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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 341 KB, 618x853, IQ over time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8199010 No.8199010 [Reply] [Original]

Aren't you guys worried about the western open border policy fucking up humanity last hope for greatness ?

>> No.8199013

We still have Eastern Europe and China.

>> No.8199017

Intelligent individuals still select intelligent partners.

/pol/ doesn't understand that all the evil (((media))) and border policy in the world won't make intelligent men/women pick partners two or more standard deviations of intelligence beneath them. The people that pair up willingly with those sorts of people weren't doing your gene pool any favors, anyway.

>> No.8199020

This is a good thing.


Because it will cause implementation of eugenics and reproduction laws.

Also graphene.

>> No.8199021

The average IQ is 100 by definition you stupid cunt.

>> No.8199024


OP, it's likely that you're an idiot.

Most people here are idiots.

>> No.8199031

No the average IQ of the control group is 100. (which was white americans)

>> No.8199032

Please stay in your containment board until your IQ exceeds the double digits, retard.

>> No.8199037

I bet you aren't white.

>> No.8199043

Go away SJWtard. Be a brainlet elsewhere.

>> No.8199045

Posting pseudoscience on /sci/ can get you banned. That said, IQ in the US has risen by huge amounts each decade.

>> No.8199054

>Anon called me a /pol/esmoker.
>That must mean they're easily offended by my edginess.
What is it like to be a walking meme?

>> No.8199058

> i-im not a sjwtard guise believe me D':

go away SJWtard, and take your small IQ elsewhere.

>> No.8199065

I thought that phenotypic IQ was improving due to industrialisation and better nutrition in developing countries, but genotypic IQ was falling.

>> No.8199068

Your diagnosis is : sjw brain infection.
Your treatment: a good dose of reality, daily.

>> No.8199069

>Not knowing that /pol/ retards get BTFO of /sci/ on a daily basis.
You must be new here.

>> No.8199070

genotypes are a social construct and have no biological basis

>> No.8199078

> template SJWtard shitposting
don't ever try to pretend you're a /sci/tizen you dumb SJWtard

Aside from your irreversible deluded state of mind, genetics DO exist, intelligence is heritable just like any other biological trait and illiterate imbeciles like you don't belong on 4chan.


>> No.8199086

Its clear that your parents didn't care about IQ lmao

>> No.8199090

As soon as europeans are no more, expect the east asians to start the cleansing.

Subhumans don't have the intellectual capital to wield technological civilisation and its overwhelming force multiplier, so there's no question about the outcome.

>> No.8199095

Sure, but that doesn't mean you can ignore environment.

>> No.8199103

/sci/ is fundamentaly pro-science and pro-truth wich mean anti-equality, anti pseudo-science, anti affirmative-action and anti-SJW.

>> No.8199109

Yes, this is the reason why we make sure keep those low IQ subhumans contained in /pol/.

>> No.8199110

go away retard

>> No.8199111
File: 1.68 MB, 300x259, 1462098423616.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's a genocide I can get behind.

>> No.8199121

The Jews want the eradication of white people. This is how they are doing it.

>> No.8199127

do you think they're willing to eradicate themselves in the process?

>> No.8199131

Why would they ? Marrying non-jews is unacceptable for them. Go cry about racism

Really makes you think.

>> No.8199132

>Marrying non-jews is unacceptable for them
what the shit?
are you kidding me? You must be trying to bait

>> No.8199138

Judaism is a religion, not a race.

>> No.8199141
File: 270 KB, 1024x772, dnarace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jews are a race and they are already heavily mixed

>> No.8199144

neither of us said anything which would contradict that..
I'm astounded by your knowledge though, please do continue to keep me informed in the future.

>> No.8199149

Who said it was a contradiction of what was posted? You need to learn that not everyone is hostile, kid?

>> No.8199152

So you simply meant to inform us of a fact? If so, thank you.
This is a blue board.
Soon, there will be quints.

>> No.8199159

Judaism is herited. I didn't say it was a race, I said it transfers by heritage. Learn to read the posts.

Also your double standards amuses me when you're not enraged by the racist xenophobic jews who don't allow jews to marry non-jews. It should be your humanitarian duty to go to israel and liberate them with diversity.

>> No.8199170
File: 22 KB, 300x188, 1465291779017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this even an issue?

By 2110 we will have accessible gene editing and brain augment to average populace.

At worst the world average would only dip for the next 60 to 80 years before going back up.

>> No.8199181

lol slowdown. were not that good at gene editing. you can't modify your baby to come out as superman

>> No.8199184

Africa won't have over 4 B population, rest assured. Fertility rates are falling in many places. And once tfr falls, it tends to do so quickly and persistently.

>> No.8199239

No. Stem cells and genetic engineering will allow me to create a strain of totipotent stem cells which contain IQ-enhancing alleles. This strain can be used to create a culture which can be fed into biopens, which will bioprint a new body onto my nervous system.

As >>8199017 says, I'm not going to select a mate who isn't willing to produce the best children. If they want to just screw and pop something out, I want nothing to do with them. And I intend on having twenty children, so I'll be doing the breeding of ten-twenty people.

There won't be any competition in the future - people like me will roll over everyone too stupid to genetically modify themselves.

>> No.8199260


No. Assortative mating implies that people of higher intelligence tend to reproduce with people of similar intelligence to them.

/pol loves to take credit for the accomplishments of people better than them because they are the same race. They're no better than the blacks they complain about all the time.

>we wuz vikangs and sheeeit
>we wuz crusaders and sheeeit
>we wuz scientists and sheeeit

Of course many of those scientists were Jewish anyway and I don't see /pol/ calling for a return to Deutsche Physik.

>> No.8199269

I don't generally care for most of the obvious Jews I encounter (financial / law sectors, it's not a stereotype), however one branch of my family was actually historically Jewish, traveled through Russia, eventually France where they changed their name to avoid Jewish persecution, eventually went to Britain and then the US, where they dropped the French aspects of their name.

No Jewish features, but guess that may be why I'm so gosh darn clever and have deep scavenger / micro-management tendencies.

>> No.8199271

>/sci/ - /pol/
Nice opinions ITT but
Congratulations on never taking a biology course.

>> No.8199280


China and the UK both recently got the ball rolling on GMO people. What this means is that China forced humanity to apply this technology, in spite of forty years of prohibition.

We can create superman - it's just illegal. Everything we can do in mice and flies we can do in people. Any alleles we've isolated, we can play with. We can enhance IQ right now by engineering people who carry the right alleles for Tyrosine hydroxylase, Tryptophan hydroxylase and Monoamine oxidase - by increasing dopamine levels and decreasing serotonin levels, we can create a very mentally active, energetic person.

What I find funny is that autism seems to involve mutations in these genes, and the general dopamine system. Meaning that autism is what you get when you design a human for high intelligence.

But, of course, this high intelligence doesn't come in the form of superman, but in the form of an infantile fat man who wants to be a girl. The autist really is capable of thought that a normal person isn't, but he'll never be able to dominate a society of brown equals.

Within Europe, certain populations have very high rates of autism - higher than anywhere else on Earth. American Jews have some of the highest rates, while Israeli Jews have some of the lowest. What makes whites unique is their autism.

The whites who don't want to be autists will breed with brown people - as they are doing - while the ones who do will concentrate their autism genes by breeding with the shrinking number of other pure whites.

Autists are like the first man, emerging out of the ape gene pool. The common ancestor of chimps and humans was like humanity today, and the chimps are the people who wanted to be brown equals, while humans were the ape-autists.

In the future, brown savages will be eaten by white vampires, just as today in Africa, humans eat Gorillas as bushmeat.

>> No.8199296

>Fertility rates are falling in many places.
Such as ?

>> No.8199300
File: 2.55 MB, 3000x2171, Solvay_conference_1927[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Of course many of those scientists were Jewish anyway
> A ridicuolusy tiny percentage was jewish
> The rest entirely consists of German, British, Swiss and Northern European scientists

just funny...

>> No.8199306

This is the most autistic post ive ever seen

>> No.8199311

>Everything is autism

It was fun to start with ,now the meme needs to die.

>> No.8199312

It was never fun.
It was always stupid.
It was always obnoxious.
It needed to die a long time ago.

>> No.8199349

DESU the autism meme is the only overplayed meme I still like

>> No.8199356

>religion transfers by heritage


>> No.8199371

You literally know nothing about Judaism then, or why it's unique. Stop posting.

>> No.8199404

is moron above retard or retard above moron?

>> No.8199993

Everywhere, Google it

>> No.8200022

literally watch their own sermons or atleast google it dumbfuck.

>> No.8200052

Open border policy? What do you mean?

>> No.8200090

you can walk in.