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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 500 KB, 1920x1080, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8173951 No.8173951 [Reply] [Original]

High IQ combined with Autism is like a fire of human endeavor burning inside of you.

Hie much AQ points do you get /sci/?


What is your potential to contribute greatness?

>> No.8173957
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IQ: ~130
AQ: 30

>> No.8173962
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Humanity desperately needs someone with

IQ: ~180
AQ: ~40

>> No.8173968
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I have sex on a regular basis

>> No.8174105

>Your score was 31 out of a possible 50.
The online test by Mensa gives me IQ above 130 always, but I guess it's like 110 really

>> No.8174119

IQ: 145
AQ: 31 (I have an official diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome)

>> No.8174894

IQ 150-160 certified by official testers by one on one questions
AQ 30.

>> No.8174938

Is /sci/ really the aspi board with everyone amounting to AQ:30 ?

>> No.8175100

IQ: 129
AQ: 30

>> No.8175174
File: 104 KB, 550x369, hong_graphic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never taken an IQ test, so I cannot give you definitive answer on how I score, however according the online test you posted I scored a 38 out of 50 on the autism spectrum.

>> No.8175180

IQ: 157
AQ: 6

>> No.8175183

Lies, your AQ is at least 30.

>> No.8175195

IQ: Unsure (never taken a test)
AQ: 33

>> No.8175206

Thanks for the info. There are a lot of people who type just like you and I often wonder exactly how autistic they are.

>> No.8175211
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> tfw mediocre scores on both

>> No.8175227
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Iq 130
Aq 37. I have an an actual aspergers diagnosis.

>> No.8175228

It used to be called being an idiot savant. Now it's just autism

>> No.8175284


Idk man. I've assumed I'm borderline autistic. My therapist said she didn't think I was at all. Not sure how I feel about this.

>> No.8175296

>My therapist said she didn't think I was at all.
There are a lot of useless stupidass people who have managed to become a therapist.

>> No.8175323

It's true. I'm not the hero /sci/ deserves though. Not a STEM guy. I'm in business.

>> No.8175614


>> No.8175618

>see the chart

Narcissism at its finest, you virgin neckbeard
'Murican caught up in typical burger capitalist culture

>> No.8175621

you do realise autistic people aren't smart right

>> No.8175622

The real question is, if we call people with low IQ brainlets, what do we call people with low AQ?

>> No.8175627


>> No.8175644




That test says I'm a possible ass-burger.

>> No.8175755

You do realise I was making a l33t joke, but because you don't, we know you're another butthurt brainlet autist, this devalues your statement.

>> No.8175757

oh my mistake


you're hilarious

>> No.8175783


IQ: around 125
AQ: 7

>> No.8175785


>> No.8175844

IQ: 239
AQ: 52

>> No.8175867

IQ: I've taken multiple online IQ tests, it ranges from 93-104
AQ: I scored 21 out of 50 on the provided link
In short, I'm an average non-autistic male

>> No.8175870

online IQ tests = 125-135

AQ = 26

>> No.8175880

IQ: 140
AQ: 15

>> No.8175911

IQ:116-125 (online tests)
AQ: 31

>> No.8176202

get a load of this guy

IQ : the fuck I know
AQ: 25, but I know I got some issues

>> No.8176222

IQ: 125
AQ: 36

>> No.8176253

IQ: 132 (real test)
AQ: 19

>> No.8176277

This is how it all goes to shit.
Source: George Costanza.

>> No.8176302

IQ: 230
AQ: 51

>> No.8176523

IQ: no idea
AQ: 36

>> No.8176995

IQ: 113 (years ago, actual test)
AQ: 40 (mostly due to my nonexistant social skills)

>> No.8177007

>Everyone is above average
This is not mathematically possible. Either some of you are lying or only the above average people are bothering to post.

>> No.8177025

IQ is 110
AQ is 31

>> No.8177033

This is a science board. Retards usually don't come here in the first place. You are the rare exception.

>> No.8177037


God, do you people actually take pride in the fact that you can't fucking socialize like a normal human being? Enjoy being elitist outcasts that surround themselves in their autism.

>> No.8177040

looks like 4chan is filled with high functioning autistics...

>> No.8177060


IQ: 142
AQ: 12

Happy with my numbers.

>> No.8177157

/sci/ not 4chin.

>> No.8177893

I've never taken an actual IQ test.

11/50 autism score.

>> No.8177894

I have 130+ IQ and diagnosed aspergers and I haven't accomplished shit. stupid people call me smart and smart people mock me.

>> No.8177922

IQ: Don't know
AQ: 40

>> No.8178039

IQ: 135
AQ: 44

>> No.8178116

IQ: I don't know, but probably pretty low considering my GPA
AQ: 22, thought it would be higher

>> No.8178123

IQ: 134
AQ: 44
I've been clinically diagoniosed with autism as well

>> No.8178124

>is the autist board filled with autists?

>> No.8178130

IQ: About 125
AQ: 17
About normal then

>> No.8178139

IQ: 200
AQ: 11

>19. I am fascinated by numbers.

obviously /sci/ is going to get a higher aq with questions like this

>> No.8178142

IQ 126
AQ 32

>> No.8178143

mensa test gives me an iq of 133
IQ: 120 +- 10
AQ: 16

>> No.8178146

professionally tested 131 IQ
AQ: 31

>> No.8178152

>professionally tested

>> No.8178272


>> No.8178291

"r-types." japs already made a game about this.

>> No.8178906

IQ: 152
AQ: 49

>> No.8178918

Are there different types of IQ tests? Like, if you take two random people with the same IQ will they be guaranteed to have the same intelligence?

>> No.8178933

IQ tests are standardized : there is multiple kind of intelligences and IQ is an average.

>> No.8178936

Shitty psychology tests, is it even a science?
Since we all know autism the test answers are gonna be biased

>> No.8178938
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IQ: 93
AQ: 29

>> No.8178969

how is the site with that iq test called?

>> No.8179025

that site inflates IQ scores by at least 18 points in my experience.

>> No.8179027

IQ: ~130
AQ: 15
I guess I'm normal.

>> No.8179730

Iq 180
Aq 21

>> No.8179741

IQ: 137
AQ: 15

>> No.8179743

>High IQ combined with Autism is like a fire of human endeavor burning inside of you.
lol, check your ego

>> No.8179747

Lol yh k lol kys lol bgtfo lol :^D

>> No.8180509

from what site is that iq test?
i need to know

>> No.8180703



>> No.8180762

i don't get why you niggas are posting in this shitty thread

who do you think cares? this is no better than taking and sharing the results of "what game of thrones character are you"-tests on facebook

>> No.8180826
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This board is literally crawling with autist, anyone scoring above 20 is beyond saving

>> No.8181049
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if anything we should post this test across all 4chans boards together with a survey in order and compile a list of what board has the highest level of grand autismo

>> No.8181105

IQ: 146 when I was in like 3rd grade, no idea now
AQ: 12

>> No.8181232

IQ: 134 (professionally tested)
AQ: 36 (internet test)

>> No.8181266

IQ: 85
AQ: 39 (sadly im autistic as hell acording to my doc)

>> No.8181274

IQ: 100
AQ: 36
Physics Ph.D

>> No.8181276

tf how can u use the internet

>> No.8181286

my mom works with people with downs and they too can use the internet my parents are suprised i even have a job if i loose my job i will kill myself

>> No.8181294

IQ: 121
AQ: 11

I have a masters in astrophysics.

>> No.8181339
File: 33 KB, 403x348, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maths student

IQ: 128 (to be fair I usually lose interest 75% of the way through)

AQ: 32

>> No.8181352
File: 36 KB, 530x492, 1450524200740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ: 149
AQ: 14
math grad student

>> No.8181364

iQ: 125, determined by Mensa with a standard deviation of 15
AQ: 29

>> No.8181370

IQ is 132 with SD of 15 according to Mensa
AQ is 38 according to the questionnaire you posted

>> No.8181384

IQ according to internet tests which want me to buy ego-stroking crap from them afterwards: just above 130 (std dev 15)

AQ 26, no diagnosis.

I'm an MSc who quit a Phd in applied math.

>> No.8181388

Well it's at least a bit better because it's supposedly anonymous which silly facebook tests aren't.

>> No.8181424

IQ: 93
AQ: 14


>> No.8181441

IQ': Trust me im stupid

AQ: 26

>> No.8181446


>> No.8181508

>Autism is like a fire of human endeavor
I think of it as a combustible metaphor lacking
a source of ignition on a dark and rainy evening.

>> No.8181552

IQ: "very gifted" when I was tested at age 7, probably lower now
AQ: 18

I'm 30 now. I spent my 20s having a lot of fun and used my IQ to get away with some crazy life choices. Now I've got kids. I think my potential was well spent, now all the thinking goes into family fun and minimizing work. Family is going to hit the road in an RV for a year or two soon

>> No.8183066

Did someone made a graph or something for the very conclusive data situation in this thread?

>> No.8184681

IQ:was 120 5 years ago, approx 130-135 now

>> No.8184714
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Philosophy Grad Student

>> No.8184738
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>Grad Student

>> No.8185453

AQ 11
IQ 147

>> No.8185722

AQ 31
IQ 148 last time I checked
Also, survey threads are useless without a compilation of data

>> No.8185730

8 AQ

>> No.8186248

IQ: 125-138 depending on the bullshit IQ online test

AQ: 25

>> No.8186373
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Fuck this was funny.

>> No.8186757

iq: 73

never graduated high school(actually had to repeat 9th grade 3 times until i called quits) dropped out at 17. going to kill myself soon

>> No.8186776

IQ: 155
AQ: 10

I feel that I am one of the intelligent people that does not have high-functioning autism, but is rather a diplomatic or strategic genius. I am very charismatic and know what people want to hear, but at the same time, I excel in arithmetic and science.

>> No.8186780

Don't. Join the military instead and have your black friend who likes shrimping get shot. Start up a shrimping company and become a millionaire

>> No.8186790

>High IQ combined with Autism is like a fire of human endeavor burning inside of you.

No it isn't, stop trying to justify your social retardation.

AQ: 17
IQ: 125

>> No.8186829
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IQ: ~ 130
AQ: 22
>However I struggle with boredom and I'm unmotivated until almost last minute for things unless I'm the primary person contributing.
>Also it's easier to be lazy and negative and blah out at times on the internet in your free time.

>I feel like I need someone who isn't indecisive and likes doing things lol.

Also Material Science Undergrade

>> No.8186865

Diagnosed high functioning autist here.

I score 40 on the AQ and I don't know what my real IQ score is. I took an internet test once and it said I had an IQ of 134 but I doubt it. Also being a high functioning autist means I have a slightly better visual/spatial IQ than most people, apparently. It does seem that way. I took a test and it said I was above average.

>> No.8186869


Not really. ASD can be considered a form of brain damage. It's not all that different from a person going blind but then having their hearing sensitivity increased. So autist are socially retarded thus other parts of their brains take over.

Not all that different from a brain damaged savant being ridiculously good at chess but retarded at everything else.

>> No.8186871

>Now I've got kids

>I think my potential was well spent

top kek

>> No.8186882

IQ 146 +/-
AQ 21

>> No.8186888

The methodology of this thread is flawed: while I don't necessarily doubt a correlation between scientific acuity and autism, this is a thread on 4chan. Most of the people on this website may qualify.

>> No.8186897

>this^^^^^^ - my problem as well
First time I had to do it I actually did my best and scored 146

fast forward a couple years and I had to do it for the second time in my life
I couldn't give less fucks about it since I already knew what/how much I'm capable of
hence why I didn't even bother actually trying
to give the guy answers I just casually answered while giving 0 fucks about it and
scored 112...

I will never know if my IQ is a bit higher or a bit lower than what it used to be (146) because I just cant be bothered with doing the same shit again since I already know the end result with be 140-150.

>> No.8186902

youre one of those lazy geniuses
I had one in my physics class, that dude was so lazy that he didnt write down shit, I don't think I ever saw him take out his pen or tb out of his bag

>> No.8187192
File: 6 KB, 112x168, 5976973-handsome-african-man-with-thumbs-up-sign-and-winking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ - 138
AQ - 16

>> No.8187242

Theoretical physics undergrad. I competed at the national level in physics and maths, never made it to the olympics. The most frustrating things is that i make an absurd amount of small mistakes, and all my grade average increases/competitibe success etc came just from tightening my focus. Hope i can whip myself into discipline better than my left wing provider parents could.

>> No.8187406

IQ 113

AQ 42

How fucked am I?
I am socially retarded, intelligent enough to realize it, but too dumb to achieve anything meaningful with my low intelligence.

>> No.8187914

IQ - Don't know, last time a few years ago was +120
AQ - 39

>> No.8187921

now I feel bad for being one of those people ;__;

>> No.8187951

IQ: ~120-130
AQ: 20

>> No.8187958

IQ 130-140 based on tests found on /sci/
AQ 11

I've feel like my reasoning has gotten shittier with time but it's nice to know I'm not autistic.

>> No.8187970

Online shit: 131 IQ (not that it has helped me ever)
This AQ test: 19
I'm doing maths, is that an autistic career?

>> No.8187972

>i've feel

so much for that

>> No.8187973

AQ 6
IQ 136

Mathematical physics student.

>> No.8187979

IQ: 120
AQ: 49

>> No.8188041

IQ: 130
AQ: 30

>> No.8188043

AQ: 28
IQ: ~120

>> No.8188045

IQ: Either 132 or 101 (IQ websites are inaccurate though)

AQ: 23

>> No.8188073

AQ: 29
>need 30 to be autist

Uff, i thought i was an autist for a moment

>> No.8188079

IQ: 129 (shitty free test)
AQ: 29

>> No.8188084

IQ: ~133
AQ: 15

>> No.8188124

Is /sci/ a global minimum in the internet space for male humans with IQ 130 AQ 30?

>> No.8188130

>tfw my AQ is higher than my IQ

>> No.8188132

No. Math as a career is probably the best possible.

>> No.8188169

Please explain to me how high autism is a good thing.

>> No.8188174

IQ: 81
AQ: 5

>> No.8188216

May be easier to focus and get good on interests if not so easily distracted by social stuff all the time. But more difficult bonding socially and keeping ties.

I think it is something of a relaxation station. At least it is for me. Go in post some jokes maybe read some brain teaser thread to get the thoughts wandering.

>> No.8188318

sorry not sorry. but its confirmed that autism doesnt have any relation with high iq, in fact its more possible to have a low iq. but people how suffer autism are truly good by making thinks over and over again

>> No.8188460

IQ: Somewhere in the high 130's or low 140's (the number is probably in a school record somewhere, I'm not gonna file paperwork to show my epeen). Do recent (as in, past 5 years) SAT scores reflect IQ in any meaningful capacity?

AQ: Didn't take OP's test, apparently I'm slightly over the edge of autistic and was diagnosed with something when I was a babby. Also had a school employee shadow me in middle and high school on autism-related grounds (she said aspergers back when that was a thing), we ended up being bros.

>> No.8189853
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IQ: 125 (but it's already ten years old since I took one at a psychiatrist)
AQ: 31

Tbh, I can imagine that having both Autism and a high IQ must be extremely painful. It might be different with "functioning" Autists but they seem to be a minority.
Anyway, glad I'm just "slightly above average".

>> No.8190108

IQ: 124
AQ: 30

I get bored easy, have issues with staying focused and motivated. I have the occasional urge to talk to people, which I usually later regret because I said something stupid.

>> No.8190141

Have never taken a proper IQ test. Online tests vary between 120 and 150, so shit's all over the place.

AQ was 12, because despite being very socially active, I still really like maths.

>> No.8190229

I got a 12 on the ASD tendency test, so not particularly. I'm nerdy with a touch of social anxiety but I'm also pretty talkative and outgoing and such. I dunno my IQ because I've never taken a proctored test but my guess would probably be in the realm of 3 sigma, give or take a little maybe.

>> No.8190428

IQ: Don't know
AQ: 33, actual Asperger's diagnosis

>> No.8190889

>AQ: 31

>> No.8190904

AQ: 23/50

That was a close one.

>> No.8190983

>AQ 25
>At 0-25, you exhibit little to no sighs of Autism

Dodged that bullet.

>> No.8191088

Tested 3 times, 130, 146, 138 (same SD)
AQ: 25.

>> No.8191092

Though probably more trustworthy still than a "test yourself" online evaluation.

>> No.8191100

AQ: 48
IQ: 135

>> No.8191291

>another circlejerk about who's got it bigger
/sci/ isn't really different from anywhere else on 4chan, is it.

>> No.8191293

It is a useless tool with ads on the website.
>stupid people falling for abstract meme

>> No.8191296

High IQ and aspergers syndrome/non invasive autism = Beast with lazer like IQ.

>> No.8191515
File: 70 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot (523).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ 153

>> No.8191531
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IQ: 154
AQ: 8

You guys should check into heavy metal poisoning. Metal particles lodging themselves into neurons correlates with autism or in-general ineptness. Example: you have an above-average sized cranium; however, poisoned neurons disrupt your brain mapping with efficiency of thought.

>> No.8191535

Example article: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1474439/

>> No.8191563

Great. Maybe we can finally block out the counterproductive parts of the brain and become smarter then.

>> No.8191578

Autism is overrated, a media-meme.

Humans must go past humanity, their very own nature. The primitive needs must not be cherished. Human persona is not necessary, but a cog in the wheel.

>> No.8192620

>105 at 5 y.o.
>135 at ~13
>130 at 18
>40 out of 50
Asperger's diagnosis at Five

>> No.8192878

alot of liars in this thrad...
mostt ppl are between 90 and 110, so even tho online tests can be here and there, alot of u chads are absolutely full of shit..

>> No.8193195

>making up an impossible IQ to brag on an online image board
I think you meant IQ ~40, AQ ~180

>> No.8193254

IQ: no idea
AQ: 13

>> No.8193709

IQ 160
AQ 21
mathematics undergraduate

>> No.8193719

It's easily possible for a lot of intelligent people to gather in one place.
There's no reason for IQ to be statistically independent with /sci/ usage and ability to be baited by IQ/autism test result surveys.

>> No.8193791

Here :


>> No.8193837


>> No.8193887
File: 108 KB, 540x301, how does that make you feel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ 122
AQ 133

it says i have signs of autism, but i don't believe that is true as i was very social most of my life and have just recently started with the 'autistic' way of life when some stuff happend... so i think you can show the signs but just be mentally unbalanced.

... Or I am just a late blumer idk, maybe i overcompensated my youth with oversocialising if that is a way to compensate it

damn where is the couch

>> No.8193932

IQ: 127 or 28/33 Mensa Test answers as I did that one before seeing the other link

>> No.8193986

IQ 157
AQ 26 out of 50
Doctors have told me I likely have aspergers.

>> No.8194759


>> No.8194801

Technically, "neurotypical"

>> No.8194803

Why did this make me laugh so much...
Is it because I'm definitely an ass-burger?

>> No.8194818

Since you're obviously stuck in your own, (probably lame) perspective, let me break it down for you:
Autism = lacking in ability and/or need to socialize
High IQ = above average ability to understand everything
Autism + High IQ + Obsession with pretty much any scientific field = Constant self-entertainment that just happens to be impressive to other people.

Add someone just like you to the mix and it makes for some enthralling conversation.

>> No.8194824

>stupid people call me smart and smart people mock me.

Umm... Considering the fact that you're autistic, I'm not so sure that statement means anything at all.

>> No.8194832
File: 956 KB, 480x1064, 1467686200458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only 130 IQ (took when I was 15). You're all smarter than me.

AQ is ~ 33 (i took it multiple times because i don't trust myself, if I loosened up I could probably get a lot higher)(also diagnosed autism)

Now I'm sad.

>> No.8194836
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>> No.8194854

Lots of people lie on the internet as well as in real life, anon. Sometimes with the intent to make other people sad.

>> No.8194861

>Lots of people are antisocial, anon.

How sad for them.

>> No.8194862

And also sometimes with the intent to ruin your self confidence, which seems to have worked reasonably well on you in this instance.

>> No.8194868

What's this fixation on the spectrum anyhow? I was under the impression that having a high IQ mixed with any sort of mental dysfunction would make up some kind of "greatness"

>> No.8194874

In many contexts a "dysfunction" can be a feature. A person could be horribly socially retarded for example. That could make it much easier for them to focus on getting good at some obscure subject they have an interest in as other people won't be able to distract, demotivate or "trigger" them as easily (if they'd for any reason want to).

>> No.8194880

Well yeah, but Hitler (sorry for being that "guy" to use the go-to historical example) must've had a high IQ and was incredibly antisocial, and I don't think I'd be exaggerating if I were to describe him as a "great destroyer of Jews and other ostracized minorities"

My point being: It's the high IQ, not necessarily the autism, that makes for the "greatness," which is why this fixation on autism kind of annoys me.

I mean, haven't you ever met a low IQ autist? They're not the least bit interesting.

>> No.8194884
File: 58 KB, 1366x643, screenshot-psychology-tools.com 2016-07-10 02-28-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ 135
>AQ pic related
Always wondered if I was a sperg or just really bad at social situations.
At least I have all my fellow autists on 4chan.

>> No.8194890

Greatness can be more efficiently thwarted in absence of so called "dysfuntion" by emotionally undermining the individual until they give up. Many great discoveries can be framed to be extremely provocative to neurotypicals. Remember Darwin and the monkeys? Galileo and Copernicus?

>> No.8194893

Well yes, but how does that either prove or disprove, or even relate to.......
Wait, are you autistic?

>> No.8194903

Are you getting stuck in a pathos short circuit or what?

The point of my post was to give examples or explain when claimed "social dysfunction" can be a great asset in achievement. That's what the whole thread is about.

>> No.8194912

Ohh, OK.
Yeah, I kinda was. But I get what you're saying.
The reason why I was confused is because I already knew that being on the spectrum with a high IQ could lead to great achievement. But I didn't seem to make it clear that my interpretation of "greatness" doesn't necessarily involve all of society or even any level of achievement, just high quality experience.
I suppose one of us should reevaluate our definition of "greatness," and judging by past experiences, it's probably me.

>> No.8194918

Some people aren't receptible to your message. You would just make people in their surroundings suffer and waste resources in the process.

>> No.8194937

Oh my gawd. I finally realized my job was not so unquestionable as I thought it would be. Maybe I am the bad guy :'(

>> No.8194941

It gets easier if you really believe they are all would-become Hitlers doesn't it? Makes you believe you are some kind of a crusader fighting for the good and righteous.

>> No.8194949

>I am fascinated by dates?

Do they purposefully make these things obscure?

>> No.8194971

iq 115, aq 34, can't study shit, probably will not do anything with my life

>> No.8194976

I didn't read the thread but I'm sure 90% of the people in here go off by the results of some online IQ-Tests which cant be taken serious.

>> No.8195002

>AQ: 7/50

Guys... guys, I don't think I'm supposed to be here.

>> No.8195478
File: 77 KB, 960x592, youllneverbethiscool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8195480


welp. I.Q not high enough to make up for autism

>> No.8195501


>> No.8195671

IQ ~ 140
AQ 20
interesting score, cuz i dont enjoy to speak with people atall

>> No.8196098

You might be schizoid or something else. A distaste for social interaction is characterized by Schizoid P.D. It carrys many of the same symptoms as autism, social awkwardness, etc, but lacks the repetitive motor movements and some of the perceptive difficulties.

>> No.8196138

I sometimes wish I was autistic.

I'm a physics major and I have a girlfriend, like to drink and party and be social.

If I was autistic, I wouldn't mind spending all of my time doing physics.

I hate that I care about my social life. I wish I didn't have such stronger, cumbersome ties to the real world.

>> No.8196661

You answered the AQ test dishonestly. I know this because you write like an autist.

>> No.8196681

Bonus points bring ugly and having aspergrs

Even though i have a small inclination to be social, everyone looks scared of me and it encourages me to sit in my house and study physics between elder scrolls games

>> No.8197665

>using however as a conjunction
posturing brainlet faggot detected

>> No.8197688

IQ was tested at age 17 to be at 138, tested again at age 25 and it is 132. So I'd say:
>IQ 135
>AQ 36

>> No.8197910
File: 25 KB, 278x269, pilsnerurquell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck Autism, I've trained hard to fake not being one.

>> No.8197911

IQ: 147
AQ: 34

>> No.8198123

IQ: 110-128
AQ: 11

>> No.8199168

IQ: 120~130 (online tests, probably higher than real number)
AQ: 33

I don't feel intelligent like that, lots of people call me "smart but lazy" but I doubt it

I'm really bad at social interactions that are not with friends/family, feel very nervous when I have to make presentations to medium or large groups of people (I try to avoid them at all costs, even if it's bad for grades or whatsoever)

>> No.8199179

sorry, I >>8199168 didn't mean to quote you