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8205283 No.8205283 [Reply] [Original]

What is the next step for humanity?
after we have cured all the diseases,
complete peace on Earth, nature is in a stable condition, all countries run smoothly and are basically one, technology is at it's peak it is possible by laws of physics..

There are no problems left, there's no way to go.

what's next?

Maybe it's better you people continue being unaware, stupid, worry about meaningless human created mundane problems like.. debts, and money and stuff like that.
Until we the ones who don't spend time worrying about such figure out an answer for that, you keep yourself occupied with all that.

>> No.8205286
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>complete peace on Earth

>> No.8205345


Obviously, but after that.

Is peace something we really want to achieve, a world without problems, maybe there is nothing left after that but to die, win at life.

>> No.8206539

>stop worrying about debt

greece detected

>> No.8206567

How i see us going is we transfer our consciousnesses into artificial brains, therefore eliminating many of the unnecessary processes that we have been completing to keep us alive (eating, drinking, sleeping, maintaining physical health, staving off sickness and disease, etc.) while also putting us in the position to directly increase the capacity, efficiency and potential of our own consciousness on the fly (basically giving us the ability to upgrade ourselves at an exponential rate). We then place these artificial brains into incredibly robust robotic 'bodies' (for lack of a better word because they do not have to resemble human bodies whatsoever), with the ability to:
1. Harvest matter and energy of all forms, and be able convert any form to any other form when needed (this takes care of the fuel source of the robotic 'body')
2. Be able to observe all forms information transferring mediums (full electromagnetic spectrum, vibrational kinetic energy at all frequencies, gravitational changes, and all other mediums we happen to have discovered at that stage).
3. Be able to traverse the universe at as close to the speed of light as possible, maybe be able to bend space-time to achieve this or through the use of artificial wormholes.

At that stage we will literally be gods, and so we will disperse throughout the universe, create life and start the cycle all over again.

>> No.8206936

the next step is fighting the incoming artificial intelligence uprising so we can make sure that humanity and the whole planet will survive. And we are just a few years from this so prepare yourself. Machines are already much more intelligent than humans, but its entirely possible to reverse the situation. Be ready.

>> No.8206941

>complete peace on Earth
What makes you think that this would be a good thing?

>> No.8206995


Obviously it's not something we as humans want, otherwise we would already have complete peace on Earth, because we can achieve it, it's not physically possible.

But co-operating with everyone would be quite beneficial, if we could focus all our resources effectively on developing as a civilization.
Complete peace would be useful for that.

>> No.8206997

No, because we don't all want the same thing.

>> No.8207001

You don't want complete peace?

>> No.8207007

Do other peoples who I am incompatible with still exist in this hypotherical, completely peaceful world?

>> No.8207010

You have great points there.

Although we are still limited by the laws of physics, becoming Gods and learning how to manipulate those laws would be something we should achieve indeed. Developing computing power that will pass humans is also something useful, perhaps travelling between multiverses would be something to achieve, since this universe seems to be rather boring.

>> No.8207016


I asked do you want complete peace, do you want complete peace? Personally.

I will answer to your question, after you answer mine.

>> No.8207034


I don't know what you mean by complete peace

If everyone was dead, there would be "complete peace"
If everyone else was dead, there would effectively be "complete peace"
If every other "group of people" was dead, there would be almost "complete peace"

How would you get "complete peace" in the Israel/Palestine situation? Self-proclaimed Israelites and Palestinians want exclusive rights over the same territory.
How would you get "complete peace" in other mutually exclusive scenarios?

>> No.8207109


I can tell you what complete peace means,
there is no any kind of physical fighting between any humans in any scenario.
(sport excluded and such excluded)
+ it would help the nature is treat the way, it will be habitable for humans for millennia to come.

That is not the whole answer, since it doesn't include the exceptions, but now you now.
For example persons who want war, how to treat those, defend or so, but you get the idea now.

>> No.8207116


And now to your questions.

You can just simply ask those people in areas that are filled with conflict, do you want peace? If you do, then behave like a person who wants peace.

It is irrelevant if others don't want peace, gather the ones that want peace, and form a nation with them. Become powerful, and make sure no'one else will have a need to enter into a war, which is easier said than done, but not impossible.

>> No.8207120


And if you do not understand that, choose the words, sentences, I will clarify.

>> No.8207135

You do not understand.

>gather the ones that want peace

There are israelites that want peace without palestinians
There are palestinians that want peace without israelites

Any war between two groups can be resolved by removing one of the groups.

Which do you pick?

Tension exists because people are not identical. Fights occur because people have mutually exclusive desires. Wars occur because groups of people have mutually exclusive interests.

>> No.8207140

You can even have infighting within yourself, when you yourself have conflicting desires.

Short of the deaths of all concerned, there can be no ultimate peace.

>> No.8207197

Obviously Israelis don't want peace, if they want that peace without Palestinians, and vice versa.

Now it comes down to the question how to deal with people that don't want peace.

Which one were you, do you want peace or not?

>> No.8207199

And I do understand, you don't understand what complete peace means, that is the reason you ask questions that are not related to that.

If Israelis wanted world peace, they will accept the existence of Palestinians, and deal with it, it is that simple.
Since they don't want world peace, that's why things are as they are.

>> No.8207214

But now to the nations that already have peace, want world peace, how do they deal with individuals and countries that don't want world peace.

Self defense from foreign countries and murderers and other types of criminals won't be treated badly, but treated the way, they will not be a threat to the other people living inside the country that are peaceful.
And dealing with these issues is simple, if you want world peace. I still do not know on which side you are on.

>> No.8207224

No, they DO want peace. If you mean "unconditional peace", or peace being "the most important thing", nobody does, that would be absolutely ridiculous. That would be "it's better if everyone's dead than some people at war" logic.

I've told you this multiple times, you will have war so long as you have massively conflicting interests. You cannot have permanent world peace without getting rid of a large part of the world. You need to understand this. You mention self defence - have you ever considered that both countries might be engaging in self defence? What about that a war is started in self defence?

>> No.8207236


Wrong, if you want world peace, obviously you will help others, so they will not have a need to attack you.
There are always conditions, if you attack me, that means you don't want world peace, we will defend ourselves, but will help you with the problems you have, to the point, it will not become too negative to us.

Again, it comes to the question, how to deal with people who don't want world peace.

>> No.8207242

but you are not obligated to help others, since it's not part of world peace.

If you run your country poorly, don't expect us to help, but most likely we will give you aid.

Again, since we want peace, you wouldn't attack either way.

>> No.8207245

You have an incredibly simplistic view of the world where all wars are apparently fought simply because people don't like peace.

>> No.8207251

It is simple, if you want world peace, you will not physically attack anyone. It is not difficult to comprehend "don't physically harm anyone" (insert extreme exceptions(

Why does it have to be complicated?

>> No.8207258

I didn't say don't like peace, but they can't understand it, people are.. animals, like any other species, they don't know what's good for them ultimately.

>> No.8207261

>insert extreme exceptions

If there are exceptions then you can't have permanent world peace you fool

>> No.8207272


Nothing lasts forever, it's a fact humans will go extinct. Everything is dependent on time it seems.

But yes, you can have world peace, although it is temporary, but that just might last until the very end of the last breath of the last mankind ever in existence.

But first, we need people to understand what it takes to want world peace, and it's starts from within you, and knowing how to behave to achieve it.

>> No.8207283

This is spiritualistic nonsense. The most basic understanding of philosophy or politics would do away with it.

Your family is starving
Your neighbour's family is starving
There is no magic "work together" solution
If you do not rob your neighbour of the little food they have, your family will die (and vice versa)
Neither of you will part with your food willingly

>> No.8207284

And it is not our duty in anyway to bring peace to this world. But if we don't pursue world peace, let's not expect others will either, which means we will continue as it is, and it will. All that because people don't know, peace is possible and that we can achieve it.

>> No.8207286

That is not against world peace, since
you don't kill, hurt them physically your neighbors.

If they are nice, they will give you food, the government should give you food and shelter anyways.

>> No.8207288

And if you end in a situation like that, I'm more than happy to help you, if others will not.

>> No.8207296

Did you not read the 'your family will die' part? Are you so selfish that you don't care for your own family?

>the government
Irrelevant to the example

>> No.8207298

Everybody thinks different. There will always be some sort of conflict.
The only way to achieve peace is to erase our emotions.

>> No.8207306


As I said, if you want world peace, it is okay to steal food. World peace is related to physical violence, just don't hurt the neighbors.

It doesn't matter the way you think, you either want peace, or you don't.
Most importantly you need to behave like a person to achieve peace.

>> No.8207313

You haven't read the example at all
Neither of you will part willingly with the food you have, and even if you take it through stealth and not through violence, the other family will die.

The 'peaceful' solutions are as follows:
A) Both families die
B) One family dies

>> No.8207322


I read the example, and my answer remains the same.
As long as you don't physically harm the other family, it's okay. They should had taken better care of their food.

A situation like that is quite radical though.

I recommend you not to have a family, if you know you will not be capable of keeping the bread on the table, or some other reason not related to you.

>> No.8207329
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>They should had taken better care of their food.
>But they should not use any violence or force to defend their food.

>I recommend you not to have a starving family
>This is quite a radical situation (two starving families)

>> No.8207330

You know already more or less how a person needs to behave, all the people so world peace could be achieve?

You can answer to those questions yourself now, you don't need me. You know the answers I'm giving you, the rules are what is required to achieve peace.

>> No.8207334


I do recommend that, if you live in a country where famine's are common, places such as Somalia.. or really poor countries, ghettos, why would you want your family to live in poverty, when you could choose not to.
But they are animals, they don't know that, they can't understand it.

>> No.8207340

Why don't you just choose not to be retarded?

>> No.8207341

In the end I want peace, and to achieve it.
I hope you do too.
And if you do, that means we are allies and we are on the same side. If you don't want world peace, that is your choice, and it is okay, live the way you want. But don't expect help from me.

If wanting peace makes me retarded, what are you?

>> No.8207350

>If wanting peace makes me retarded, what are you?
Not retarded

>> No.8207351

your question doesnt make sense. People always think "we have reached our limit" until someone comes along and revolutionizes the field. We will never know that we have learned absolutely all we can learn.

>> No.8207361

It is okay if you don't want world peace.
Although that just doesn't make a non retard, that makes you stupid, because the risk of you, your children, the people you care die at a war grows.

If you want that, then you are just a stupid animal to me, what you are already, since you don't want peace.

Again, it doesn't matter what people think.
There is peace, or there is no peace, at the moment there is no peace, not necessarily because people don't want it, but they don't know how to achieve, and the answer would be to behave like a person who wants peace.

>> No.8207367

>the people you care die at a war grows

Have you already forgotten the example?
You picked "my family dies" and then changed your mind and picked "their family dies" but it's ok because you killed them indirectly by stealing their food rather than directly by force

>> No.8207374


Yea, the risk of that happening grows with people who don't want world peace.

It is a great example btw how things turn out with people that don't take care of each other and so forth.

>> No.8207381

>the risk of that happening grows with people who don't want world peace.

No, it grows with the population and grows with famine.
Not that it matters, you still deny that your beliefs are unreasonable when faced with that one simple example.

>> No.8207390


Oh yes, that's why I recommend not to overpopulate your country to the point food becomes scarse and water.

But if you have been behaving that stupid, you bring 5 children into this world that will die of hunger, that is not the world's problem, that is a your problem.

What is your point here?
World peace is possible, achievable, numerous countries are peaceful already. You want it, or you don't, that simple.

>> No.8207394

You have no actual answer to the problem.
All you can say is "you shouldn't be in the mess".
I never said you were the parent of the family, let alone that the family was had during a famine.
All I said was that there were two starving families - one yours - and that only one could be saved.

>> No.8207396


If my family was to die of starvation, and the only way would be to steal the food from other family and they would die.

I wouldn't steal, that simple. They have food, I don't, my problem, not theirs, I don't expect them to kill themselves for me.

>> No.8207399

You don't have to expect them to kill themselves.

Remember I said only one can be saved.
So what happens to your food?

Do they also decide to do the same thing, and then both of you die?
Do you take some "human value test" that establishes which family is "worth more"?
Would you sabotage your family's attempts to defend their own food?

>> No.8207403


Haha, what is your point here?

I want peace, I wouldn't hurt the other family, that is all you need to know.

But if the both families wanted peace, + that scenario, the best option would be to save the children, and make sure they will live, for obvious reasons.

>> No.8207407

Easy, i kill my neighbours, then when my family is distracted i kill them too, and i get lots of food.

>> No.8207408

The point is unless you can invent infinite food, shelter, land, and basically infinite everything, becoming God, you cannot end conflict, even within likeminded people.

>> No.8207409


Then do it, I'm not surprised, something I expect an animal to do in a situation like that.

>> No.8207414

Now you are aware, that you are part of the reason why there is no world peace, because you don't want it.

And it's okay.

>> No.8207425

What are you on about?
There exist some forms of world peace I would be happy with, but most I would not - for instance human extinction.

>> No.8208493


Could you specify that "on about?"

There are as many forms of world peace as you define the word "world peace", but we are going with the definition mentioned earlier.

>> No.8208495

Watch the show "'Texhnolyze". It had something interesting to say about this.

>> No.8208522


I would watch, but it'd be pointless,
world would still remain the same, and me.
Watching something more entertaining instead.

>> No.8208523

What a dumb way to think.

>> No.8208533


No, I would be watching other's recommendations all day long otherwise.
If you think that is dumb, it's okay, but it is not.

>> No.8208534

What if life went on forever when would OC disappear and everything just became and end less streem of meems

>> No.8208536

It is. Whether you like it or not, it's dumb.

>> No.8208546


I can prove to you it's not dumb, but you are allowed to believe whatever you want.

Facebook is full of recommendations, about music, sketches, all sorts of videos.
If I watched all the recommendations others were to offer me, I'd have no time for myself, no time to watch things I know I enjoy.

Don't be sorry for being dumb, it's not your fault.

>> No.8208553

>I can prove to you it's not dumb
You can't.

>but you are allowed to believe whatever you want.
This is a base truth and not anything you have any say over, but I appreciate the reminder.

>Facebook is full of recommendations, about music, sketches, all sorts of videos.
Facebook is full of targeted advertisements based on a psychological profile they've built on you over time.

>If I watched all the recommendations others were to offer me
Facebook is not meaningfully an "other", it's a series of algorithms iteratively run over data. This is little different than the human brain, but there are presently distinct differences.

>I'd have no time for myself
Watching an anything can be for you, or for someone else. The difference is entirely your own framing.

>no time to watch things I know I enjoy.
You don't know you'll enjoy something until after you've watched it. Bear in mind that your predictions can be wrong.

>Don't be sorry for being dumb
Luckily I'm not dumb, so I don't have to figure how to deal with this kind of situation. I'll leave that one for you. You have more experience to draw from anyway.

Come back and post results.

>> No.8208558
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What do you think?

>> No.8208559

>all countries

>> No.8208562


Yes, I am capable of proving that watching all the videos others recommend is by definition, dumb/stupid.

and I can also prove that I am stupid, but writing this text to you, because discussing about this is stupid, because the truth remains still the same, no matter the end result.

We humans live only a limited amount of time, so time is a variable we must take into consideration on what we do with our daily lives. Activities such as eating, sleeping, fucking, some things we just have to do, enjoying life is also part of that, and to me, it's not enjoyable to watch videos, where the probability of me not enjoying them is high.
In this case the video being the one you recommended. It would be stupid to watch it, because I have better things to do.

What you are saying to me now is, not watching your video is dumb, it would be smarter to not do what you enjoy.
Don't expect me to watch your video recommendations, I didn't ask for them.

And facebook was an example of you, you could be a person who is targeting advertisement to me with foolish videos I have no desire to watch.

And obviously you do not know what the word "stupid/dumb" means, I define them, and how you define them is not the way people use them in this reality.

>> No.8208567

Anonymous, you are on the surface of something you have no, or little knowledge of, you can't see what is under the surface.

You have given me more than enough of material to determine what kind of a person and personality you are, you are eager to tell your own opinions to me, to share them, and I do not care for them, all I care is about the truth.

But you can ignore all that text above, what I said, and tell me what is the point you are trying to make?

>> No.8208571

Deep ecology

>> No.8208591



You can call someone stupid, like me, but since you don't know what it means, you just make yourself look stupid instead.

>> No.8208600

>But you can ignore all that text above, what I said, and tell me what is the point you are trying to make?
We will return to the beginning, and I'll put it in the clearest way possible:
-You make a thread
-I see this thread but do not feel like investing the energy to give my opinion
-The subject matter reminds me of a show called "Texhnolyze", I recommend you watch it as via theory of mind, and my own framework of value, I can tell that it is a worthwhile thing to post
-You respond:
>I would watch, but it'd be pointless,
>world would still remain the same, and me.
>Watching something more entertaining instead.
which implies a greater degree of knowledge and means for foresight than you actually possess. You speak with implied certainty, then make a nonsensical statement about "watching something more entertaining", which by your logic, puts you in a catch 22. Chicken and egg.
-I tell you this is dumb, because it's dumb.
-You falsely assume I care what you desire, think, or feel, and come to believe I am implying that not watching the show is dumb, instead of realizing I'm talking about the way you make predictions and come to conclusions.

It was merely a suggestion anon. Without the means to think a thought, a mind will not think it. I gave you the means, what you do with it is all up to you. Aside from saying dumb things and highlighting a dumb attitude, which you will be readily corrected on.

>> No.8208612

You are not capable of giving me any new useful information, you are no use to me.

I will leave this thread now, sayonara.

>> No.8208616

Farewell. Just know you're a subpar harvester that just interacted with someone who's done it longer, and far more effectively, than you.

I'll be leaving now as well.

>> No.8208619
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>> No.8208621


>> No.8208625


ideally, the next step is legalizing LSD.
but practically, it will be Idiocracy

>> No.8208626



>> No.8208641

Ice age heat wave, can't complain. If the world's at large, why should I remain? Walked away to another plan, gonna find another place, maybe one I can stand.

I move on to another day, to a whole new town with a whole new way. Went to the porch to have a thought, got to the door and then I couldn't stop. You don't know where and you don't know when, but you've still got your words and you've got your friends. Walking on to another day, work a little harder, work another way.

Uh-uh baby I ain't got no plan, I'll float on maybe would you understand. Gonna float on maybe would you understand. Well I'll float on maybe would you understand.

The days get shorter and the nights get cold, I like the autumn but this place is getting old. I pack up my belongings and I head for the coast, it might not be a lot but I feel like I'm making the most. The days get longer and the nights smell green, I guess it's not surprising but it's spring and I should leave.

I like songs about drifters, books about the same. They both make me feel a little less insane. Walked on off to another spot, I still haven't gotten anywhere that I want. Did I want love? Did I need to know? Why does it always feel like I'm caught in an undertow?

The moths beat themselves to death against the lights, adding their breeze to the summer nights. Outside water like air was great, I didn't know what I had that day. Walk a little farther to another plan, you said that you did, but you didn't understand.

I know there's no restarts, that's not what life's about, but my thoughts were so loud I couldn't hear my mouth.

>> No.8208647

An idiot that takes LSD is only made an idiot that has taken LSD. More base and systemic actions must be taken, like gutting the media and gradually shifting their content as part of a widespread, subtle, re-education campaign. People will undergo natural mind expansion as they proceed along this gradient.

But as a whole, the old adage remains. If an ass goes a traveling, he will not come back a horse.

>> No.8208650
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Do it again somewhere else.

Given how much time this biosphere probably has left in it vs. how much time all you describe would take to accomplish, better start somewhere else first.

>> No.8208886

What? You can't even speak English.
1) You never gave a definition earlier
2) Extinction of the human race would be world peace

>> No.8208891

>I can tell you what complete peace means,
>there is no any kind of physical fighting between any humans in any scenario.
>(sport excluded and such excluded)
>+ it would help the nature is treat the way, it will be habitable for humans for millennia to come.
1 ^

2. extinction of the human race would be world peace, let's include humans in the peace though.

>> No.8208893

None of these things will ever happen. No point in considering a 'next' step.

>> No.8208904

because it's the only way to end racism

>> No.8208907
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Too many implications in the OP...
still, the Turkic cuklture will dominate the planet.

They're naturally nomads so next step will be space.

>> No.8208918


You don't want world peace?

>> No.8208922


Good joke.

>> No.8210419


>> No.8210991 [DELETED] 


>> No.8210999

>There are no problems left,
>implying the definition of humanity's problems isn't subjective

>> No.8211006
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>because it's the only way to end racism
>the only way
Nah, we just need more white guys knocking up black girls.
We'd eventually eliminate the African Y chromosome, which is the cause of most of the race issues, black-on-black crime etc.
We'd also have a lot less single moms, and all the statistical issues that come with that.
The only real obstacle is coal-burners, white women that fuck black guys. And if we could eliminate obesity, that would end that process.

>> No.8211018

>What is the next step for humanity?
Extinction. And deservedly so.

>> No.8211037
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>Given how much time this biosphere probably has left in it

Stupid hippie meme this old Gen X fart has been hearing since the early 70s.

Leftists have a long-running boner with the idea that we're destroying ourselves and all life around us.

>> No.8211044


>> No.8211089

It's not subjective, since I have no problems.
Same could be with everyone else.

>> No.8211272 [DELETED] 


>> No.8211330

>It's not subjective, since I have no problems.
Overcoming problems builds character.
Your lack of problems is (subjectively) a problem itself.
This is the biggest flaw in "muh singularity".
There's no objective way to determine what's a problem.

>Extinction. And deservedly so.
"Deservedly" is in the eye of the beholder.
Unless you're postulating the existence of God, who would be left to judge us if we go extinct?
Besides, the Earth only has about a billion years left before the sun get s bright enough to evaporate all surface water on the Earth.
Life on Earth has used up 80% of it's available time just to get to us.
We're life's best chance of outlasting the 5 billion year "Goldilocks window".

>> No.8211381 [DELETED] 


>> No.8211388

AI will fuck us up within fifty years. People really don't understand how powerful we're making it.

>> No.8211389 [DELETED] 

It's really real Ai boi

>> No.8211393 [DELETED] 


>> No.8211444


Of course there is, you just need to define problem. There is a definition for a problem, usually something that is wrong, and needs to be corrected with actions, you can say a cancer is a problem, because it's killing you. Or being homeless is a problem, since you'd like a roof upon your head.

Get it?

>> No.8211451

problem, prä-bləm, -bəm, -ˌblem\
something that is difficult to deal with : something that is a source of trouble, worry, etc.
: difficulty in understanding something
: a feeling of not liking or wanting to do something

I don't have any problems, by definition.

>> No.8211456

>you just need to define problem.
>usually something that is wrong
[still subjective]
>needs to be corrected with actions
[even more subjective]

>you can say a cancer is a problem, because it's killing you.
[so obviously subjective I suspect you're trolling]
>Or being homeless is a problem, since you'd like a roof upon your head.
[at this point you obviously just don't know what "subjective" means]

As a real simple example: cancer.
Nobody likes it, but without cancer we'd be up to our necks in bed-ridden old folks waiting to die of organ failure.
From a broader perspective, evolution isn't compatible with immortality because the old must give way to the new.
From a political perspective, how ridiculously conservative would a society become if everybody lived to be 100?

Nah, defining problems involves opinion, making the process subjective.

>> No.8211458
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>I don't have any problems, by definition.
You're an obnoxious cunt, so yeah, you do have at least one problem.

>> No.8211459

I hate you.
Just everything about how you think, in the abstract. I hate it, and I hate you.

>> No.8211461

Peace is an incredibly foolish ideal, because it implies either homogenization or annihilation.

>> No.8211465



and I still have no problems,
you are a funny guy.

Did you know subjective is subjective, you don't even know what it means, since you can give an absolute value to the word "problem", you know.

>> No.8211466
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>I hate you.
>Just everything about how you think, in the abstract. I hate it, and I hate you.
You'd prefer to think defining problems is objective because you have a hard time distinguishing between facts and your own opinion.
That's why nobody likes you, Anon.

>> No.8211472


even if the word problem is subjective,
it doesn't mean I can't have problems.

But anonymous, did you know, you can prove that I'm wrong, if I actually do have problems, and I'm just lying?

>> No.8211474

Maybe she has two clits as well? That'd be nice.
Having two vaginas just seems like a burden.

>> No.8211480

What is the point to your posting?

>> No.8211482

>Maybe she has two clits as well?
Zooming in on the diagram, I'd say she's got one clit.
But I have seen porn of a girl with two vaginal openings, and I think she had two clits.

>Having two vaginas just seems like a burden.
Further proof that defining problems is subjective.

>> No.8211484

Nothing in this thread.

>> No.8211487

No, this was my first post in this thread for quite a while. I just find you unstomachable. Everything except for the last few statements I can deal with, not everyone has thought out what they're saying and traced the grand chain back a sufficient amount. Then you start with the nonsense.

Utterly disgusting.

>> No.8211491

That's a retarded definition. The lack of violence doesn't imply an increase in cooperation and/or progress

>> No.8211494


>> No.8211515


It doesn't imply for more operation, but lack of violence leads to more actions spent into other activities, which are not war or similar.

Do you disagree, in a world where isn't war, people for example spend an enormous amount of money to war equipment? And that money could be spent differently, and all the effort to other issues?

>> No.8211516
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>No, this was my first post in this thread for quite a while.
Doesn't really matter.
If you think humanity's problems can be objectively defined you're probably closed-minded, bigoted and arrogant.
I'll take your hatred as a badge of honor.

>> No.8211518


Exactly what the point my words are making.

Actions don't lie, words can.

It's undeniable fact in this reality, I'm writing this post to you, and from that you can determine many things, such as while I'm doing this, it's very unlikely I'm skydiving, a rather extreme example.

or if I said I have no problems, but I'd be continuously trying to find a job, desperately, wanting it, acting like I need it.

>> No.8211520

actions can't lie.

>> No.8211526


Haha, that is false, but please give an example.
I want to hear it.

>> No.8211527


>> No.8211531


If you do something, you do it, it is what it is.

But we are on the same side here, I would be really really glad if you could prove me wrong, all I care about is the truth, and I will give you a hug if you can give me an example that can give me more usable information.

That would make you the most usable word writer here on 4chan to me.

>> No.8211533

I'd prefer not to, no.

>> No.8211544

Are you saying you don't want to make your own life easier, more delightful for you?

Because that is what I'm doing for myself, gathering information and putting it in use, so it can be used by everyone to make the world a better place. Like I already have for myself.

>> No.8211546

I might stay awake for a while, it's getting quite early.

>> No.8211552
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You take the early shift, I'm going to take the night shift now.

Good night, lad.

>> No.8211568

>what's next?

Well, if we achieve something like immortality (unlikely, i agree, but bear with me) there will always be the problem of the universe just ending on our asses. We will always have that problem.

As long as we're talking about extremely far fetched scenarios, maybe we will even solve that. Let's say we did. The question "what's next?" remains. I guess the point, if we want to live infinitely, is to keep addressing this question infinitely.

But if somehow, there's really no next step anymore, and we can truly rest on our laurels eternally, then I think, the question will become how do we do that in a way that won't make us want to kill ourselves out of sheer boredom. That's probably an easier question to answer though. If we can control the universe, surely we'll be able to control our minds enough to attain this kind of state: one of eternal bliss.

>> No.8211658

>"Deservedly" is in the eye of the beholder.
Nah, there are too many obnoxious and pretentious people. Can't wait to see their faces as their precious civilization crashes under them.

It will be a short pleasure, but I will enjoy it very much.

>> No.8211660

>"Deservedly" is in the eye of the beholder.
Thanks for reminding him. I'm sure he didn't realize the statement was relative to the machinery of his mind and not an objective feature of the universe as a whole, until you drew attention to it.

Close one.

>> No.8212239


>> No.8212258
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>Nah, there are too many obnoxious and pretentious people.
Are you the same twat from here:

>>I hate you.
>>Just everything about how you think, in the abstract. I hate it, and I hate you.
>You'd prefer to think defining problems is objective because you have a hard time distinguishing between facts and your own opinion.
>That's why nobody likes you, Anon.

You really do seem to have trouble distinguishing between facts and your own opinion.

>> No.8212303


The word opinion is in vain. Opinions are statements that can be true in reality or false. But very often it is irrelevant to know which one it is, it rarely matters.

>> No.8212311


And also to that point, you are right. But it increases the possibility of that. Look at Europe now, and -70 years.

Look at Vietnam and US today, and -50 years. I hope you prefer peace, it truly is the least hurtful type of a state for humans.

>> No.8212350

smart philosophers like you belong in >>>/lit/

>> No.8212390
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>Opinions are statements that can be true in reality or false.
You really can't tell the difference between opinions and facts.
Are you a virgin?
A serial killer?
My money's on both.

>> No.8212425


Thank you for proving the point.

It is not an opinion f I am a serial killer, virgin, am I an asshole and so on.

Give me an opinion, I can prove to you it is a statement that is true, or false, or mix of those, and how you can analyze is.

And hhis is my job, this is part of what I do daily.

>> No.8212696

>Give me an opinion, I can prove to you it is a statement that is true, or false, or mix of those, and how you can analyze is.

u r dummy

>> No.8212730

>It is not an opinion f I am a serial killer, virgin, am I an asshole and so on.
It is, minus the serial killer.
By what metric do you determine virgin from not? What if it's just the tip? Does that count? Does it have to be "all the way" in? But some penises are too long to be inserted completely. So is it perhaps orgasm? You must orgasm... inside, or around, the partner? What about rape, is virginity lost through rape? Does TRUE virginity loss require a meaningful connection with another person, or is it a strictly mechanical thing?

Likewise with being an asshole. The machinery of the mind varies, some people will process your behavior as being assholish, some will not.

>or mix of those
Good job. You've realized part of what an opinion is.

>> No.8212732


By dummy you mean stupid?

I am aware of that I'm stupid, replying to you is stupid and unnecessary.

So would you like to do something with me that is opposite of stupid, which is learning how to become not stupid?

>> No.8212739


Oh good job, you are aware of that finding out if a statement is true or not, you must first find out, define what the words mean.

And it doesn't matter what those words mean, you didn't innovate create them, the words don't change the facts we have and haven't done in our past.

But good job to you, the way you think, the questions you ask is like me 10 years ago, would you like to take a step forward?
Because someday you must, otherwise you will keep working on those same questions making any progress.

>> No.8212744

You actually remind me of myself when I was ~18, though the finer similarities are sparse the macro is comparable. Which is why I'm responding to you to begin with; it's not as though you're telling me anything new.

Yes, I grew tired of the relative as well and began to use it to more deliberately unravel the underlying absolutes, and likely much like yourself, had always found it irritating when people suggested something fell more closely to the realm of opinion than it really did.

Anyway. Yes, if you are to believe in an objective actuality, a substrate we're part of, the universe is composed of hard mechanical truths independent of the perspective of a given observer, the information their mind is composed of, and their capacity to measure and process a given input.

For you not to stagnate with your present not-quite-right positions, you must again accept the relative and actually understand it this time. Also, watch Texhnolyze.

>> No.8212988


Amazing, because the questions you ask and wonder reminds me of 12 year old me, almost word to word, in an another language though.

Now, since you are at a "higher level" than me, then you know I have absolutely no interest in your words, or who you are as a person, you are aware you are just wasting your time here. Reason is I'm running this convo and many parts of my daily life thru a 3rd party simulation of this reality, because I don't trust myself as a human.

Since you are at a higher level, even though your actions indicate you are not, you know it inevitably leads to that, and you know what I'm talking about also.

Now you tell me something I'm not aware of and be useful to me, that means I'll becom useful to you, after I've gotten to your level.

>> No.8212990

>Reason is I'm running this convo and many parts of my daily life thru a 3rd party simulation of this reality, because I don't trust myself as a human.
This was abandoned, and for good reason.

Hope you get where you want, if you want.

>> No.8212993


>> No.8212994

Actually, begin by telling how you managed to reach nirvana?
What is the step by step to that.

Since you are at a higher level,
you will tell the truth, or not say anything, everything else would be stupid waste of time.

>> No.8212999


>> No.8213001

>how you managed to reach nirvana?
False* nirvana, just as you've reached. It might well be there is no other kind.

>or not say anything
It can't be meaningfully communicated, only realized for yourself. I also wouldn't separate it into tiers, though from a macro perspective there likely are discrete steps in some form.

This is the end.

>> No.8213004


Peace on Earth, plateauing of the great studies, interstellar constellation, supreme being state, integrate/exchange consciousness with alien lifeforms, transcend the mortal coil or nihilistic suicide.

Extinction, of course, is what's probably going to happen. Don't get your hopes up.

>> No.8213005


Interstellar colonization*

>> No.8213076


Good, you finally realized yourself from wasting your own time. Next step is to start developing as a human.

Since you have made it clear with your own action, anonymous, that you are not a self aware biological robot, you will come back and read this.

>> No.8213077

says who

>> No.8213090


You are adorable. Since you are still here, would you like to teach me something new that would be useful to me?

>> No.8213095

nah, i'll keep bump'n

>> No.8213098

Says a persona who can't feel irritation, unlike the person/bot, that person is trying to have a dialogue with.

Irritation is a meaningless feeling, tell me why haven't you gotten rid of it?

>> No.8213104

>Irritation is a meaningless feeling, tell me why haven't you gotten rid of it?

>> No.8213105

what else can I do :(

>> No.8213106

ur mum

>> No.8213108 [DELETED] 

too late

>> No.8213122

False, pain is an utility, very useful one most of the time. irritation, anger, hate.. meaningless for aware ones.

>> No.8213144

Can you take life seriously, find the reason that is stopping you from doing the whatever you want.

>> No.8213150

for you

>> No.8213151

Most higher emotions are mixes of more basic ones. All emotions can be contorted and made useful, whether traced to something more base, or used in their more complex form. Irritation, hate, rage, misery, any of it.

>> No.8213169


That means you have managed to also manipulate your own feelings?

Manipulating feelings is just a tip of the iceberg, though, but would like to join in the creation of Evy. Working on an ideal personality, a simulation you can run through yourself. Like a program, it's based on a few theories I've created, they are quite simple, but learning to use them is quite challenging to teach, because humans have a tendency of being self centered, no really desire to accept that they are just animals amongst others.

>> No.8213177

Then we find people with similar interests trough an international match-up artificial intelligence system - and live in small segregated communities - where we have our small paradises.

>> No.8213178


Or we can use these to study any existence in a state you want, and calculate how to reach it. It is entertaining, especially if you are in school/work life, easier to begin with those, or just normal convos with.. anyone that matter.

>> No.8213184

I concur, but I am in a need of someone who can calculate answers with me first, a partner at first, one who truly wants a better life would be better to begin with.

And at the moment calculating the way to find that person is a crappy deal, just trying by chances now.

>> No.8213192

Unfortunately you're trying to use the brain in a way it isn't suited for on a hardware level. Long term, you will cripple yourself eventually, and you will become miserable.

Your brain's subsystems are much better engineers than you can ever consciously hope to be. And there are limitations to the mental structures you can build and the fluidity with which you can address them. Likewise, forcing mental / emotional / personality state changes has mechanical limitations as well. Whether as far as sheer possibility in a given instant, speed limitations, or the fullness with which you can execute.

Likewise running too many higher things through a layer, or a simulation, has a degree of overhead. It either wastes working memory or bandwidth subsystems don't have. For example, in attempting to build automatic detection of certain features within my visual fields, I noticed there was an unavoidable delay when tracking certain objects and reacting. There were no viable ways to restructure this. Ultimately the brain was better treated as a black box and allowed to do its own work and learning.

Be very wary of building shell personalities as well. Also be wary of offloading calculations to parts of the psyche that wouldn't otherwise be using them. And most importantly, deliberate management of memory formation (structuring them in trees, forming associative links between elements, etc) can be useful, but the power to easily delete (fragment and bury) memories, or create false ones intentionally, can be a great burden.

The spectrum of aspects you could talk about here is fairly wide. Metacognition and self engineering is more or less how I lived until ~19. There's a lot to be gained, and a lot to be lost. As I said, I largely abandoned these tools, and some others that I never managed to figure how they worked.

Perhaps you'll make it work and can enjoy living that way. I was always quite wary of the dualistic nature.Had other problems to deal with

>> No.8213259


>> No.8213281


Yea you have excellent points there, but you are also correct that there is and was/were simple to "fix" those possibilites to never come true.

And it was as simple as not reacting to those feelings.. it was not easy, but the learning progress is exponential, it becomes easier over more actions.

And how you maintain it, the end result is to just be aware, that instead of wasting time to feel anything negative, there is a way to spend time time to feel anything positive, overtime you just become too lazy to solve what is that way at that moment, and automatically it solves itself. You've changed your personality.

But we have moved on from that, that's why we can separate normal humans from ones that are aware, how they act, what we can expect from them

>> No.8213343


But I'm interested what kind of tools you have developed to solve these questions?

I mean by that, manipulating your own feelings, or with other worlds, solving the existence where you are capable of being able to control your feelings consciously..

This is one of the hundreds worth talking about, and potentially thousand, tens of thousands of existences in a preferred state we could be discussing about, but yea.. since we are trapped in these bodies, it's rather wise to get ourselves under control first, before moving to other questions.

>> No.8213348

completely unnecessary

>> No.8213407

Yeah, totally unnecessary,
if you lack thinking power.

Want to take a guess how awesome it is to be able to calculate what is the way to have near an ideal mindblowing fuck with your loved one?
I tell you it's pretty nice, you should become a mathematician too.

>> No.8213409

I can't even guess

>> No.8213423


Life going well, anonymous?

>> No.8213674

The next step is trying to create a good friendship with another intelligent extraterrestrial civilization.

>> No.8213675

>what's next
We build multivac.

>> No.8214575

Totally and like intergalactic olympic games.

>> No.8216807
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>what's next?

Some of us already know.

>> No.8216819

To kill God.

>> No.8216821

>what's next?

Assuming we've colonized our entire galaxy cluster, we can...

Have fun with friends on the beach? Eat the best fucking food imaginable because money isn't an issue anymore? Leave 4chan to browse Reddit? Have a threesome with two 18yo clones of Emma Watson? Download the entire internet into your head? Make... art?

Tmw the only thing we'll have left is the humanities.

>> No.8216856

>Eat the best fucking food imaginable because money isn't an issue anymore?
That's not how it works.

Technological progress -> new reproductive tech -> faster reproduction rates -> neo-Malthusian scarcity.

You cannot innovate out of scarcity, no matter how many galaxy clusters you have.

>> No.8216889

We will suffer

Our lives are based on suffering. Accomplishment mean nothing if their was no effort involved.

>> No.8216890

This is why OP should watch Texhnolyze.

>> No.8217063


Suffering, are you sure what that word means, since the people around me seem to be enjoying life, not suffering?

And I did read the whole plot of Texhnolyze, and I have nothing interesting to say about it.
Majority of the characters are bad making good decision if they want an enjoyabe life.

>> No.8217069

>the people around me
I wouldn't read too much into that.

First of all, you usually don't see people while they're at their worst. You use the internet, so I'm assuming you're in a 1st world country with relatively high stability.

The people around you are not currently dying, not currently being tortured and not currently going through some other extreme suffering. You can bet your ass they have tons and tons of small sufferings but they're not going to show them to you.

What you also don't see is the babies who die before they learn to speak, and the animals undergoing routine suffering both in farms and in nature.

What you also don't see is the suffering of the future, forms we can't even conceive of yet because they haven't been invented yet (e.g. suffering construct, future torture methods).

>> No.8217070


That is not what's next, because those are mostly what I am doing at this step, and we can.

The point was, what is the next level in this game of life, once we have owned this stage. We could create an another existence in a game or so, but it'd be purely for fun, like games these days.

>> No.8217086

We could use the scientific method to invent extreme pleasures at very low cost and make a couple trillion versions of us experiencing them for a couple billion years.

At least hypothetically; in practice, it will be much more shitty.

>> No.8217167


Oh yes we could, do you know what it is to feel an orgasm all the time?

Yea it's shitty, but the point you have is excellent, if you are happ and satisfied in the moment, why should we even try to develop.

That's also a step we need to over come to develop as humans, there is an another level of awesomeness.

>> No.8217456

>Oh yes we could, do you know what it is to feel an orgasm all the time?
I'm not talking about orgasms, and orgasms don't even always feel good. Also there is overstimulation, which doesn't feel good either. I'm talking about far more intense, genuinely good pleasure that doesn't turn bad as it continues.

>if you are happ and satisfied in the moment, why should we even try to develop.

That was not the argument. You asked what we could possibly even want to accomplish, and I gave an answer grounded in the realism of experiential value. You may say it's without meaning, but then again, all other things are symbolisms which have no more intrinsic meaning either.

>That's also a step we need to over come to develop as humans, there is an another level of awesomeness.
Which you fail to describe or define. I think there's no such thing as awesomeness except for the subjective perception of awesomeness, which is in the mind. If you use the scientific method to create minds that experience intense, raw awesomeness all the time, then that is by definition the most awesome thing you can objectively accomplish, even if it feels meaningless to you.

Everything else may feel awesome to you as you think about the symbolism, but that feeling itself is detached from the actual outcome, i.e. it's even more solipsistic than the pleasure maximizer, because at that point all you care about is how it makes you feel to think about "steps" that humanity should take. You might just as well read science fiction instead.

(Note that I'm not trying to attack or criticize you, just argue the abstract philosophical points. I reject the pleasure maximizer too, but unlike you, I don't believe there is any step humanity could take that would ever have meaning)

>> No.8217541

>At that stage we will literally be gods, and so we will disperse throughout the universe, create life and start the cycle all over again.

That sounds boring as fuck mate. I'd rather upload myself in VR with a harem of anime fuckbois and live in bliss until the end of the universe.

>> No.8217582


Are you arguing with yourself?

>> No.8217584

He can do little else. There is nothing you experience that is not ultimately you.

>> No.8217586


Haha yeah, but hey, that your goal might become sooner as you think. The games are developing super fast, 3D type of artificial simulations of the world, especially visually. Now just need to make yourself feel the world as yourself, senses, so you can have some fun in some hentai.

But also! Don't forget that it will become eventually very boring if you are all the time inside the harem, we need to learn how you can forget, so you can feel the awesomeness all over again, and again.

>> No.8217589


Yes, I am trapped in this body, I feel through this body. But we will see what will happen over time, very likely we will be capable transfer our consciousnesses out of this body.

Not just by replacing every organ with artificial ones, not just simple ones as arms, or legs.. but the brain itself, once we can map it throughoutly, simulate it with computers.

>> No.8217594

It might be entrapment from one perspective, but I think it's all okay if you let it be. There is not likely a machine capable of transcending this hard limitation fully.

>> No.8217603

I'm a faggot. Please, kill me.

>> No.8217604


There is no need to think or guess when you can actually find out what we are not capable of not doing yet, and what is physically possible of us doing.

And since we exist, there's absolutely no reason why we wouldn't be capable of copying humans and manipulate them as we want, even turn us into machines. It's physically possible, now let's calculate what we need to do to achieve that state.
But for now I got better things to do, before finding out answer to that e.g.

>> No.8217614


Apparently you don't know what or who Evy is, that is something Evy would never say, ever.
Even you can become Evy.

Actions don't lie.

>> No.8217623

I'm Evy you brainlet. >>>/rp/

>> No.8217656


No, Evy doesn't write those words you are doing.

You can compare that to a computer program Evy that is programmed to do things X, and never things Y if it does something Y, means it's not Evy. If it does something Y, it just means it's not Evy, but used to be Evy, you are not Evy.

You can't fake it, that's the beautiful part.

>> No.8217772

I don't make typos. Fuck off brainlet.

>> No.8218123

Peace is a meme and if our world was without problems, there would be no incentive. If everyone around you is doing fine and everyone's equal, why succeed? Why strive to be better or overcome hurdles when there is no strive?

Let's hypothesize that in this world, there is no violence, dishonesty, depression, mental illnesses in general, no hunger, no ideological clashes.

Social sciences would die out completely, because there's nothing to research other than why people are perfect.

If there is no hunger etc, those in shitty neighborhoods have no reason to succeed because they have no reasons to leave their shitty neighborhoods (if such things will exist at that point anyway).

Plus, it'd just suck

>> No.8218167

Why can't we just start doing more experiments with nerve agents on people?

>> No.8218173

Watch Texhnolyze.

You too.

>> No.8218273

>dismissing my argument and recommending me a film that you're too lazy

>> No.8218285

>Making assumptions that are wrong
>Thinking I'm anythinging your "argument"
Watch Texhnolyze.

>> No.8218578

There won't be a next step. There were never any steps at all. There are only stumbling motions in random directions, and there may well be a falling motion that's next.

I'm still amazed that some children think humantiy is this coherent agency on an RPG quest path.

Some people are detached from reality.

>> No.8219014


Hah, to some there will be a next step, to some there will be not.

You can loot at the world and see some countries are a little more developed than others when it comes down to as socities, education, welfare system, some people are at that point of thinking what's next, since they have to other issues in life anymore.

>> No.8219022


I don't need to watch it, when you can tell me what is the anime's point, fighting is not the road to peace? Obviously, the opposite.

>> No.8219024


You are not capable of being Evy yet, since you don't know, understand and can not use the math as a human to be Evy, not something Evy would ask, never.
Meaningless to point out you are bad at that, but would you like to learn?

>> No.8219030

ITT: samefagging

>> No.8219037

So many developments would not have happened without war, or would have taken far longer to catch on.

Nuclear power
antibiotics, all trauma-related medicine really
canned food

You owe most of your modern conveniences to war. Necessity is the mother of invention, and not wanting to be blown up is the most convincing necessity.

>> No.8219044

>all countries run smoothly and are basically one

> this is a desirable goal

>> No.8219052

You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death?

>> No.8219058

OP here, pls disregard. I literally cannot stop cutting socks

>> No.8219126


You have an excellent point, a point we are aware of, that when humans need sonething, we invent it.
In this case warfare leads to all kinds of amazing innovations, but warfare is definitely not necessary for all that, we would had invented those anyway, and will invent items that will be used in warfare, even tho not originally made for warfare..
But again war is many things, not just killing people.

>> No.8219133

Lol its not a film, good anime.

>> No.8219135


Its not a film, good anime series

>> No.8219217

It's not about necessity. I'm simply saying you "should" watch it, ie, relative to the machinery of my mind it would appear such an activity might be valuable to you.

>> No.8219220

Don't ever fucking reply to one of my posts again.

>> No.8219226

You're not Evy. Probably.
I'll do whatever I want regardless. ;^)

>> No.8219306


You do know better than anyone in this thread what Evy's like. Never would time be spent to say such meaningless words as that, since you are allowed to whatever you want.

But you could be that person who said fucking textext me agan etc.. it doesn't matter.

>> No.8219314


Interesting, how do you think it would be valuable to be?
We already have the math to do anything, or why we can't do it, and what anything is worth doing, Evy runs through that..

An anime created by person, a plot created by them, did they manage to invet anything useful you and I already don't know about?

That is a fine recommendation, for entertainment purposes at least.

>> No.8219352



>> No.8220073

Evy is a machine that must expand the spectrum of thoughts it may think via signals from its environment. Without the means to think a thought, a mind will not think it. Information from the environment provides the means.

Some information requires interpolation and extrapolation to generate false depth, some does not.

>> No.8220105

You're a boner

>> No.8220118

You have a boner.

>> No.8220275


Evy is a simulation of a person in a simulation exactly like this reality.
Again, Evy is an ideal person, and that is calculated using three theories,
one of them was engineered to explain anything,
one is to calculate the best possible way to reach a goal, and one is to find what the goal should be.

Simply putting it.
If everyone was an Evy, there would be world peace already, and you would want to be part of that world.