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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 45 KB, 550x366, 421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8191063 No.8191063 [Reply] [Original]

What is a good tattoo idea pertaining to math?
I've alwasy really wanted one and I've thought about maybe just getting e^pi(i)+1=0 since it contains 4 cool points of math being e, pi, i , and 0.


>> No.8191073
File: 1.14 MB, 2000x2000, 2000px-Smith_chart_gen.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smith chart would be a pretty neat whole back tattoo imho.

>> No.8191099
File: 7 KB, 327x154, platonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


platonic solids and their graphs

>> No.8191304

sine table

>> No.8191319

looks like goatsee

>> No.8191320

>falling for the pi meme
>using the 'complex' plane instead of the Clifford algebra equivalent

>> No.8191383

The graph of y = |sin(x)| + 5*exp(-x^100)*cos(x), -3 ≤ x ≤ 3

>> No.8191391

unless you are the inventor of the formula, dont get it tattooed on you

>> No.8191393

You want to show the world how cool and smart you are?

>> No.8191400

just get a small proof of infinitely many primes on the right side of ur back and another proof like 4 color theorem or something

>> No.8191418
File: 5 KB, 170x214, Chiyo_chichi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proof like 4 color theorem or something

>> No.8191419

>tattooing middle school math on yourself
Why don't you get a tattoo of the Berenstain bears while you're at it?

>> No.8191427

>middle school

We literally derived it in between readings of One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish back in preschool.

>> No.8191430

I seriously hope you guys constructed the reals first.

>> No.8191435
File: 191 KB, 1103x635, graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8191590

>good idea
You have to be 18 to post

>> No.8191593

>e^pi(i)+1=0 since it contains 4 cool points of math being e, pi, i , and 0.
This is a pleb-tier feature of the complex exponential focused on by those who don't even know what it looks like. If you do something involving e^ix, don't do that.

>> No.8191844

>meme arrows

>> No.8192099

Do [math]e^{\mathrm {i \pi} 0} = 1[/math] instead.

>> No.8192208

thats prettty good.

>> No.8192211

Zero. What are you thinking OP?

>> No.8192409

Cantor set

>> No.8192416

I have lots of tattoos and I wouldn't get a math tattoo, it's just kind of cringy in a "wow i fucking love science xD" way

>> No.8192418

Empty set. Just like your life.

>> No.8192422

your tattoos are just as cringy, stop judging others you humongous insecure fag

>> No.8192423
File: 17 KB, 640x480, d0800ccb6a2011d34dab924ac86c01f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get this?

>> No.8192425


>> No.8192426

Lambda calculus is dope, but no you shouldn't. If you ever actually study it, you'll regret it when you find there are cooler alternatives and none of them are special either.

>> No.8192427

t. proud owner of euler identity tattoo

>> No.8192429
File: 52 KB, 716x724, 1458896203321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah go for it bro, you're gonna be drowning in pussy

>> No.8192432

I don't have tattoos, just get [math]triggered[/math]

>> No.8192435

girls like my tattoos though, you can't say the same for getting a tattoo of mathematics of you barely understand

>> No.8192437

what?, your gf is not a math major? sad

>> No.8192441

A math major would be impressed by any of this pleb-tier babby's first undergrad equation bullshit?

>> No.8192445

No. I'm thinking of getting a tattoo of the result I'm more proud of

>> No.8193824


Shit tattoo.

Should be [math]e^{i\tau} = 1[/math]

>> No.8193867

If I had to get something, would probably be that picture representing the root system of E8.

>> No.8193877

When i was in highschool i was at the US national mu alpha theta math competition, my friend who had consistently gotten 1st/2nd in every competition the entire year and beat the nations best calculus team(4 people) singlehandedly got euler's identity tattooed on his wrist before the final awards ceremony. He placed first in every single category but one where he got second off tie breakers. All this said hes 22 now and a CS manor and im sure sorey regrets it, dont get meme tattoos grt useful ones.

>> No.8193879

Or dont get them at all if you cant think of a meaningful one.

>> No.8193882
File: 160 KB, 1300x974, easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big do you want this thing?

>> No.8194325

>Constructing the reals just to use integers.

>> No.8194356

Seriously though I teach it to my (relatively advanced) tenth graders.

>> No.8194473

Avogadro's number on your shaft

>> No.8194499

I kinda think getting the 'groethendiek devil' tattoo might be kinda cool. It's just a doodle on his remark about riemann-roch-groethendiek thm but it's esoteric and meaningful by association.

>> No.8194537



Fuck off inter-reality adjustment agent

>> No.8194777

Just fuck my shit up senpai

>> No.8195091

My thoughts are the same.

>> No.8195475

This place always felt a little young for science / mathematics.

You should tattoo it on your face so that your initial employer can understand you better.

>> No.8195528

I agree but to be fair, you have to admit containing those numbers and addition, multiplication, and exponentiation is still pretty cool.

>> No.8195647

>people can understand it therefore it's not worth it

It's still deeper than anything your brain will ever produce

>> No.8195655

>middle school math

>> No.8195681
File: 11 KB, 300x168, barnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8195682

Tattoo barber pole stripes on your penis. Overlay a function for the perspective related rotation of the stripes.

>> No.8195705

Nice thumbnail, dumbass.

>> No.8195977

Tatoo an accurate torus on your body and make sure to go through your ass and out your mouth, gotta account for the proper topology

>> No.8196001
File: 105 KB, 636x477, qy4z5evrddgn37thy6vq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you like lead poisoning OP

>> No.8196160
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20160705_211438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its kind of pleb math for this board but i have a pretty sick Fibonacci tattoo, its good 'cause the amount it appears in nature gives the artist a lot more to work with

>> No.8196167
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20160705_211443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8196174


If it turns out to be false, you can just turn the equals sign into a not-equal sign.

>> No.8196180

get (2GM/c^2) tattooed on your taint

>> No.8196256


>> No.8196262


best equation

>> No.8196271

>a good tattoo idea
not to get one

>> No.8196343

Mandelbrot set on your ass.

>> No.8196350
File: 233 KB, 800x1160, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op is a faggot, so.
[math]OP = Faggot[/math]

God hates fags, so
[math]OP = Faggot = Hated by god[/math]
[math]OP = Hated by god[/math]

God is the ultimate ruler, and he loves everyone, except the devil. So therefore
[math]OP = The Devil[/math]

[math]I[/math] [math]HAVE[/math] [math]NO[/math] [math]IDEA[/math] [math]WHAT[/math] [math]I'M[/math] [math]DOING[/math]

>> No.8196352

The devil is edgy

[math]OP = Edgy[/math]

>> No.8196354

> your level of reading comprehension

sorry, I couldn't help myself

>> No.8196376

There are set theories that do this.

>> No.8196676

There are a shit ton of combinations of the exponential and all those operations. The whole point is that the natural exponential maps imaginary numbers to complex values through trigonometric functions. Why this occurs is honestly far more interesting.

>> No.8197118

i would prefer getting tattooed Boeing logo than this crap.

you will regret it in 10 years [math]f(am)[/math]

>> No.8197151
File: 739 KB, 480x480, 1467286952571.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, OP definitely isn't a socially-inept pseud

>> No.8197354

Oh my, you're dumb.

>> No.8197366

So all faggots are the devil?

>> No.8197368


>> No.8197369

ahahaha holy shit fucking nerds

>> No.8197371


Look, if you're still going to troll or act retarded, that's fine.
- Swear
- Ad hominem; Call people names
- Don't provide counter-arguments
- Reject realism and the scientific consensus
That's ok.
Just don't loop.
Looping is cancer.

Personal incredulity and the argument from ignorance are fallacies. You're ignorant.
You imply you have no knowledge of the other kinds, therefore they don't exist.
That is wrong irrational.

>> No.8197372

The infinity symbol right above your asscrack.

>> No.8198433

Just write MATH across you chest
that will convey the message you want

>> No.8198664

why not have something pertaining to diffusion of ink molecules through tissue?

>> No.8198782

This happens because trig functions are defined in terms of complex exp

>> No.8198796

>trig functions are defined in terms of complex exp

The trig functions were used centuries before Bernoulli and Euler respectively discovered the natural exponential base and proved the functions connections to them using series expansions.

>> No.8198837

Infinite asshole. I like it.

>> No.8198839

Ffs guy I thought one of you would have a generally good idea.

The point of a math tattoo is a kind of contract, a kind of tribal tattoo, between yourself and the Math God, to show your allegiance and undying devotion.

>> No.8198841
File: 234 KB, 641x346, 1453491885182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey everyone look at me I'm a degenerate and only study math for the image."

>> No.8198844

What is reading comprehension m8? I never mentioned showing it off to other people.

>> No.8198851
File: 26 KB, 565x260, images (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tattoo the Atlantis alphabet from that Disney movie around your neck.

>> No.8198854

>tattoo atlantis alphabet
>take a flight to america
>get stopped at the airport
>they want to do an inspection
>they see letters
>out of nowhere 20 cops pile on top of you