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8215724 No.8215724 [Reply] [Original]

Any students living in Turkey here? Were your opportunities to become something significant just washed down the drain?

>> No.8215755

not unless they say something about the great sultan erdogan

i have a bunch of turkish friends. they're currently split into the "erdogan is so great what is everybody whining about" and the "this was a staged coup and we're fucked now" camp.

erdogan pros:
- helped the lower class and working classes, at least tried to
- helped get broad education through the land
- publicly speaks out against things happening in gaza

erdogan cons:
- what is free speech?
- what is neutral courts?
- built fuckhuge emperor palace into a natural reserve for no apparent reason whatsoever
- stance on women? great in the kitchen, great as mothers, useless otherwise

essentially, the prototype populist. if you have a brain, you will see this as a net loss. if you don't, well, MUH ERDOGAN.

>> No.8215795

Umm no that's America

>> No.8215802
File: 122 KB, 256x192, unnamed (5).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im applying for scholarship in germany
save me
>inb4 le german immigrant memes
i took german as my secondary foreign language, no other choice

>> No.8215810


Fuck off, we are full.
There are already enough of you bomb fanatics in our universities.

>> No.8215816
File: 153 KB, 256x192, unnamed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just a poor medicine student with no other choice
the exams are corrupt they help their supporters by giving them the answers, this was a thing since the fucking 70's.
why would a pro-islamic poster
a- be on /sci/
b- be on 4chan to begin with

>> No.8215819

Fuck off.

>> No.8215825

what if the avatar is there only to piss you off?

>> No.8215846


>why would a pro-islamic poster be on /sci/ or 4chan to begin with

Because you are fucking everywhere.
Also, you only said islamist, so the question whether you are a muslim is still open.
Does not really make a difference though.

We have more than enough medicine students over here.

>> No.8215848

fair enough, i am an atheist btw, but if you said there were too many medicine students from the beginning, you wouldn't have made me feel upset

>> No.8215853

>Umm no that's America
All y'all cocksuckers keep bitching about America, yet there are FAR more fucked up places out there.
Turkey, for instance.

>> No.8215854

why all the hate in this thread?
I hate libtards but a medicine student immigrate to your country is not bad in anyway.

>> No.8215855
File: 77 KB, 616x754, MITadmit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple of MIT bros are stuck in Turkey with their recent shut down. I hope they will be ok.

>> No.8215857

no problem, come here. if only to piss of the damn pegida/afd /pol/esmokers.


>> No.8215859

>enough of x students meme

don't fall for it. you apply, if you get accepted you're welcome, if not do like the Germans with shit high school grades and apply to Austrian or Hungarian universities.

>> No.8215861

(they have basically the same education in German language, the degrees are worth the same, after the first 2 or 3 years you can usually transfer to a German uni no problem)

>> No.8215866

austria would overwhelm me with the living costs, i dont wanna be living on ramen
Hungary might be good, besides i might work back in Turkey and get my degree in Europe. I just don't wanna attend a Turkish university. It's full of corruption.
I want to help this meme of a country, after this joke of a place produced a scientist who got a Nobel prize, i am hopeful, and i want to help this country.

>> No.8215868

>living costs
you're thinking of Switzerland. Austria has living costs similar to Germany.

>> No.8215872

also, if you don't get into a German medicine program, don't bother applying to a Swiss one

>> No.8215875
File: 62 KB, 256x256, 1467881139730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do excuse my ignorance, when i visited Austria, shit was expensive. I am not european or claim to be one, so im not really in-touch with the european lifestyle.

>> No.8215880


No really man, do not believe this libtard cocksmoker, nobody needs students in Germany. You can apply, but do not expect much.
Do you think you have to show perfect grades for medicine because it is so hard? It is only because everyone applies there and they have to scare people off somehow.

I can live with an atheist, but I really do not need more people stealing my room.
Surely you understand :^)


I hope you cleaned up your cuckshed, Hans. The fuck are you doing here?

>> No.8215881

>- publicly speaks out against things happening in gaza
How is that a pro. Are you hopping on the bandwagon and implying that enemies attacking your people should go unpunished?

>b- but their rockets suck! Israel has better toys.
They're trying to KILL people, it doesn't matter that they're impotent. If they didn't keep attacking civilians just to attention whore to international media and manipulate weak minded sympathisers they wouldn't suffer the repurcussions.

I fucking hate kikes, but pali cucks are no better.

>> No.8215886

>I hate libtards but a medicine student immigrate to your country is not bad in anyway.
Are you still living in the 60s where importing professionals meant anything more than lowering your wages in an overstaturated job market? Importing people is bad for everyone except the super rich and the political class.

>> No.8215896

well, it depends on which city you are in in both countries, but if you compare popular ones for medicine - say, Vienna to Heidelberg - you should plan about 250 to 450eur for rent (student housing < shared apartment < single room) and another 3 to 400 or so for food and occasionally doing social shit and buying yourself a pair of shoes or trousers every once in a while. if you scale down the social stuff (which you shouldn't too much) and buy cheap ass clothes (which in a medicine program will take care of you not having too many friends anyway), you can get away with 200 to 250 per month.

these numbers are ambitious, but realistic. universities will tell you you need at least 900eur per month, but the average student i would say has in the region of 750 at his disposal, which is absolutely fine and still not close to the lower limit of what's possible. i have friends who have lived in social housing (so no rent) and spent 140eur per month on food and such, which is possible, but they looked the part. you will want to have 600eur per month at your disposal, 750 to be comfy.

>> No.8215900

if im not needed i wont stay
im the one whos applying, if its not what people want... I guess I'll try someplace else.

>> No.8215905

>fell for the good Germans meme

>> No.8215906
File: 184 KB, 250x329, StroheimA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>900EUR per month
>2700 liras
thats like the average middle class citizens wage here
might as well tell that i am fucked.

>> No.8215907

well i havent fallen yet
if its a meme then do save me

>> No.8215910

>nobody needs students in Germany
well, who needs students anywhere? what is your argument?
you can apply like everybody else and you can expect as much as anybody else. there's no "but you are not from here" entry barriers to German universities. yes, the requirements for medicine programs are high, yes, it is because of the number of applicants, but you can apply like everybody else.

back to your containment board, /pol/tard.

i am not implying this and i don't give a fuck about the rockets. the facts are that there were borders drawn, which Israel violated, repeatedly. nobody is even denying this, yet the debate is always focused on who shot the first rocket.
however, whichever side you're on, politicians should not shy away from talking about this. it needs to be solved, and "poor Israel" is not the answer.

>> No.8215914
File: 191 KB, 680x714, 1469014476167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls dont devolve into /pol/ shitposting

>> No.8215917

Fuck you. Nobody needs more rats and cockroaches in their country. Hopefully you will get raped by a refugee you libtard moron.

>> No.8215918

"people" want nothing. "people" largely don't give a fuck. like everywhere, in Germany the Trumptards are currently the loudest. don't believe the bullshit, if you want to apply, apply.

as i said, that's what universities will tell you, but it's by no means realistic. it's enough to be very, very comfy. i myself lived off way less for a long time and i was perfectly fine.

it's not a meme. people in Germany are generally very friendly, at least in the universities and in the public offices and such (which is what you'll care about).

as i said, if you want to apply, do it. there's nothing stopping you, and there's certainly worse places in the world to be right now.

don't give up because these /sci/tards are telling you off. you're making it too easy.

>> No.8215919

Are you forgetting what happened the last time we tried to solve the Jewish problem? Of course politicians shy away from it.

>> No.8215922

>"but you are not from here" entry barriers
Every Western country has those because they regard other countries' pre-university education as utter shit compared to their own standards and it's often impossible to get in (to the point where they don't even give you minimum requirements, but tell you to take the IB exams because your country is dogshit).

>> No.8215923

whatever happened in your childhood, i'm sorry.

don't give up on life. you don't have to stay in east Germany, you can move anywhere you want. then you will learn that refugees are by no means the problem which they're portrayed to be by nativist assholes like the AfD polticians.

i would fuck Frauke Petry, though. bent her over the table and give it to her. slowly.

>> No.8215926

>we tried to solve the Jewish problem
1. it's not a purely Jewish problem
2. the international community should make them sort their own problems, not trying to solve them

yes, we have those as well, but if the OP is considering applying i would guess he has a highschool diploma suitable for application, or at least pre tests, in Germany.

>> No.8215930

> you can move anywhere you want
Yeah. Keep spreading like roaches as if anyone else needs more shitskins like you. When Merkel finally fucks off and her whole agenda backfires, you will be forcibly removed and will be sent back to your cesspool to die with your fellow roaches. We're tired of your refugees profiting from decent hardworking taxpayers money. Go die in a hole you scum.

>> No.8215933


I am just saying that getting the place is hard and that he is certainly not welcome among the students aswell. Who the fuck gladly accepts competition? I think you do not realize that others are starring daggers in your back and wish you fell over dead when you take their place in the lecture hall.
He can apply and see what happens, whatever thats worth, but he is certainly not welcome.
Germany would be a much better place if the people here stopped giving every retard a free pass to go to university. Now the universities are flooded with brainlets and we have to import millions of additional idiots to take the pleb jobs.


Chill out Achmed, a muslim should not be calling others retards.

>> No.8215935

Not him, but in case you're too ignorant to notice the people screaming the loudest about the refugees aren't the AfD and its ilk, but the semites, Africans and other ME people living in Europe who fled the completely imcompatible barbaric Islamic cultures that you are forcably importing. I wish self-righteous egotists like you died in the terrorist attacks instead of the innocents.

t. Someone living in an shithole surrounded by Muslim idiots.

>> No.8215939

I hear some reddit tier libtard in you

Probably 2nd gen migrant

>> No.8215943

I'm the OP and I'm Austrian. There is no relevant difference in living cost between Austria and Germany. In fact I lived in Germany during my PhD.

>austria would overwhelm me with the living costs, i dont wanna be living on ramen
I don't get you attitude. If you're a student, living on Ramen isn't the worst thing - not like you needed to.

>> No.8215952


LMAO, typical sheltered Hans

>just move out of the shitholes XD
>what does it mean you have no money? Merkel said we are all rich
>refugees are no THAT bad, they are not blowing my Bonzenviertel up, everything is okay

>> No.8215955

>750 eurobucks is ok
thats still 2250 turkish liras
which also is pretty big fucking bucks
but anon i dont wanna rape anyone or be leeching off anything
i just wanna live in a country where i wont be fucked over in basically any exam because of the corruption.

>> No.8215957

i was talking to you, retard.

also, i'm blond, fair skinned, blue eyes, grandparents already had the aryan pass back then, as German as it gets. more German than you, in all likelihood.

while we're at it: who is this "we" you're talking about? are you one of the shaved head "we are the people" idiots? you're misusing that statement.

>your refugees profiting from decent hardworking taxpayers money
yeah, this is the myth. see, unlike you, i actually do pay taxes, and i want them to be used to make the country better for everyone living here. the people in need of social welfare, like you and your friends, as well as the people in immediate need, like the refugees. and i fully support people from other countries coming here to study because many will stay and contribute to this society.

>> No.8215964
File: 86 KB, 640x512, 1468981732071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, thanks anon
i want to review all the factoids and advice i have gotten in this thread, i have my notebook ready and im taking notes as of now.

>> No.8215979

so as of now i see
>i need to have 2250 turkish liras every month
>all germans arent really cool people, maybe ill go to hungary and perhaps learn a bit about ottoman history in the first person during my studies

>> No.8215983

You need to fuck off back to your roach nest Achmed. There's literally no profit from immigration. The only thing comes out of it is assimilation, my people losing their jobs, increased rape&crime, more refugees bringing diseases crap all over, us paying your retarded bills for no reason.

> b-but I pay taxes
Yeah we can do that just fine without you. Go die in your own cesspool and get fucked by a pig.

>> No.8215987

i have no interest in being with people that do not want me.
i'll play the pride card here and not beg for your, despite worthless acceptance

>> No.8215988

i never said it was easy to get in. i said, if you want in, apply like everybody else. being from Turkey doesn't stop you and the society here is rather welcoming, contrary to the shit spreaded on 4chan.

>starring daggers in your back
you must like in a horrible world. from my perspective, if you're not a completely socially inept retard and you actually have an interest in your field, you will go somewhere here. there's plenty of jobs, plenty of opportunity to go around. this "heartless competition" meme needs to fucking die.

>a muslim
not a muslim.

nope, not where i live. the AfD are most certainly the loudest.
in other news, we're not adopting Sharia law, in case you haven't noticed. people coming here have to live by our rules, our courts are still in place and functioning, everything is going fine. there's no reason to believe we're importing a secret society of hardcore muslims either, seeing how most refugees and other migrants are rather tolerant, modern and open. which makes sense, since if they were radical muslims, they might as well have stayed in their hardcore muslim countries in the first place.

nope, not a migrant of any degree, as far as i can go back. as i said, grandparents had the aryan pass and everything.

okay then, Kevin. i understand you're having a really difficult time.

and again, 750 is already comfy zone. 600 is fine. i understand that that is still a lot, but consider that you can make 450 tax free by delivering pizza 3 nights a week, not counting tip. and from your third semester going forward, you can get a tutoring position where you'll work 12hrs/week in your field and make about 400 to 450 already.

i know, i know, medicine is a lot of work and working on the side is hard, but hey, shit isn't free here either. i'm just saying it's feasible.

>> No.8215989

The first two negatives about Erdogan applies to Europe as well
The third is basically true too, if we generalize to government waste in general
The stance on women has gone too far in the other direction

>> No.8215991


>going to hungary as a turk

Might aswell hang yourself now.

>> No.8215996

do people in hungry tend to hate medicine students

>> No.8215998

i'm repeating myself here, but i'm not muslim or anything. i'm as German as it gets. i'm the guy giving advice, not receiving - i'm the second guy you quoted, not the first.

it's okay, Kevin. none of your claims are backed by statistics in any way. if you want to rant, there's two boards for you: /pol/ and /b/. now fuck off /sci/, where literally nobody has ever had the problem that "THE FUCKING NIGGER TOOK MY JOB SORTING SHOES".

>> No.8216002

well, not as bad as in Turkey, not by any stretch of the imagination. (first two)
yeah. (third)
that's a matter of opinion. he has literally said that it's unnatural for a woman to be anything else but a mother and women should be glad they get to stay with the kids. that is, imo, a far right policy if i've ever heard one, even if you think the way you think. (last)

well, people in Hungary tend to hate everything. they're the worst country for immigrants right now. seriously, you're better off in Austria or Germany.

>> No.8216004

if they are hungary
they should eat some turkey

>> No.8216006

If you're such a good boy stay the fuck back in your country. You don't steal jobs and try to take the moral highground you retarded roach. We have enough immigrants here already, we don't need more pests to scrub.

>> No.8216008

Is there any reason why you think it's okay to overtake my thread with 10 posts of your crying?

>> No.8216011

there is a 300 post limit
there is enough room for everyrhing

>> No.8216023

okay Kevin, i'll stay the fuck back in my country. which is Germany. born and raised near Stuttgart, now live in Munich.

not taking any kind of moral highground, simply stating facts. anyone can apply to university here, no matter where they're from. your claims of increased violence and crime, loss of job opportunity, increased danger of decease or any of that is not backed by any statistic; in fact, immigrant are slightly less likely to commit crimes than Germans are.

>> No.8216029

I have studied in Germany and desu they are pretty well represented itt.
I would advise you not to go there but it's up to you of course.

>> No.8216047

well, since i'm the German guy, i'll probably stay here. that said, i would disagree on "they are pretty well represented itt". i don't know where you lived, but in the bigger cities in southern Germany - i.e. the ones with universities worth attending - are all pretty fucking liberal and international. for medicine, you'd probably go to Freiburg, Tübingen, Heidelberg or Berlin, which are all green as fuck, politically. or to Munich, which is still quite international. of course if you go to Dresden and live in the shitty outskirts, you might face some difficulties, but it's still big and alternative enough to blend in.

>> No.8216049

I don't know if the Christian view on the role of women is far-right, though it is perhaps not very fashionable right now

>> No.8216058

point taken. yet, we live in supposedly secular countries in central Europe and should thus grant women the opportunity to choose whether they want to stay at home or not. not that i'm against it, i couldn't care less what women actually do, i'm just in favor of them having the same right to choose as anybody else.

>> No.8216107

was meant for >>8215983

I didn't advise him to leave Germany just not to go there.
God bless the liberal Germans.

>> No.8216110

I'm sorry roachbro. I'm so sorry that all the """""""moderate""""""" Muslims have soiled the bunch for people like you. We've reached the point where westerners no longer only fear Muslims, but anyone coming from the middle-east, regardless of the fact they considerate themselves "moderates", or straight up non-believers.

I'm so sorry. Hope you find a place somewhere, far away from Turkey.

>> No.8216119

>>8216107 >>8215802
That's the last redirect, I swear.