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File: 471 KB, 600x480, troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8210239 No.8210239 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people troll? Is there any one reason, or is that like asking "why do people steal?" Is there any hard science to back up the motivations of internet trolls?


>> No.8210274


>> No.8210308

I personally believe that people troll because humans are attracted to deception. Lying and getting away with it is fun or funny to many people. Lying on the internet is easier and therefore more fun.
When people troll, its a form of malicious deception.
>Haha you thought I was stupid but I'm actually smart
>Haha you're getting mad over something stupid because I made it up haha
>Haha you only think I'm a troll I'm actually not a troll even though I'm trolling

And of course, there's always the element of self-deception, because I don't think anyone wants to be a genuinely shitty person and thus deludes themselves into thinking its ok.
>haha its ok that I told them to kill themselves online because it wasn't really me I'm actually a decent person IRL

That said, everything above was taken directly out of my ass. So no, I have no hard science to back it up.

>> No.8210331
File: 104 KB, 960x714, kdu77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the days of old 4chan it use to be the way of sorting out the newbies and summerfags from the regulars. Everyone but the regulars would get angry, frustrated, or confused and fuck the right out of the secret clubhouse. The regulars had a weird love/hate relationship with extreme trollers with the most extreme becoming heros or anti-heros of sorts for keeping the hordes of normies in their place. Eventually 4chan got the reputation that's it's a place for trolling and attracted lots of people who just wanted to act dumb and draw attention to themselves. With lots of new people trolling on their 1st post it became nearly impossible to tell oldfags from summer/newfags. Eventually trolling just became something everyone does here and nobody quite knows why. See pic

>> No.8210346
File: 23 KB, 450x338, bUNXwFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other metrics for determining how "newfag" someone is was their knowledge of memes and current 4chan culture. (pic related) Typically when one didn't know a meme or use it right they'd be mocked and ridiculed into leaving. If someone had general knowledge of memes but not specific or accurate enough they'd often receive the reply "lurk moar" meaning they weren't out right rejected but should learn more about 4chan culture before participating in it. Again, this no longer works because of websites like knowyourmeme.com where you can search for the definition/meaning of any meme.

>> No.8210611

I have different reason. I troll just for the kick of seeing someone take my comment seriously and rage over it. I find it hilarious. Almost impossible to do on 4chan anymore. I like to troll Letsrun.com because some females use the message board and they fall for all kinds of b8.

>> No.8210666


>> No.8210699
File: 40 KB, 480x360, Death to the Fabians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love trolling.

>> No.8212623

>Why do people troll?
...becoz the unholy Trinity of sociopathic traits: narcissist, psychopath, sadist.

>> No.8212648

People troll mostly for the attention but also to bait out different opinions on a board to watch them fight.

>> No.8212651

Zahlen lügen nicht

>> No.8212656

I enjoy the (You)s

>> No.8212683

>hard science
Fuck off memer

>> No.8214351

Von welchen Zahlen redest du ?

>> No.8214384

1: It is a form of play-learning for children.

People who are mentally immature will troll, just as children try to see what they can get away with. It is all about boundary pushing and gaining social experience and knowledge. It is like the human version of kittens play-fighting. Only this is intended to learn how to lie and detect when being lied to and how to remain calm and functional during social stresses.

The main problem is that more and more people are getting older and not maturing mentally. They get stuck in an immature state they should have passed many years ago.

2: It is a form of social advancement.

Keep in mind that this ties directly into #1. Essentially, you get one-up over your genetic competitors you are able to form more established social connections. This of course does not help anyone online, but social interaction online is akin to a supernormal stimuli for IRL social interactions.

3: No stop-gaps online.

People trolling online do not have someone IRL to stop them. They can circumvent every safeguard and continue to troll. In an IRL situation stop-gaps come in numerous forms and it becomes rather difficult for older persons to continue their childish behavior. Thus, the mentally immature person will will go overboard.

>> No.8214416

> Is there any one reason, or is that like asking "why do people steal?"

Have all of you ignored that OP said people steal for no reason?

>> No.8214441

>reading comprehension

>> No.8214480

it's fun

>> No.8214625

So is my dick bb (^:

>> No.8215517

And just like "trolling", your dick is only fun for yourself and not for others.

>> No.8217218

In a recent study linked trolling to NPS syndrome (Narcissic-Psychotic-Sadistic) it was found that they will lie, exaggerate, and offend merely to get a response.

>> No.8217226

NPS syndrome found

>> No.8217236
File: 138 KB, 827x859, Interesting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Undereducated
- Delusional Narcissism
- Overuse of Fallacies
- Overuse of Circular Logic
- Overdependance on Projections and Confirmation Bias to build up Self Esteem
- Overdepedance on Falsely Equating all Negative Responses with Rage or Butthurt
- Encouraged by the Communities ignorant use of the Thought-terminating cliche "don't feed the trolls"

Quick point:
>Encouraged by the Communities ignorant use of the Thought-terminating cliche "don't feed the trolls"
Don't feed the trolls came from a non-scientific study that didn't try it in the open world in an uncontrolled setting; it was later proved wrong by multiple studies, and in fact actual scientifically studied obsess over the concept of a "rage win" (especially if they're projecting rage) and will continue to troll for days for no other reason than to feed their delusion of superiority.

>> No.8217241

*actual scientifically studies indicate that trolls obsess

>> No.8217249

Source: a study based on Halo players
At least you tried

>> No.8217252


>> No.8217256

I never posted a source.
>Argument from silence
>Argument from ignorance
>Confirmation bias
You fit the profile pretty tight.
Let me guess, you think empiricism and logic are "open to interpretation", right?
Trolls always looking for a way out while also looking to box others in.
Coward's strategy.
>The pic isn't a reference, I had it saved from an earlier post on another site.

>> No.8217271

>this study based on Halo players proves that the people I don't like are stupid, hah! take that stupid people!
You have mental problems. Seek help.

>> No.8217399

>>this study based on Halo players proves that the people I don't like are stupid, hah! take that stupid people!
But I never said that, you did:
You said:
>Source: a study based on Halo players
But I never listed any sources at all.

So how did you reach that conclusion?
This is what I'm talking about when I refer to:
> - Overuse of Fallacies
> - Overuse of Circular Logic
> - Overdependance on Projections and Confirmation Bias to build up Self Esteem
> - Overdepedance on Falsely Equating all Negative Responses with Rage or Butthurt

Proven? Yes. Thank you.
>inb4 "don't feed the trolls"
>It doesn't work.
>There is video proof of this.
>Thousands of videos in the unnamed studies I'm referring to.

FYI, none of the studies I refer to are related to either Halo, Anita Sarkeesian (whom I acknowledge is a lair and this has nothing to do with her, but I figured out that's what you were irrationally presuming out of nowhere) nor any of the studies mentioned in this thread.

>> No.8217419

>Anita Sarkeesian (whom I acknowledge is a lair
So you are also a gamergater, what a dumb shithead

>> No.8217432

>sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism

You are all horrible people for posting jokes on internet forums.

>> No.8217915

I wouldn't say it's necessarily about learning social norms and circumventing rules and ways of acting normally in real life, but moreso out of a lack of attention. In an attempt to gain attention or responses, bait threads are made. On top of that, humans are naturally reactive to extreme parodies. Thus, trolls who are particularly extreme and exaggerated are comical in the same way drag, caricatures, etc are -- they are exaggerated forms of people that really exist, and we as people share a communal reaction to those events because they poke fun at reality.

>> No.8217934

It is when you are a little kid. People simply don't mentally mature properly anymore.

>> No.8220160

The guy in pic looks 100% like a friend of mine. Should I be worried?