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8198243 No.8198243 [Reply] [Original]

Hey sci can you please disprove the flat earth theory?
I have a friend who won't listen to reason because the flat Earth theory is
>"Almost sound."
Please btfo my friend.

>> No.8198267

Give any argument leading to flat earth and I will debunk it.

>> No.8198268

Skepticism is not justification of stupidity.

>> No.8198275

Why can't I see the curvature of the Earth on a plane?

>> No.8198278

How come when a ship is sailing it doesn't appear to sink into the sea ffom a distance?

>> No.8198279

What is his explanation for the coriolis effect?

>> No.8198281

...it does.

>> No.8198282

Low height. Next

>> No.8198284

Please, stop this annoying lie. You are lying, this is wrong. Stop lying. Please.

>> No.8198285


Tell your friend to never go into the sciences. He's at best an inept human being.

>> No.8198286

How come we don't fly across the Artic if the world was round?

>> No.8198287

What about orbital motion, satellite images, the existence of the Earth's magnetic field, and the coriolis effect being different on the northern and southern hemispheres?

>> No.8198288


>> No.8198290

What's the Artic?

>> No.8198292

How come we didn't have pictures of the Earth when NASA went to the moon yesrs ago?

>> No.8198294

Because then the chem trails would be useless

>> No.8198295

Says satelights just float up there???
Or satelights arent real.

Says scientists are lying to us. Scientists are still fighting over if the Earth is shaped like a tomato or is round.

>> No.8198313

How come pilots don't have to constantly adjust the plane nose down so it doesnt fly out of the atmosphere? If the earth was flat it would just go in a straight line so no fears of that.

>> No.8198316
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Also thank you for that. He thinks the artic is being protected by all of the big governments like China America Russia etc because there is a secret there.

>> No.8198318

You can. Have you tried measuring it using a straight edge or are you just eyeballing it?

>> No.8198327

We did. Next.

>> No.8198330
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But... they do appear to go behind the horizon. See pic related. The bottom of the building is under water, but we can see the top very clearly. There are actually better examples of this. If you push me, I'll find an example.

Similar effect over many large bodies of water.

>> No.8198333
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My good anon I'm not him I don't know what he's doing to think that.
Also one anon here said on a plane you're not high enough to see curvature. My friend also states that people who see curvature are wrong. It's not possible to see it out of a plane.

>> No.8198334

Because planes fly parallel to the gravitational force which points toward the center of the earth.

>> No.8198335

Probably eyeballing it though. Or iseing what's on hand.

>> No.8198336


>> No.8198338

You're not high enough to see the curvature with your eyes alone.

>> No.8198339

I'm pretty skeptical about actually being able to see the curvature even 10km up in the air.

Just compare the massive size of the earth to the minuscule distance 10km is above the ground.

On top of gravity, pilots do constant corrections to their course, so you would have to go extremely fast to actually have to actually notice the curvature with all the corrections.

>> No.8198340

No this is fine thank you I really appreciate it.

>> No.8198344

Basically this. Doing the Foucault Pendulum experiment on the northern and southern hemispheres provides (imo) some of the hardest evidence to explain away.

>> No.8198354
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Says when he googles nasa earth picture all the Earths are fake cgi or photoshopped.

I made mention of this. I work around pilots too, but I didn't want to ask them seeing as they are pretty busy.
He stated that he asked a pilot this before, but they said they don't make adjustments.

But they are fast enough to lift off the ground like space ships. So why doesn't a plane do the same thing? How come the old space shuttle made of our past technology which is 'mostly' obsolete can go to the moon, but we haven't been there since?

He also mentioned the tomato shape of the Earth seeing as some scientists think the Earth isn't round but tomato shaped. This was big. Seeing as even scientists have theories of the Earth's shape even though NASA went to space already?

Thank you all for your patience and answers.
~Sincerely a /pol/tard just visiting.

>> No.8198361

Don't think he knows it. But could you explain/simplify it? I searched it up but I don't understand its relation to the Earth being round.

>> No.8198363

The pendulum swings are opposed to each other in the north, south.

Could only Happen in a round earth.

Also, wind, seasons and toilets spinning opposite direction are all related

>> No.8198364

Space ships work very differently. The rockets actually spend a huge amount of fuel to get to their speed. They accelerate by "pushing" the fuel away after the chemical reaction. This is why things like rockets (read: water bottles) with just pressurized water can fly.

Planes spend a lot less fuel, since instead of pushing the fuel back, they use the fuel to push air back. And things like lift caused by the wings pretty much means that they need less speed to stay in the air.

>> No.8198376

Thank you.

>> No.8198406

Good explanation, but I think the toilet thing is actually a myth. Best not bring that one up. However, weather certainly is influenced by this.

>> No.8199856
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How do flat earthers explain the movement of the stars? When you travel south you'll see that the north celestial pole shifts closer to the northern horizon. This will not happen on a flat plane.

>> No.8199861

Kill your friend before he reproduces.
If he already did, kill his offspring.

>> No.8199865

everything revolves around earth m8

so obviously the stars will rotate around the plain if it's the center of the universe

>> No.8199876

You can see the Earth's shadow on the moon during lunar eclipses.
Where is the Sun then in retard theory?

>> No.8199882

But if the world was a flat plane and everything in the sky revolved around it then you would be able to see both the southern celestial pole and the northern no matter where you stand on that disk.

>> No.8199883

nah because earth has mountains and clouds and shit

>> No.8199889

You have defeated me, Jamal.

>> No.8199982

The water one is actually a thing.
and SmarterEveryDay
tested in in both hemispheres simultaneusly. It is however a very slim effect but does prove the coriolis effect and thus a round and rotating earth.

>> No.8199988

Why dont airline companies go the closest way possible to the "center of the earth" as they are allowed without being shot down?
Does your friend also not believe in the power of capitalism and saving as much fuel as possible?

>> No.8199995

> Hey sci can you please disprove the flat earth theory?

edges of the earth

there, disproven. Now fuck off back to >>>/r/eddit

>> No.8200036

to the "why don't pilots have to make course corrections" argument:

this is actually a non-argument. if he "believes" in gravity, and he probably does since it's what knocked his head on the ground so hard when he was little, and agrees that it points "straight down" (as in: perpendicular to the earth's surface), riddle him this:
- a plane produces lift through the aerodynamic properties of its wings, which is a function of speed (among a few other things, like angle of attack and such, but for steady flight this is a sound approximation to make) - that means, more speed --> more lift
- gravity is pulling down the plane with constant force
- therefore, at steady flight, the plane produces exactly the amount of lift necessary to balance out gravity
- therefore, it makes no difference whether the earth's surface is flat or curved, since the plane will always move in such a way as to cancel the forces, i.e. perpendicular to gravity, i.e. parallel to the earths surface
- therefore, this is not an argument for either side since it work either way

sorry to all the people who actually know their shit for the gross oversimplification of matters.

>> No.8200441
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Friend does understand why we have police. So I'm sure he doesn't understand capitalism.
I'm literally just asking because I've dealt with him saying this shit for months. He just won't understand reason. Conspiracy theorist and whatnot. He believes in that image of the flat Earth where the North pole is in the center of the Earth.

>> No.8200463
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He thinks the word airplane(specifically plane) is refering to a flat straight line. He asked for me to explain that. Seeing as in a flat Earth a plane doesn't need to curve and just goes in a straight line.

I stated the second definition of plane, and how bear (noun) and bear (verb) are spelled the same but have different meanings. But the thing was he believes that a plane could fly out of the atmosphere if the Earth was round. But another anon explained this.

The thing is no one has explained why some scientists think the Earth has a tomato shape when there are pictures of the Earth.

>> No.8200466

when i walk outside the ground isn't curving, so the earth has to be flat you stupid fucks.

>> No.8200483

Dunno if anyone's given a definitive way for a casual observer to witness the curvature of the earth with no calculations required, but I saw this one on TV and will share it with you.


>Powerful Laser
>Mounting/Leveling device for said Laser
>Large body of water
Observers on both the shore and the boat

Shine the Laser out over the body of water on a level plane while the Laser is fixed perfectly level (with people to observe that no one touches the lazer), take the boat out several miles until the beam goes over the top of the boat. Congratulations, you have now demonstrated the curvature of the earth by you dropping under the Laserbeam.

>Measure the distance from the laser relative to the amount the beam rises relative to your boat

Congratulations, you can now calculate the circumference of the earth as a bonus.

Don't see how anyone could argue with this real world demonstration.

>> No.8200507

the atmosphere bends the laser light

>> No.8200514


If anyone genuinely believes in flat earth 'theory' then it's pointless even trying to dissuade them by showing them hard evidence as they're already clinically retarded.

But if someone believes that light can be curved atmosphere not the gravity well then how much more confirmation do you need that they're legitimately retarded

Also, if you were rich and really wanted to show someone.....

>Build a 3 mile long airtight building
>Pump all the air out
>Setup the Laser at one end of the building 1m off the floor
>Get into your spacesuit, go to the other end of the building
>No atmosphere in the building but the Laser is still several meters higher at one end of the building than the other despite being mounted on a level plane.

How do they argue it then.....

>> No.8200517

damn that's cool

>> No.8200518

How was the building made level? Usually people use...lasers. The reason the boat works and your idea doesn't is because water finds its own level whereas earth does not.

>> No.8200524


Kek, good point

>Painstakingly build the entire complex using spirit levels to maintain a true level, no lasers.
>Build the 3 mile long vacuum chamber as a floating building on a (hopefully very calm) body of water

Either of those things are doable given enough time and money

Next problem?

>> No.8200584

Has he ever flown? There will be a difference in time zones if you fly from east to west or vice versa. Does he think everyone in Asia is lying about whether or not the sun is up?

>> No.8200604

If the Earth was flat and the sun revolved in a circular manor, the sun would rise in the north east and set in the north west. Connector flights from Los Angeles to Hong Kong to London would take more than 24 hours flight time. The Earth would never experience seasons. The most stable object in the universe would be a circular disk. Gravity does not fit its known rules in a flat earth. You could see europes coast line from the east coast if the Earth was flat.

Theres really no excuse to believe the Earth is flat. The trolls are just good at saying "no it isnt." Or "ur an not smart."

>> No.8200652

well flat earth is incompatible with gravity, sunset and edges. so theres that.

>> No.8200660

>Your equipment was compromised by the round Earth Jew
>Gives faulty results
Try again.

>> No.8200679

The earth isn't an exact sphere, it's a spheroid. Sphere-shapedm but not perfectly so.

>> No.8200811
File: 5 KB, 434x210, fe-seasons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moon is translucent to light, and the lunar eclipse happens when a satellite of the sun passes between the sun and the moon.

Earth and its local cosmos are accelerating upward, the sun's downward-facing hotspot moves so far away that its light doesn't penetrate so much atmosphere at once, and there's a reason that only government workers are allowed to go to Antarctica.

The sun doesn't go to the other side of the Earth disk; it just points downward at another spot.

The sun does rise in the northeast and set in the northwest. The connector flight you mention is still chasing the sun's hotspot. Seasons are the sun rotating along circles of different radii above the Earth. Earth is the bottom edge of the universe, so its geometry is different from the bodies in the sky. Earth's gravity is due to its acceleration upward. You can't see across the ocean because of particles in the air fogging things up and because of the reflective mirage effect making you see only sky where you might otherwise see figures.

Here's a repository of the ways flat-earthers will bullshit their way around these questions.

You're gonna want to find a question that isn't answered on this site.

>> No.8200813

>Earth and its local cosmos are accelerating upward
soooo Earth exceeded the speed of light long time ago ?

>> No.8200831

>the flat earth theory
What "theory" would that that be, fgt pls

>> No.8200834

It means in our own reference frame. Upward acceleration can be done essentially endlessly. Due to general relativity, you need to accelerate less and less in an outside observer's reference frame in order to achieve the same effect in your own reference frame. As you accelerate, time and space will accommodate to make certain that c is constant, and in doing so, the acceleration between 0% and 50% c will essentially feel the same as the acceleration between 99% and 99.5% c in our own reference frame.

That's actually how things are. It also illustrates the nature of why you would need infinite energy to move any amount of mass at the speed of light.

>> No.8200850
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> 9.80991(5) m/second
> say 9 to round it up
> 9*60 = 540 m/minute
> 540*60 = 32400 m/hour
> 32400*24 = 777600 m/day
> 777600*30 = 23328000 m/month
> 23328000*12 = 279936000 m/year

So it takes about 1 year to accelerate to the exact speed of light. So according to your theory earth is now travelling at 1119744000000000000 meters/second. Is that what you're saying ?

>> No.8200854
File: 9 KB, 154x200, Ozymandias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a really fun thread to read.
All of /sci/ coming together against one common enemy.

>> No.8200860

>say 9 to round it up


But that's not how special relativity works. The formula for acceleration in SR is easy to derive, but it is amazingly ugly. Once you begin traveling relativistic speeds, time dilation becomes significant. I'm not trying to be a dick (it comes naturally), but you can't just multiply some numbers for this one.

>> No.8200861

You're still using the classical model for a relativistic system. Factor in length contraction and apply that to free space while you also factor in time dilation.

I have a feeling you don't understand physics beyond the college freshman level.

>> No.8200862

well, aside from the fact that "plane refers to a flat straight line", i just explained that they ARE in fact flying in a straight flat line, the reference plane being the earth's surface. this works no matter whether the earth is round or flat, since the plane will always fly in a straight line parallel to the earth's surface under it, since gravity points "straight down" (as in: perpendicular to the surface tangent) in both a spherical and a flat earth scenario.

"tomato shaped" is an overstatement of matters, really. it refers to the fact the the earth isn't a perfect sphere. imagine like a elastic, perfectly spherical balloon filled with sand; now imagine kicking it around the yard for a few minutes - it ain't going to be perfectly round any longer. now imagine you take the kicked balloon and spin it on your finger, like a basketball. it will go back to more or less perfect sphere condition, but since the sand also has a configuration which requires some kind of force to change the rotational forces probably won't be enough to redistribute everything perfectly. also, the rotation clearly favors material moving to the outside of it. hence, the slight tomato shape (or, as is now said, pear).

>> No.8200864

He clearly doesn't understand it at the freshman physics level. Don't bother to look too deeply into what he's saying (it'll make you dumber), but I couldn't make a mess that nasty if I tried. Look at the units. Pro tip: if any velocity you calculate is greater than c, there's a good chance you did something wrong.

>> No.8200873

so... earth is flat because we distrust physicists who say it isn't, but relativity theory is fine? is this really how they explain it or is that your explanation?

>> No.8200875
File: 419 KB, 800x450, EthanBubblegumTate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now imagine you take the kicked balloon and spin it on your finger, like a basketball.

Fuck you Bubblegum Tate, I would if I could.

>> No.8200882
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> I have a feeling you don't understand physics beyond the college freshman level.
> talks about length contraction

You know that only effects when you're near the light speed right ? You'd still have to accept that earth is travelling at a few thousand times the speed of light.

>> No.8200909

Earth is flat because muh everyday experimental evidence. Mental gymnastics are a part of the whole flat earth thing.

Yeah, so it approaches the speed of light, things get shorter, time gets longer, and it's still accelerating at 9.8 in its own reference frame even though it's accelerating slower and slower in an outside observer's reference frame. Another way to think about it is in terms of energy. There is a constant stream of energy being used to keep Earth accelerating upward. You will always experience that however many joules per second it takes to apply that acceleration to you. You'll just never reach the infinite amount of joules it takes to reach c.

Gravity can be modeled to cause the same phenomenon to be honest, since the universe doesn't distinguish between force and acceleration.

>> No.8200914

Wow, ask your friend about where exactly and how google maps lie?

>> No.8200926

You are beyond stupid. Your everyday ideas of how space and time are just heuristics. Our world is atleast 4D non-euclidian spacetime, and any and all ideas you have of distance, time, velocity, basic geometric relations, all of it, is wrong.

>> No.8200952

>at least 4d

Only retards believe in string theory.

Your opinions invalidated

>> No.8200953


>> No.8200969

I don't think you can comprehend the velocity flat earthers claim the world is travelling...

>> No.8201013

Go back to Highschool. You cant reach the speed of light like that

>> No.8201060
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Yes. It's your friend asking all this.....

>> No.8201081

> time dilation effects the distance you travel
holy kek go back to elementary school

>> No.8201107

>> time dilation effects the distance you travel
what? I never said that

>> No.8201115

ITT: People who think you could accelerate the earth beyond the speed of light

Holy fuck, flat earthers look smart next to you

>> No.8201137

everything aside, flat earthers should answer this : >>8200652

>> No.8201167

it's just a baseless conjecture

>> No.8201186
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>> No.8201188

>boltzmann brains
I know it's a trollfest but flatcucks have a consistent record of coming up with bullshit explainations. I'd expect them to have an answer for these.

>> No.8201216

question: what difference does it make?

in a flat earther's mind, what difference does it make whether the earth is flat or a globe? why would there even be a conspiracy around this - who profits?

also the flat earther wiki is a fucking joke, it's so ridiculous it's not even funny

>> No.8201236

>why would there even be a conspiracy around this - who profits
"Them". You know, anon. "Them"

>> No.8201248

>boltzmann brains
why are you bringing this up?

>> No.8201261


>why would there even be a conspiracy around this - who profits?

The people who propagate this bullshit profit from it. For starters it gives them meaning in life where they feel special and secondly it generates them money from ads, books and paid subscriptions.

>> No.8201270

I'd imagine that there is something in the mentality of "knowing about the conspiracy", that they get some kind of gratification for figuring out "the truth". victim-complex or shit like that.

>> No.8201275

I quoted from the wrong thread.
nevertheless, boltzmann brains are bullshit