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8202035 No.8202035 [Reply] [Original]

Are you guys excited for the Juno mission? What do you think the results will be?

>> No.8202042

we already had hi-res photos of jupiter. i dont think its gonna be a big deal at all

>> No.8202064

We've had medium resolution pics from hubble, and a couple high resolution pics from fly-bys

juno will take countless high resolution pictures over a long period of time, studying the planet in great detail

i think this is a pretty big deal, and then there's the fact that we might finally figure out the interior of jupiter

>> No.8202069

Well its just jupiter, nothing but gas and shit in there. I don't know how it would be beneficial.

>> No.8202079

we've had plenty of cool discoveries from cassini orbiting saturn, and obviously lots of cool pics

expect that, but more

studying gas giants like jupiter is important for exoplanetary science, because they're so numerous in our exoplanet catalogs

>> No.8202082


okay, lets say youre an explorer in a time where, say, the Galapagos have been discovered, but nobodys actually set foot on them for more than a couple hours. you go & explore it for several weeks, Master & Commander style. people have already seen the island, but do you understand just how much more information you would get?

im fully prepared to call you a fucking fag btw but i thought id try this first

>> No.8202088
File: 340 KB, 1825x1190, jupiter-fact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jupiter is so fucking gorgeous

>> No.8202093

Pretty shit comparison tbqh. We already know what Jupiter is composed of and pretty much its whole structure. A couple of hi-res pics aren't going to add anything on to it at all.

I'm not saying its bad that Juno will get these pics, I'm just saying it's not really a big deal.

>> No.8202110

>We already know what Jupiter is composed of and pretty much its whole structure.

overstatement of the century, we know very little about it, and even less about its moons

>A couple of hi-res pics

a constant stream of pictures for years*

>> No.8202114

Difference is, we have drones now.

Friend, I am the biggest supporter of manned missions to EVERYWHERE on the planet, but that's the worst argument possible to justify manned missions. Our drones now can do more than a person in a spacesuit would ever dream of being able to do.

>> No.8202129

Tell me what difference is closeup pictures going to tell us where all we see is gas and turbulence ?

>> No.8202142


oh no fair enough dude but this idiot is wondering WHAT THE POINT IS OF GETTING PICTURES


because. every. little. detail. tells. us. something. you. fucking. fag.

>> No.8202144

My fap folder is ready.

>> No.8202160

> its gonna tell something because its gonna tell something

>> No.8202167

i want to fuck that gas giantess

>> No.8202750
File: 37 KB, 987x555, PIA20707-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We already know what Jupiter is composed of and pretty much its whole structure

Except we don't, which is the whole point of Juno.

>> No.8202762

we Stellaris now

>> No.8202819

that's actually pretty funny, this illustrates what the Juno mission is for better than some of the media.

We've had high resolution photos from Galileo for some time now. The high resolution photos are essentially just for 'public engagement,' the science value is pretty minimal.

The primary objectives here are primarily concerned with studying Jupiter's interior and what's going on below the clouds:
Hence the panty shot.

We don't know what Jupiter is composed and and it's structure well enough to answer questions. We have some general ideas how Jupiter formed, but we don't have enough data to know which one of them is right.

Nope they tell us fuck all really. Primary purpose of the camera is public outreach. See how hard people are defending it? The outreach is working. Plus the camera is only expected to operate for about seven orbits because of the radiation.

>> No.8202938

>Hence the panty shot.
What would correspond to a down blouse shot then?

>> No.8202976


>[desire for coffee intensifies]

>> No.8203751

Oh jeez I had to check if this was a gif.

>> No.8203897

Why are you on /sci/? It is just to troll?

>> No.8203900

Northern hemisphere probing.