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File: 343 KB, 1280x840, plasma-fusion-reactor-alcator-c-mod-magnetic-chamber-mit-psfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8204254 No.8204254 [Reply] [Original]

Will fusion reactors save mankind?

>> No.8204335

I wouldn't go that far, but if we can get one to reliably put out more than what goes in then it will be a good replacement for dirtier or less renewable sources of cheap energy.

>> No.8204438

Save mankind from what?

>> No.8204442

is that radioactive?
i kinda want to live in that pic

>> No.8204446

It holds a plasma donut with a magnetic field therefore probably radioactive.

>> No.8204457

More like garbage furnace.

>> No.8204586
File: 2.60 MB, 320x180, Nuclear Fusion in action inside Tokamak Reactor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it possible to make those work?

>> No.8204718

Hot fusion probably not, it's even debatable that this process takes place in the stars

Cold fusion/LENR, on the other hand...

>> No.8204735

is this bait?

or this is irony?

>> No.8204741


Would be surprised if you understood the theoretical discussions there

There's also Randell Mills' Suncell. The man has extensive cold hard science behind it.
Hydrinos might exist, or it may be LENR


>> No.8204752

to be honest i'm just a contrarian piece of shit who doesn't know a shit about science physhics or maths, i wish i could debate with you but well i'm retarded, i hope the Cold Fusion thing isn't bullshit because i sounds pretty awesome (and good for all of us).

>> No.8204760

It's not, but there's the Military-Industrial Complex, who doesn't like the idea of this clean enough technology being publicly available

Follow the Rossi affair, it's excellent entertainment

>> No.8204816


>> No.8204818
File: 34 KB, 599x399, oecwmklNvSk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fk i can post now, thank fking god

>> No.8204830

from being destroyed by your mom's gigantic fatass

>> No.8204845

It would if we funded
No, but if all goes well, it will be. Fusion processes typically generate neutrons and neutrons fuck shit up. Yeah yeah sure, there are aneutronic fusion processes, we'll worry about those once we get fusion working

Shit's gonna be so radioactive that only a robot can handle it, which is one reason fusion is so hard.

That's some great fucking bait. LENR is steaming truckload of horseshit and we got some damn good evidence that the sun does fusion. Where the fuck are those neutrinos coming from sonny?

>> No.8204846
File: 144 KB, 1600x1200, fusion-funding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would if we funded it

>> No.8204912

No, because it doesn't matter how much we progress the species through technological progress or otherwise its constituents are too inherently retarded to benefit from it for long and will eventually self-destruct. For example, consider the nominally intelligent girl I had a crush on who converted to Islam this week without ever having read the Koran or asked any of the array of apostates we have in the department why they fled the ME.

Also fusion reactors are an inefficient meme, capturing more solar energy and using improved conventional methods are likely to be more effective in the near future.

>> No.8204939

Fusion has been possible and achieved since the late 60s. Getting more out than you put in is currently the main issue. And a big issue it is.

Really, fusion power is an engineering project at this point. We know the science its just a material science problem at this point. And this is what I have heard from people who have worked on it.

>> No.8204951


>to be honest i'm just a contrarian piece of shit who doesn't know a shit about science physhics or maths, i wish i could debate with you but well i'm retarded

That's the majority of people of /sci/, so don't worry about it.

>> No.8205065
File: 362 KB, 1200x800, w7x_photo_aufbau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always posting the badly constructed tokamak
>not posting the superior constructed stellerator

>> No.8205075

We don even know how to make them work.

>> No.8205095

Is this real?

>> No.8205158
File: 1.93 MB, 410x174, 94rOyRb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8205175

Fission reactors should provide almost all the power in the west at extreme low cost
However government prevents them

So I expect government will also prevent fusion

The ONLY beneficial aspect of fusion is that it doesn't produce radioactive materials
It's not cheaper/easier or w/e

>> No.8205224

>That's some great fucking bait. LENR is steaming truckload of horseshit

Here's a big pile of it, you stupid cro-magnon

"Evidence For Low-Intensity D-D Reaction As a Result Of Exothermic Deuterium Desorption From Au/Pd/PdO:D Heterostructure,"
"Characterization of Tracks in CR-39 Detektors Obtained as a Result of Pd/D Co-deposition,"


>> No.8205244

This, I actually work on a small part of ITER as a student, and I am fairly pessimistic about its feasibility. The problem is not only making the thing work, but also making it work cost effectively, which is insanely difficult to do considering its pretty much the most expensive machine in the world.

I still think nuclear fusion is the power source of the future, but maybe not using the tokamak design. There are now much simpler designs that don't need the complex magnetic fields and plasma stability systems. (A design such as general fusion is using looks pretty promising)

>> No.8205290

Why did you nig my topic from technology?

>> No.8205293

Did you confront her in the weman's bathrooms?

>> No.8205358

How can one contribute to this, i'm a nigger in a third world country, but isn't there a way to help?

>> No.8206472

Hmm I doubt it to be honest, maybe you could mine some niobium for the superconducting magnets.

>> No.8206861

thoughts on w7x?

ITER is outdated technology imho

>> No.8206866

>maybe you could mine some niobium
Top /sci/ banter

>> No.8206876

Of course, "not enough funding".

>> No.8206885

According to thermodynamics you can't ever get out more than you put in. Where does all this extra energy appear from?

>> No.8206886

Thank you Mr. Peanutfarmer

>> No.8206895

the fusing of atoms you mongoloid

>> No.8206896

On a universal scale, no, there was no entry energy/gain.

But if we spent 50 joules getting it out of the ground and get 5,000,000 joules out of it by fusing it, then there's an energy gain from our, human, perspective.

>> No.8206902

There was no net energy gain*

>> No.8206927


>> No.8207062

So, fusion reactors are fiction.

>> No.8207070

Like you drawing a logical conclusion to this thread, anything that hasn't happened yet is fiction.

>> No.8207072


>> No.8207155

>Will fusion reactors save mankind?
It will save us from Arabs since the value of oil will plummet and we no longer need to send grillions of dollars there that end up being used to fund terrorists.

The core will be irradiated by neutrons and then become very radioactive.

Waste products on the other hand will not be a problem.

>debatable that this process takes place in the stars

Considering their progress with F-35 I guess this is merely a project to combust the national budgets.

>at extreme low cost
Until decomissioning, that is. Oh and we have to overlook that the have Uranium for only 20 years at that rate, probably even less. Then we have tons of radioactive white elephants all over.

>> No.8207177

OK, let's review this.

>Lipson, Andrei, et al "Evidence For Low-Intensity D-D Reaction As a Result Of Exothermic Deuterium Desorption From Au/Pd/PdO:D Heterostructure," Fusion Technology, Vol. 38, p. 238-252, Sept. 2000
>Fusion Technology, Vol. 38, p. 238-252, Sept. 2000

A publication in an echo chamber. OK

>Mosier-Boss, et al, "Characterization of Tracks in CR-39 Detektors Obtained as a Result of Pd/D Co-deposition,"
>European Physical Journal, Applied Physics
More credible rag. Still, tis is NOT about fusion, it is about "Detektors"

>Mosier-Boss, et al., "Use of CR-39 in Pd/D Co-deposition Experiments,"
>European Physical Journal, Applied Physics
Same rag. And not about fusion this time either but rather co-deposition. It is not clear how this even relates to fusion other than that Pd is used in room temperature fusion cells.

>Mosier-Boss, et al, "Further Evidence Of Nuclear Reactions In The Pd/D Lattice: Emission Of Charged Particles,"
A fast track publication journal. The publishers blurb is not suited to build trust:
>Articles from The Science of Nature - Naturwissenschaften make good topics for the media. Our press releases describe fascinating and cutting-edge research results from this journal.

> Kitamura, Akira, et al, "Anomalous Effects in Charging of Pd Powders With High Density Hydrogen Isotopes,”
>Physics Letters A,
Charging is not fusion. Nice dodge.

>> No.8207550


>if we had cheaper energy, people would be better off


1. ignoring elites will artificially restrict energy for greater societal/economic control
2. ignoring technology will become less efficient, or more consuming, creating more need for power by the next generation
3. ignoring fusion might be as expensive or have some by product as nuclear does today

>> No.8207898

Fraud. Just like all cold fusion hacks.

>> No.8208263
File: 629 KB, 892x932, ljrzRZa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8208574

so, we are fucked up anyways.

>> No.8208585

Escaping plasma crashing in the walls makes it radioactive.

>> No.8208913

>Oh and we have to overlook that the have Uranium for only 20 years at that rate, probably even less.

As long as we're throwing it out after using like 2% of it, definitely. Thanks a fucking lot Jimmy Carter.

>> No.8209818

What about zero-point energy? (Please don't shit on me) There's a retired military scientist and electrical engineer by the name of Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden who worked extensively on neg-entropy electrical systems and generators that pulled energy from the vacuum. His reasoning behind why these systems are generally thought to be impossible is due to the deliberate misdirection by people in the scientific community; however, he also concedes that cognitive bias could also be the catalyst to the perceived incredibility behind dipolar asymmetry, as we tend to assume that the fundamental processes behind our universe are constrained to the same limits that our three-dimensional perception constrains us to.

>> No.8210043
File: 77 KB, 611x633, mama why did Anon post this bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8210064

We could build a small number of fast neutron reactors in Nevada and run them off of our buried nuclear waste, meeting the U.S.'s projected energy needs for the next thousand or so years whilst rendering said waste harmless, or we could just use traditional nuclear reactors to power the world for the next several MILLION years before we run out of fuel.
Fusion reactors are just a meme, not because they are impractical or a bad idea, but because we have had the technology to generate massive amounts of power cheaply, cleanly, and indefinitely since the 1950s and we still haven't implemented it yet.

>> No.8210065

LM is giving multiple teams of engineers/scientists lab space and funding to work on their individual prototypes for fusion. its a literally "million monkeys at a million typewriters" tier effort.

skunkworks is a pseudo boondoggle that has gotten by on educated guesswork and money guzzling trial and error.

>> No.8210072

Classic psuedoscience shill "it's not my results that are the problem, it's the whole scientific community in a JIHAD against ME!"

And idiots like you fall for it over and over again, buying these shill's products and books like it's ice cream cake.

>> No.8210084

The idiot ecomentalists at Greenpeace and related doomed us all. The renewable industry had to effectively reset along solar-wind lines in the 70's because of these stupid fucks when we could have had coal phased out decades ago.

Now the whole world's slowly turning fucked. The anti-nuclear movement killed any hope of a viable solution to climate change before it was too late.

Hope the green left enjoys watching Amsterdam flood from its severe shortsightedness.

>> No.8211580

Well, they'll certainly make everything better.

>> No.8211587

We haven't done it because of the widespread fear of nuclear weaponry and reactor meltdowns. Regardless of the capacity of nuclear energy, it will be another few decades before that fear dissipates

>> No.8213484

Yes - If u think no, you should review your thermo knowledge - this is pretty much as close as 'we' will get in terms of free energy

>> No.8213495

>power cheaply, cleanly, and indefinitely
indefinitely.. sorta yes

cheaply - yea sorry to bust your bubble but unless you massively reduce safety and give no shits about human life or environmental problems - cheap nuclear energy is a meme.

(whole value chain of radioactive materials- not just using it in reactor)

>> No.8213813


> greater societal/economic control

This 100%

Books, Steam engine, electricity, computers, robots, internet... none did.

Like everything, it'll just widen gap between Have and Have Not.

Tip - all of us here, we're later.

>> No.8213822

No. Well just use the cheap energy to trash the planet faster.

Assuming we can get them to work in the first place.

>> No.8214702
File: 146 KB, 450x700, artistic_representation_of_richard_stallman_killing_steve_jobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the important question is will mankind save fusion reactors

>> No.8215074

Any updates on the Polywell?

>> No.8215078

Do you think the gap between the have and the have not is bigger than in the feudal ages?

>> No.8215080

>Inb4 Bernie voters and literal commies

>> No.8215083

You're right, I don't even have electricity or running water or a car or cell phone or internet
My standard of living is horrible thanks to rich people not sharing technology. If only we were back in the stone age everything would be fine again

>> No.8215217

not gonna "save mankind" from
its own primitive impulses

>> No.8215220

stop licking the boots of the "rich people"
you worship, and get off your knees

>> No.8215221

We should get rid of all forms of private property. Ownership is for losers and capitalist pigs. FEEL THE BERN!

>> No.8215850

>muh elites
>what the fuck are you even trying to say
>we know what fusion creates and takes; we're not blindly shooting into the dart and seeing what happens

>muh widening the gap
Protip you retarded commie faggot, there's always going to be a gap between us proles and the elites for the forseeable future.
It's no skin off your back if your quality of life improves twice as much, while some elite's improves fifty times as much. It's just you whining and crying "why couldn't I be richer?"

And frankly, I don't trust the plebes with social or economic control.
Freedom is a meme that the unwashed masses took way too far.

>> No.8216305

Helion energy.