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8168906 No.8168906 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/

I work a physically demanding job. I walk about 15km a day minimum and climb about 300 feet of vertical ladder a day. Also lots of crawling and random climbing. I also wear fill nome coveralls, leather gloves and a hard hat in +30C.

I'm also in the gym for 1.5 hours a day.

I'm drinking about 8L of water a day. Some bozos are telling me this is going to kill me or cause negative effects. These same assholes drink about 5 cups of coffee about shift and no water, I don't know how they're not dead.

Is there too much water intake? Thanks for the input on the bio question.

>> No.8168907

Wear full nome coveralls *


>> No.8168908

Yes, you can drink more water than the body can handle.

>> No.8168909


How long have you been doing this?

How old are you?

Where do you live?

>> No.8168910

So long as I'm making sure I'm not depleting electrolytes is that OK?

On a day where I've only consumed about 4L I felt like shit and had massive headaches. I directly attributed this to dehydration but it sounds weird having consumed 4L.

>> No.8168912

Y vegetative state of the time to get a chance to get the best regards David of water.

>> No.8168913

Just drink as much as your body asks for.

>> No.8168914

you doing all that doesn't help retain the water you've drunk; you need electrolytes for that, which come in the form of salts, so try drinking gatorade instead, since it refills you with electrolytes

>> No.8168915

Well I work in Northern Alberta. In the winter it's -40C and my consumption decreases greatly. However in the summer it's +30 and I go about as described.

I'm 30. 6'3, 250lbs. Not out of shape, around 11% BF. Run 5km daily in addition to weightlifting.

>> No.8168917

I would drink Gatorade but the sugar content is outrageous. It's essentially a can of coke without a few other nasty things.

>> No.8168921

But it has electrolytes. ELECTROLYTES ANON.

>> No.8168922

>Drink at least one litre of water per hour when working in the sun
I'm pretty sure that applies to "working in hot environment" in general.
Headahe = dehydration.
Thirsty = dehydration.
Drink when you're thirsty, anyone telling you otherwise is retarded and should die.
It gets worse when you have physical activity as well.

8L/day doesn't surprise me desu.
Make sure to eat enough electrolytes.

>> No.8168923

Thanks a lot for the response. Makes perfect sense.

>> No.8168931


Ok well an observational study from the UK, based on data from Canada found that intense physical activity (defined as >21 hours a week) combined with moderate-to-high average environmental temperature (≥ 30 degrees C) allowed subjects to consume up to eight litres of water a day, without compromising electrolyte balance or inducing symptoms characteristic of over-hydration.

The average age of the subjects was 30, with an average height of 6”3 and weight of 250lbs.

All subjects were male and the sample size was one.

However, this study has its limitations.

Firstly, it was carried out over an anonymous image board and therefore relied on self-reported data and secondly, the sole and lead-author was high on crack cocaine for the duration of the study.

>> No.8168944

You drink too much.
Cut eating proteins and fat and shift your focus on simple sugars to keep yourself alive.
You burn a lot of energy and you are torturing your body with the additional running and weightlifting.

>> No.8168956

OP, you might want to ask /fit/.
They're twats, but they go outside more often than /sci/.

There are limits to safe water consumption, and I've heard of people dying form overhydration.
Personally, I've noticed a sick feeling when I have too much water in my stomach during exertion in high heat.
Just watch out for that and you should be fine.
As for electrolytes, watch out for muscle cramps, they can be a sign that you're really short on electrolytes.

>> No.8168962

Medfag here

You're fine OP. So long as you're eating well.

>> No.8169011
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pic related is last NYC meet up.
Parroting shit from scooby only goes so far.

>> No.8169019

Just have salty food then
Try some sheets of seaweed or pretzels or something

>> No.8169080
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>Is there too much water intake?

especially acute water intake can be damaging


next time use a search engine you dumbass. it will take less time than writing a blogshit post

>> No.8169208

>average height of 6”3 and weight of 250lbs.
those sound like strong big guys

>> No.8169213

How often do you have to pee? If your urine is clear and you have to go twice an hour, it's definitely too much.

>> No.8169678

nice meme

>> No.8169680

You are right to think that, Gatorade is a disgusting soft drink dressed up as a sports drink. Get some sugar-free electrolyte powder if you feel that you might not be getting enough salts.

>> No.8169865

When it first came out, Gatorade was pretty much exclusively sold in powder form. The current bottled stuff is like 3 or 4 times the concentration that you're supposed to use when you mix your own powder.

Gatorade is supposed to be only slightly sweet. A low concentration is plenty to prevent water intoxication. Either buy the powder, or dilute a bottle and get four times the volume of use.

>> No.8170594

Your body has the means to tell you how much water you need, it's called thirst. Drink when you're thirsty and you'll get the right amount of water.

>> No.8170610

If you feel thirsty, you're already dehydrated. The point is to be proactive

>> No.8170613
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Right, and if you get hungry you're already starving.

>> No.8170644

Nothing you described about your job is physically demanding which makes me wonder how much you fuck around at the gym for that 1.5 hours, but whatever.

No it's not too much water intake, they force Marines to drink almost double that when they're deployed in hot climates. In general it's better to drink more water than you need than to drink less. 5 cups of water is definitely than 5 cups of caffiene filled water anyway.

>> No.8170659

Are you sure you're actually 11% at 250lb? I'd be surprised that you can maintain that and need to ask the OP.

>> No.8170661

If you're eating enough you really don't need to worry about replacing electrolytes.

>> No.8170666

Sorry guys just didn't want to start a new thread... If I set a daily alarm for 5am would I start naturally waking up at and it around 5 am , second question: would I naturally start getting tired / sleepy around 9 ish?

>> No.8170672

You would start getting up right before your alarm clock.
And yes you will be very tired.
For a while I woke up on my own at 4:30 and was exhausted at 8pm

>> No.8170699

what the fuck did i just read

>> No.8170702

Yes, but what are these electrolytes?

>> No.8170803


>> No.8171040


if you tried to drink a gallon of water all at once, you risk diluting the concentration of sodium in your blood and getting hyponatremia. then the brain swells, and you can die.

just drink as much as you need. i can acclimate myself to go 4 hours in the heat with no water, even though i sweat like a horse. but my physiology is also such that my brain releases anti-diuretic hormone, and my kidneys slow down urine production. i just don't pee much when i get hot.

>> No.8171045

That seems incompatible with any level of workout, and working out helps me sleep.

>> No.8171091

If you drink so much water, you will become water

>> No.8171092

I AM water.

>> No.8171124

Wearing full coveralls and a hard hat in 30+°C is enough to make you sweat buckets

>> No.8171181
File: 69 KB, 485x364, main-qimg-7c4b542b3aed7f88780eaee592b4c386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the flavor packet in a Ramen noodle bag? Eat 1/2 of one of those. With water of course.

>> No.8171182

lol i throw that gross shit out and use non-shit boullion

>> No.8171188

Care for desalnation!!! You can wash all the minerals out of your body by sweating and drinking this much.

Have a pinch of salt when you drink this much water or things can get dangerous!

>> No.8171374

Just go to bed 8-9 hours before you have to get up. You'll wake up without an alarm and well rested. (Still set an alarm to be safe though.)

>> No.8172331

They're what they use to make Gatorade

>> No.8172764

if your piss is clear, you're golden. if your piss is golden, drink clear.