way
>The problem would literally decide if I had a B or a C in the class
>Teacher had no fucking idea what I was doing and think I just trail and errored the problem somehow
>Had to convince him of how I did it and then prayed he would remember to correct my score next week
Shit was stressful yo.

>> No.8223455

As a tutor in a high school I hate this shit.
>Kids never ask for help
>Kids are obviously weeks behind mentally and aren't caught up at all
>Too lazy/scared to actually ask
>Class mean is a D-

>> No.8223456
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>start living in school dorms
>suddenly develop insomnia

>> No.8223458

You know Gen ed is required in community college right?

>> No.8223462

>community college
ah. Where I live Professors only teach at universities, we don't have CCs

>> No.8223475

>"wii of x"
>pointing to z(x)

>> No.8223476
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>that kid who asks the professor questions he already knows the answer to in order to look impressive

>> No.8223582

Fucking hate that bullshit.

>> No.8223587

>professor doesn't show up for class

>> No.8223590

They are relieved when someone answers the question.

>> No.8223606

Fuck that, I don't want to deal with the loud normies.

>> No.8223623

>you fail and the professor finds you
>time after time

>> No.8223647

did he by any chance resemble a slightly less deformed conan o'brien?

>> No.8223654


>everyone else is a shut in like me who has no responsibilities outside of class and doesn't plan their schedules ahead of time using given class times

If class lasts from 2:00 to 2:50, I plan around that. It's irresponsible on the professor's part to not be able to schedule HIS OWN class in that time. If you're going 15-20 minutes overboard every day, you deserve to be shot in the fucking head.

I don't want to fall behind in class because of the professor's inability to plan ahead and teach in the times I signed up for.

>> No.8223706

Especially if you have a class right after it

>> No.8223715

>everyone is mad at you for showing off
I really don't get it.

>> No.8223737
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>Going to class
>Not just watching online


>> No.8223739
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>Adult learning environment
>Wants to be treated like a fucking child


>> No.8223743

Ive actually had a professor who really loved to talk about politics and current events too. Though he never brought it during lecture and only during office hours if no one had questions and if only a small group is there. Really cool dude and a great proffesor. Probably browses 4chan as well.

>> No.8223752

I had one that never taught anything.

He talked about random shit for 40 minutes then the last 10 minutes he tried to teach something and failed.

>> No.8223807


>In grad class with Chinese professor

>He's been in the United States for like 30 years but learning how to speak good English seems like it's been his dead last priority the entire time.

>Each class consists of a new 50 slide presentation FILLED with extremely complicated equations with several skipped steps in the derivations.

>Have to just read the slide since you can't tell what he's saying

>Class is 90 minutes long so we're flying through. Nothing is understood and I have to spend a couple of days going through the slides myself to understand all of what was going on.

>Occasionally he'll ask a question to the class about some research-level tangent that he thought up. When none of us are able to answer it, he gets visibly upset EVERY time. Half the time we just can't understand the question.

>Latter half of the class consists entirely of material in research papers that are less than 25 years old (quite recent in terms of hard sciences).

What the fuck...

>> No.8224068

the amount of pettiness and passive aggressiveness in some people is really surprising, esp considering these people are in academia

>> No.8224206

>professor at a conference
>gets one of his grad students to take the week's lectures
>comes in late
>no shoes, questionable hygiene
>mumbles something to himself
>writes a theorem proof on the board
>stands away from the board and gives a one sentence explanation
>immediately rubs the theorem out
>starts babbling about manifolds and tensors
>this is only undergrad multivariable calc

>> No.8224208
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>professor introduces new terminology and notation
>doesn't explain what it means

>> No.8224229

They have these, I TA in one. SCALE UP. (student centered active learning environment for university physics). The idea is that the students read before class (doesnt happen), the professor goes over key concepts as a refresher rather then a lecture, and most of the time is spent doing group work and active work on white boards. But if they just fuck off and dont try that hard, then it doesnt matter.

They fail for the same reason, if students dont want to learn then there is nothing you can do to fix it. Biology has classes in the room, and I heard good things, but med/premed are tryhards so hard to beat that.

>> No.8224233

>They fail for the same reason, if students dont want to learn then there is nothing you can do to fix it.

>> No.8224282

>No. It's not reasonable. Do your shit eating job and find the students having trouble. Coach them through a problem during class without making them feel like a piece of shit for not knowing the answer. Don't ask them to see you on your office hours, you're dodging teaching them as surely as they're dodging answering you. Maybe learn their names while you're at it.
Do you know how university even works

>> No.8224316

>ask class a question
>nobody answers
>half the class not even looking at me
You ask nobody and nobody answers. Next time try not asking anything at all.

>ask if there are questions about the homework
>blank stares
You know they won't do the homework, why bother asking?

>homework due date
>someone complains about not understanding something
>"which problem did you not understand?"
>"all of them"
>"okay, what did you have trouble with on number 1?"
Ask for specific problems and not generalities

>>tell them to come to my office hours/see me after class
>>they just walk out early instead
They already know your office hours and they are not going. Why do you want to lure them to your office so badly?

>> No.8224419

Yes, a professor in my department tried to start this sort of thing. It has the potential to work out in advanced classes in which students can be reasonably expected to want to learn the material, but would be a disaster in intro calc.

>> No.8224424
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>you go in to your profs office hours everyweek just to shoot the shit and ask questions on the course

he was a cool TA, I wish him luck to the school hes a prof for now

does your prof also have a Hazing complex where he makes the course that should be simple, incredibly difficult because that was how his course was without any other reasoning?

>> No.8224426

>Ask for specific problems and not generalities
How is this the professor's fault? These are legitimate problems. Students don't even try the homework; they come in and ask to be shown the answer without thinking. They ask "how do you do number 1?" but when you ask what they think about it, what they've tried, or what is confusing them, they don't have an answer because they haven't bothered to spend five minutes thinking about the problem.

Have you tried lecturing to a group of students who are unresponsive? You have no clue whether they are following what you're saying, so you have no clue whether you need to back up and revisit things. Learning is collaborative; the student needs to be expected to participate in the process. They need to take up an active role. Then these people bitch and moan about how terrible class is and leave scathing reviews at the end of the semester.

>> No.8224435

Was him Tarski?

>> No.8224443

That's me.... D;
Like, that's all I've done my whole life! And people get impressed by it what else am I going to do?
My absolute favorite math professor is Chinese! He's hard to understand but he's incredibly intelligent when you can understand him. He always comes up with these nest analogies and explanations.
Those generally aren't built by the CS people but are farmed out to external companies instead.

>> No.8224447

This is my physics 2 professor.
>assigns decent homework
>2 4-hour lectures a week, sometimes a 2 hour lab
>gives us a practice test, which is usually general physics 2 level of difficulty
>tells us what sections of the book to read
>then the exam is mostly analytical problems outside the scope of the class
>highest exam grade on an exam thus far is a 70 something.
>her response after we answer why were arent doing well on exams is "maybe I got too creative."
>no, bitch, you dont equip us or prepare us with the necessary tools and spend 30 minutes everyday talking about trips you took on vacation

>> No.8224464

Thats Physics 2 in a nut shell for me too

Though i has a better prof. She was incredibly good at giving lectures, and her HW was not that horrible. But if you didnt put forth any extra effort into the class, you would be screwed for the exams.

Class averages varied from 40 to 60 percents.

My modern Physics prof is wonderful, her practice exams she sends out is an almost mirror image of the actual exams. Though that doesnt make it any more easy.

>> No.8224476

Thats it! I dont want the class to be a breeze, i just dont want to spend 30-40 hours a week outside of the class using the resources provided by her and the school, just to find out Im still completely unequiped to pass the exam with a B.

>> No.8224479

One of my classes has been the exact opposite of this.

>material discussed during lectures is difficult
>weekly assignments are pretty difficult
>final tests only asks about the basic things discussed in the course
>prof is very lenient with the final grades on top of that
Average mark turned out to be like 80% while a week before the exam I was dead sure a bunch of people wouldn't make it.

>> No.8224492

that just sounds like your prof actually taught the class though.

Just know that whatever class it is, the first exam will always be the hardest exam because you do not know how the prof will formulate the exam.

After that, you should be able to recognize the pattern.

>> No.8224495

I didn't get this at my school after the first semester of the first year, when the kids that thought that they were math geniuses because they could do integral calculus in high school realized that the rest of the class could too.

>> No.8224508

underrated post

>> No.8224572

DiffEq in a nutshell

>> No.8224729

>tells us not to write something down
>calls you out when you write it down

Excuse me if I fucking like what I see.

>> No.8225421

gtfo faggot

>> No.8225450

Only retards take notes.

>> No.8225451

There is a joke. in Math.
Mathematics is the language of science.

However, the language of mathematics is english spoken in a Chinese accent.

>> No.8225455
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>professor is gay for ass

>> No.8225626
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>be instructor for intro to QM class
>show up to an empty classroom
>wait 20 minutes
>turned out I entered the wrong classroom
>travel across campus to the correct classroom
>still no one there
>wait 30 more minutes
>find out it's a national holiday

>> No.8225735


>> No.8225805

oh boy, this is one of the reasons I hate schools and most educational facilities

>volunteer to tutor kids
>end up tutoring kids that aren't special ed, but have stuff like aspergers or some problems so they get a period each day with special ed teacher
>tutor some of the kids
>teacher lady was nice
>am expected to basically do work for the kids though
>try to teach the kids instead of doing that
>refuse whenever just asked to do their work
>these kids are supposed to be getting extra help but they're basically being pushed through, most of them had no fucking idea how to do any of the basic shit they needed to know to do their math homework
>worst part was how entitled they acted, many knew that the teachers and aids were there to basically ensure they couldn't fail or if they did it didn't matter
>and that they were getting their work done for them

education systems is fucked yo

>> No.8225844

>quantum field theory is moved to a different day
>two-thirds of the class show up and sit there for 15 minutes till I remember professor telling us class was moved
>top school in the country
>grad level physics class

It's like the smarter you get the more retarded you are with basic life skills

>> No.8225864

Kek where the fuck do you go

>> No.8225903

>tfw went to community college and all the teachers/professors were nice and wanted you to do well
>in first year at real college and all professors are cunts


>> No.8225922

CC professors:
>Overpaid highschool teachers that basically did a one year masters and now can spend their day jacking off and teaching calc I to retards who will give up half way through so you do not have to care about it.

Uni professors:
>Underpaid highschool teachers that basically had to do an 8 year PhD only to teach calc I to retards who do not even care and will give up half way through and you have to care because if not then the diversity hire of the department will get promoted to full time professor instead of you. Not to mention they all want to kill themselves and their main job is research, not to teach you.

Most of that is a joke though. The main difference is that CC professors only teach while uni professors have to research and teaching is only that thing that makes their research take twice the time it would if they could only do research full time, so they hate you for it.

>> No.8225926
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>lecturer is talking about how we should submit physics assignment online, but don't worry about LaTeX just scan your working or use ms word formulas
>becomes awkward for a second
>starts ranting at us about how 10 years ago it was mandatory to take at least one CS class for this physics course, and now we're all being treated like babbies with the only computational work being some introductory matlab courses in later years
>walks out pissed off, most people in the lecture hall look baffled
>tfw I understand and I expected so much more from all this...

>> No.8225937

Learning latex does not make you a better physicist so that is understandable.

Learning CS does not make you a better physicist in general and is only necessary depending on what 'kind' of physicist do you want to be.

Stop bitching, you can turn in your own assignments on latex and program your vibrator to automatically turn on every time that professor sends you a text, you fucking homo.

You can't force other students that do not give two shits about computational aspects of physics to have to do the same.

>> No.8225939

latex has absolutely nothing to do with CS

>> No.8225951

Yes I'm aware. It does have a lot to do with being equipped to format your own research papers later on however.

>implying most physics research these days isn't all about simulations

>> No.8225955

>implying most physics research these days isn't all about simulations

But that isn't the only kind of physics. Why would a nigga that wants to specialize in theoretical physics take a CS class? Nigga don't give a fuck about that shit.

>> No.8225969

Because being reliant niggers to implement your model sucks shit, and without some sort of simulation coding class it's either self-study if you have the time and foresight, or realising too late (such as when doing research for a thesis) that this is a valuable skill that you could've learned in undergrad but now you truly don't have the time to learn it from scratch.

>> No.8225972

reliant on niggers*

>> No.8225994

>professor relates a square with voting for Mitt Romney
I have no idea what he was talking about.

>> No.8226000

Could be worse than being a retard. Could be a CS major.

>> No.8226007

My professor in calc2 told a bad joke
"I always struggle with engaging my students. Took 2 semesters for my wife to say yes."

>> No.8226015

I smiled

>> No.8226019
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Bio professor here. AMA

>> No.8226083

Why frogs?

>> No.8226089

too many mosquitoes

>> No.8226090

Why you got late?

>> No.8226092

You mean, why dissect frogs?
We don't use them where I instruct, but I suppose they are used because they're relatively inexpensive and still large enough to see what's going on in there.

>> No.8226094

I have been late a few times, and I absolutely hate it.
Nothing is more embarrassing than walking sheepishly into the room with all the students waiting for me, watching me silently as I take each awkward step to the desk.

The few times I have been late, it has been due to oversleeping or getting caught in traffic.

>> No.8226151

Someone else gets it. Jesus fuck. I had kids in Algebra who didn't even know their pre-algebra and were moving on to Alg 2.
Instead of actually pushing the kids back like they should they instead just have them go to the next level without even making sure they understand the basics of the level they should be completing.

Also I raged hard a few months ago.
>Kids taking a redo test for Algebra 1
>Not even a special ed class
>I walk the kids over to the bench
>The kids refuse to do their test
>They are even allowed on the test for me to help them
>Instead they try turning in a blank test with their name on it
I was visibly pissed off. How can a school and THE KIDS FUCKING PARENTS allow these children to throw their life away?

>> No.8226207

When am I ever going to need algebra, nigga? Fuck! When I got dat weezy money i pay U to do it nigga. Sheeit

>> No.8226262

What is Organic Chemistry as a course actually about. I'm a rising sophomore and will have to take the class this coming fall. I have asked upper-classmen about what the topics outlined in it are about but all I get is the same fucking retarded answer that "I don't know it's just hard, senpai."

I'm just curious because I legitimately enjoy chemistry and look forward to more instruction on the subject.

>> No.8226284

As you probably know, Organic Chemistry is the chemistry of carbonaceous molecules. There are certain rules for nomenclature specific to organic compounds, and conventions about how they are drawn or represented.
Later you will have to memorize reaction order, which is somewhat difficult for many students. It involves memorizing the reactions of organic molecules with organic and inorganic reactants. These reactions are often not based on any easily-discernible logic or formula, so much of it can be straight-up rote memorization.
In lab, you will of course be working with organic reactants and products, so get used to seeing literally everything as either a white powder or a colorless solution.

>> No.8226319

>Professor runs 30 minutes late to an hour and fifteen minute long class
>Walks in and asks why none of us went home
>Tells us all to fuck off and leave

Art History
>Professor literally wore the exact same ensamble every single class period
>Swear this mother fucker had 10 of the exact same outfit

>Professor wore same shit basically everyday. Pocket T-shirt and cargo pants

>Professor goes off on a tangent about eating healthy

>Hear squealing down the hall
>Wait what
>Tells us all to hold on a second
>Fucking dashes like he's Usain Bolt
>Comes back 5 minutes later
>Turns out he had to bring his baby pig because it has to be fed every like fucking hour

College Writing
>Instructor being observed
>Starts asking us basic questions about the reading
>No one answers for a flat minute
>I give a quick answer
>Same shit happens like 3 more fucking times
>Poor woman is sweating bullets
>Say "Fuck it, I'll go AGAIN"
>Observer starts trying to hold back extreme keks
>Instructor looks at me with a nigga u wut face

I swear every professor at my uni is either mental, weird, or consistently has giggle worthy moments.

>> No.8226337

Mr. Troy?

>> No.8226364

>These reactions are often not based on any easily-discernible logic or formula, so much of it can be straight-up rote memorization.
This is absolutely wrong.

The underlying principles are conspicuous and quite easy to pick up. People bitching about orgo are on the order of those who call freshman calculus hard. And generally premeds.

You can think of it broadly as a survey course in the relationship between structure and reactivity of organic molecules.

>> No.8226389

>american history elective in CC
>at least thrice per lecture, the instructor told a short bit of trivia tangential to the topic at hand
>at least one of those would end with a grin and "nah, just kidding" and be complete bullshit
>about the time I'm looking at "true or false: the dupont company invented barbed wire by tying tumbleweeds together and spray painting them gray" on an exam, i began to wonder why i was taking the class.

>> No.8226406

That's true in theory but plenty of professors will make you feel like shit for asking certain questions they consider to be stupid. My Thermo professor did this all the time: sometimes he would be very kind and answer, other times he would say you should have read the textbook. He didn't even read the textbook, he assigned wrong page numbers throughout the semester.

>> No.8226410

>Professor wore same shit basically everyday. Pocket T-shirt and cargo pants
so am I
what is wrong with that?

>> No.8226476

As someone who taught in public school special education for three years I will explain it in one word: money.

Public schools are already fairly underfunded for what is expected and holding a kid back costs thousands per year. You also deal with the fact that 80% of the time if a kid IS held back his parents (especially if he has an IEP) are going to take this to court because clearly it's not that the kid refuses to work or make an ounce of effort that has caused this, no, it is you the teacher who has specifically targeted poor little Timmy and neglected to get him the proper help despite accommodating everything on his IEP.

That is even more money gone by dealing with any litigation issues mummy wants to file over Timmy not getting all of his GBP.

The kids that are a major issue are well aware of the legal situation-"you can't make me do anything or mommy gets you in trouble."

Public schools have to provide accommodations for everyone unless you can prove they are really a danger to themselves or others. So you may have 40 kids on an IEP that require one-on-one tutoring but you have three teachers qualified to do so.

As shit as it sounds at the end of the day you work for the kids who want to learn and help them become something more than circumstances have given them and just push on those that refuse to do anything. Because if you don't your job, the school, the district and all the other students may pay for it.

tl;dr their parents failed them and attack the system if we do our jobs correctly.

>> No.8226482

>this is what multiculturalism stands for


>> No.8226535


>> No.8226541
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>Professor always ends up talking about fantasy football

>> No.8226547
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So, uh, I sometimes bring my toys to my labs.
Students don't seem to mind. Some even seem to like it.
Am I autistic?

>> No.8226551

Seems pretty chill to me.

It only gets autistic if you start yelling at students for disagreeing with your headcannon ship of Samus and Snake

>> No.8226556


Professor is going over time? Just stand up and walk out. Nobody gives a shit.

>> No.8226567

This every fucking time.

>Professor goes on rant that "Trump is a dictator and he'll be the last president the US ever has"

HE ACTUALLY SAID something like "Isaac Newton was a pretty smart guy. Probably a Democrat, but then again all smart people are Democrats."
YOU TEACH PHYSICS not Political Science you old fuck.

>> No.8226586

>Probably a Democrat, but then again all smart people are Democrats
Man, how unprofessional and stupid.
I'm your typical commie-liberal-pinko-type prof and I would never dream of saying something like that to my students.