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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8174229 No.8174229 [Reply] [Original]

All I want in life is to be good at math and physics. It's all that I want and I am just not good at them. It is absolutely devastating to me. Have any of you ever climbed out of this pit of never being able to do what you truly want to do?

>> No.8174240
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>> No.8174251

If you want to be better at physics and math, the only way is by doing more physics and math. Exposing yourself to more concepts and problems is a very effective way of getting out of this rut. Good luck!

>> No.8174255

Si. I realized that I was just being spoiled.

>Boohoo I don't get to do what I deem most important because I'm not gifted enough

Every small contribution counts for something, even if it is invisible to others, and maybe even to yourself. Get over yourself. There are plenty of other ways you can contribute to the world, and doing so shouldn't necessarily be what you _want_ it be or even make you feel good about yourself.

You can't always get what you want, and you need to get over that.

>> No.8174256

It's normal to suck shit at anything when you start out. I couldn't get my mind around basic algebra in early high school because I wouldn't practice and expected it to come naturally and now I'm doing good. Practice, it's all that matters.

>> No.8174258

No one is good at math and physics, dumbass

>> No.8174260

If you truly wanted that, you would put in all the time and study required to be able to do whatever you want at "math and physics". Being less smart just means that you have to study more than others. What you feel is your body telling you that you are not smart and hard working enough to be able to succeed at math and physics.

>> No.8174270

lol this thread is fucking stupid, and so are you, op. if that's really "all you want in life" you'd figure out how to do it. i thought I sucked at math but i just needed to put more time in. having good professors helps, too.

>> No.8174271
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>math major
>not good at math

why did i do this to myself

>> No.8174309

>Psychologists and Psychiatrists shit at interpersonal skills
>people who get Law and Business degrees are the most unethical and greedy people you will ever meet
>people who get degrees in security and espionage literally become paranoid of everyone and increase their risk-taking behavior the further they go into the degree
>MS in AI minor Comp Sci can't even control his eating, let alone predict how other people will behave
Sometimes I wonder if people who go onto get MS/PhD are literally Aspergers/Autismal. I've met very few highly educated people that were well adjusted. For example, I had two math teachers for Calculus, one was always angry, the other is probably ADHD. Both good people mind you.

I can't remember the study on the security people, but it was a hypothetical disaster scenario, and for one resolution, 1/3rd of the people will die, and for the other, there's a 1/3rd chance no one would die, while 2/3rds chance everyone would. Both average 1/3rd dying, but while normal people picked the first at some percent, security experts chose the latter at a larger percent, and people studying security certain chose in-between the two proportions.

>> No.8174331

It's almost as if spending massive amount of time studying a single subject that nobody, except a very small niche of the population understands, ostracizes you.
It's almost as if being constantly surrounded by one specific idea makes you more concerned about how that idea could affect what you know, kind of like a firefighter being worried about fire safety.
It's almost as if knowledge of a subject allows you to abuse it and most people wouldn't hesitate abusing their power to get what they want.
It's almost as if higher studies require a very specific mind-set that is so different from "normal" ways of thinking that you become infuriated when other people don't understand you and can't understand the "normal" way anymore.

Higher levels of education means you're more likely to get social shut-ins that did nothing but study for years, are completely absorbed in said subject, are now completely incapable of normal human interaction and can't communicate with the majority of the population on the one subject they know. Imagine being the only one to know something and not being able to explain it, it must be maddening.