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File: 134 KB, 2000x2042, 2000px-World-Population-1800-2100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8172184 No.8172184 [Reply] [Original]

Do we need more people?

What are the arguments against enforcing birth control in countries with high population grow?

>> No.8172193


>What are the arguments against enforcing birth control in countries with high population grow?

muh racism

>> No.8172205


Short answer is freedom. Telling someone they can't procreate is taking away a basic human right.

> in countries with high population grow
In countries with high populations or growth. In a country sparsely populated, a 3-4 child per couple per generation growth rate is probably sustainable.

>> No.8172230

no, it should be enforced in countries with low population growth.

1 person from the united states consumes 32 times more resources than an ethiopian person. If anything, "overpopulation" comes from first world countries, not third world countries.

If you think we need less people on earth, start by an heroing, because you're the problem, not some random nigger in india or africa.

>> No.8172237

Absolutely not. At this point we dominate the globe. We are growing like cancer and there is nothing that will stop it but resource depletion.

>> No.8172240

Do you think rising overpopulation problems will be the catalyst for a second space race?

>> No.8172249

>anon says something retarded
>Hey anon, do you also share this other retarded opinion?

This is why I love 4chan. The retards get to feel at home while we alphas watch them and laugh.

>> No.8172259


TLDW: We either control birth rates or be plagued by infertility and all sorts of death

>> No.8172278
File: 125 KB, 800x370, 800px-Arable_land_percent_world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should start to sterilize Africans. Places like Nigeria are going to crumble,and looking at the arable land in Africa,most countries are doomed to collapse. And I am sure as hell that most people wont tolerate 250 million refugees in Europe,which is what the sitiation in Africa will lead. If African countries cant control their birth rates as China did,NATO should intervene to enforce this.

>> No.8172283
File: 38 KB, 570x303, 48e6c0532201a7662152c1b13ee52643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while we alphas watch them and laugh.

>> No.8172308
File: 53 KB, 1900x900, World_population_growth_rate_1950–2050.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are the arguments against enforcing birth control in countries with high population grow?

see also: pic related

>> No.8172311

Irrelevant if all the growth is concentrated in Africa,that has less arable land than North America alone.

>> No.8172325
File: 33 KB, 640x428, zvfzBHC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If anything, "overpopulation" comes from first world countries, not third world countries.

If everyone lived like people in Ethiopia, population would grow until we hit a catastrophe of some kind.
If everyone lived like people in the U.S., population would be about 1 billion and dropping.
Plus, we've got indoor plumbing, EPA, Superfund, etc., all of which are good for the planet.

>> No.8172335

>TLDW: We either control birth rates or be plagued by infertility and all sorts of death
Go home, Malthus, yer drunk.
Population growth is half what it was in the early 1960's, and if current trends continue, total population will start declining later this century.

>> No.8172345
File: 5 KB, 233x267, Coleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Irrelevant if all the growth is concentrated in Africa
[citation needed]

>that has less arable land than North America alone.
>"less arable land" than the world's breadbasket, oh noes!

Y u racis tho?

>> No.8172349

It's simple math, really.
Humans have a simple rate of fucking.
The more humans, the more fucking.
Which means, if there was no limit, we would follow the exponential curve.
Even the fact that we don't means we're experiencing more infertility/death than should be normal.
Actual population decline, without it being a decision, means A LOT of death. Genocide style death. (200 000 new humans everyday on Earth)

>> No.8172358
File: 19 KB, 643x438, graph(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that North America is fertile,the difference comes when Africa huts 3 billion people,with fewer agrucultural resources than North America with a combined population of 400 million. This situation would lead to millions of Africa refugees,that no one in his sane mind would take

>> No.8172370

Overpopulation is a myth. If anything we should be concerned about birth rates falling below levels needed to maintain our population.

>> No.8172375

Isn't that nature's way to tell you you've reached the limit?

>> No.8172406

The real problem is energy usage. tell hose fat fucks to stop eating and waddle their way to work instead

>> No.8172410

start by killing yourself

>> No.8172412

You will be eradicated alongside with ebola. It's time we get rid of this stubborn filth.

>> No.8172427

We need more PEOPLE and less shitskins

Whites have invented/built everything of worth on this earth, and our kind has been declining in number for 50 years, all our countries are being flooded by shitskins

Africa has tons of agriculture, its just that they are africans so they don't develop it

>that no one in his sane mind would take
Liberals have never been sane

>> No.8172443

we need more people
we need fewer shitskins

>> No.8172447

funfact: people can't make babies without food.
While people still reproduce, it means there are enough ressources, even if they're not by your standards.
This is evolution at its best, and you're trying to undermine it.

>> No.8172451

>economic gain is the only possible objective function

>> No.8172452

How does profiting from slavery treat you ?

>> No.8172600

>africa has tons of agriculture
huge parts of africa are desert or jungle, which are shit for agriculture and require large investments to make any sort of profit. As soon as China and the US stop being able/willing to invest in africa the standard of living in most african countries is gonna go back to what it was in the 60s

>> No.8173245

>Africa has tons of agriculture
True,in some isolated places like Nigeria or South Africa. Most of it has no arable land. The continent as a whole has less arable land than North Africa.

>> No.8173275

There are none, the world isn't sustainable as it is.

>> No.8173608

>a basic human right to breed
>like cattle
fgt pls

>> No.8173849

Why? What is wrong with the world population stabilizing at 1 billion?

Instead, the West, the countries with lower birthrates, are intentionally flooding in high breeding immigrants to force population higher.

What reasoning is there to push USA population toward a billion, when a stable 100 million population level would allow fixing nearly all environmental problems? And why are environmental groups unanomously in favor of high immigration?

>> No.8173904

>Why? What is wrong with the world population stabilizing at 1 billion?
first because it's not stabilizing, it's decreasing.
second because if the population is 30% retired, the rest has to pay for their retirement, taking a heavy toll on the income of the working people.

On the other hand, if the retired population (in proportion) is smaller, the contribution of each person is smaller to pay for the retirements.
That allows everyone to have more comfort.

Seriously people like you who don't know basic geography/economy/demographics/etc shouldn't be allowed to vote and should be lobotomized.

>> No.8173910

>Do we need more people?

Genitals everywhere say yes

>> No.8173912

Evolution doesnt take into account sustainability m8.

>> No.8173917

it does

>> No.8173920

No, it is the idiocy that this will happen in 10 or 20 years. Stabilization would take the rest of this century, if not longer.

And, according to your logic, mankind must continue to increase to Malthusian problems because of demographic issues. We increase population to pay retirement, causing larger numbers of retirees in 30 years. Then you, the demographic, economics and geographic expert , decree that population must be increased again. Repeat until death.

7th grade level of thinking.

>> No.8173922

Evolution is pretty random.It really does nothing on how to preserve the planet.

>> No.8173976

>wishful thinking
yeah guise, everything will be cool amarite ?

>> No.8173983

>and you're trying to undermine it.

Retard detected.